
Text Adventure Chapter 86 Log

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. >Inspect Magical Experience
  2. [Expert knowledge of magical properties (Allows learning of basic/intermediate/expert tomes/spellbooks and great control of magic)
  4. Experience: (425/1,500)]
  6. >Use Spell: Detect Changeling (Tome)
  7. [LEARNED VERSIPELLIVISION (-32 MP, Allows your sense of sight to specifically track shapeshifting spells on any object or living being. Toggle spell)]
  9. >You suddenly remember your phone.
  10. >It just went with the table.
  11. >If you had thought about it at the time, you could’ve caught it, but your cuffs breakings was quite the distraction.
  12. >You quickly kneel down and move the table back up, only to see something that makes your heart sink.
  13. >Your iPhone lays there, battery dislodged and the screen partially cracked.
  14. >You pick it up slowly as your group looks over your shoulder, and Gable’s looking rather sullen.
  15. >”Oh… Damnit. That was my fault.”
  16. >He kicks the table in frustration at his actions.
  17. “No, it wasn’t you… Didn’t know tables would be flipped, that’s all.”
  18. >You put the battery back in and attempt to power it on.
  19. >After many tries of holding down that power button, you’re doomed to think it’s broken.
  20. >It doesn’t turn back on.
  21. >”It’s not working, is it?”
  22. “No… But it’s alright. I can get it fixed at an engineering shop, a wire’s probably just loose.”
  24. >Gable doesn’t look very happy with himself.
  25. “But hey, a deal’s a deal, right? Here’s your 20…”
  26. >”No. I’m not taking that after I broke something that belonged to you, what’s the honor in that?”
  27. >Iron Will chuckles at this.
  28. >”It looked like to me he was cheating with those little cuffs of his, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
  29. >You shrug, and realize something.
  30. >Your mana has indeed returned, and a good deal more potent.
  31. “To answer your question Gable, I enchanted myself with a spell called the Aphitis Cuffs to cut off my magic a while back and you just said the magic word. Which is to say, you just undid the enchantment. Must admit that rather took me by surprise, having everything rush back like that, though.”
  32. >”Which word was it?”
  33. “Finito.”
  34. >Gable scratches his head in confusion.
  35. >”I don’t think I’ve ever said it before, either. Fuck.”
  36. >You have a hunch of what happened.
  37. >But now that you’re free to use your magic again...
  38. “Now that I can use my magic again, let's try something out I’ve been thinking about.”
  39. >You turn to the eponymous changeling, who had been watching the events unfold with polite silence.
  40. “Five, I have this spell called Blessing of Harmony, and it gives the target all kinds of benefits and ‘good’ feelings, which I'm now going to use on Red. I was wondering what the effect on a Changeling will be --such as it being a better way to feed-- so could you examine it and tell me what you think?”
  41. >”I am always eager to learn new things.”
  42. >With the affirmation, you turn around to the still asleep Redheart.
  43. “...Wow, how did she not wake up.”
  44. >Berry shrugs.
  45. >”Beats me, we had ponies lookin’ out of their booths from that. Guess she’s just that tired?”
  46. >You kneel down in front of her and gently caress her cheek.
  47. >Your markings begin to flare to life once again as you press your lips to her, delivering a gentle kiss as the white glow secedes from your body and envelopes her own.
  48. >Used Blessing of Harmony on Redheart (-8 MP)
  49. [Redheart cured of all mental and spiritual status effects!]
  50. [Redheart is no longer dispirited!]
  51. >As the warmth of the loving magic overtakes her very soul, her eyes flutter open as you move away.
  52. >She wakes up and becomes lucid once the magic wears off, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
  53. >”Wow... that’s a nice way to wake up. Hey..”
  54. “You’re alright?”
  55. >She nods slowly.
  56. >”Mhm… Still a little tired, but that spell you just gave me really helped out. I guess I should’ve told you what happened.”
  57. “It’s fine. So long as you’re okay. So Five, what did you think?”
  58. >Five regards the magic she just witnessed with a pondering countenance.
