
"That's The Plan."

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. [20:29] <~Deedles> A couple of days had passed since Shen, Yoshihiro and Jian had returned from their training trip further into the mountains. The village had been quiet, life had continued as normal, when, one early morning, everyone were awoken to the bell of the town hall tolling, announcing a new arrival.
  2. [20:32] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi wakes with a short groan, rubbing his aching head. "Turn off that racket...!" he grumbles, covering his head with a pillow in the hopes of drowning out the noise. After several minutes of that not working he tosses said pillow across the room. "Alright! alright! I'm up!"
  3. [20:32] <Earthflame> Jian wakes slowly, sleeping more soundly than usual... But the alarm noise prompts a quick response when it touches his conscious mind, leaping up and quickly dressing himself.
  4. [20:32] <Feldion> Xi stirs in her bed clutching her head. "Maodfjo," she mumbles as a throbbing starts up in her skull. Why had she agreed to go out drinking last night if this was going to happen? Still, after a time, she starts to get ready to meet this latest of arrivals.
  5. [20:33] <Shen> Shen out in the village on his morning run like usual, weaving around the village to wake himself up in the crisp mountain air. As soon as he hear the hell he slowed down, turning towards the town hall, his breathe heavy in the mist as he came to a stop. He only stopped for a few moments before heading towards the town hall at a jogging pace.
  6. [20:37] <~Deedles> The Elders were gathered in front of the hall, as they lived close to it it was easy for them to get there quickly, they were accompanied by a one of the Mentors. Satzu, as usual, had been swift to get there.
  7. [20:37] <Feldion> While her hair is a little out of place and her eyes a little shot with red, Xi otherwise looks as if she's ready to meet nobles at court as she approaches the gathering group. "Good morning," she greets the Elders, Satzu, and Shen.
  8. [20:38] <~Deedles> "Morning." Satzu glanced at the girl who was guesting in his home before his eyes returned to the mist.
  9. [20:38] <Earthflame> Jian doesn't arrive much later, his movements even swifter since his training at the lake.
  10. [20:39] <Shen> Shen arrived after only a short while, his attention keen to the sound of a new arrival as he reached out with his senses. He nodded a short greeting to Xi as she approached. "Morning." he too was consumed with curiosity.
  11. [20:39] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshihiro makes his way to the town hall, his upper body hunched over a bit, the Ebbing Spirits drawing in a yawn as he approaches. "It's too early for this..."
  12. [20:40] <~Deedles> Shortly after Xi arrived Sanru did so too, with Mingxia in tow. She slipped up beside Shen as she felt his presence while the Rending Thunder stood by the Elders, arms folded.
  13. [20:41] <Feldion> "Good morning, Mingxia, Sanru," Xi greets as she does all who approach that she knows.
  14. [20:41] <Earthflame> Jian speaks a soft "Good Morning" before stepping up beside Shen, Yoshi and Mingxia, greeting the two sightless Xia with a gentle touch to the shoulder.
  15. [20:45] <Shen> Shen smiled a nod to Jian's presence and greeted Yoshi as he waited, focusing on the mists ahead as he tuned into them.
  16. [20:47] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi looks around at the others. "Another visitor from the mist?" he asks aloud. "Wonder who it could be..."
  17. [20:49] <~Deedles> Shen is the first to sense it, his connection to the mist through his own heightening his senses, he senses metal chi, water chi, andcCorruption, but the corruption is familiar to him, the same presence that Meilin's blade holds. Blossom would sense the same moments later, her eyes widening into a look of disbelief before she ran towards the mist covered path. Jian, Yoshi and Xi all sense it to just a split second afterwards,
  18. [20:49] <~Deedles> Shen is the first to sense it, his connection to the mist through his own heightening his senses, he senses metal chi, water chi, andcCorruption, but the corruption is familiar to him, the same presence that Meilin's blade holds. Blossom would sense the same moments later, her eyes widening into a look of disbelief before she ran towards the mist covered path. Jian, Yoshi and Xi all sense it to just a split second afterwards,
  19. [20:49] <~Deedles> though none of it is familiar to Xi. Walking out through the thick mist, escorted by 4 Storm Dragons on either side, is Taishin, doning his black armour as he leads his horse beside him on his right, a figure dressed in white lying motionless across the great war-horse. On his left walked a girl with long blond hair pulled back into a ponytail, her outfit consisting of a black gi with white tones, a red scar around her neck...
