
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic 5/27/2017

May 27th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Runi-GM: Last Time, on Space cops. Our heroes arrested someone who discharged a firearm in a housing complex, and went home. Dom was there and everyone chilled for a while. Nothing at all is even slightly wrong with this scenario. Its not like reality was re-written a couple of times or anything. Not. At. All.
  5. You all get up for work the next morning.
  6. Runi-GM: or actually, this is a good point in time for a slight timeskip
  7. Runi-GM: and by that I mean 3 months.
  8. Runi-GM: to get to May 27, 2447
  9. Dominic: After what seemed like forever, Dominic seemed to be recovering from a certain operation involving his psyche, or whatever that means, and actually seems...happier for once after these past few months.
  10. VoxSomniator: (Just to be clear, this is *before* I got shot at a lot by Miri? With Dom not dead and all)
  11. Dominic: (yea)
  12. Keith: It is said that Keith was working on a work of fiction on the side... But he doesn't seem to be happy how it came out (This is a joke, referencing a suggestion I made)
  13. Keith: (Actually, this is after, <@!VoxSomniator> , except that... THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN)
  14. Dominic: (All we remember last was DOM NOT hitting on the vending machine)
  15. Runi-GM: dom is perfectly fine
  16. Runi-GM: he got help.
  17. Runi-GM: and cyril never got shot. except in your dreams
  18. Dominic: Dominic looked around the room, "So uh...I guess everyone is pretty late?" He asked Miri, who sat across from him.
  19. Runi-GM: Miri*
  20. VoxSomniator: _arrives at the station, disappointed. His car updated, won't let him stick his head out the window any more._
  21. Keith: _Keith promptly arrives_
  22. "So, why didn't we come here as a group again? Most of us live on the same place, you know?"
  23. Runi-GM: trouble getting up in the morning, maybe.
  24. Dominic: "Geez the cold shoulder..." Dominic shrugged it off and waved over at Keith, "I don't know, I just get up early heh."
  25. Keith: ( <@!Miri> , you are amongst us?)
  26. Miri: "Whoop? What? No, sorry, just...distracted, is all. I just have the weirdest sensation, kinda like...the opposite of deja vu, if that makes sense." She pounds her chest, like trying to thwart a cough. "Might be a loose connector in the ol' mind-body interface."
  27. Dominic: _listens to his new music genre...surpirse it's not vaporwave._
  28. VoxSomniator: _is probably a little late. Was slowed down... Trying to "fix" his car._
  29. Dominic: "Eh? That's weird." He spoke and looked over a Cyril, "Yo yo!" He spoke, under his mask. "Now we're just waiting for <@!Lily> "
  30. Lily: ff it didn't ping
  31. Lily: oh here we go
  32. Runi-GM: Lily pops into existance
  33. VoxSomniator: ("Oh shit, you gotta teach me how to do that")
  34. Runi-GM: You're all at your little police station, releiving the previous shift of their 6 hours at work
  35. Runi-GM: they readily fuck off as soon as you guys show up.
  36. Dominic: Dominic waves at them leaving before blasting his Eurobeat music...Somehow.
  37. Runi-GM: ... Curiously it looks like the antigravity generator is failing at a very specific spot in the room-
  38. Runi-GM: One of the previous shiftmates left a floating cofee cup well, floating there.
  39. Runi-GM: very slowly spinning in place.
  40. Dominic: _stares at the floating cup, and lowers his volume._
  41. Runi-GM: a few feet off the ground.
  42. Keith: _Keith curiously approach, trying to not disturb it_
  43. VoxSomniator: _immediately scuttles over to wave his hand around the cup! Woah, cool. Isn't concerned with not disturbing it._
