
Cicada 3301 Liber Primus Ideas

Jan 12th, 2020 (edited)
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  2. cribbing
  3. Hill cipher
  4. greyscale
  5. a rune is very unlikely to be the same as the one before it = suggests runes have a "memory" of sorts to the one before it (a ciphertext rune is dependent on the one before it), which is similar to the fibonacci sequence, in which a number's value depends on the two numbers before it
  6. totients
  7. on the cross, the 3 dots are placed digitally unlike the rest of the cross = they are intentional and may lead to something
  8. 56.jpg dots are rotated 180 degrees on 23.jpg and mirrored from that on 7.jpg - could be a clue to rotating and mirroring/atbash (especially on totients like how 56.jpg was decrypted - also the dots are in clusters of 2 and 3)
  9. mobius function
  10. different bases (notably base 29)
  11. F rune positioning
  12. vigenere in the gematria primus alphabet
  13. gematria page sums (notably prime sums)
  14. repeated runes (two consecutive identical runes)
  15. number indexes
  16. split runes into groups and then only shifting within those groups
  17. binary data in jpgs
  18. translating or shifting into a different language's alphabet, then using those letters as english ones
  19. marginalia
  20. flipping pages and reading pages backwards
  21. RSA*
  22. number correlations
  23. higher order primes (super primes)
  24. dots in the mayfly
  25. rune positioning and shifting
  26. beaufort cipher from fibonacci trees
  27. using mabinogion book cipher on liber primus
  28. using outguess data to relocate the runes before shifting them
  29. counting spaces as runes
  30. transposing the 5 dots onto runes to try and find a key
  31. breaking LP into sections and applying the gematria value of the first rune to shift the next rune
  32. route cipher from spirals
  33. boxes in the 2016 puzzle background from image compression
  34. applying gematria value of the first rune to the last rune
  35. ALW cipher
  36. anagrams
  37. huffman*
  38. skip*
  39. boustrophedon*
  40. old coordinates to clues to assume dialect?
  41. patristocrat*
  42. Jung's red book*
  43. hash as a book code
  44. vigenere w/ multiplication instead of addition
  45. beale*
  46. pigpen
  47. symbolism*
  48. zipf
  49. SDR kits at QR code locations
  50. rot13*^
  51. caesar cipher*^
  52. vigenere*^ (unlikely because of bigram analysis)
  54. * = has been tried, but might have been done wrong, so try it again
  55. ^ = almost guaranteed to not work
  56. the higher an item is on the list, the more likely it is to work
  59. the onion page "an end"
  60. -collectively brute force
  61. -hexadecimal to decimal then try solving
  62. -ICQ
  63. -most likely will be one of the following:
  64. -BLAKE-512
  65. -BLAKE2b
  66. -ECOH
  67. -FSB
  68. -Grosti
  69. -JH
  70. -LSH
  71. -MD6
  72. -SHA-512
  73. -SHA3-512
  74. -Spectral Hash
  75. -Streebog
  76. -SWIFFT
  77. -Whirlpool
  78. page art dots
  79. -salvator mundi? (orb)
  80. cross
  81. spirals
  82. mobius
  83. mayfly
  84. wing tree
  85. cuneiform
  86. spiral branches
  88. Cribbing:
  89. http://www.thewordfinder.com/classicscrabble.php
  90. https://github.com/MrRauL124/CicadaWordMatcher
  91. "finding 'divinity' within" and cribbing from there
  92. grammar analysis
  93. apostrophes, quotations, the 7
  95. helpful links:
  96. runes into gematria values: https://pastebin.com/NrLjVjdq
  97. cryptography google drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NFID1vr212OkVS2tWXIoQskDZTuOlZCM
  98. rune occurance: https://ether8unny.shinyapps.io/cickada/
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