  20. [20:50] <~Deedles> she carried the symbol of the Dancing Sword Clan.
  21. [20:50] <Earthflame> ...Jian breaks into a flat out run.
  22. [20:51] <Feldion> "T-Taishin?!" Xi looks around at everyone else. "The Emperor's son?!"
  23. [20:52] <Shen> Shen shouts as both Blossom and Jian take off. "Wait." he calls before he grits his teeth and follows. He was just as suprised, and curious as them however.
  24. [20:52] <~Deedles> "TAISHIN!" Blossom called, a broad smile on her face as she ran towards him, throwing herself into his arms. Taishin only just had time to let go of the reigns of his horse to catch her, a muted laugh escaping him as he hugged her close. "Blossom!" he said, giving her a squeeze and a lift before he put her down.
  25. [20:53] <Zero_Atma_> "Heh, well, ain't he a sight for sore eyes?" Yoshi muses, walking towards Taishi behind the others. "Who's that with him, I wonder?"
  26. [20:53] <~Deedles> She paused as she took note of the figure ontop of the black horse "Wait..."
  27. [20:53] <Feldion> Xi cautiously follows after the others, gaze flickering from the Emperor's son to the figure on the horse to the woman on the other side of the horse.
  28. [20:53] <Earthflame> Jian slows as he gets close, nodding to Taishin... And then turning his eyes and senses to the girl bearing his Clan's mark.
  29. [20:54] <~Deedles> Yoshihiro would be the only one to recognice the girl who was lying across the black mount, her hands tied for some reason. With that white haired that shimmered blue... he didn't need to see her face to know...
  30. [20:56] <~Deedles> The blond girl beside Taishin couldn't be older than 20, her deep brown eyes studying Blossom and Taishin as she remained quiet. Her chi was sharp and proud, and she carried a jian at her side, her hand casually resting on the hilt of the blade. There was no traces of corruption.
  31. [20:56] <Shen> Shen stands just behind them, only a short distance away as he studied the chi of the new arrivals nodding towards Taishin as he did.
  32. [20:58] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshihiro rubs his eyes, having to do a double-take just to be sure his eyes aren't playing tricks on him. "Couldn't be..." he insisted to himself, though as he draws closer it seems that he wasn't mistaken afterall, quickly moving up to the warhorse. "Shin, is that who I think it is?"
  33. [20:58] <Earthflame> Jian speaks to her, the simple words that defined his life, the common code between followers of the blade... "My Sword is my Soul."
  34. [21:01] <~Deedles> The swordswoman glanced at Jian "My Sword is my Soul..." she returned to him, though her eyes did widen faintly at someone saying that phrase to her. "... You must be Jian." she concluded outloud.
  35. [21:01] <~Deedles> Taishin turned his attention towards Yoshihiro as he nodded "... Mizuki." he confirmed quietly. There was a patch of red on the back of her head, which was starting to turn brown; dried blood. But she was breathing, slowly and steadily.
  36. [21:02] <Feldi> Xi just stares at the scene.
  37. [21:02] <~Deedles> Blossom was at Mizuki's side in a moment, placing her fingers to the young woman's neck. This close all of them could feel the corruption eminating from her...
  38. [21:03] <Earthflame> He bows to her. "Jian Weijun. It gives me hope to see that true swords still shine in the world below."
  39. [21:03] <Zero_Atma_> "What in the hell happened? how did...?" Yoshi shakes his head, cutting off his train of thought, looking to Blossom with obvious concern. "Is she going to be alright?"
  40. [21:04] <Shen> Shen watched and averted his attention to one of the Storm Dragons that escorted them up here. "Do you know anything?" he fished, thoguh didn't expect much.
  41. [21:05] <Feldi> "This is that Mizuki?" Xi questions.
  42. [21:05] <~Deedles> It was actually Huan Lau he addressed, who shook his head. "Not a clue... But the guy insists that the girl needs our help."
  43. [21:05] <~Deedles> "Not if we don't do something to help her." Taishin answered Yoshi for the young Doctor before he started walking again. "We need to get her inside somewhere before she wakes..."
  44. [21:06] <Zero_Atma_> "Well, what're we standing around here for?!" Yoshi asks. "Go! go!" he insisted almost hysterically.
  45. [21:06] <Shen> "I'll find Ziulong." he nodded in response as he turned and headed off in search of his mentor.