  44. Keith: "This could be a video in the space internet..."
  45. Dominic: "Already on it."
  46. Runi-GM: Its undisturbed by hands moving around it, except the air kicked up as wind making it move very slightly...
  47. Lily: "hmm. That's not normal. Probably not a good sign either"
  48. Miri: _waves her hand under the cup._
  49. Keith: _Keith blows on it, trying to keep it in equilibrium._
  50. Runi-GM: keith blows-
  51. Dominic: _slowly grabs the cup, "I have the power?"_
  52. VoxSomniator: (Dom starts floating)
  53. Runi-GM: it drifts too far a bit in one direction and was about to suddenly fall when dominic grabbed it.
  54. Dominic: "Woah."
  55. Keith: "Anyone got sand... Or some sort of powder?"
  56. Runi-GM: There's about a cubic foot or so of space (30 cm sided cube) where the artificial gravity wasn't working
  57. Runi-GM: for who knows why.
  58. Miri: "That's...spooky."
  59. Miri: "Would I come off as an idiot if I said 'I didn't know artificial gravity could work like that'?"
  60. Miri: "It's like a...dead zone."
  61. Dominic: "I think that's just...Zero G..."
  62. VoxSomniator: _sticks his hands in the gravity-hole. "Do we have any... Wet Floor signs?"_
  63. Keith: "Gravity is projected from the ground..."
  64. Keith: "Otherwise, we are pretty much in space."
  65. Keith: "It probably would gravitate to the center of the station, tho."
  66. Keith: "*Eventually*"
  67. Dominic: (Can I roll Engineer (Electronics) to diganose the problem?)
  68. Runi-GM: your hand feels lighter in that 'dead pixel' of space
  69. VoxSomniator: (Oh, dead pixels, I know how to fix this. We have to toggle gravity on and off really really fast.)
  70. Miri: "Yeah, I don't think this is a simple system failure."
  71. Lily: _also has electrician_
  72. Runi-GM: Dom: the artificial gravity plate underneat your feet could be malfunctioning, but usually such errors are much larger than like
  73. VoxSomniator: _eyes Lily, holds his hands out in the gravity void. ...No, probably wouldn't fit._
  74. Runi-GM: a food bowl sized area.
  75. Lily: I mean
  76. Lily: Lily is the size of like a large snack bowl~
  77. Lily: one of them party ones
  78. Runi-GM: you'd also expect the field to be an entire column of air going up to the next set of plates.
  79. VoxSomniator: (It's only a foot cube.)
  80. Keith: (Wait...)
  81. Runi-GM: but here it works, stops working, and then works again
  82. Keith: _Keith hovers a hand below the affected area_
  83. Keith: "Here it works..."
  84. Keith: _Keith rises his hand until it is in the affected area_
  85. Keith: "Here it doesn't work"
  86. Miri: "Guys. Watch this." Miri pops her head off and gently places it in the dead pixel.
  87. Keith: "..."
  88. Keith: _Keith spins Miri's head_
  89. Runi-GM: Miri's head floats.
  90. Miri: "This is *trippy.*"
  91. VoxSomniator: _steps back to watch! Oh my god, why didn't he think of that._
  92. Runi-GM: the world is spinning around you, Miri!
  93. Runi-GM: no wait, you just are.
  94. Miri: She stands, arms crossed, while her head gently tumbles in the dead pixel.
  95. VoxSomniator: "Does that... Mess with your balance?"
  96. Runi-GM: Miri has two sets of sensory hardware
  97. Runi-GM: so probably not.
  98. Keith: "I think her gyroscopes are in her body."
  99. Miri: "Oh totally. My head and body equilibriums - equilibria? - are ringing up WAAAAAY differently."
  100. VoxSomniator: "Ohh, right, good."
  101. Keith: "Actually..."
  102. Dominic: "So uh...Why were we called here again?"
  103. Miri: "Really it's the eyesight that's a bigger obstacle to getting around without falling on my own ass right now."
