
Welp, some things never change

Nov 13th, 2012
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  1. m1dnightshadow: i replied to your thread
  2. m1dnightshadow: on the forum
  3. m1dnightshadow: ....
  4. Firekip: You hire people who literally ban for no reason
  5. Firekip: after specifically stating people don't get banned for no reason
  6. m1dnightshadow: i replied to your post
  7. m1dnightshadow: check
  8. Firekip: How was I griefing on DC?
  9. Firekip: I was being engie normally
  10. Firekip: I was sentry in intel
  11. Firekip: Why would I respect an admin that bans for no reason then lies about why she bans people?
  12. Firekip: Why the fuck would I respect her?
  13. m1dnightshadow: i dont know.
  14. m1dnightshadow: i wasn't there
  15. m1dnightshadow: if you have disagreements
  16. Firekip: I was literally engying on dc
  17. m1dnightshadow: talk to her about it
  18. Firekip: Judging by what kind of person she is
  19. Firekip: I doubt she'd even listen
  20. m1dnightshadow: theres no point
  21. m1dnightshadow: telling me anything
  22. m1dnightshadow: cuz idk
  23. m1dnightshadow: anything
  24. m1dnightshadow: add her and talk to her
  25. m1dnightshadow: and send me the convo
  26. m1dnightshadow: or include me in it
  27. Firekip: Check her bans, 75% of them are under the bullshit excuse of "admin disrespect"
  28. m1dnightshadow: sure
  29. m1dnightshadow: i believe her
  30. Firekip: i thought you changed after you fired Skull then fired Reaper
  31. Firekip: I thought you changed.
  32. m1dnightshadow is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  33. Firekip: You believed Skull too, didn't you
  34. m1dnightshadow: lol
  35. m1dnightshadow: why are u sending me thsi
  36. Firekip: It's pastebin of someone else you trusted
  37. m1dnightshadow: trusted
  38. Firekip: Skullarcher
  39. m1dnightshadow: past tense
  40. Firekip: Implying Midna is any better
  41. Firekip: Midna's a blatant case of power trip
  42. Firekip: I literally have no reason to even play TF2, your server has power hungry mods and an admin too dense to see it and Skial has a plugin that's broken still in place
  43. Firekip: Literally here's all I did that ended up with a 2 day ban
  44. Firekip: I went engie on Doublecross in intel room, then questioned Midna about banning someone for spawncamping on a map that requires spawncamping to cap the intel
  45. Firekip: That apparently is enough for a 2day, or a "1 week" according to you personally
  46. Firekip: Welp, being banned for questioning a blatant power abuse ban is being lucky.
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