
Alterac Resurgent Sheet and Mechanisms

Jul 14th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. -The Headland, the town of Dawnholme
  2. Plains and Forest
  3. -Garside Homestead/Noble Manor
  4. -Town Hall
  5. -Farming Estates
  6. -Windmill
  7. -Herbalist's Hut
  8. -Hunting Lodge
  9. -Barracks
  10. -Scout Towers
  11. -Lumbermill
  12. -Improved Blacksmith
  13. -Stables
  14. -Leatherworker's Workshop
  15. -Dungeon
  16. -Warehouse for goods
  17. -Alliance Garrison
  18. -Prisoner Camp
  20. -Southern Alterac Mountains
  21. Mountains, Silver and Lead Ore
  22. -Silver and Lead Mine Complex
  23. -Scout Tower
  25. -Darrow Hill
  26. Plains and Forest, Iron Ore
  27. -Herbalist's Hut
  28. -Hunting Lodge
  29. -Farms
  30. -Iron Mine
  31. -Leatherworker's Workshop
  32. -Lumbermill
  33. -Windmill
  35. -Gavin’s Naze
  36. Plains and Forest
  37. -Herbalist's Hut
  38. -Hunting Lodge
  39. -Farms
  40. -Lumbermill
  41. -Leatherworker's Workshop
  42. -Windmill
  44. -Sofera's Naze
  45. Plains and Forest
  46. -Hunting Lodge
  47. -Farms
  48. -Lumbermill
  49. -Leatherworker's Workshop
  51. -Strahnbrad Hills
  52. Forest, Oil
  53. -Hunting Lodge
  54. -Farms
  56. Troops:
  57. Total: 55 Footmen, 40 Pikemen, 50 Archers, 20 Crossbowmen, 5 Knights, 45 Bandit Rogues, 40 City Guards (Dawnholme)
  58. -10/10 Elite Royal Foot Guards
  59. -20/20 Veteran Footmen
  60. -10/10 Elite Archers
  61. -30/30 Regular Archers
  62. -20/20 Kul Tiran Swashbucklers, Regular Pikemen
  63. -4/5 Knights of Gravis, Regular Knights
  64. -15/15 Benedict's Blood Alley Boys, Veteran Footmen
  65. -20/20 Regular Pikemen
  66. -10/10 Veteran Archers
  67. -15/15 Sir Alan Radan's Men, Regular Bandit Rogues
  68. -20/20 Lyion's Rogues, Regular Bandit Rogues
  69. -20/20 Veteran Crossbowmen
  70. -10/10 Regular Footmen
  71. -10/10 Regular Bandit Rogues
  72. -40/40 City Guards
  74. Vassals and Allies:
  75. Total: 50 Footmen, 30 Archers, 20 City Guards
  76. -20/20 Green Footmen, Stonedon, vassal
  77. -20/20 Green Footmen, Tarren Mill, ally
  78. -20/20 Green Archers, Tarren Mill, ally
  79. -20/20 City Guards, Tarren Mill, ally
  80. -10/10 Regular Footmen, Barov Estate, friend
  81. -10/10 Regular Archers, Barov Estate, friend
  83. Troops on deployment:
  84. Strahnbrad Hills
  85. -5/5 Veteran Footmen
  86. -10/10 Regular Footmen
  87. -15/15 Regular Archers
  88. -20/20 Lyion's Rogues, Regular Bandit Rogues
  91. Specialists hired:
  92. -Jon Boyd, Pyromancer
  93. -Luke Williams, Arcanist Bodyguard
  94. -Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist
  96. Resources:
  97. 0 Wealth
  98. 4 Supplies
  99. 315 Peasants
  101. Gained Per Season
  102. 15 Wealth
  103. +0 Supplies
  105. Wealth is the combined value of all currency, trade goods and items that you can sell. With Wealth you can train troops, build new structures to your holdings and upgrade them.
