

Aug 1st, 2019
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  1. Phase 1:
  3. exactly the same stuff, ill go over other mechanics more
  5. Surecast/Arms Length the first geocrush always
  7. Crumbling Down: we are placing meteors at AD first, then BC (west then east), one in each set will explode. this will ensure we have ONE safe 3>1 spot to dodge
  9. Landslide: safe spot is opposite side on edge, you can go anywhere, then Left/Right Landslide. You always have to move to the opposite side. Dodge will either be side > corner or corner > middle depending on which boulders gonna blow up first, literally titan
  11. Phase 2:
  13. first mechanic is random AoEs + his fists start glowing - fists will glow twice. this can be on the same side. dodge half the arena and move if you need to.
  16. second mechanic is dual tank buster + BLUE mark + knockback.
  17. tank buster is aoe and 1/2 on aggro, and unmarked
  18. blue mark = all squares AROUND the blue player get fucked with magic vuln, dont fuck with this shit
  19. for knockback everyone uses surecast/arms length. you can do it for EVERY SINGLE knockback
  20. tank buster is just press 2m cd + active
  22. just follow diagram press cds
  23. then its shared buster. this one has to be shared, if you use 10s cd for first buster itll still be up for 2nd
  26. third mechanic is platform rising + marks. keep in mind the rising platforms can be flipped
  27. 2 players (one healer + one DPS) marked with BLUE at first when platforms about to rise
  28. afterwards:
  29. 2 players (one tank + one DPS) marked with BLUE (take to africa)
  30. 2 players (random remaining) marked with ORANGE (stack)
  31. 2 players (random remaining) marked with YELLOW (library)
  33. before mechanic starts DPS will take NORTH and tanks/healers will take SOUTH
  34. first two blue marks will go to lower platforms in the corners. go to the one on your role, DPS north and t/h south
  35. three AoE markers will spawn on lower platforms. two players marked with stack will go to the lower platforms with TWO AoE markers, and two players marked with library will go to lower platforms with ONE AoE marker.
  36. the other two players marked with blue will book it to africa on the upper platforms
  38. the diagram is a loose guideline, the platforms could be reversed
  39. the side with the stack will be called out, library players need to use their eyeballs and adjust
  40. afterwards stack in middle of the arena to mitigate heal Earthen Fury, doesnt have DoT yet, only has DoT when we fight titan and titans dad
  43. fourth mechanic is very easy
  44. two healers targeted with gay baby jail
  45. titan will break platforms, this CAN be flipped so use your eyeballs or use triggers
  46. healers have to go opposite side (left/right), one healer goes in front, one healer goes to africa in back, jails have to be far away b/c if they're close they tether
  47. kill front first then kill back, can ranged lb (cant caster lb b/c too far apart i think?)
  49. diagram is loose guideline, it can be flipped, use eyeballs
  51. how do you know if he's smashing front or back? install trigger or realize he always smashes front front back, trigger is useful for later
  53. aoe damage afterwards, this restores platforms, dont fall off xd
  55. after that it repeats the knockback + tank buster + blue mechanic, then 2x side fists with Evil Earth (the outward AoE from P1)
  57. essentially four patterns:
  58. 1. opposite sides, first square on 1st side: move into first square from 2nd side
  59. 2. opposite sides, first square on 2nd side: most annoying, go far from first square on 2nd side, move into 1st side, then move into explosion
  60. 3. same side, first square on 1st side: move to safe side far square, move into explosion, have to wait
  61. 4. same side, first square on 2nd side: move into first square from safe side
  63. this mechanic seems very gay.
  66. fifth mechanic is similar to third mechanic.
  68. 4 players (1h1t2dps) marked with ORANGE (stack)
  69. healers marked with gay baby jail
  70. 8 players marked with library
  71. 2 tanks OR 2 healers marked with blue
  72. 4 dps marked with stack
  73. 2 opposite marked with blue
  75. before mechanic starts split into quickmarch/leviathan groups and be on raised platform
  76. be in the middle platform for the stack
  77. healers take their gay baby jail to africa, but try and be close to the middle
  78. everyone else adjust and pick their spots for library
  79. whoever gets marked with blue will have to go down to africa
  80. AoEs appear, whichever AoE has TWO safe spots is where the stack will go
  81. other marked with blue stay up and go to africa
  82. stack back in the middle for earthen fury and aoes
  84. titan starts breaking platforms, he will break two, just be on the other side.
  85. next is LD tankbuster ezmode
  86. he will break other one into
  87. 1 player marked with BLUE
  88. 3 players marked with YELLOW
  89. 4 players marked with ORANGE
  91. i will call where stack is = stack stays put, everyone else adjusts
  92. blue goes opposite corner of stack
  93. yellow adjusts based on stack
  94. something like this
  96. then earthen fury into titan + titans dad
  98. Phase 3:
  99. another earthen fury, now it'll apply dot so mitigate
  102. final mechanic is ROTATIONS very simple if you pay attention
  103. 4 players marked with stack - either DPS or h/t
  104. 4 players marked with library - whichever set wasnt marked before
  105. essentially we will rotate around the boss and stop once we have reached the opposite corner, and then yellows do their thing
  107. Stack will rotate two panels, and FULL STOP, do not do anything you are done
  110. Melee 1 (Renagi) will rotate ONE panel, STOP until explosion, then move into the stack
  111. Melee 2 (Aylina + Kiri) will rotate TWO panels, then rotate into the panel that explodes
  112. Ranged will fuck off, make sure you get topped and go back to middle for heals after
  114. first set is T/H Stack DPS Library
  115. second set is T/H Library DPS Stack
  116. third set is T/H Stack DPS Library
  118. there are other mechanics right after
  120. after first set it is knockback + blue + tank busters, except small titan is autoattacking MT
  121. then its AoEs spam into Earthen Fury
  123. after second set it is left/right shit into tank buster
  124. this tank buster is drk take first hit, pld voke take second hit, pld hallowed third, and it'll stay for the shared buster
  125. then its Earthen Fury
  127. after third set it's right/left into AoE
  128. then AoE spam into enrage
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