  59. >”...I have never seen magic like that. I do not have any idea of what it would do if cast on a changeling.”
  60. >So it’d be a hit or miss.
  61. >For some strange reason, you’re not entirely sure a blessing meant for the good would work on a Changeling due to its nature, since your magic is still technically Equestrian.
  62. >Either way, it’s a thinker.
  63. >You currently have one hour before Ponyville is in reach.
  64. >What would you like to do?
  68. -Giga Buster (Discovered, Experience: 250/300)
  69. -Weak Levitation (Learned, Experience: 92/100)
  70. -Luminate (Learned, No experience)
  71. -Wallwalking (10/10, Experience: 15/100)
  72. -Ignite (10/10, Experience: 0/100)
  73. -Shockwave (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  74. -Blessing of Harmony (Discovered, Experience: 140/200)
  75. -Teleport (10/10, Experience: 20/100)
  76. -Starswirl’s Restoration (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  77. -Ancient Wrath (Weapon Spell, No experience)
  78. -Portal of Speedy Travels (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  79. -Tesla’s Wrath (3/10, Experience: 0/100)
  80. -Arcane Chains (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  81. -Aphitis Cuffs (Status Spell, No experience)
  82. -Invisibility (2/10, Experience: 0/100)
  83. -Mirror Image (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  84. -Vice Shout (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  85. -Dragoon’s Roar (0/10, Experience: 0/100)
  86. -Versipellivision (Status Spell, No experience)
  89. [You give Redheart 2 ELHP’s, 3 EMHP’s, and 4 ESHP’s.]
  90. “Here you are, by the way. I got them done,a dn they’re much better than my old ones due to the kit’s enchantment.”
  91. >Redheart looks at them like it’s a veritable goldmine, and very carefully starts placing them in her satchel.
  92. >”Thanks, babe!”
  93. “No problem. I think I should give my arm a second to rest after that beating; I'm going to see about getting a tour of the train real quick. Sure none of y'all want to join me?”
  94. >Berry suddenly punches you in the shin.
  95. “Ow, what the-”
  96. >”Don’t start talking like Applejack, dude. I love the mare, but Celestia damn that got on my nerves.”
  97. “Alright, alright. You guys going?”
  98. >Out of everyone here, Redheart speaks for them.
  99. >”Sorry Anon, but this is the same train we took up here, and after what happened to you last time… Thanks, but no thanks.”
  100. >Five, however removes herself from her seat.
  101. >”I will join you.”
  102. “Aha, you guys see this? Five knows that learning is fun. Let’s go have a tour.”
  103. >They all don’t seem too convinced.
  104. >You and Five leave the booth and close the door behind you, and begin moving to the conductor’s door.
  105. >As you approach it however, you hear a very loud clicking sound outside of the train, and the locomotive lurches to the left.
  106. “Whoa, what was that?”
  107. >”Is it not normal?”
  108. >You look out the window and see that you’ve just taken a turn off of the main railway.
  109. >That’s odd, you remember it being a straight trip, more or less.
  110. “Er… I’m not sure.”
  111. >Looking around, you find nothing that might’ve caused this, and nopony seems the slightest bit concerned.
  112. >You also notice that the booth holding the black-clad stallion is empty.
  113. >Do you still want to knock on the conductor’s door, or do something else?
  117. >Inspect location in train
  118. [You are currently near the Conductor’s door.]
  120. >You’re very sure you’re supposed to go straight.
  121. “Five, something isn’t right. Can you help me make sure, do a little bit of acting?”
  122. >Five nods swiftly.
  123. >”I can. Would you like me to use this identity’s personality?”
  124. “Sure, that works. Go knock on that door at the end, and ask them for the conductor, and ask him why the train lurched, like an innocent passenger. If everything’s well, then ask him if there’s spare parts aboard.”
  125. >”Okay.”
  126. >You and Five approach the door, and she suddenly changes her entire body language, now being rather lax and listless instead of stiff and robotic.
  127. >You press yourself against the wall next to the door, and concentrate.