  46. [21:07] <~Deedles> "We are few, and hidden, but we remain bright." the swordsman responded to Jian with a bow of her head before she followed Taishin, glancing towards Mizuki every now and again.
  47. [21:08] <Feldi> Xi has little choice to follow after the group.
  48. [21:08] <~Deedles> As Shen ran past the Elders and Mentors Satzu quickly caught him for a moment "What's going on?" he asked quietly, his voice curious, not demanding.
  49. [21:08] <Feldi> but to*
  50. [21:09] <Earthflame> Jian walks with her, looking with concern at the girl upon the horse. "What happened for you to come here?"
  51. [21:10] <~Deedles> "Mizuki didn't react quite as they expected to the bottled corruption..." Taishin looked guilty beneath the helmet of his armour "I had to knock her out just to bring her here."
  52. [21:11] <Feldi> "Bottled corruption?"
  53. [21:11] <Shen> "The man is Taishin. Adopted, albeit forcefully, son of the current Emperor. He was mentioned in the debriefing... He is a good man." he nodded stopping still but still almost floating in his current direction. "I believe the injured girl is Mizuki, one of Yoshi's friends... As for the other one," he shrugged. "Ask Jian." he spoke as he continued to move.
  54. [21:11] <Shen> "I'm going to find Ziulong, it seems she is injured quite badly."
  55. [21:12] <Zero_Atma_> "Takashi..." Yoshi grits his teeth, clenching a fist briefly before shaking his head. "Nevermind. She's here now, and in one piece." he says before turning to Taishin, clutching his clenched fist in is free hand before bowing deeply toward the armored figure. "Thank you..."
  56. [21:12] <~Deedles> Satzu blinked, but nodded as he let go of Shen. Meanwhile Sanru stiffened as he overheard what his son said, staring at the trio approaching from underneath his mask.
  57. [21:13] <~Deedles> As Jian focused deeper on the unconcious girl he got a good sense of the corruption inside of her, and her own natural water chi. It was raging, furious, and at the same time, terrified. Her chi was utterly feral in its state.
  58. [21:13] <~Deedles> "... Don't thank me yet." Taishin answered silently
  59. [21:14] <Feldi> "I'm Xi Feng by the way, if you wanted to know." Xi says to Taishin, an odd smile on her face.
  60. [21:19] <~Deedles> Taishin looked at Xi as he nodded his head in greeting, answering, a bit awkwardly. "Shin."
  61. [21:21] <Feldi> "Yoshi and I were planning to rescue that girl," Xi says, oddly bubbly. "You're quite brave to risk yourself to save her."
  62. [21:22] <~Deedles> "Didn't take much, Takeshi didn't exactly want to keep her as she is. Broken, was the phrase he used." Taishin's fists clenched at that, his voice holding restraint anger.
  63. [21:23] <Earthflame> Jian focuses on the girl... The blend of Water and Corruption... Was there something else there?
  64. [21:23] <~Deedles> What Jian felt inside Mizuki wasn't a curse, it was more like her chi and body was ailing. This was a medical problem, not a spiritual one.
  65. [21:25] <Feldi> "Broken?" Xi echoes, face twitching. "Sounds like Yoshi and I still have a job to do."
  66. [21:25] <~Deedles> The Elders stepped aside as the group reached the town hall, having heard what Shen told Satzu the Commander Qianglee gestured towards the door. "Bring her inside."
  67. [21:26] <Zero_Atma_> "Yeah, now I'm going to break in just to kick Takeshi's sorry ass!" Yoshi growls.
  68. [21:28] <~Deedles> Taishin nodded in silence as he carefully lifted Mizuki off the horse, holding her bridal style. When he did they could note that her feet were tied too, and they could finally see her face, revealing to them that bit parts of her skin had began turning ash grey. Sanru quietly fell in behind the group.
  69. [21:31] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi's expression looks mighty grim when he gets a better look at his childhood friend, completely unwilling to leave her side after that point.
  70. [21:33] <~Deedles> Qianglee took the lead as she showed them inside the town hall, taking them up a set of stairs to the first floor and opening a door to lead them inside an office/bedroom, probably for days where one of them had to work late. As they walked Shin muttered to Yoshi, though the others could hear it too. "Haru wished to be here too, but he couldn't come..."