  104. Keith: "Your head should feel only the centrifugal force."
  105. Miri: "Let's see here..."
  106. VoxSomniator: _suddenly remembers, they have an actual job, right._
  107. Keith: "Okay, this is really weird."
  108. Runi-GM: central computer chimes in: "You have a job working as a security officer aboard the station."
  109. Miri: She shuts her eyes and the little jewel on her collar lights up imperceptibly as the camera switches on.
  110. Keith: "I am calling central."
  111. Keith: _Keith calls central._
  112. VoxSomniator: (Does the computer sound annoyed at all? :P )
  113. Runi-GM: the computer has no emotions
  114. Miri: "Ah, yeah," Miri says, her voice now coming from her collar. "We, uh, we should get to work. And have someone out here to take a look at this."
  115. Runi-GM: its just a little clever and doesn't sound blatently robotic.
  116. Miri: She nods her neck in the direction of the dead pixel. "Not necessarily in that order I mean *this is kinda creepy even if it is awesome*"
  117. Runi-GM: most of its communications are in text though
  118. Keith: "Central. We have a gravitic anomaly here."
  119. Miri: _surreptitiously grabs her head out of the dead pixel._
  120. Runi-GM: "How large of a gravity anomaly? this is the only such report today."
  121. VoxSomniator: (For Keith and Lily, I just blasted "YOU SPIN ME RIGHT ROUND" through my mic)
  122. Keith: "It is different from what one would expect, it is much smaller than a whole plate, and it only works at a spot between the plates... Not the whole length."
  123. Keith: "Should I place an object in it to mark it?"
  124. VoxSomniator: _sticks his head in the gravity cube while it's unoccupied._
  125. Runi-GM: "Is this at your exact location?
  126. Runi-GM: "A technition will be on the way. you need not wait for them."
  127. Lily: "Let's blow this joint before a raitou nerd shows up then"
  128. Keith: "Not *exactly*, but very close, I'll give you the coordinates. Also, we will place a mug in the afflicted area, which we found there when we came here."
  129. Keith: _Keith Places the mug back in place, carefully._
  130. Runi-GM: there is a variety of objects that can be place din the gravity-less pixel
  131. Dominic: _looks inside the coffee mug, "What's in here anyways?"_
  132. Runi-GM: its empty. stained slightly with some sort of synthetic coffeee-like drink
  133. Keith: _Keith places something to cushion the fall, if it happens._
  134. Runi-GM: hasn't been washed.
  135. Miri: _pops her head back on while no one's paying attention to her._
  136. Keith: "Well. Another 'crime' solved, back to work!"
  137. VoxSomniator: "They broke... *the laws of nature.*"
  138. Dominic: _silently plays, "rules of nature" in the background before switching back to his eurobeat music halfway through the screaming._
  139. VoxSomniator: (We normally just get assignments from Friend Computer, right?)
  140. Keith: Patrol
  141. Runi-GM: Normally you go cruise around until friend computer sends you somewhere.
  142. Keith: _Keith gets into the patrol car._
  143. Dominic: _also gets into the patrol car, shotgun._
  144. VoxSomniator: _scurries after Keith. Hopes the patrol car still lets him stick his head out the window._
  145. VoxSomniator: (As you can see, Cyril is all about putting his head in things and/or putting things in his head)
  146. Runi-GM: the patrol car is unchanged in the past 3 months since that not-so-fateful night.
  147. Runi-GM: you can still stick your head out the window, dangerous or not.
  148. VoxSomniator: (Good.)
  149. Lily: _goes ahead and hops in the car too_
  150. Miri: _would rather not stick her head out the window. For obvious reasons. Having to search for her head along fifty miles of highway that one time was not fun._
  151. Runi-GM: if anyone can have their head smashed off by an oncoming flying car flying just within the margins and survive, it's Miri
  152. Keith: _Keith does not stick anything out of the window, that he isn't willing to lose_
  153. Runi-GM: !roll 3d6
  154. DiscoDude: <@Runi-GM> rolled 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 1, 5, 4]
  155. VoxSomniator: _isn't worried. He's told he has a thick skull._
  156. Runi-GM: cyril is not decapitated today.
  157. Keith: "One of these days, your habbits will get you killed, Cyril..."
  158. VoxSomniator: "Hey, I always look where I'm going. But... Maybe that's why my car updated."
  159. Dominic: "Gun: Set: Locked." He spoke and the Magnum he has in his holster gives a locking sound and a ching. "Wow I can't believe I didn't lock this over night...Or back at the station."
