

Dec 3rd, 2018
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  1. command /ec:
  2. permission:
  3. trigger:
  4. open the player's ender chest to the player
  5. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  6. command /gomi:
  7. permission: skript.gomi
  8. trigger:
  9. open chest with 6 rows named "§e§lごみ箱" to player
  10. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  11. on right click holding a ender_chest:
  12. name of held item contains "§5§lエンダー§d§lチェスト"
  13. open the player's ender chest to the player
  14. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  15. on right click holding a ender_chest:
  16. name of held item contains "エンダーチェスト交換券"
  17. remove 1 of ender_chest from player
  18. execute console command "/give %player% minecraft:ender_chest 1 0 {""display"":{""Name"":""§5§lエンダー§d§lチェスト"",""Lore"":[""§6§l右クリック§3§lで§5§lエンダーチェスト§3§lが§2§l開けます""]},""ench"":[{""id"":0s,""lvl"":0s}],""HideFlags"":63}"
  19. on right click holding a paper:
  20. name of held item contains "§bMVP"
  21. remove 1 of paper from player
  22. execute console command "/pex user %player% prefix &a[&bMVP&a]&6"
  23. execute console command "/scoreboard players set %player% mvp 100"
  24. on mine of stone:
  25. cancel event
  26. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sap 1"
  27. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sai 1"
  28. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound master %player%"
  29. give player stone named "§7§lストーン"
  30. on mine of coal_ore:
  31. cancel event
  32. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sap 2"
  33. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sai 1"
  34. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  35. give player coal_ore named "§8§lセキターン"
  36. on mine of iron_ore:
  37. cancel event
  38. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sap 3"
  39. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sai 1"
  40. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  41. give player iron_ore named "§f§lテーツー"
  42. on mine of redstone_ore:
  43. cancel event
  44. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sap 5"
  45. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sai 1"
  46. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  47. give player redstone_ore named "§c§lレッド§a§l・§7§lストーン"
  48. on mine of gold_ore:
  49. cancel event
  50. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sap 7"
  51. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% sai 1"
  52. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:entity.player.levelup master %player%"
  53. give player gold_ore named "§e§lゴールドストーン"
  54. on mine of lapis_ore:
  55. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 2"
  56. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  57. on mine of diamond_ore:
  58. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 5"
  59. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  60. on mine of emerald_ore:
  61. cancel event
  62. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %player% money 10"
  63. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /playsound entity.experience_orb.pickup master %player%"
  64. on mine of stone:
  65. name of held item is "§6§l子猫§3§lが§5§l持っていた§4§l小さな錆びた§2§lピッケル§7§lLv6"
  66. execute console command "/execute %player% ~ ~ ~ /particle happyVillager ~ ~2 ~ 0.2 0.1 0.2 1 5 normal @a"
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