
Lu V2

Feb 9th, 2016
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  1. Story: WHile Lu was venturing from Proven and back to the known Uppernivik, she had noticed that there was a storm approaching her, valuing her life more than anything she decided to make camp at a hidden and remote cave which she spotted at the corner of her eye. While she was setting up a camp fire, and unrolling her bed mat so she could make camp she, like a calling towards a higher purpose but a form of warning and caution she also felt within herself. Nevertheless and disregarding that warning deep down inside her she ventures further into the cave, starting up a torch, and explored the went deeper than what it appeared and almost seem it went underground. As she went lower, and lower venturing deep underground the air around her felt remarkably close, finding all forms of moss, and fungi plants growing on the floor, and or her surroundings, while she finally found a raven... at the center of the raven had an old, and abandoned temple which its banners were torn apart, although this temple looked very small, and it probably was no mare than a story tall, and looked like it only had one room. Lu, weaving herself a staircase to allow herself to go down there and check it out, her mind filled with curiosity on why this complex was made, and why was it so abandoned and looked like a battle took place here. The temple had no doors, the cave was dark, as you know and only her torch was the only true form of light, but some light peared in through the open ceiling and she could hear a river underneath it all, and a waterfall spotted nearby. Once she has entered the temple, she saw an orb which had several chains that came from its walls, and wrapped and linked themselves around it, each chain engraved with a symbol, which she could not tell its origins, but they seem ancient, the "orb" was a glassed ball, which currently was resting on a pedastol, and had a red fog circling around in the center of the glass sphere. The "warning" feeling intensified, she felt odd not only within herself but within her soul, but she was somewhat drawn to it, her curiosity only getting much much larger, but also she felt like it could increase her power as a weaver.But she did not expect the cost, as she outstretched her hand towards the glass, sphere and weaved the steel chains apart, luckily she knew how to identify metals pretty easily as she was taught by a master weaver...aka Adam. But the minute she removed them and picked up the orb, it suddenly became red hot, burning her hands, even though.....she was wearing gloves...she yelped in pain and dropped the glass orb...that red mist which she saw earlier, rises right in front of her, and lunged right into her. She yells in pain, as she heard a voice...this orb was a prison to keep this vial and evil spirit....which she refers to now as "Blood". The spirit was trying to take over her mind, or well attempted too but Lu's mind was superior than it, the mental battle was barely won, but the spirit remained in her as it merged with her. It caused her to painfully transform into something else....her black hair lengthened out further going down to the bottom back of her neck, her Blue eyes became blood red, her skin became even paler, and her height grew from 5'6, to 5'8. During the attempted take over it damaged her soul, and the spirit being essence fused into it to prevent it from exploding which is how she is still alive. This caused Lu to have a split personality, although she is currently the dominated one, the other personality is with blood lust, and madness, which Lu struggles trying to fight off. Although she was granted some knowledge towards a higher form of power, and was given Red aura, as her soul could'nt produce her regular blue aura as it was damaged and made an unstable form of it which substituted it...this rare, and one of a kind aura that has never been seen ever, has breath taking properties, but although just as much weaknesses.