  107. Supplies represent equipment, food, arms and armour etc. that are used every day.
  109. Peasants are free workers who don't yet have a job. Peasants are used to build structures and upgrade them. They are also used to train troops from. If you have Peasants that doesn’t mean that they are idle, they are doing odd jobs while waiting for proper work.
  111. You may exchange Wealth to Supplies with 1:1 rate and Supplies to Wealth with 1:1 rate.
  113. Troop Explanation
  115. Troops have four levels of veterancy. Green, Regular, Veteran and Elite. Veterancy levels explain the quality of the troops, their ability to fight and their morale. Troops that have fought in battle can have their veterancy level raised.
  117. -Militia
  118. Peasants who have taken up some arms and armour and are willing to defend their homes. Poor in combat, but can overwhelm the enemies in combat with pure numbers.
  120. -City Guard
  121. A step above the militia. Armed and armoured with halberds and bits of plate and mail. Effective in groups and to uphold law.
  123. -Footmen
  124. Basic soldiers armed with sword and shield and armoured with plate and mail. Effective when in groups or formation
  126. -Pikemen
  127. Basic soldiers armed with a pike and secondary weapon and armoured with plate and mail. Effective when in groups or formation
  129. -Bandit Rogues
  130. Bandit Rogues are hybrid melee and ranged infantry. Armed with swords, axes and javelins and armoured with mail. The Bandit Rogues excel at skirmishing and ambushing their enemies.
  132. -Archers
  133. Basic ranged troops. Have light armour and longbows. Excel in massed volleys.
  135. -Crossbowmen
  136. Basic ranged troops. Have light armour and crossbows. Slower rate of fire than Archers, but far better armour penetration.
  138. -Rocket troops
  139. Rocket troops are specialist ranged troops. They fire volleys of rockets to seven hundred yards away. Cannot defend themselves in melee. Inaccurate, but can saturate the target with shrapnel. Terribly noisy and causes fear in the enemies. Excel in massed volleys.
  141. -Mounted Sergeants
  142. Light cavalry of the Alliance. Carry spear and shield and armoured with half-plate. Poorman’s Knights as they lack the charge strength, comparable to mounted Footmen. Excels as scouts and flankers.
  144. -Knights
  145. The heavy hitters of Alliance. Extremely well trained and equipped. Most devastating thing the Alliance can put on the battlefield. Charge from Knights is rarely resisted by normal foes.
  147. Troop Prices
  149. -10 Militia, 0 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Requires Barracks or Town Hall
  150. -10 Footmen, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season
  151. -10 Pikemen, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Lieutenant Beckston to train them
  152. -10 Bandit Rogues, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Sir Radan to train them
  153. -10 Archers, 1 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season
  154. -10 Crossbowmen, 2 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 1 Supply per Season, Requires Barracks
  155. -10 Rocket troops, 4 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 3 Supply per Season, Requires Krix Wiklish to train them
  156. -5 Mounted Sergeants 4 Wealth, 5 Peasants, Upkeep 2 Supply per Season, Requires Stables and Barracks
  157. -5 Knight, 10 Wealth, 5 Peasants, Upkeep 3 Supply per Season, Requires Stables and Castle
  158. -20 City Guards, 1 Wealth, 20 Peasants, No Upkeep
  160. All troops are trained at Regular veterancy level. When training troops, you may upgrade or downgrade the troops with following price changes, rounding up:
  162. Green -50% Wealth cost
  163. Veteran +100% Wealth cost
  165. Training new troops always takes a season to finish, but troops in training can defend themselves at Green veterancy.
  167. Troops who have taken very light casualties get automatic reinforcements to be at full strength at the start of next season. Troops that have taken heavy casualties require you to spend Peasants to reinforce them fully.
  169. Elite troops can be upgraded into Epic units. Epic troops are the best of the best, but after being upgraded, they cannot be reinforced if they take casualties. The cost to upgrade Elite troops into Epic troops is +200% Wealth of the base cost, rounding up.
