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- FAQ:
- Q: What are raids?
- A:
- Q: What's the point? My level 100 Eelektross pwnz raids solo!
- A: It's generally faster, and more consistent.
- Q: So what do I need to help?
- A: We prefer raid cats, which are hidden ability Persserkers. However there are many types of raidmons like Qwilfish, Armarouge, Slowbro. You've likely also seen Iron Hands, Azumarill, Goldhengo and some others.
- Q: What's the general strategy?
- A: Reduce stats before the raid Pokemon shields with screech/fake tears. The main damage dealer boosts it's own stats and then all the joiners use helping hands on the main damage dealer to one-shot the Pokemon. Keep in mind, this is the most basic strategy and there are often variations to it depending on the Pokemon being fought, Pokemon being used and how many players are in the raid.
- Q: It says the participation window has closed, what do?
- A: Type in the code faster (touchscreen helps) or wait until the next one has a free slot. Many anons post raids all day and night if you're patient. Try checking out what raids you have available and share the code in thread.
- Q: Where do I give out raidcats? / How can I get a raidcat?
- A: It's preferably you don't do trades in /rcg/ so that jannies don't nuke us but many anons are willing to part with a breedject raidmon if you ask nicely. Similarly, if you're offering raidcats, it might be a good idea to ask in /wfg/ to get more people involved -- you can always link that post into /rcg/
- Q: I want to give this guy a shiny Bidoof for hosting all the herba raids, how do I trade with him?
- A: That's cool of you but see above.
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