  71. [21:36] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi nods. "I understand..." he said simply, his gaze never breaking from his wounded friend. "Rest assured, I'll keep her safe." he insisted. "She'll need a lot of help, first, it seems."
  72. [21:37] <~Deedles> "That's putting it mildly." Taishin said, not exactly being encouraging, but simply the fact that he had come to the village meant that he had seen no other way to help her.
  73. [21:40] <Earthflame> Jian opens his eyes, speaking so the rest of the group can hear. "The problem lies in her body, not in her soul... The doctors may heal her, but all I can do is pray."
  74. [21:43] <Zero_Atma_> "Then it's up to Ziulong and Blossom." Yoshi concludes. "At least we know she's in good hands."
  75. [21:45] <~Deedles> Blossom seemed to roll up an imaginary pairs of sleeves in her mind when she heard that. Taishin slowly lowered Mizuki onto the bed, the blind girl getting onto the bed beside her to gently grip the sides of her head, gaining a look of focus.
  76. [21:46] <Earthflame> Jian steps back, looking towards the swordswoman who has, so far, been quiet.
  77. [21:46] <~Deedles> The swordswoman glanced back at Jian, her eyes remaining expressive, curious and concerned, despite her being silent.
  78. [21:47] <Earthflame> Getting out of the way of those directly interacting with Mizuki, he asks her "How did you come to travel here with Taishin?"
  79. [21:48] <~Deedles> "I was assigned by the Black Lotus to accompany him as he went to take Mizuki to 'one of his homes outside of Jinlong'." She answered honestly
  80. [21:51] <Feldi> "Does he have a house nearby?" Xi asks tactically inserting herself into the conversation.
  81. [21:51] <Earthflame> Jian's face darkens at that. "...It is sickening, to consider even the true blades are under their thumb... Yamato has a lot to answer for."
  82. [21:51] <Earthflame> ...He glances towards Xi.
  83. [21:52] <~Deedles> "Nope." Taishin answered honestly "That was a lie."
  84. [21:52] <Feldi> Xi glances back. "Well, that is poor cover..."
  85. [21:52] <~Deedles> The swordswoman shrugged "We do what we can, a few of us who don't agree with Yamato have secretly joined the White Peony."
  86. [21:53] <Zero_Atma_> "Good, they're going to need all the help they can get." Yoshi pipes up after a moment.
  87. [21:54] <~Deedles> "I didn't have much of a choice, I needed an excuse to get her out of the city." Taishin answered, his voice dark and deep as he spoke from within his armour. "Besides, no one knows the location of my actual homes, they just assume I like my privacy."
  88. [21:55] <Earthflame> Jian nods to the woman. "You have my respect... And you may carry word to the others that the time for hiding and waiting may soon be over. The Yin Yang Blade will return to Jinlong."
  89. [21:56] <~Deedles> The swordswoman smiled briefly as she nodded "Those are good news..." Blossom pulled her hands away after a moment as Mizuki began to stir, Taishin was there within a moment, putting an arm between the two girls before his gauntleted hands gripped the white-haired girl's upper arms. "Move back..." he told Ming firmly, who did just that, with a look of worry on her face.
  90. [21:59] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshihiro is at her bedside in an instant, despite Shin's warning, his own safety seemed to be the last thing on his mind as Mizuki starts to regain consciousness.
  91. [22:07] <~Deedles> Mizuki's eyes shot open, rage and fear burning in them. Her crimson orbs flickered from side to side before stopping on Taishin as she snarled and began to struggle against his hold... and she was actually giving him a tough time as he tried to keep her pinned.
  92. [22:10] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi approaches from the other side, helping the struggling Taishin to hold the bound girl down, shouting her name in order to get her attention. "Mizuki! calm down!" he insisted. "It's me, it's Yoshi!"
  93. [22:12] <~Deedles> She heard him, but she didn't seem to understand him, her struggling continuing, though with Yoshi's help they were having an easier time keeping her down.
  94. [22:15] <~Deedles> When suddenly... Ziulong walked through the door with Shen in tow, his ice blue eyes falling on the scene by the bed of two grown men holding down one girl. "... You were right to get me, Shen." he muttered as he moved forward and past Yoshi and Shin. He got onto the bed, beside Mizuki's head, lifting it for a moment as he sat down, cross-legged and placed the back of her head on his lap. "Hold onto her tightly."