  171. Elite Footmen ---> Royal Foot Guards, these footmen hold both a ceremonial and protective role. Renowned footmen of Alterac who were handpicked from the most promising footmen available in Alterac.
  173. Elite Archers ---> Alteraci Rangers, best archers and outdoorsmen in Alterac were recruited into this small organisation. Alteraci Rangers patrolled the mountains and hidden passes keeping the Kingdom safe.
  175. Spies and informants
  177. Lady Nalice and Eligius are recruiting spies and informants from loyal Alteracis and from your soldiers.
  179. 5 Recruits
  180. Sahvan
  182. Mercenaries
  184. Mercenaries are troops that have usually higher hiring cost and upkeep. The upkeep can be either Wealth or Supply, or even both in some cases. Mercenaries are troops that are always ready, if hired at the start of the season, they are immediately available. What mercenaries are available for hire depends on who is nearby, is there anything special going on and how well known Alric is.
  186. Mercenaries don't get reinforcements at the start of a new season regularly.
  188. Available Mercenaries:
  189. -Farsteel Steppe Clan, 20 Regular Steppe Cavalry, 6 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Supply Per Season
  190. -Stonemason Mercenaries, 30 Regular Bandit Rogues, Drudgemoor, Morgan, Surena Caledon. 3 Wealth, Upkeep 2 Wealth Per Season
  193. Mages for hire:
  194. -Madam Judy Martin, Naturalist. Hiring Cost 3 Supplies, Upkeep 3 Supplies per Season
  196. Krix Wiklish investments and inventory:
  197. Krix Wiklish can build you the things and gadgets you require, but first he needs some investment. With the goblin attention span being short, you don’t exactly know what you will get when you invest in their work. By giving more Wealth to Krix Wiklish, more potential items and weapons can be purchased.
  199. Investments: 12 Wealth
  201. Inventory:
  202. -Geared Speed Regulator, +1 Supply per Windmill or Mine in your control
  203. -Goblin rockets, allow recruitment of Rocket Troops
  205. Wiklish is preparing to work on the oil rig
  206. Wiklish is working on industrial tools and equipment
  208. Arms and armour can be bought for your officers and other named characters.
  210. Offered armour from Southshore:
  211. >Half-plate, 1 Wealth, lighter and nimbler armour on level of normal footmen armour
  212. >Full-plate, 1 Wealth, better protection than standard armour of footmen
  213. >Knightly plate, 3 Wealth, good protection and suitable for knights on horseback
  214. >Masterwork plate. 5 Wealth, really good protection with good mobility of the lighter armours
  216. Melondras' offerings:
  217. >Melondras’ Masterwork Armour, 10 Wealth, masterwork armour made to fit the user perfectly. The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
  219. Garrick Blacksteel’s offering:
  220. >Masterwork Dark Iron Armour, 5 Wealth, masterwork armour which is heavier than equivalent human plate mail, but provides better protection.
  221. >Dark Iron Arms and Armour, 3 Wealth, well-crafted armour fit for human soldiers that is superior to other armours outside of masterworks. Built in sets of ten.
  223. Southshore shipyards:
  225. -Trade Cog
  226. Small ship for coastal and riverine trade. Good for moving goods and men around, but are poor fighting ships.
  228. -Arrow Cog
  229. Small ship for coastal and riverine warfare. Raised forecastle gives arches a good line of fire and the trained sailors can defend their ship as well.
  231. -Trade Carrack
  232. Small ocean worthy trade ship. Good at moving large amounts of goods for long distances. Can defend itself, but aren't suitable for true warfare.