  3. Red Aura: Is a Infectious, form of aura that feeds of pain, missory, anger and mainly negative based emotions, and or infliction's which causes the quantity of aura to be produced to greatly increase. Red Aura Has a massive heat based property it is hotter than most form of aura, this caused her body to be simultaneously immune to heat, as she has to tolerate its massive heat property internally. Red Aura users and or Lu, has a new form her aura works which is called "Aura circulation" Her Aura travels in a strange network that circulates around her body which allows her to carry more, and utilize more in higher quantities. Sadly Red aura is a "hands" on aura, so it cannot form objects out of thin air without having contact with an object to transfer that aura...which could make it an excellent aura just for weavers....And that Lu has yet to be given the knowledge and or a full grasp of how ordinary aura, works. Red aura also have the power to simultaneously weaken any form of objects atomic bond's weakening them(As if an HF was whacking that object on a routine basis), making them simultaneously weaker, as more is applied, which extends its "Burning" weakening factor. Another need to know, red aura cannot be drained, nor it can be properly disrupted...aka "Corrupting" it, any form of aura that is not its own, will be merged into it, and transform into its own only boosting and giving Lu an access to more Red aura, as per voidwalkers soul also cannot properly process red this red aura is new, and different than most kinds of aura...if a voidwalker does manage to drain this aura, there soul will begin to crystallize in red aura, and or go into an aura melt down...not causing any form of explosion but cause there soul to melt...or crumble away...which leaves them unable to drain any other aura, or can use there powers further more. On the bright side though they have to focus onto Lu in order to drain the aura(They will be given OOC information concerning about it...but if they do it anyways...i can't do much). So they can continue draining other people without turning off there soul drainage ability or having to move away from an area...but they'll just won't drains Lus aura. Now for objects like Salem, and or Aura sapping devices...Salem upon pricking her, or stabbing her will take some of her aura, and or all of how every aura will work, but it'll melt away, becoming nothing but goo....that person loosing that salem blade...unless Lu has figured out how to use her aura by then and could actually manipulate her own aura to her own benefits. As per aura sapping devices, they'll just explode, a small explosion not even taking a lot of aura, the blast being like a grenade exploding. Red aura once applied to any other aura, will try to convert it into its own, if not sent into Lu(As in it will Disrupt you), This is more like having a disease trying constantly to spread, it does take the users aura naturally, to fend it off..and usaully based on how much aura is sent dictates the amount of time...and if they have that aura...if they do not, the effects are the same as a voidwalker...the reason why they cannot do this is that they do not produce there own aura to defend themselves, but they take aura...which if they have that stolen aura..and think it'll defend them it will not they become red aura in a mere instance, as it is not there own and did not origin from there own soul.
  4. THE DOWNFALL too red aura is that it does not produce if not hardly anything at all if Lu is not feeling angry, or is recieving any form of infliction's, this causing her being completely exposed, and having a massive weakness towards aura, but it can also can gain in quantity if heat source is applied such as lu being set on fire, or, aura being applied onto her. That also implying that red aura is a "Use to gain more" She has to use more to gain more of it, as thats how it works...if she doesnt use as much, it won't produce or increase in quantity.
  5. Spirit Info: Lu and the spirit or Blood, as she is still thinking up a decent name to it is cleared its a him, they both are linked both body and mind struggling none-stop on control of Lus own body currently, this can change though based on the interaction and stand view of Lu. Currently due to not having a proper bond with one another and that the spirit is still at its weak state it cannot do much but, it grows in power, but does not get any form of dominance over lus mind though as she acquires more blood and uses red aura. Her spirit though if the necessary requirement are meant can touch and interact with tangible or even intangeible objects and can move out of Lus body like a form of summoning and or use its full power, and or grant lu some knowledge if she requires any...sadly it only gave her some its current status is weak, and its trying to make lu go completely mad, and try to tempt her in slaughtering people just for pleasure. It is not...necessarily evil as it just hates mankind for imprisoning it for so long, and made it watch its own "worshipers" And or friends it refers to them as killed in front of it, and left it to rot int hat forsaken temple. While also going completely mad due to loneliness, and depression.
  6. Blood Art: lu was granted the knowledge and ability to perform the "Art of Blood" an ancient art which is the utilization of your own blood, and or increasing your own power based of the amount of damage you took which boosts your physical abilities for a time period, or only in that battle, while keeping only a fragment of that strength after the battle, and or gaining in strength as she consumes blood, via through absorbing it through the pours of her skin, and her body not rejecting the blood but accepting it and turning its type, itno its own(Acting as a filterer), or directly drinking it, which more is kept and boosts more of her power...sadly she slowly loses some of her own humanity and falls deeper into madness if using blood art...and can go into a blood rage.
