
The stubborn one [WIP]

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >Be Morning Glory
  2. >It was late spring
  3. >Life was horrid back then, living in a box, selling yourself for sex
  4. >There weren't many who would stop by to visit you
  5. >Those that would, the regulars, were certainly less than desirable company
  6. >You still have some scars left over
  7. >Five bits for a hoofjob
  8. >Ten bits for a full night
  9. >Twenty bits anything
  10. >One of your previous boxes had much better return value for you
  11. >But business was almost non-existant, if you didn't lower your rates you would have starved
  12. >Now you could almost afford food every couple of weeks
  13. >It was a miracle you hadn't starved to death already
  15. >One day someone new came by
  16. >It was some weird tall bipedal thing
  17. >You thought it was called a human, but you had never really finished school so you had no idea.
  19. >You felt horribly nervous as he drove closer, having no idea what he was or what his intentions were
  20. >He noticed your hints of fear and approached slowly and cautiously
  21. >He kneels down, and plucks some purple or pink flowers from the ground.
  22. >You weren't really paying attention to the flowers.
  23. >He seems to be focused on you, but not really saying anything.
  24. >Tension is killing you, what does he want? Is he dangerous?
  25. >You look away from him, sinking backwards into your box
  26. >You watch his calm eyes read over the writing over the side of your box, and they show a hint of surprise
  27. >He looks back over at you, studying you more closely.
  28. >"Huh, so she isn't just a homeless horse. It's even worse than that"
  29. >he seems to be muttering something to himself worriedly.
  30. >Okay enough of this, if he sticks around any longer you're going to start charging him for looking.
  31. >You slowly stand up, keeping you gaze locked on the human
  32. >As you stand, a dull shock of pain reverberates up your left flank
  33. >You don't even remember the face of the colt who did that to you
  34. >It might not have even been a colt
  35. >How had your life spiralled so far out of control?
  36. >Nevermind that now, the human was standing up and reacting to you
  37. >"How long have you been like this?" He asks
  38. >You frown at him, you don't really want to discuss your life style with anypony
  39. >The question has caught you a bit off guard however
  40. "Who cares."
  41. >How long has it been though? Five months? Eight? Maybe a full year?
  42. >It was eleven, you knew for sure because your birthday was in three weeks
  43. >Your birthday was also the one year anniversary of living "independantly"
  44. >The human was saying something. "Well I hope somebody cares. There's always gotta be someone in everyones life. Friends? Old ladies that know you and you don't know how?"
  45. >There was a pause as he caught the blank look on my face
  46. >"Parents? Somebody?"
  47. >You spit on the ground, taking care to avoid your box
  48. "Hah! You're hilarious. Seriously, why don't you stick around and remind me of every other reason why I'm here today, living in a fucking box. Seriously, go ahead. Or you could, you know, give me some money, help me out, maybe some food. And if you aren't going to do any of that-
  49. >During your outburst you had slowly been stepping closer and closer to the human. Now you were right in his face.
  50. >You stopped, savoring the moment. It wasn't very often you actually got to feel in control of anything. Life as a whore was so damned difficult because of how much spirit and sense of self-worth you had possesed. Customers didn't like it most of the time.
  51. >But split seconds like these, as you stared the human square in the eye, you face scrunched in rage, were the ones that reminded you that you were still alive, they reminded you of how things used to feel.
  52. >They felt pretty nice
  53. "If you aren't going to at least provide me with something, ANYTHING! Then get the fucking hell out of here."
  54. >You whispered it, nice and close to his ear
  55. >You put a hoof on his shoulder giving him a gentle push.
  56. >He was still kneeling from before, but now he had toppled over onto his rump.
  57. >He looked at you with alarm in his eyes. You were willing to bet that he wasn't used to being pushed around judging from how large he was.
  58. >It was pretty dangerous to be bold and rough with the customers in your line of work, but sometimes some stallions just got a little too rough.
  59. >And while you couldn't avoid every bump and bruise, quite a few had been avoided simply because you had the guts to push back against those extra rowdy, extra drunk folk.
  60. >Of course, you had been lucky so far. You'd heard stories of gangs and the like absolutely destroying any mare willful enough to do so much as talk back.
  61. >Fortunately you had never come anywhere close to meeting those kinds of scoundrels in your town.
  63. >But as the human's face of shock turned to a sly smile, your heart forgot to beat
  64. >Had your luck just ran out?
  65. >The human stood up slowly and menacingly, his face a slab of grave concrete, yet his smile maniacal.
  66. >Looking up now, you realized he must have been at least six feet tall. And while he wasn't as strong as some stallions you had met, he certainly must have made up for it in size.