  234. Ship costs:
  235. -Trade Cog, 10 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 5 Supply per Season
  236. -Arrow Cog, 15 Wealth, 20 Peasants, Upkeep 7 Supply per Season
  237. -Trade Carrack, 30 Wealth, 40 Peasants, Upkeep 10 Supply per Season
  239. Holding Upgrade Types:
  241. Garside Homestead, +1 Supply per Season, Special
  242. Your home since fall of the Kingdom of Alterac. Can be upgraded to Noble Manor.
  244. Noble Manor, +2 Supply per Season, Leadership bonus
  245. A fitting home for a noble in the countryside. Can be upgraded to Fortified Noble Manor.
  247. Fortified Noble Manor, +2 Supply per Season, Leadership bonus, Defence bonus.
  248. A fitting, but fortified home for a noble in the countryside.
  250. Farms, +1 Supply per Season, Autumn harvest
  251. Basic farms of the peasants. Produces few trade goods and single harvest once a year. Can be upgraded to Improved Farms
  253. Improved Farms, +2 Supply per Season, Autumn harvest
  254. Improved farms for the peasants, Produces more trade goods and a better harvest once a year. Can be upgraded to Farming Estates.
  256. Farming Estates, +4 Supply per Season, Autumn harvest
  257. Well built, maintained and organized farms. Produces a lot of trade goods and a plentiful harvest once a year.
  259. Farms produce a harvest after every autumn season. Each harvest produces 1d6 Wealth. For example 3 Farms would produce 3d6 Wealth. For harvest to happen, the farm has to be operational at the start of the Spring season. Harvest represents the taxes and profits gained from the farmers.
  261. Improved Farms give +1 to the harvest Wealth
  262. Farming Estates give +3 to the harvest Wealth
  264. Windmill, +1 Supple per Season, Produces high quality flour
  265. A purpose built windmill to avoid wastage during the milling process.
  267. Lumbermill, +1 Wealth per Season, Produces lumber
  268. Harvests lumber from the woods and turns them into logs for further production. Can be upgraded to Sawmill.
  270. Sawmill, +2 Wealth per Season, Produces planks
  271. Harvests lumber from the woods and turns the lumber into planks. Can be upgraded to Powered Sawmill.
  273. Powered Sawmill, +3 Wealth per Season, Produces planks
  274. Harvests lumber from the woods and turns the lumber into planks. Is powered with high quality Dwarven steam power.
  276. Herbalist’s Hut, +1 Supply per Season, Produces simple medicines
  277. Herbalisms has been important part of the human culture for thousands of years. Even with modern magic making healing easier, not all villages have access to that. For them herbalists are best they can get. Can be upgraded to Alchemist’s Hut
  279. Alchemist’s Hut, -1 Supply per Season, Produces potions and potent medicines
  280. Alchemist’s require fresh intake of supplies for their potions. To make the strongest potions, you need multiple different herbs. Can be upgraded into Alchemist’s Workshop.
  282. Alchemist’s Workshop, -3 Supply per Season, Produces strong potions and potent medicines
  283. A Master Alchemist requires a workshop to work in. From there the Alchemist can make the most deadly poisons and most potent healing potions.
  285. Hunting Lodge, +1 Supply per Season
  286. Hunters have these small lodges scattered around the woods. As they wander around the forests, they use these as shelter before they return with their caught prices. Can be upgraded into Leatherworker’s Workshop
  288. Leatherworker’s Workshop, +1 Supply and +1 Wealth per season
  289. The hunters continue to bring skins and furs to the leatherworkers who make them into clothing and sell them for some profit.
  291. Blacksmith, +1 Supply per Season
  292. A simple blacksmith beating plate back in shape, making nails and resharpening tools and swords. Can be upgraded into Improved Blacksmith.
  294. Improved Blacksmith, +2 Supply per Season, Improved arms and armour
  295. Improved workshop for the blacksmiths to work in. Results in better equipment for your troops. Can be upgraded into a Foundry.
  297. Foundry, +2 Supply per Season, Masterwork arms and armour.
  298. High quality foundry allows the blacksmiths to shape the materials in a way that in normal workshops you couldn’t. This results in masterwork level of quality.
