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Jun 25th, 2017
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  1. Hot Patootie – Bless My Soul | Benedicite Animam
  2. Whatever happened to Saturday night? | Quid accidit ad noctem Saturni
  3. When you dressed up sharp and you felt alright | Cum vestiris bene et eras mihi
  4. It don't seem the same since cosmic light | Non est idem quando lux dei
  5. Came into my life; I thought I was divine | Intravit meam vitam; scivi deus me
  6. I used to go for a ride with a chick who'd go | Amabam puellam qui erat lupa
  7. And listen to the music on the radio | Et audiebam cantos e fenestra
  8. A saxophone was blowing on a Rock and Roll show | Lyra canebat ad meam casam in via
  9. We climbed in the back seat, really had a good time | Ascendimus in lecto et id amabas valde
  10. Hot patootie, bless my soul | Benedicte animam
  11. Really love that Rock and Roll | Valde amo musicam
  12. |
  14. Hot patootie, bless my soul | Benedicte animam
  15. I really love that Rock and Roll | Valde amo musicam
  16. |
  17. My head used to swim from the perfume I smelled | Capiebar a odore olfacto
  18. My hands kinda fumbled with her white plastic belt | Contendi cum eius scorteo cingulo
  19. I'd taste her baby pink lipstick and that's when I'd melt | Gustavi ea labra et auxit cupido
  20. She'd whisper in my ear tonight she really was mine | Ea murmurebat hac nocte mihi se esse
  21. Get back in front and put some hair oil on | Tu precebaris fortunae deos
  22. Buddy Holly was singing his very last song | Orpheus cantebat cantos ultimos
  23. With your arms around your girl, you try to sing along | Tenens puellam tentas cantare eos
  24. It felt pretty good...Whoo! | Erat bonum...Euge!
  25. Really had a good time | Id tu amabas valde
  26. Hot patootie, bless my soul | Benedicte animam
  27. Really love that Rock and Roll | Valde amo musicam
  28. |
  29. CHORUS x11 | CHORUS xXI
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