
Grand wizard

Nov 9th, 2019
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  1. Key: Marikia
  2. Discord: marikia#8898
  3. Character: Seraphim
  4. Skill/Rank(or transformation): Grand Wizard
  5. Sample RP:
  6. Insomnia. The capital of Lucis, and home to the Royal family Caelum. Everyone knew that the family had wings and could fly. It was a spectacle that drew thousands anytime there was a public event. What was less known, though still awe inspiring, was that the crownsguard, and the Kingsglaive all had wings as well. It was an honor to get into either, as it meant earning your wings; literally.
  8. Needless to say, Prompto was an excited ball of nerves. Why? Because today, he would be sworn to his best friend and the Crown Prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum. He and the Prince had known each other for the past four years, and today he would be getting wings, a /week/ before spring term of highschool started.
  10. The blonde photographer was extremely used to wings, as he had seen Nocts before. Hell, the Prince had taught him out to groom them, and more than once his friend had fallen asleep on Prompto while being groomed. Of course, the blonde had no way of knowing that his was something only those close to you could do, due to left over instincts about turning your back to others.
  12. Now though, he was on his way to the Citadel, excited to see his friend and get his wings. If he got their early, maybe he'd end up grooming Noct? It was kinda relaxing, honestly.
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