  128. >Used Invisibility (3/10) (-50 MP)
  129. Anon: [MP: 255/305]
  130. >Your form is surrounded by the familiar bubble in a tight circumference around your skin, and you become completely undetectable.
  131. >Five doesn’t seem to be phased, and makes three quick raps on the door, looking rather bored.
  132. >At first, there is no answer.
  133. >Five knocks again with much more impatience.
  134. >”I know you’re in there, trainmaster! I got some questions!”
  135. >Finally, the doorslide opens, revealing a pair of green eyes with dark highlights.
  136. >”Who is it?”
  137. >The voice doesn’t sound familiar to you.
  138. >”What’s with the lurching, guys? I was having a nice cup of tea until it spilled all over my coat, thanks for that, by the way. We’re off course!”
  139. >”Er, yeah, uh… Small change of plans. We’re… taking a shortcut.”
  140. >”Shortcut? Ugh.”
  141. >You can’t get in if he doesn’t open the door.
  142. >But that no longer concerns you, as your invisibility spell wears off after about five seconds.
  143. >Holy shit, you had more time before!
  144. >You must’ve casted it wrong.
  145. >Well, at least the door isn’t open for him to see you, so you keep quiet.
  146. >Five rolls her eyes, flipping her name and getting up close to the slide, making a distraction from you standing to the side.
  147. >Damn, she knows what she’s doing.
  148. >”Look buddy, I wanna talk to the conductor right now. You ain’t too secretive of a little train to do that, are you?”
  149. >”I am the conductor, and everything is fine.”
  150. >”If you’re the conductor, why ain’t you coming out to talk? Most I’ve talked to actually like being sociable, ya know.”
  151. >”We’re a bit busy.”
  152. >”Well, ya got any spare parts in there, then?”
  153. >The voice grows agitated.
  154. >”Look lady, everything’s fine, you can’t have any spare parts, now GO SIT BACK DOWN!!”
  155. >The slide closes shut, and Five stiffens, looking at you with a neutral expression.
  156. >What would you like to do?
  161. >You beckon Five as you walk away from the door, and you talk quietly to her.
  162. “This isn't right, that's about the least professional conductor I've ever heard. Let's go get the group, we're going to figure this out.”
  163. >”Okay.”
  164. >Even in the face of impending danger, Five doesn’t so much as show any emotion whatsoever.
  165. >Sometimes you wish you could have that sort of stoicism.
  166. >You and Five walk back to your group’s booth, and they all greet you in confusion.
  167. >”Hey babe… that was a fast tour.”
  168. “Didn’t do it. I think we got a train hijacking on our hands, so get ready.”
  169. >”Excuse me, what?”
  170. >”What did you say?”
  171. >”Quit jokin’, doc.”
  172. >”...You’re serious?”
  173. “You guys didn’t feel the train lurching? Look, I got Five to confront the conductor about the lurching, and when it opened, the pony that answered wasn't Steam Pocket.”
  174. >Red stops you for a moment.
  175. >”Anon, there’s dozens of conductors that go on shifts, it’s highly unlikely we would’ve had the same conductor again.”
  176. “He said he was the conductor, and told Five here that we’re taking a shortcut. Which trains don't do. I mean, he sounded like he was making stuff up as he was talking, so I think it’s best if we just see for ourselves, okay?”
  177. >They all look at each other tentatively, and one by one get out of their seats, making sure their weapons are with them.
  178. >Berry’s the first to voice the concerns as they all meet you in the hall.
  179. >”If it weren’t for you being right about this stuff before, I’d think you were crazy. But if you think something’s going down, then we’re right behind you.”
  180. >Iron pats you on the back, then cracks his neck in preparation.
  181. >”Too bad, Iron Will was having some good R&R on this ride, too, alright.”
  182. >Gable shoves him out of the way and you and him lead.
  183. >”Let’s just go get this over with.”
  184. >You and your party move back to the conductor’s door, which is still locked shut.