  67. >Shit, this is one fight you never should have picked.
  68. >You try to keep your glare and aggresive pose, but something about the towering wall of anger made your legs slip out from underneath you.
  70. >And then in one swift motion, the human raised in his arm, and brought down towards your face.
  71. >You closed your eyes, waiting for the shock of pain.
  72. >You were denied, and instead greeted with the aroma of purple/pink flowers, still in the humans hand.
  73. >"You know, you're kind of cute when you're afraid."
  74. >Okay, what the fuck? This guy has issues
  75. >You open your eyes, and blink.
  76. >The human is giving you some weird sort of smile, while poking flowers in your face
  77. >"You're also cute when you're confused. Pretty cute in general i'd say. Shame about the messy mane and fur."
  78. >You step back, just as confused as advertised. You aren't sure about cute though. No one has truthfully called you cute for at least a year now.
  79. >What was this guy playing at? Was he just insane? Or what?
  80. >"You're also the third pony I've met to tell me to leave someplace, the first to do it and get physical however. You're pretty interesting. A lot of ponies just run away from me or feel uncomfortable."
  82. "I can say for sure I'm pretty uncomfortable. What do you want from me? Why the attack and then the calling me cute?"
  83. >The human raised his arms, waving them back and forth. "Oh no no no! I didn't really mean to frighten you. I was just- Joking-"
  84. "What, you think I find humour in being abused?"
  85. >The human stammers a bit, trying to find the words for what I hope is an apology.
  86. >"I didn't- I'm sorry- I was only-"
  87. >He put his hands on his face, sighing. "Why am I so bad at interacting with these ponies?"
  89. >He put out his hand, expecting me to do something with it. "Let's try and start over. What's your name?"
  90. >As if I'll tell my name to anyone as weird as this guy.
  91. "I don't need one. How about you?"
  92. >"Uh, just call me Anon."
  93. "Anon, right."
  94. >You stand there, letting the conversation go stagnant. You don't really want to talk to this guy. Sure he isn't one of the abusive clientelle, but he isnt on of the good clientelle either.
  95. >Wait, good clientelle don't really exist. It's pretty much just bad customers and slightly less bad customers.
  96. >Oh well, you still don't really want to spend any more time around him than you have to. Something about him made you uneasy.
  98. >A full minute goes by.
  99. >Anon asks, "So, you... Enjoying the weather?"
  100. >Aside from the occasional drizzle this spring has been pretty nice so far. Rumours of a weather pony induced thunderstorm travelled through the grape-vine though, so you won't be enjoying it for very long.
  101. "Well, when it's sunny it's fine. When it's raining my box becomes hell. How about you?"
  102. >"I uh. have a roof. Sorry. I-" You have succesfully made Anon feel uncomfortable.
  103. >Good, now maybe he'll leave you alone and let you get on with your miserable life.
  104. >Anon looks around awkwardly, before glancing at the sky. "I guess it's getting a bit late."
  105. >It's not even four o clock, but that's okay.
  106. "Sure is."
  107. >You retreat backwards into your box, never taking your eyes off of him.
  108. >He looks at you one more time, before shaking his head and walking off. "Guess I'll see you around?"
  109. "Sure. Why not."
  111. >Anon leaves that afternoon, and you start to calm down a bit. The whole time he was here your nerves were completely one edge.
  112. >He seemed to be trying to be friendly in a really odd and peculiar way.
  113. >Also trying to make friends with all the wrong ponies.
  114. >Maybe it's a human thing.
  116. DAY TWO
  118. >Still Morning Glory
  119. >Still alive, didn't die in the middle of the night.
  120. >After Anon came by nothing particularly interesting happened
  121. >Infact, you might even say it started to get a little lonely.
  122. >You haven't truly felt lonely for a while, you mostly blocked it off.
  123. >Why now? You wonder.
  124. DAY ONE... Again...
  126. >After that human had finally left, you hadn't done anything particularly interesting.
  127. >You waited in your box most of the day
  128. >When the sun went down you pushed your box behind some bushes and took a long walk
  129. >You walked around the border of Sweet Apple Acres for a couple of miles
  130. >Finally, you dashed onto the property, searching for something ripe
  131. >Apples aren't usually ripe during spring, but the apple family touch changes everything.
  132. >You steal about ten from seperate trees, so that nopony who comes around these parts will notice anything.
  133. >You'd think it wouldn't matter, but when you were little you heard stories about what the apple family did to careless theives who so much as left an uneaten core laying around. They were attentive to their apples, and taking from them was almost riskier than being a prostitute behind a church.
