
How To Get Visitors To Your Blog

May 5th, 2019
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  1. How To Get Visitors To Your Blog
  2. Traffic is really a big issue but you need quality traffic and targeted traffic who will be your real buyers.
  3. If you focus On Page SEO,
  4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  21. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  22. you can do well but here keyword is the most important issue. You must select perfect keywords that you can rank well in Google. So target on low competitive, long tail keywords. You need not huge traffic from one keyword, you need minimum traffic but you can rank.
  23. No hurry, SEO works slowly. My posts generally take 6 months or more to rank if I depend only On Page SEO.
  24. You should also bring traffic from social media, forums, questions & answer sites and more.
  25. Thanks, Mytechgoal
  28. To get more visitors for my blog i will use Social Media Marketing from that can increase more visitors for my blog.
  31. Writing blog a treding topic and spread to social media ....
  34. Only ways that really matter to get traffic to your website without spending a fortune in advertising, write not only good even golden content & amazing guest posts as well...
  37. Make social media group > add people on group > promote your blog on group
  40. Regular Blog update with high quality unique content with social media marketing is best way to gain more traffic on your blog.
  43. Reddit and Instagram Shoutouts will be much faster than relying on SEO.
  46. After having your blog be active and running, you need to promote it in order to get visitors and also traffic. There're many ways to promote and get traffic, both free methods and paid methods.
  47. Free methods such as: Doing SEO, Social Media Content sharing, Youtube sharing, Facebook Content (Fanpage, Group), Twitter, Google+, Pinterest,...and many other channels that give you free using and promotions
  48. Paid methods such as: Doing SEM such as Google Adwords, GDN, Solo ads, Facebook ads, banner ads,...
  49. So it depends on your budgets that you will choose which methods can give you the best effort, or you need to combine between free & paid methods in order to get the highest effective results
  50. I hope this helps.
  53. And also update your blog on regular basis with unique and relevant content and share the post on social media account.
  56. 4 Helpful Tips For Better Ranking in 2017
  57. 1. Shape Strategy by using Technology and Psychology
  58. 2. Defining the Structure of Your Website
  59. 3. There is a World Beyond Google
  60. 4. Create a Flexible Strategy for Measurement
  62. Read Briefly here
  63. Cheers
  67. link building
  70. Make sure your blog offers original, one-of-a-kind high quality content first. Know your audience so you could know how to promote it on social media and don’t forget to write regularly.
  73. To get more visitors, make sure that your blog is a niche. A generic blog which covers everything will just make people confused. They will not know what your blog is all about. So to make a niche blog is important for your success. Then it's all about content. You will get no visitors if you have an article which was created by a text generator that threw the words around from another article. This type of articles on a blog will not be desirable to read. Write the articles yourself or hire a real person to do it. Also make the article interesting. Add a touch of humor. It will be appreciated. The title should also be appealing. Imagine that you make a search about "how to make a paper plane". 9 of 10 results say "how to make a paper plane". Then 1 of 10 says "how to make the best paper plane in the world". In this case you will undoubtedly choose the search result about the best paper plane.
  77. This method for driving Facebook Group traffic back to my blog has been KILLING it recently:
  78. Here is the process I follow:
  79. 1. Understand The Person
  80. I’m not going to go into marketing 101… but how do you expect to get people to give you their most valuable resource: attention… without you understanding them?
  81. I assume that if you are reading this right now, that you have an online business and therefore have some idea of who your ideal customer is.
  82. If not, go and speak to them and work it out.
  84. 2. Tell A Story
  85. Without doubt, we are addicted to stories.
  86. They are like crack to us.
  87. Why?
  88. I don’t think we need to go into the evolutionary biology, let’s just say that stories were used to be pass on wisdom between generations.
  89. So you need to tell a story…. a story about what?
  90. A story about one of your ideal customers reaching their desired end result.
  91. In our example, we told the story of how our eCom store: sTitch Leggings was growing to $100k per month.
  92. We chose this business, not just because we also run it, but because an ideal customer for our Shopify app Sneez, would want to hear this story… and would potentially sign up to use our tool.