  300. Ore Mine, +X Wealth per Season, Accidents can happen
  301. Simple mine for the miners to work in. Produces low quantities of ore. Can be upgraded into Ore Mine Complex.
  303. Ore Mine Complex, +X Wealth per Season, Accidents will happen rarely
  304. Well maintained mine for the miners to work in. Produces average quantities of ore. Can be upgraded into Deep Ore Mine Complex.
  306. Deep Ore Mine Complex, +X Wealth per Season, Accidents can happen
  307. A mine complex that digs very deep. Produces large quantities of ore, but is more dangerous to work in than normal mine complex.
  309. Wealth gained from mines depends on the ore mined. The Wealth gained here are for normal Mines, with Mine Complex doubling them and Deep Mine Complex tripling them.
  311. Copper, Tin and other lesser metals +1
  312. Iron +2
  313. Coal +2
  314. Mithril +3
  315. Thorium +4
  316. Silver +4
  317. Gold +5
  318. Gems +6
  320. Stables, -1 Supply per Season, 10 horses
  321. Stables provide enough space for 10 horses. Can be upgraded to Major Stables.
  323. Major Stables, -2 Supply per Season, 20 horses
  324. Major Stables provide enough space for 20 horses. Can be upgraded to Grand Stables
  326. Grand Stables, -3 Supply per Season, 40 horses
  327. Grand Stables provide enough space for 40 horses.
  329. Mustering Field, -1 Supply per Season, allows training of troops
  330. Training place for the soldiers. Troops gather there to train and wait for further orders. Can be upgraded into Barracks.
  332. Barracks, -2 Supply per Season, allows training of troops
  333. Large structure where the soldiers live when not soldiering outside. Has armouries and other important facilities inside it.
  335. Town Hall, Governing bonus
  336. Central structure in all towns. Number of clerks and other paperpusher's work here to keep everything in order.
  338. Keep, Governing bonus, Defence bonus
  339. Improvement from the defenceless Town Hall. Nobles usually use Keeps as their homes if Noble Manors aren’t available. Can be upgraded into Castle
  341. Castle, Governing bonus, Large Defence bonus, Leadership bonus
  342. Castles project power into a large area. They are a perfect home for martially inclined nobles. From the Castle they can defend and govern large territory easily.
  344. Scout Tower, Defence bonus
  345. Scout Towers allow the defending troops to spot the enemy from far distances allowing the defenders to be ready. Can be upgraded to either Guard Tower or Cannon Tower.
  347. Guard Tower, Large Defence Bonus
  348. Guard Tower has a number of crossbow armed guards inside it. These crossbows can then engage both ground and air targets. Simple upgrade over Scout Tower.
  350. Cannon Tower, Huge Defence Bonus
  351. Cannon Tower has a cannon on a rotating platform on top of it. This great weapon can defeat any enemy that comes to its range. Can engage only ground targets.
  353. Town Walls and Gate
  354. Low walls to keep ruffians and other unwanted people away with a simple gate to provide entry. Can be upgraded into City Walls and Gates
  356. City Walls and Gates
  357. Heavier set of walls circle the city. Tall and strong enough to withstand siege weapons and to allow troops moving on them.
  359. Abbey
  360. A place of worship. Holy Light is venerated here. Big enough for small towns. Can be upgraded into Church.
  362. Church
  363. A place of worship. Holy Light is venerated here. Big enough for towns and small cities. Can be upgraded into a Cathedral.
  365. Cathedral
  366. A place of worship. Holy Light is venerated here. Cathedrals are huge buildings with enough space for thousands of people. Only the greatests of cities have them.
