

Feb 29th, 2020
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  1. Dearest Friend
  3. All Zakharan people are Enlightened compared to the other "savage" people of Toril, but true Enlightenment came late for Dearest Friend. Born in the Corsair Domains to a small but well off family of sorcerers and wizards, Sadiq Al-Aziz's upbringing was typical of one in his position.
  5. His family traced their arcane lineage back for generations, a tradition that was broken by young Sadiq. The boy never showed a talent for the arcane, nor for worshipping Hakiyah - the goddess of Truth and Rationality to whom his family were devout adherents. Long hours of expensive tutoring made no progress for the young boy, and he would often find himself daydreaming of adventure - gazing out at the port of Hawa while his teachers endlessly rehearsed philosophy, numbers and religion.
  7. It wasn't that he was particularly unintelligent (or intelligent for that matter), more so likely he never had the arcane spark inside of him. The disappointment from his family only fueled his rebellious early years and he became resentful of Hakiyah. Why worship a Goddess who saw fit to make him different, unmagical? Had the boy studied more (or paid attention at all really) he would have learned the difference between the divine and arcane but, like water, Sadiq would often take the path of least resistance - especially in regards to his mental gymnastics to rationalize an issue. As soon as he could, Al-Aziz broke from his family to find his own path in life. He wanted a cause, something to dedicate his life to. A purpose. A destiny.
  9. And thus at eighteen, a man eager to find his destiny and yearning for a "moreness" to the world became stuck in one place for over 20 years.
  11. Gateway between Zakhara and the rest of Faerun proper, the City of Stilts is one of the largest port cities in the southland, with almost 50,000 inhabitants. Its ironic then for a man to stagnate and wither for two decades in a city such as this. While deep down Sadiq knew he wanted more than what Zakhara could offer him, he also knew he was missing something - and had to find it before he was ready to strike out in the world. If you ask today he would say it was "Fate": simply that he was not yet ready to spread his teachings. He had ambition, but something held him in place. Possibly fear of failure, residual from disappointing his parents for his lack of arcane talent. Sadiq worked a variety of odd jobs; cook, street musician, even language coach for some hill giant priests of Kor. Nothing ever felt satisfying - as if something was still missing. Even marriage and the birth of a son did little to fill the hole in his life.
  13. It was a chance encounter with a strange warlock from Calimshan - passing through Hawa - that changed his life forever. He spoke of magics gained from pacts and bargains. Ajami (outsider) magic is considered dirty, anathema to the Zakhara. Initially repulsed at the idea, perhaps this could be Sadiq's path to greater things. His research led him into several years of delving into lore on infernal pacts (the type of warlock who Sadiq met), only to ultimately be a dead end. Sidiq was stubborn and vain. Why should he make a pact, or any sort of deal for that matter, with a base beast such as a demon? Not even the Goddess of Truth was worth his notice, so why should he degrade himself by groveling to a creature such as that?
  15. Disheartened and defeated, Sidiq began to pray for possibly the first time in his life. He prayed to no being in particular, but asked for more to his life. For a purpose, a reason and for the tools to achieve this purpose. After many moons his prayers were answered.
  17. It came in a dream: A golden gate looming monstrous before him, cracking open ever slightly with tendrils of blue smoke snaking through.
  19. "The Gate must be opened"
  20. The voice was faint, a whisper in his head even as he dreamed. "Who are you? What are you?" Sidiq asked, approaching the gate.
  21. "Beyond you. All beings are equal under the Aboleth Sovereignty"
  22. The man tried pushing this massive gate, but it would not give. He peered through the crack and saw it, shifting majestically in the insurmountable cosmos, a blazing blue star. As Sidiq looked upon it, he asked breathlessly "What would you have of me?"
  23. "Propagate. Spread. Find the key."
  24. After it spoke for the last time, Sidiq awakened. He felt refreshed - emboldened and flowing with energies he never imagined possible. The pact had been made.
  26. Sidiq researched the star and consumed any information he could about it greedily. Khirad, the Star of Secrets was this master. A Star! What primordial, elder force is this that lives as a celestial body in the sky? Obviously no devil, demigod or even God themselves could possibly be it's equal! Sidiq began his preparations. Normally Khirad dances in the sky, moving as it sees fit. However lately it had been hovering at one point. Consulting his maps and with some rudimentary astronomy, Sadiq has the Peninsula of Chult pegged as the spot in Toril with the greatest view of the star when it is out. Khirad always shines brightest when some calamity or disaster is about to come about - obviously it is attempting to warn the people of Toril. Poor souls, they do not listen.
  28. The new Warlock left his family in the night, taking only a small gem his wife had given as a present decades years before. He was Ajami now, an outsider. While Zakhara are tolerant, they may not be understanding or accepting - even his wife. Besides, this was his higher calling, and though it hurt - leaving this life behind was the first test of Great Khirad.
  30. Sidiq purchased a mask before he left Hawa. The Star of Secrets masks its face, so while the star is not visible to him - he wears the mask. Lastly, he has gotten rid of his name. Sidiq is the friend to all creatures now - as all are equal (except aboleths). He now prefers to go by Dearest Friend. Sidiq Al-Aziz is a dead name to him. Friend will go Chult, where Khirad is directing him. He will "propagate" by spreading Khirad's teachings (which he has to come up with). And he will gaze upon the true face of the Star of Secrets...
  32. *The vision was a remnant memory of his TRUE patron. Every night, while he sleeps, Friend dreams of the gate once more. He has squeezed through the gate and finds himself floating in Phlogiston beyond. Each night he swims through, attempting to get closer and closer to Khirad. He knows that the blue light it gives off is just a shell to mask its true form underneath - which Friend knows nothing about. To him, getting close enough for the Star of Secrets to drop its illusion will prove to it that he is worthy, and then he can gave on the face of his God for the first time. He enjoys sleeping and meditating, since it allows him to get closer and closer to this goal.*
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