  185. >With the presence of serious action eminating from your party, ponies begin to look out in the hall in worry and fright, causing the rest of your friends to look back in slight embarrassment.
  186. >You are now at the conductor’s door.
  187. >What would you like to do?
  191. [Cannot use Doctor’s Kit on all party members! You must choose one and wait for the kit to regenerate itself. (7 turn CD)]
  193. “I sure hope I’m wrong about this, but I don’t want to take that chance.”
  194. >”Yeah, we hope too, bonehead.”
  195. >With Gable’s kind words, you kneel down and raise your fingers to the lock.
  196. >You’re about to levitate the tumblers.
  197. >Are you sure you want to unlock the door? Y/N
  201. >Used Levitate on tumblers
  202. >You begin to retract every bit of metal within the lock, pushing the insertion in the center…
  203. >And there’s a click.
  204. >You stand up and open the door with your wand at the ready, being as quiet as possible.
  205. >The only warning you have is the click of a rechamber.
  206. BAM!
  207. [ ]
  208. >-75 HP<
  209. >You’re blasted back with burning holes in your chest nearly 15 feet back.
  210. >”ANOON!!”
  211. >You slam into the ground, your wand flying out underneath one of the booths.
  212. Anon: [HP: 65/140, S][MP: 55/105]
  213. >There’s suddenly shot after shot rocketing from the conductor’s door, and your party takes cover as quickly as possible.
  214. >Unfortunately for the burly Iron Will, he isn’t so lucky.
  215. >A rifle bullet flies out and penetrates his gut, and he collapses to the side.
  216. >”Auugh, … That… that hurts….”
  217. >-150 HP<
  218. Iron Will: [HP: 125/275, S]
  221. >”I’m trying!”
  222. >Berry brandishes her new spear and starts to charge blindly, but Five suddenly stops her, wings outstretched.
  223. >Oh, shit, she’s undisguised!
  224. >”Oh Celestia, it’s a changeling! COME ON, GET YOUR FUCKER UNJAMMED!”
  225. >Five’s horn flares with green light as black lightning begins to crackle across its form, and a powerful magical chaos blast fires into the firearmed thugs.
  226. >The green explosion rocks the very train itself, almost derailing it before it finally settles back on the track.
  227. >When the smoke clears, there are three stallions, two mules, a zebra and a bound & gagged Steam Pocket.
  228. >One of the mules has sunken, crazy eyes and a black, receding mane, the sporter of your F.U.C.K.E.R. knockoff.
  229. >The other mule has a prominent goatee and glasses, completely bald, armed with a single C.O.C.K.
  230. >The zebra only has a buzz for a mane, and looks rather young, having dual-wielding C.O.C.K. knockoffs himself.
  231. >The first stallion is the one you saw before dressed in black. He looks middle aged, with a black mane, receding yet still full. He has quite the scowl on his face, and opts for a high-string crossbow. He also appears to have a wedding ring tied to a string around his neck.
  232. >The second stallion looks just as young as the zebra, with his own buzzed dirty blonde mane and bloodshot eyes, holding one C.O.C.K. and a rather sharp dagger.
  233. >Finally, the third stallion is also bald, but with a nice white stubble and a lazy, yet frighteningly powerful stare, the sporter of the D.I.C.K. rifle.
  234. >The second stallion is the first to recover, and he starts kicking everyone awake while your party is trying to recombobulate themselves.
  235. >”YO, BITCHES, GET THE HELL UP! The trotium’s getting close to the dropoff point, doesn’t that mean we need to get going!?”
  236. >The crazy mule gets himself up by the shotgun, giving the former a deadly stare.
  237. >”Don’t TELL me what to do! You’re new at this kid, we just reload and take them out!”
  238. >The zebra stirs, taking the brunt of the chaos blast, and coughs up a green puff of smoke.
  239. >”Ugh... The fuck is wrong wich’u?! Ain’t we tryin’ to avoid killin’?”
  240. >With a crazed look in his beady eyes, the mule that shot you leans into the young zebra.