  95. [22:15] <~Deedles> he instructed the pair as he placed his hands on either side of Mizuki's head, his eyes closing as he focused.
  96. [22:19] <Shen> Shen watched with his senses as he made his way into the room, shifting to stand in the corner out of the way.
  97. [22:20] <Shen> He growled quietly as he knocked his knee into a chair that snuck up on him.
  98. [22:21] <~Deedles> Blossom perked up at his presence, moving up to his side as she gently gripped one of his arms, looking pained at the events.
  99. [22:25] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi turns his head toward the Water Mentor as he makes his entrance, nodding as he continues to hold Mizuki firmly so Ziulong can work.
  100. [22:26] <~Deedles> The Water Mentor glowed a faint blue as he tried to soothe the storm inside of Mizuki's mind, his expression one of focused calm, a sensation he was attempting to imprint in the young woman's mind. Her eyes widened and she squirmed much harder than before, but after a few moments her lids closed half-way,
  101. [22:26] <~Deedles> looking up with a dazed gaze, her head lolling from side to side. Ziulong didn't move and didn't speak, his face a stone mask of concentration. "... Mizuki?" Taishin said after a moment. "W... where... am I?" she responded, her voice but a sleepy whisper.
  102. [22:32] <Zero_Atma_> "You're safe...." Yoshihiro assures her, moving in a bit closer to make his presence known.
  103. [22:33] <Shen> Shen watched the battle of will power in silence as he squeezed Blossoms hand gently. He could feel her aura, full of almost tangible empathy.
  104. [22:35] <~Deedles> Her eyes shifted to him, but they were unfocused, as if she was falling in and out of consciousness. "Y... Yoshi?" her lips quirked into a weak smile. "Hey...". Taishin slowly released his hold of her and took a couple of steps back once he was certain that Mizuki was calmed... for now at least. Blossom held onto Shen's hand, her chi gaze focusing on Ziulong as she tried to understand exactly what he was doing.
  105. [22:39] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi smiles as she finally recognizes him. "It's good to see you again." he tells her. "Just relax, Ziulong is gonna help you."
  106. [22:42] <~Deedles> "Ziulong...?" Mizuki looked up towards the man who sat at her head before she slowly returned her gaze to Yoshi. "Are we... playing a game?" she wondered, seeming a bit unsure on what was real or not. Probably not surprising as her mind seemed to be tipping back and forth.
  107. [22:45] <Zero_Atma_> "It's...tough to explain." Yoshi admits, rubbing the back of his neck. "The important thing is you're safe." he insisted. "Stay calm, everybody here is friendly."
  108. [22:49] <Feldi> "I'll go collect some drinks," Xi says quietly before heading out the door.
  109. [22:51] <~Deedles> "I... okay... I..." her eyes threaten to close "Feel... sleepy..." Ziulong slid his hand over her eyes, Mizuki's body going limp as she fell asleep. Finally the Water Mentor's eyes opened again, his breathing heavy from the effort of what he just did. Taishin finally powered down his armour, revealing his scarred face, his body dressed in black trousers, a white shirt and a black jacket of silk.
  110. [22:54] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi strokes her hair in a soothing manner. "It's okay, rest for now..." he insisted, staying loe by until she had fallen asleep once more. "What did you see?" he asks the Water Mentor.
  111. [22:57] <~Deedles> "The negative natures of the elements have taken over, only a small piece of her mind remains..." The Silent Ice inhaled deeply "Took a lot of effort to bring it forward, and this wasn't permanent. When next she wakes, unless I do what I did again, she'll be back in the state she was in when I arrived." he explained to Yoshi. Taishin shook his head with a grim expression.
  112. [22:57] <~Deedles> Though no one took notice Sanru was still in there, being surprisingly quiet even for him.
  113. [23:03] <Zero_Atma_> "Is there anything else we can do for her?" Yoshi asks outright. "I don't care what I have to do, if there's anything I can do for her, anything at all, tell me."
  114. [23:05] <~Deedles> "Something that could restore her, get rid of the imbalance that the corruption forced upon her has created." Ziulong replied as he looked down at the girl on his lap, in particular the ash gray half of her face "But... I can't do it, I don't have the power to...I think it would take the power of the Spirits themselves to do this."
  115. [23:06] <Shen> "Then that is what we'll do." Shen chimed in from the corner suddenly.