  134. >You'd done both, so you pretty much figured that risks didn't really apply to you anymore.
  136. >Get home a while later, stomach full for once.
  137. >Again, can't steal apples too often because you better believe Applejack counts her apples daily.
  138. >She's like the boogey-horse of theivery, always under the trees. Every tree.
  139. >You laugh a little, noticing just how ingrained your parent's old stories have become in you.
  140. >Your laugh cuts out because of the bitter taste thinking about your parents leaves in your mouth.
  142. >You try to think about something else, but when you were homeless with no possesions, one tended to spend a lot of time just thinking about things.
  143. >What was there to think about, that wouldn't leave you upset? Your old friends? Your parents? Your life choices?
  144. >You went to bed grumpy, having nothing interesting to think about.
  145. >You would never dare think about the future.
  146. DAY TWO... Again...
  148. >Wake up kind of early. Sun still isn't up.
  149. >Your mouth is dry, so you walk over to the river.
  150. >It's a bit of a walk, seeing as you prefer to go around the town.
  151. >nopony may be awake yet, but the ones who are generally disapprove of your presence in a rather uncomfortably loud manner.
  152. >See one of your regulars through a window
  153. >Ew, ex-regular
  154. >That guy had little bugs crawling all through his fur, last you saw of him.
  155. >When it comes down to it, you'd rather starve for a week then get any sort of sexually transmitted parasite that would ward off the customers for months.
  156. >As it so happens, you did infact starve that week.
  158. >You avoid the window, and find another backstreet through town.
  159. >Arrive at river that flows straight from the mountains.
  160. >Go down to bank to take tiny sip.
  161. >Notice movement out of the corner of your eye.
  162. >You jump a bit, before turning and facing a relaxed Anon, who is dipping his feet in your water supply.
  163. >You jump again, having been double startled by the human. First by his presence and second by 'Why the hell is he here?'
  164. "Why the hell are you here?"
  165. >Anon is laying back on the dirt. He has his eyes closed, or rather squinted, as he is enjoying the very first rays of the morning sun.
  166. >"Why the hell not?"
  167. >Don't really have an answer, so you glance away with a frown.
  168. >You choose to ignore the human for now, and head to the other side of him as to avoid drinking foot water.
  169. >Dip your muzzle down into the water and take in a few gulps.
  170. >Satisfyingly fresh.
  172. >"So you never did give me your real name."
  173. "Neither did you. Anon isn't much of a name."
  174. >"Better than no name at all. I can understand someone's reasons behind holding back their real name. But I'm still gonna have to call you something."
  175. >Fair enough. As long as he doesn't just refer to you as whore, maybe you can get along. Heck, you've gotten along just fine with people who do call you that.
  176. >"How about I call you Brown-Pony?"
  177. "What? That's just terrible?"
  178. >"Isn't it? See, this is why you should at least try and suggest a name for me to work with."
  179. "Are you really that un-creative? You have to be able to come up with something better than that."
  180. >Really though, aside from being a brown pony who whored herself out, what were you? Failure-pony? Abandoned-pony?
  182. >Sun is now peaking out just past the tips of the mountains. Celestia does her job once more.
  184. >Anon shields his eyes from the sunlight with a smile. "Well isn't that something."
  185. >He gestures to the sun, as if you can see anything that isn't the giant ball of light in your face.
  186. "Behold the glory of the morning. Hey, that's a good one. Glory Morning. Maybe something like that?"
  188. >Your eyes widen despite the blinding sun. How the actual fuck.
  189. >You look over at him with shock.
  190. "Okay, how did you-"
  191. >He isn't even paying attention. Either he's playing it cool or it actually was just a ridiculous
  192. >He looks over at you, "How did I what? Come up with a creative name? There was a morning and it was glorious, what more do you want?"
  193. >You shake your head in disbelief, before looking out into the morning.
  194. >Covering the sun with your foreleg, you see that the sky surrounding the sun is all sorts of beautiful pinks, reds, and oranges. Looking farther above is a wonderful purple.
  195. >Weird how beautiful things still happen, even when your life is but a grey shadow.
  196. >Something something, rhyme scheme, something. You never did like poetry.
  198. "It is pretty Glorious though."
  199. >"Yeah, I'd love to get up this early to see it all the time, but it's usually too cold for me."
  200. >You saunter over to him slowly
  201. >Almost say 'Well why not get a little closer, heat things up a bit?'
  202. >FUCK, this guy isn't even a paying customer! You don't have any reason to trust him at all!
  203. >Still, you already sauntered over, and you are feeling a little cold.
  204. >You quietly lean on Anon, stealing his body heat.
  205. >"Umm, what are you doing?"
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