  241. >”We do what we need to to do this! You’ll have time to mourn afterwards!”
  242. >Shaking his head, the zebra mutters to himself.
  243. >”Just… Fuck my life, bro…”
  244. >The insane mule rolls his eyes and goes back to pointing his gun at you.
  245. >”He’s right, F. I’ve seen these assholes around; they aren’t something to mess with. This human guy’s won a fighting tournament, right? You see how he almost killed a few of those competitors? I say we take ‘em out so we can still come home to our families.”
  246. >From the back of the group, the oldest stallion comes forward. He speaks with a cocky tone.
  247. >”He don’t look so tough with those holes in him… Anyway, what’re we just standing around for? We’re reloaded, let’s get the deed done.”
  248. >The last mule speaks up in a low tone, cocking his pistol and firing at Five, who takes quick cover.
  249. >”Both of you are right. We are NOT ramping down. We’re just getting started. We have to get the goods before we reach the end of the line. NOTHING stops this train.”
  250. >As they’re trying to get themselves composed, your chest is burning like a motherfucker.
  251. >The bullets are still inside.
  252. >A pair of hooves suddenly crawl over to you, and you see Redheart through your blurred, teary eyes.
  253. >”Anon… please be okay, please…”
  254. “..Gh…”
  255. >You feel something warm course down your chin as you slowly sit up.
  256. >Redheart helps you, on the verge of tears herself but keeping her emotions in check.
  257. >”Anon! Oh thank Celestia, they have your inventions, what do we do? We can’t charge them, can we?”
  258. “We… take them out before they take us…”
  259. >You take a quick scope of the situation.
  260. >Berry and Gable are tending to Iron, trying to get up like you.
  261. >That means he’s not in shock, at least.
  262. >Five was about to attack again, but the bald mule shot again at her and keeps an eye out, making her unable to leave cover.
  263. >You have to find a way to get your party up before these thugs do.
  264. >There’s already a few of them up and aware, so nothing direct will work.
  265. >But you’re not moving anywhere until you get these bullets out and heal yourself, the same applying to Iron.
  266. >What do you do?
  270. >Used Doctor’s Kit on self!
  271. >+100% Kit, +25% overheal<
  272. [Cured of physical status effects!]
  273. Anon: [HP: 175/140]
  274. >You look over at Berry.
  275. “Psst.. Hey…”
  276. >She tries not to move her head, looking at you with her eyes.
  277. “...Use a healing potion on him…”
  278. >Berry bites her lip as she slowly takes out the potion from her bag.
  279. >”Can’t believe I forgot to do that…”
  280. >+66% HP<
  281. Iron: [HP: 275/275]
  282. >So far, the thugs are getting up faster than your end, and they’re still looking right at you.
  283. >You outstretch your hand behind you, and your markings glow ever so faintly as you try to look for your wand, but without being able to move, you can’t look for it properly.
  284. >Use levitate on Starswirl’s Wand
  285. [Can’t use levitate on objects you cannot see!]
  286. >Shit.
  287. >Berry managed to heal Iron up, but then you realize something.
  288. >The bullets are still in both you and him.
  289. >That’s going to be a problem, later.
  290. >Right now, you just have to figure out a way to get the upper hand on these guys.
  291. >Five is in cover on your right, Berry, Iron and Gable are in cover on your left, but you and Red still have guns right on you.
  292. >The middle-aged stallion finally gets reloaded, and aims his crossbow at Redheart so niether of you can move.
  293. >”Now you two just sit tight and don’t make a sound. We’ll have our trotium and we’ll be on our way, and none of you are gonna get killed, understand? Hey T, how long until the dropoff point?”
  294. >The crazed mule cocks his F.U.C.K.E.R. just to be sure he’s ready to fire, keeping it pointed at your head.
  295. >”Should be a few more minutes. Fuck, I need a fix soon…”
  296. >The elder stallion gets his rifle up and starts to advance to Berry’s side of cover.
  297. >”Never shoulda teamed up with junkies…”
  298. >You’re losing time.
  299. >What do you do?
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