  116. [23:08] <Zero_Atma_> "You're damn right!" Yoshi agrees as he hops back to his feet. "Tell me where to go and I'm there!" he insisted, ready to leave at that very moment if it meant saving his friend.
  117. [23:11] <~Deedles> Ziulong was quiet at that "I can't say for certain..." he confessed. Blossom slowly released Shen's hand as she moved up towards the bed. "Master... can you teach me how to do what you did to help her? That way you don't have to do it on your own." she asked him quietly, the Water Mentor nodding slowly. "Yes, I can." he answered.
  118. [23:12] <Zero_Atma_> "Blossom..." Yoshi turns toward the blind girl, pulling her into a tight and sudden hug. "Thank you, it means a lot to me..."
  119. [23:13] <Shen> "Buy her enough time and we'll find them." Shen added with a nod to both Ziulong and Blossom then he looked to Yoshi, his mouth smiling faintly. "You're not going alone."
  120. [23:14] <~Deedles> The Empress blinked as she suddenly found herself in a hug, quickly returning it as she stroked the back of Yoshi's head. "I'm just glad I can help. Rest assured that while me and Ziulong look after her she'll be fine."
  121. [23:15] <Earthflame> Jian raises his voice. "Seeking the spirits was our goal anyway..." He offers a sideways glance to the woman of the Dancing Sword Clan. "Hopefully, what we find may be able to heal her, along with the wounds of this country."
  122. [14:17] <Zero_Atma_> "I know she will." Yoshi replies. "Like I said, she's ingood hands." he says with a faint smile. "Looks like we better start packing again, I guess the question is where do we find the right spirit for the job?"
  123. [23:19] <Feldi> Xi returns bearing a tray full of drinks. "Spirits?" She asks.
  124. [23:21] <Earthflame> He nods. "There are four Spirit Sanctuaries, each named after one of the Cardinal Animals. You would be familiar with the Vermillion Phoenix Mountain. The others are the White Tiger Forest, the Azure Dragon Swamp and the Black Turtle Lake."
  125. [23:25] <~Deedles> "Good, then you know your mission." Taishin said as he rubbed the side of his head "There is one last problem though..." he told them.
  126. [23:27] <Zero_Atma_> "Great, like we need more of those..." Yoshihiro mutters. "What is it?"
  127. [23:33] <~Deedles> "When I went to pick up Mizuki I met Takeshi Daizen and Sasutomi Tatsuo. It seems like he's decided to join your cousin, but Usagi Tatsuo hasn't. She's still a prisoner." Taishin explained to Yoshi as his expression dropped "They were talking, and as I was leaving with Mizuki I overheard Sasutomi saying that he's giving Usagi two weeks, if she hasn't join them by then she'll be executed."
  128. [23:33] <~Deedles> A loud slam echoed through the room as the bottom of Sanru's fist suddenly collided with the wall, even with his mask on you could see the burning glare on his face.
  129. [23:37] <Shen> Shen turned his head partially as his father slammed his fist. He didn't know what to make of it, but his face was grim either way. "We can't not do anything knowing that." Shen worded quietly.
  130. [23:37] <Earthflame> "...We must go to Jinlong before then." Jian nods in agreement.
  131. [23:37] <~Deedles> "I'm coming with you." Sanru stated, and judging by his low tone this wasn't up for discussion.
  132. [23:37] <Earthflame> "Which means we don't have much time. Taishin, and..." He pauses, and speaks more softly. "I'm sorry, I never got your name?" He gestures to the swordswoman. "There are people you both must meet."
  133. [23:38] <~Deedles> "Rin Hinari..." The swordswoman answered.
  134. [23:39] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshihiro's eyes widen when he learns of this, but the thought is pushed aside at the sound of a fist slamming into a hard surface. "Well, looks like the spirits might have to wait for a bit." both his hands tighten into fists. "I think it's about time I pay my cousin a visit."
  135. [23:39] <Shen> Shen raised his head further towards his father knowing he couldn't object, only nodding as he traced his senses over the man.
  136. [23:40] <~Deedles> Taishin glanced towards Sanru before he looked to Jian "Oh?" he raised an eyebrow.
  137. [23:41] <Feldi> "Or some of us could go for the spirits and the others to Jinlong?"
  138. [23:41] <Feldi> Xi passes around the drinks.
  139. [23:41] <Earthflame> "Would you accompany me to the Metal Temple? I think she will want to explain it herself..."