  7. Do not mistake blood art as vampires power, as there are things she cannot do like a vampire, for example they can just disburse into blood cause of two problems, are you still conscious? and two...your alive..vampires aren't. Blood art is the ability to utilizes blood instead of aura as well, doing things that you lack the aura capacity so you use blood as a substitution product. Downfall is that your using your own blood and will progressively get woozy if you use too much(Blood lose)< and or die from using too much blood. Luckily, Blood art consists on replenishing half of what was used if was a success...that ontop its conservative based meaning it doesn't use the exact amount of what you'll actually use, to do something special or aura based.
  8. Lu can do the following
  9. -She can draw out her own blood, and send it out as a projectile, which splatters all over that person which still manipulating her own blood to push or pull her enemy towards her, she can also do the same on there surrounding aka pulling them towards the floor, but this requires a hand motion on the desired direction, she sends out the,ball of blood through her hands, for visual people, she thrusts her hand forward which sends out the gathered blood when it hits that target and or person, she pulls her hand back which causes them to be flung towards her, half of that blood is than replenished to her, while some of there blood is only drawn out(A small portion)if they are wearing clothing, instead of actual proper armor. Aka platted armor, and or attires that prevents the exiting of blood through the poor of your skin. Range is around 15 feet
  10. -She gathers up a larger quantity of blood and instead of a ball being shot at you it instantly becomes a thin string of blood, which she pulls her hand back and takes of her own opponents blood, none of her own blood is replenished, but she takes 10% of there own blood(Vampires dramatically increases though to 35%). range is around 5 ft
  11. -This is only aftermath if she has killed several people, she send out a pulse of aura, into the ground which has her own blood infused into it, which any corpse lying around the floor in a given radius of 15 ft(Only corpses nothing living will be effected here and or vampires). All of there blood is drained out of them as there blood flows out of them and into her which slightly increases her strength
  12. -Anything that she had drain some of the opponents blood she can use to heal cuts, broken bones, and or any other injury's can even restore limbs too, if sufficient blood is required....although she annuls the boost in strength and she cannot use her own.
  13. -This is the final power added onto her, if blood is applied onto her, or she is bleeding, damaged, and or being inflicted it only boosts her in strength making her stronger, faster, and more aggressive.IF a vampire tries though to utilize there blood abilities she cans end out a pulse of her own, which sucks a massive portion AND disrupts them, boosting her own strength but not recycling her own blood, as well as absorbing the sucked amount.
  14. Note: Her pain tolerance is very high she is not immune towards pain but she does not react towards it, aka if she had a broken leg she'll still feel the pain and agony of having a broken leg but she'll still run and even do a full own sprint..unless its completely shatter and such which common logic's comes into play.
  15. Equipment:She made two new equipment for herself mainly for her blood and red aura combination, one is a sword that was appeared after she had won against the attempted take over of the spirit. Which was its own weapon, that it deliberately left on purpose, although she did not know this and still took it. And Armor which she had assembled herself to compensate with her heat presence, and red aura
  16. Armor: This is an need to have armor, as you know due to having red aura her body heat as increased to being 2x hotter, maybe even more, if she gets angry(Yes she'll begin to heat up as more red aura is being made meaning =more heat). So she has assembled this armor for herself, she ventured out of the cave almost immediately and found a Abandoned PAA Laboratory which she found a various amount of tools, equipment, and othe resources on assembling her own armor. She developed her own strain of fiber, which has a sub-produce form most known bullet proof fibers, but having some red aura added into it, making it totally heat immune now, as she also tampered with its tolerance towards heat. The fibers were artificially made through the machinery she had access too, developing the fibers to remove and or reduce shockwave damage after bullet impact she also had to make another hardened, form of it, which are so tough that they can resist against barvsetn rounds, but there endurance towards them dramatically decreases, which increases bullet penetration chance, it can probably withstand a .50 barv round up to 10 times within medium range and or close range but a few if in point blank range. Due to it having red aura implement on the creation of red fibers it is immune to its weakening factor and can help transfer aura throughout her suit, while also allowing it to be used to restore, and or repair damaged parts of the suit, but it takes away aura from Lu and it is a slow process, it does not happen instantly, it also act as a melee protection as the harden fibers are hard enough to withstand barvsten swords but its endurance suffers. it also allows easy access and transfers of blood, the fibers soaking up the blood, and preserving it, as it makes its way down through the fibers and onto her skin. it is about 4 inches thick of the soft form of the fibers, and its hardened fiber has an 2 inch overlay.
