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Feb 26th, 2012
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  1. # Define the oom_adj values for the classes of processes that can be
  2. # killed by the kernel. These are used in ActivityManagerService.
  3. setprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ 0
  4. setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ 1
  5. setprop ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ 1
  6. setprop ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ 2
  7. setprop ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_ADJ 2
  8. setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_ADJ 2
  9. setprop ro.HOME_APP_ADJ 4
  10. setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ 7
  11. setprop ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM 13312
  12. setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_ADJ 15
  14. # to enable wifi
  15. setprop wifi.interface "eth0"
  17. # Define the memory thresholds at which the above process classes will
  18. # be killed. These numbers are in pages (4k).
  19. setprop ro.FOREGROUND_APP_MEM 2560
  20. setprop ro.VISIBLE_APP_MEM 4096
  21. setprop ro.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_MEM 4096
  22. setprop ro.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_MEM 4096
  23. setprop ro.SECONDARY_SERVER_MEM 6144
  24. setprop ro.BACKUP_APP_MEM 6144
  25. setprop ro.HOME_APP_MEM 6144
  26. setprop ro.HIDDEN_APP_MEM 11264
  27. setprop ro.CONTENT_PROVIDER_MEM 13312
  28. setprop ro.EMPTY_APP_MEM 16384
  30. # Write value must be consistent with the above properties.
  31. # Note that the driver only supports 6 slots, so we have combined some of
  32. # the classes into the same memory level; the associated processes of higher
  33. # classes will still be killed first.
  34. write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj 0,1,2,7,14,15
  35. # megj.: a lowmemorykiller.c alapjΓ‘n: "Specify the minimum oom_adj values in
  36. # /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj and the number of free pages in
  37. # /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree."
  39. write /proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 1
  40. write /proc/sys/vm/min_free_order_shift 4
  41. write /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree 2560,4096,6144,11264,13312,
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