  140. [23:42] <Shen> Shen took a drink with an appreciative nod, a gentle mist touching one of them as he picked it up, he needed something to wash away the bitter taste in his mouth. He was also rather thirsty from his run!
  141. [23:42] <~Deedles> Blossom slowly accepted the glass from Xi with a quite 'Thank you'
  142. [23:43] <~Deedles> "If you wish to go after the Spirits you can, but I'm going to Jinlong." Sanru said simply, his hands slowly starting to unclench.
  143. [23:44] <~Deedles> Taishin looked at everyone with everything that was going on before he nodded "I guess this would be my only chance to meet her." he concluded.
  144. [23:44] <Zero_Atma_> "No way in hell I'm not going!" Yoshi pipes up, the Ebbing Spirits dead set on going to Jinlong.
  145. [23:46] <Shen> Shen nodded faintly, his view shifting between Yoshi and his father. "Even taking the river up to Jinlong will cost us too much time as it is."
  146. [23:46] <Earthflame> "We will probably move within the next few days... And..." He shakes his head as he glances towards Rin. "My mother would like to meet you, as well. She is Lifen Weijun, The Titan Blade."
  147. [23:49] <~Deedles> Rin's eyes widened faintly as she recogniced the name and she nodded "I... would like to meet her too." she confessed, slowly, a small part of her confessing to herself that she looked forward to getting out of this situation, which felt way above her head. Taishin took one of the glasses Xi had brought with a grateful nod before he knocked the drink back. "Thank you." he said
  148. [23:53] <~Deedles> Taishin paused as he looked towards Yoshi "When you get to Jinlong, tell Haru that Mizuki is in good hands." the tall man's gaze flickered to Shen as he added "He couldn't make it because Shiina was badly wounded in a fight that broke out after the warehouse heist, so Haru had to step up into the role of Lieutenant of the southern branch of White Peony."
  149. [23:56] <Shen> Shen ground his teeth behind his lips as the news sent a chill through him. "I see." he responded shortly, the warehouse being a plan he himself had constructed. "How is she?" he asked him quietly, his voice wavering.
  150. [23:57] <~Deedles> "Recovering. Her back was cut and she lost a lot of blood, lesser warriors would of died, or never been able to move again, but she's slowly regaining her strength." Shin answered as he looked to Shen.
  151. [23:58] <Zero_Atma_> "You bet I'll tell him! we might need his help when we get there." Yoshi assures Taishin, though he frowns when he hears about Shiina. "That's unfortunate, I hope she'll be alright."
  152. [23:58] <Earthflame> Jian bows her head. "I hope she recovers well... The White Peony face many dangers."
  153. [23:58] <Feldi> Xi sits nursing her own drink, listening and learning.
  154. [00:00] <Shen> Shen released his tense posture at that. "Good." he nodded his head. "She wouldn't give up so easily, no." he agreed. "I guess fate demands we go to Jinlong in that case... "
  155. [00:01] <Earthflame> Jian nods. "...I'll bid you farewell for now. The sooner I finish my business at the Metal Temple, the sooner we can go... And I think it may take some time."
  156. [00:02] <Shen> Shen nodded knowingly to Jian. "Good luck." he stated cryptically, to both Jian and Taishin for some reason.
  157. [00:03] <~Deedles> "I'll inform Huan Lau." Sanru told Shen as he moved for the door "He'll want to come too." he held the door open as Jian started to leave. Taishin bowed at the waist to everyone "We will speak later." he said, giving Shen and Jian a curious glance.
  158. [00:05] <Shen> "Thats a good idea." he agreed with his father in just as simple fashion. "She'll want to meet him." he finished. Raising a hand in farewell to those that were leaving.
  159. [00:07] <~Deedles> "Yeah..." Sanru nodded to Shen before he left, leaving Yoshi, Shen, Xi, Ziulong, Blossom and Mizuki.
  160. [00:08] <Feldi> Xi waves them off.
  161. [00:14] <Zero_Atma_> "I need to have a talk with my Mentor." Yoshi chimes in before turning to Ming. "Let me know if Mizuki's condition changes, won't you?" he loked hopeful, but his tone didn't reflect that very well.
  162. [00:15] <Feldi> "I'll come find you," Xi volunteers.
  163. [00:19] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded as she smiled sweetly at Yoshi "I will." she promised
  164. [00:20] <Zero_Atma_> Yoshi turns his attention on the Phoenix, bowing his head in her direction. "Thanks, I'll see you all a bit later." he says, looking to Mizuki one last time before he makes his exit.
