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Jul 19th, 2018
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  1. on rightclick on entity:
  2. if name of event-entity is "&b&l[Mistrz]":
  3. if difference between {antybug::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 2 seconds:
  4. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &cWykryto spam packetami. Odczekaj sekunde."
  5. stop
  6. set {antybug::%player%::lastuse} to now
  7. open chest with 3 rows named "&b&lMistrz" to player
  8. wait a tick
  9. loop 27 times:
  10. set {_sl} to loop-number
  11. set {_sl} to {_sl}-1
  12. format slot {_sl} of player with white stained glass named " " to close
  13. wait a tick
  14. format slot 15 of player with ender portal frame named " " with lore " &dTeleport|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby teleportowac|| &7sie do wejscia na misje&7.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cMusisz miec misje." to close then run "e-ranga-mapa %player%"
  15. format slot 13 of player with book named " " with lore " &3Misja Na Mistrza|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby aktywowac|| &7misje na range &bMistrz&7.|| &7Czeka cie nie lada wyzwanie.|| &7Bedziesz musial przejsc|| &7ten dlugi sprawdzian,|| &7aby zostac nagrodzony|| &7tym mianem.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cW Trakcie prac" to close then run "e-misja-mistrz %player%"
  16. format slot 11 of player with name tag named " " with lore " &dPrzywileje Rangi|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7- Dodatkowy EXP 100%%|| &7- Prefix &8[&bMistrz&8]|| &7- Odblokowanie misji legendy" to close
  17. if name of event-entity is "&6&l[SVIP]":
  18. if difference between {antybug::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 2 seconds:
  19. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &cWykryto spam packetami. Odczekaj sekunde."
  20. stop
  21. set {antybug::%player%::lastuse} to now
  22. open chest with 3 rows named "&6&lSVIP" to player
  23. wait a tick
  24. loop 27 times:
  25. set {_sl} to loop-number
  26. set {_sl} to {_sl}-1
  27. format slot {_sl} of player with white stained glass named " " to close
  28. wait a tick
  29. format slot 15 of player with ender portal frame named " " with lore " &dTeleport|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby teleportowac|| &7sie do wejscia na misje&7.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cMusisz miec misje." to close then run "e-ranga-mapa %player%"
  30. format slot 13 of player with book named " " with lore " &eMisja Na &6SVIP'a|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby aktywowac|| &7misje na range &6SVIP&7.|| &7Czeka cie nie lada wyzwanie.|| &7Bedziesz musial przejsc|| &7ten dlugi sprawdzian,|| &7aby zostac nagrodzony|| &7tym mianem.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cW Trakcie prac" to close then run "e-misja-svip %player%"
  31. format slot 11 of player with name tag named " " with lore " &dPrzywileje Rangi|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7- Dodatkowy EXP 400%%|| &7- Prefix &8[&6SVIP&8]" to close
  32. if name of event-entity is "&5&l[Legenda]":
  33. if difference between {antybug::%player%::lastuse} and now is smaller than 2 seconds:
  34. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &cWykryto spam packetami. Odczekaj sekunde."
