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Oct 9th, 2017
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  1. i have no idea how to start fics or finish them but this is what i have so far =VV
  4. "Now c'mon. C'mere." He plonks himself down in his "throne" and makes a beckoning gesture, motioning to his lap. With a huff and a roll of her eyes she stomps over to him, perching herself on the beaten-flat arm chair. Guzma smirks at her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her down onto his lap.
  5. "C'mon babe, dont be like that. You know I was just teasin' ya."
  6. "Yeah. In front of the grunts." Plumeria complains, her arms still folded firmly.
  7. "They don't care."
  8. She twists to look him in the eye. "But I d-"
  9. "I don't care either." He interupts. His hand ghosts over her hips, settling a finger beneath the band if her wrap-around bikini.
  10. She glares at him, mouth agape, before drawing her attention to his hand as he begins to tug on the strap. He eyes her devilishly, an eyebrow riding up as he tests her patience.
  11. She turns away "You piece of shit.." she mumbles.
  12. He lets go.
  13. *snap*
  14. "What was that?"
  15. Her body tenses and she inhales sharply. A wide grin stretches across Guzma's face and he dares to trace his fingers over the stinging skin.
  16. Plumeria sighs and loosens her shoulders. "I said you're a piece of shit."
  17. He snickers and bobs his head a bit. "Maybe." His fingers creep higher up the band."But you can forgive me. Or not. Doesn't really change much."
  18. She glares at him over her shoulder. "You're getting too cocky for your good."
  19. His smirks at her, stopping his rough fingers at her ribs "And what are ya gonna go about it?" He pinches the band and begins to pull.
  20. "You know you coulda stopped me before, you know you could stop me now. So? What's keepin' ya?"
  21. He's got her there. While Guzma is a large man, in build and in ego, she could easily turn this around on him and put herself in control where she feels comfortable. So why? Why let this goon humiliate her?
  22. "I-"
  23. *snap*
  24. "Hmm? What was that, Plums?"
  25. She tenses again, then shivers in a drawn out exhale. God damn this smug bastard. Guzma chuckles quietly and nuzzles the back of her neck, his fingers now twisting into one of her yellow pigtails. He sighs almost dreamily and rests his chin on her shoulder. "You're fun to mess with."
  26. She shrugs him off and huffs. "It's not fun for me."
  27. "Aw c'mon, babe. You know I'm just like this to fuck with ya."
  28. "Yeah. Thats the problem," She bonks him on the head before corssing her arms again. "you bonehead."
  29. He pouts and rests his head against her back. "I thought you liked it when I teased ya."
  30. "I-...I do." She lays back against him and sighs. "But I'm meant to be the big sister of the team. It's kinda hard to keep face when you're gettin' all moochy and horny in public. I mean how would you feel if I just started nibbling your ear or something when you're trying to act all tough in front of 'em?"
  31. "Alright, alright, I get it, I get it." He tips his head back and exhales, defeated. "...'m sorry."
  32. She smiles and nuzzles his neck. "Thats better. And you're not going to do it again, right?"
  33. "Mmph."
  34. "That's my boy."
  35. His fingers continue to play with her hair, twirling long strands between his fingers. Plumeria adjusts herself in his lap and the arm around her waist tenses.
  36. "That being said..."
  37. "Mmm..?" One hand continues to tangle itself in her hair, the other around her waist starts to dip lower.
  38. "Y-...ah..."
  39. "Go on." He suddenly yanks her hair, snapping her head back to look at him. "Spit it out."
  40. Her face burns with equal desire and embarassment. "You're..." She swallows and now its his turn to blush. "You're really good at it."
  41. "yeAh?" Guzma clears his throat as his voice cracks, but Plumeria is already snickering at him. He shoves his hand down her pants and yanks her panties up sharply, cutting her off and leaning his weight on her. "Good at what?"
  42. " teasin' me. Turnin' me on even when I'm not in the mood." She huffs, admitting defeat. "You drive me crazy."
  43. He smirks and releases her undergarments from his harsh grip. "You're damn right I do."
  44. The hand in her pants now starts to gently stroke her, moving along the inside of her thighs. "Tell me more."
  47. and then i got too flustered and gave up whoopeeee
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