  165. [00:22] <~Deedles> Mizuki was sleeping soundly, the Silent Ice keeping a watchful eye on her the whole time.
  166. [00:23] <Shen> Shen watched his friend leave as he remained deep in thought of many things. He leaned up against the desk as he watched Mizuki, Ziulong, and Blossom.
  167. [00:27] <Feldi> "Would not the Phoenix be the best spirit to heal her?" Xi suggests.
  168. [00:31] <~Deedles> Ziulong looked thoughtful "Her chi is Water... I think the Black Turtle would probably be the best, but, I'm not certain on Spirit alone could help." the mentor shifted his gaze to Xi "Considering that the Spirits have been gone for so long they might be fairly weak at first as they are re-awoken." he shrugged faintly "But this is all theory."
  169. [00:33] <Feldi> "Why were they sleeping in the first place?"
  170. [00:34] <~Deedles> "I can make an educated guess of it being because of the Emperor." Ziulong replied, Blossom nodding in agreement. "He's kept them imprisoned in their scared zones for nearly 200 years now."
  171. [00:37] <Feldi> "If he was worried about their power enough to imprison them, won't their resting places be defended?"
  172. [00:37] <Feldi> "Or trapped?"
  173. [00:37] <Shen> "We were planning on finding them even before this event." Shen stated quietly after his silence, having somewhat followed along. "More than likely." he replied to Xi.
  174. [00:43] <~Deedles> Ziulong was quiet for a while "Empress, could you and Xi go and get some supplies for me?" he asked them as he gazed at the pair.
  175. [00:45] <Feldi> Xi stands. "I would be happy to help."
  176. [00:47] <~Deedles> Blossom nodded "Yeah." she said softly. Ziulong reached over to a pen and paper from the table beside the bed, starting to write a list before he handed it to Xi Feng. "Here." he said
  177. [01:00] <Feldi> Xi takes the list, glancing over it.
  178. [01:01] <~Deedles> It was several names, some she recogniced as plants, others were unknown to her, and there were quite a few of them, probably why Ziulong asked them both to go. One who could read the list and one who could understand it. "Shall we go?" The Empress asked
  179. [01:02] <Feldi> "It wouldn't do to keep Mizuki waiting," Xi answers heading out after the young doctor.
  180. [01:04] <~Deedles> As Ziulong and Shen were alone the doctor looked across at the young man.
  181. [01:05] <Shen> Shen had been looking back for a little while already. "Theres something you wish to say, isnt there?" he muttered quietly as Mizuki slept.
  182. [01:05] <~Deedles> "... Jian mentioned a seal that he was making for Taishin." The Silent Ice spoke quietly
  183. [01:07] <Shen> She nodded in confirmation. "What about it?"
  184. [01:07] <Shen> Shen*
  185. [01:09] <~Deedles> "I didn't wish to speak of it in front of anyone he didn't wish to mention it to, but..." Ziulong looked down towards Mizuki with a thoughtful gaze.
  186. [01:10] <Shen> "You are thinking that it could work for Mizuki?" Shen asked, not sure if he followed the mans trail of thought.
  187. [01:12] <~Deedles> The Doctor nodded, his eyes flickering slightly from side to side as he continued to ponder on that himself. "It think it has the biggest chance of... I did not wish to say in front of Yoshi, but I'm not even sure this is reversable. Chances are, even if she can be helped, that she will never return fully to how she was." he gestured to the ash grey parts of her skin.
  188. [01:14] <Shen> "The spirits will likely have answers, if they are able to do anything at all." he commented as he looked at the girl with a sadness inside of him. "We must try, at least."
  189. [01:15] <~Deedles> Ziulong nodded "While you do, I will ensure that she stays safe." he promised solemnly
  190. [01:18] <Shen> Shen smiled at that with a nod. "I know, master. There is no one better to do such a thing, especially for her." he looked to the doorway as he thought of his friend. "Yoshi could not forgive himself if anything happened to her, and I could not forgive myself if he felt such sorrow."
  191. [01:20] <~Deedles> "Then let's ensure that he do not." The Water Mentor said calmly as his hands rested on either side of Mizuki's head.
  192. [01:36] <Shen> Shen simply nodded in return. "That's the plan."
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