  35. stop
  36. set {antybug::%player%::lastuse} to now
  37. open chest with 3 rows named "&5&lLegenda" to player
  38. wait a tick
  39. loop 27 times:
  40. set {_sl} to loop-number
  41. set {_sl} to {_sl}-1
  42. format slot {_sl} of player with white stained glass named " " to close
  43. wait a tick
  44. format slot 15 of player with ender portal frame named " " with lore " &dTeleport|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby teleportowac|| &7sie do wejscia na misje&7.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cMusisz miec misje." to close then run "e-ranga-mapa %player%"
  45. format slot 13 of player with book named " " with lore " &dMisja Na Legende|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7Kliknij to aby aktywowac|| &7misje na range &5Legenda&7.|| &7Czeka cie nie lada wyzwanie.|| &7Bedziesz musial przejsc|| &7ten dlugi sprawdzian,|| &7aby zostac nagrodzony|| &7tym mianem.|| &7&l&m-----------|| &cW Trakcie prac" to close then run "e-misja-legenda %player%"
  46. format slot 11 of player with name tag named " " with lore " &dPrzywileje Rangi|| &7&l&m-----------|| &7- Dodatkowy EXP 200%%|| &7- Prefix &8[&5Legenda&8]" to close
  48. command /e-ranga-mapa <player>:
  49. permission:
  50. trigger:
  51. set {_rangg} to single value "Mistrz" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  52. if {_rangg} is equal to "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
  53. teleport the arg to {portal::rangii}
  54. stop
  55. set {_rangg} to single value "Legenda" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  56. if {_rangg} is equal to "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
  57. teleport the arg to {portal::rangii}
  58. stop
  59. set {_rangg} to single value "SVIP" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  60. if {_rangg} is equal to "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
  61. teleport the arg to {portal::rangii}
  62. stop
  63. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &4Nie masz aktywnej misji." to arg
  65. on region enter:
  66. if event-region is "ranp" parsed as region:
  67. set {_rangg1} to single value "Mistrz" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  68. if {_rangg1} is "1":
  69. teleport the player to {portal::mistrz1}
  70. stop
  71. if {_rangg1} is "2":
  72. teleport the player to {portal::mistrz2}
  73. stop
  74. if {_rangg1} is "3":
  75. teleport the player to {portal::mistrz3}
  76. stop
  77. if {_rangg1} is "4":
  78. teleport the player to {portal::mistrz4}
  79. stop
  80. set {_rangg2} to single value "Legenda" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  81. if {_rangg2} is "1":
  82. teleport the player to {portal::legenda1}
  83. stop
  84. if {_rangg2} is "2":
  85. teleport the player to {portal::legenda2}
  86. stop
  87. if {_rangg2} is "3":
  88. teleport the player to {portal::legenda3}
  89. stop
  90. if {_rangg2} is "4":
  91. teleport the player to {portal::legenda4}
  92. stop
  93. set {_rangg3} to single value "SVIP" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  94. if {_rangg3} is "1":
  95. teleport the player to {portal::svip1}
  96. stop
  97. if {_rangg3} is "2":
  98. teleport the player to {portal::svip2}
  99. stop
  100. if {_rangg3} is "3":
  101. teleport the player to {portal::svip3}
  102. stop
  103. if {_rangg3} is "4":
  104. teleport the player to {portal::svip4}
  105. stop
  107. # set {_nowy3} to single value "MistrzZ" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  108. # if {_nowy3} is not set:
  109. # set "Mistrz" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  110. # set "MistrzZ" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  112. command /e-misja-mistrz <player>:
  113. permission:
  114. trigger:
  115. if arg has permission "":
  116. send " " to console
  117. else:
  118. stop
  119. set {_rang} to single value "Mistrz" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  120. if {_rang} is not set:
  121. set {_rang} to single value "SVIP" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  122. if {_rang} is equal to "1" or "2" or "3" or "4":
  123. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &4&oMasz juz aktywna misje!" to arg
  124. stop
  125. else:
  126. set "Mistrz" to "1" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  127. set "MistrzZ" to "0" in yaml file "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%arg%}%.yml"
  128. send "&a&oNowa Misja! &7&oStatus misji pod &f&o/misje&7&o." to arg
  129. stop
  130. else:
  131. send "&8[&cE-Craft&8] &4&oMasz juz aktywna misje!" to arg
  133. command /Misja:
  134. trigger:
  135. execute player command "Misje"
  136. command /Zadanie:
  137. trigger:
  138. execute player command "Misje"
  139. command /Zadania:
  140. trigger:
  141. execute player command "Misje"
  142. command /Quest:
  143. trigger:
  144. execute player command "Misje"
  145. command /Quests:
  146. trigger:
  147. execute player command "Misje"
  149. command /Misje:
  150. trigger:
  151. send " "
  152. send "&6&l<<<<< &e&oTwoje Misje &6&l>>>>>"
  153. set {_rang} to single value "Mistrz" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  154. set {_misl} to single value "MistrzZ" get of "plugins/Skript/Profile/%{nick::%player%}%.yml"
  155. if {_rang} is equal to "1":
  156. send "&8[&bMISJA MISTRZA&8] &7>> &eZabij 20 Gladiatorow Poziomu 1 &7%{_misl}%&8/&720 &7<<<"
  157. stop
  158. if {_rang} is equal to "2":
  159. send "&8[&bMISJA MISTRZA&8] &7>> &eZabij 20 Gladiatorow Poziomu 2 &7%{_misl}%&8/&720 &7<<<"
  160. stop
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