  17. Weapon: it is a two handed curved sword, having a spiked handle guard and taking some appearances of the saber, but it isn't as curved back like its relative. It has Blood red, color appearance with having black on the back of the blade which the red is bleeding into it. It also has the name "revaer" etched onto the blade, the properties and material is unknown of what it is made of, but it is as strong as barvsten. But also help supports the transfer and usage of Red aura, allowing her to cover some obvious faults to it, aka she can transmit her aura into the blade and can project a "Slash" at a foe which either explodes, crystallize a small portion or the entire of there weapon, or attempts to cut through. It has the ability to weaken the atomic-bonds of any item and or object it faces, tha including indestructible ones,such as salem, or barv, over time that weapon endurance against this blade weakens dramatically, while it also have the ability to re-assemble, re-piece or repair itself if badly damage, broken, and or other criteria, and only getting stronger the atomic bonds only getting stronger slightly, it also have the ability to draw out blood on the cuts it makes, aka if it took and sliced off an arm, blood wouldn't be spilling out until much later, as it'll suck all that blood around that area, and the dismembered arm, skin will wrinkle up as it has no longer blood, which the blood is seen traveling along th blade and into lus hands, which it provides her extra blood art usage and or, can be used to strengthen the blade, but it cannon grant both, for example if it acquires blood and is sent to lu,it cannot strengthen itself as it didn't had that much time to increase its strength, but on the other hand, if it remains in the blade or on it, the blade soaks it up, but lu cannot acquire it as she is not directly absorbing it. This effect is gradual and its just based on how many times you break it, and it acquires blood, another thing o know it can only be wield by Lu, it is bonded to her soul, body and mind(Thats why she can choose if she absorbs blood that is acquired or the blade does). If someone releases try it makes a loud hissing noise and it cannot be lifted at all. It'll also always come back to Lu upon her command either being fling into her hands or suddenly appearing, if it appears though it loses some acquired blood, greatly if it was completely destroy and reformed. Also to state the obvious it is also immune towards any heat anything heat base as it utilizes red aura meaning it needs to be able to tolerate it, and well...not melt away when it is using it.
  20. Strengths, weaknesses: ill give info mainly on weaknesses not on strengths to balance her out and show you she IS balance
  21. 1: Anyone caught that she is superb in MELEE combat, she has a few things to counter range opponents such as her grabs, and or her slashes, but her grabs have its max range, and are entirely useless if you're snipping her from a far and her slashes are well avoidable, and dodgeable...just don't try to block it, its best to dodge than to face its brutal punishment
  22. 2: shes excellent at close quarters, but she doesn't care alot of range items, her blood technique is useless if your too far away, and she can't do much with her blade if your suppressing her to the ass although she has a few ways to escape but she won't continue the battle further if she knows that she is at a major disadvantage.
  23. 3:she consist of prolong combat rp, meaning dodging, and avoiding her attacks IS YOUR best bet than trying to parry or use your weapon as your going to pay the toll of its usefulness later on but don't expect she's going to remain calm...if you were trying to hit someone and they kept dodging will you get angry?.
  24. 4: Studying her is a great way to figure her out and her current status she can't use her spirit, that along with being limited on her blood art, and her aura only produces if she is in combat and or angry, or heat is applied but its gradual depending on the circumstance=how fast
  25. Why i should have this: I feel like i have the maturity, trust, and understanding of having a powerful char and unique one as that it is. It has been generally my goal to have a unique set of powers that i can progress myself, that i know like the back of my hand, and i could easily explain. And maybe one day grant other people this very power but they will not be granted the same start up with me. I am also one of the weakest role-player, and i have taken the most lose of chars than any of the people that rps at anakins game, which i do not enjoy losing, and i feel like i am breaking char a bunch in situations where my char will involve herself, and i'll always work on this app, on weakening and or balancing her out further, and talking the moderators about her
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