  368. Holding Upgrade Prices and Requirements:
  370. -Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands
  371. -Improved Farms, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands
  372. -Farming Estates, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires plains or farmlands
  373. -Windmill, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires Farms
  374. -Noble Manor, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  375. -Fortified Noble Manor, 15 Wealth
  376. -Lumbermill, 4 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests
  377. -Sawmill, 8 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires forests
  378. -Powered Sawmill, 10 Wealth, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires forests
  379. -Herbalist’s Hut, 5 Wealth, 5- Peasants, Requires forests
  380. -Alchemist’s Hut, 12 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests
  381. -Alchemist’s Workshop, 15 Wealth, Requires Master Alchemist, Requires forests
  382. -Hunting Lodge, 3 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires forests
  383. -Leatherworker’s Workshop, 5 Wealth, -10 Peasants
  384. -Blacksmith, 8 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  385. -Improved Blacksmith, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  386. -Foundry, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires a Master Smith
  387. -Mine, 5 Wealth, -30 Peasants, Requires found ore
  388. -Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires found ore
  389. -Deep Mine Complex, 20 Wealth, -50 Peasants, Requires Dwarven expertise, Requires found ore
  390. -Stables, 5 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  391. -Major Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  392. -Grand Stables, 10 Wealth, -5 Peasants
  393. -Mustering Field, 3 Wealth
  394. -Barracks, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants
  395. -Town Hall, 20 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires village or town
  396. -Keep, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city
  397. -Castle, 30 Wealth, -10 Peasants, Requires town or city
  398. -Scout Tower, 4 Wealth
  399. -Guard Tower, 10 Wealth, -10 Peasants
  400. -Cannon Tower, 20 Wealth, -10 Peasants
  401. -Town Walls and Gate, 12 Wealth, Requires a town or a city
  402. -City Walls and Gate, 18 Wealth, Requires a city
  403. -Abbey, 15 Wealth, Requires a town
  404. -Church, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a town or a city
  405. -Cathedral, 15 Wealth, -5 Peasants, Requires a city
  407. Holding Terrain Types
  408. Colour Codes:
  409. Blue, Kingdom of Lordaeron
  410. Purple, Dalaran
  411. Orange, Prince Alric
  412. Red, The Syndicate
  413. White, Dwarves
  414. Brown, Crushridge Ogres
  415. Grey, Unknown or unclaimed
  416. Light Blue, Frostwolf Clan
  418. 1. Dalaran, City, Special
  419. 2. Lordamere Fields, Farmlands, Forest
  420. 3. Misty Shore, Farmlands, Forest
  421. 4 .Hillsbrad Fields, Town, Farmlands, Forest
  422. 5. Azureload Mine, Iron Ore
  423. 6. Western Strand, Farmlands
  424. 7. Southshore, Town, Farmland
  425. 8. Central Hillsbrad Foothills, Farmlands
  426. 9. Tarren Mill, Town, Forest, Farmlands
  427. 10. Gavin’s Naze, Forest, Farmlands
  428. 11. Darrow Hill, Forest, Farmlands
  429. 12. The Headland, Forest, Farmlands
  430. 13. Sofera’s Naze, Forest, Farmlands
  431. 14. Strahnbrad Hills, Forest, Oil
  432. 15. Eastern Strand, Farmlands
  433. 16. Dun Garok, Dwarven Hold
  434. 17. Durnholde Keep, Forest, Farmlands
  435. 18. South Durnholde Hills, Forest
  436. 19. North Durnholde Hills
  437. 20. Western Hinterlands
  438. 21. Chillwind Pass
  439. 22. Eastern Alterac Hills
  440. 23. Southern Alterac Mountains
  441. 24. South-Western Alterac Mountains
  442. 25. North-Western Alterac Mountains
  443. 26. North Alterac Mountains
  444. 27. Gallow’s Corner, Forest
  445. 28. Southern Alterac Valley, Forest, Farmlands
  446. 29. Central Alterac Valley
  447. 30. Ruins of Alterac
  448. 31. Northern Alterac Valley, Forest, Farmlands
  449. 32. Strahnbrad, Town, Forest, Farmlands
  450. 33. The Uplands, Forest, Farmlands
  451. 34. Eastern Uplands Hills, Forest
  452. 35. Western Uplands Hills, Forest
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