  93. The story was hosted on the Sneez blog [?IMG]
  94. To learn more about how to structure your the story itself (HINT: watch Star Wars [?IMG]), check out the Free Traffic Forever Formula (FYI, it is a paid program).
  95. 3. Find The Groups
  96. Once you have an understanding of your customer avatar and have an outline for your story… it’s time to find your Groups.
  97. This takes about 10 minutes, simply head to Facebook and search in “Groups” for keywords relating to your brand.
  98. Ask to join them all, and be enthusiastic if you get screening questions before being approved.
  99. When you get in, don’t start posting your content RIGHT away (though I am massively guilty of this), it is a good idea to leave a couple of days, like some posts and even make some constructive comments.
  100. Every relationship you build… will bring you more engagement when you come to posting.
  101. Bear in mind that the same approach applies to other online communities: Linkedin, Forums, Blogs, Reddit (though there are slight nuances).
  102. 4. Craft The Post
  103. The post itself… this is do or die.
  104. And average post will get you average results…. a BOOMING post will bring you great results.
  105. Remember the incentives?
  106. Your Facebook Group Admin and Facebook themselves just want people to engage within the Group. Your post MUST be good enough to get people to engage.
  107. Only then, do you have the right to Drop The Link in Step 5.
  108. Oh and by the way, this was not the only post in an eCom related Group promoting our story… it has been posted in grand total of 43.
  109. With results varying from almost as much engagement as this one… to being banned instantly.
  110. Though as Tim Ferris says:
  111. “Better to beg or forgiveness than ask for permission”
  112. 5. Drop The Link
  113. Of course, ultimately we want people to leave Facebook and head over to your blog, where you continue to tell the story.
  114. But your timing needs to be precise.
  115. We need to achieve the fine balance between engagement on Facebook and traffic.
  116. Remember Facebook’s incentive?
  117. They want to keep people engaged on their platform. So it makes sense for them to reduce reach (using their algorithm) for link posts.
  118. So the first iteration of your post has NO link, just text and images.
  119. We wait for that engagement…
  120. And only then do we DROP THE LINK.
  121. But before that, make sure that you like and comment on EVERY comment that is placed on your article.
  122. In this niche, it is fruitful to ask about what people are currently working on. Remember, more engagement leads to more engagement.
  123. The precise time that you DROP THE LINK is still in testing.
  124. There are lurkers who will not engage, but will click… we are potentially missing these people when we hold out for too long before DROPPING THE LINK.
  125. I usually wait for 5 or so likes and a few comments before dropping… but feel free to test yourself and let me know in the comments below.
  126. And then you edit the post AND place a comment.
  127. This will inject that qualified traffic directly onto your blog.
  128. ADVANCED: we use LeadDyno to drop affiliate links in each Group we post in so we can track where leads/sales came from. Regardless of whether you have official affiliate relationships with Group Admins, I would recommend doing this for tracking purposes.
  129. This way, you can go back to the Group Admin in the future to purchase more attention if their audience converted for you.
  130. 6. Nurture Over Time
  131. Like any good story, yours should have multiple instalments.
  132. And of course, when you release a new instalment (we did this each Wednesday), you can jump back into the comments and link out, boosting your post back to the top of the Group:
  133. And remember, stay engaged in those comments: liking and responding to each one.
  134. Facebook and the Group Admin just want engagement, if you give them engagement, they will be more than happy to give you that juicy traffic.
  137. nice post..will try it out
  140. Just write unique and engaging content, everything else will come from itself.
  143. I'm not going to copy it word for word, but what Tom Hunt said
  146. Great advices and yea staying with only seo its a dangerous field i promote my posts also on social media etc
  150. nice post..will try it out
  151. SWEET, let me know how it goes!
  155. I'm not going to copy it word for word, but what Tom Hunt said
  156. Haha thanks man!
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