  160. Runi-GM: On patrol, you get 'call' to respond to something within 10 minutes.
  161. Central computer: There is a customer disrupting up services at business. Remove them from the premesis."
  162. Runi-GM: and coming with it was a stream of the regular info
  163. Miri: "Well doesn't *this* sound familiar," she says with a grin.
  164. VoxSomniator: _mashes the "go to mission" button!_
  165. Lily: "Well. time for me to do what I do best"
  166. Miri: _would twirl her stun gun, but that would be unsafe in these confines._
  167. Keith: "Is the same guy again? Can't be..."
  168. Dominic: _taunts Miri by twirling **his** stun gun._
  169. Keith: "I hope it is not the one that punched your head off, <@!Miri> ."
  170. Miri: "Ha. That was *fun,*" Miri says before she can catch herself.
  171. Runi-GM: It's an dark orange 🔶 austferian male , 5'6 and apparrantly having a history of being an ass. he was arrested for stalking someone a few years ago and assaulting someone over a perceived slight a few months later
  172. Runi-GM: The car takes a moment to change directions, finding a new spot in one of the 'lanes' and sliding on in..
  173. Miri: "So just your average everyday dick," Miri chuckles, cracking her knuckles.
  174. Lily: Just the kinda guy lily likes to beat up
  175. Keith: _Keith gets out of the car, and turn on TacNet_
  176. Keith: "Let's get TacNet on, just in case."
  177. Dominic: "Stun: Set: Armed." He spoke as the Stun Gun he was twirling makes an unlocking sound and a ding, "I love these reconginition grips."
  178. Runi-GM: You arrive not too long later- 2 minutes. the car touches down in front of selection of small tea shops, restaurants and the like.
  179. VoxSomniator: "Someone's disrupting business at a *tea shop*? Jeez."
  180. Dominic: _walks into the area and scans the area for the dark oragne austerferian, holstering his stun pistol...still armed._
  181. Miri: "It's a strip mall meets a food court!" Miri laughs. "Hey, remind me to get a couple corn dogs when we're done." She readies her stun pistol.
  182. Runi-GM: Only a few feet away was the start of a small crowd in front of a places that's basically the equivalent of a sushi joint- You can hear someone shouting. "Lady, you're making out, while we're trying to order."
  183. Runi-GM: And someone responding "Step the fuck back."-
  184. Lily: _is first out the car door_
  185. Runi-GM: the crowd spreads apart a bit once the realized the cops are finally here.
  186. VoxSomniator: _gets out of the way to let Lily out first._
  187. Keith: "Hey! Since you bystanders were looking at the scene, where is the Austeferian?!" Keith shouts at the crowd.
  188. Miri: _scans the crowd for their quarry, particularly in the direction of the shouting._
  189. Runi-GM: "you're fucking your girlfriend in a public restoraunt acting like a prostitute! You need to leave! you told me to leave, you need to fucking leave!" says the austferian. Inside he's at the front taking an order as a human couple are being 'berated'
  190. Runi-GM: doesn't look like anyone has exchanged blows or anything yet.
  191. Keith: (What the hell is going on?)
  192. Runi-GM: that's a really good question.
  193. Lily: "Time to find out"
  194. Keith: _Keith is confused._
  195. Lily: _heads off to the Austferian_
  196. Runi-GM: one of the humans says "boy, you're harboring a lot of shit there, and you're just letting it all out."
  197. Miri: _hangs back. Interpersonal relations aren't her strong suit. Cracking jaws is._
  198. Keith: "Maybe we should find out what the hell is going on first."
  199. Keith: _Keith tries to approach the problem_
  200. Runi-GM: The austferian response "I don't want to watch you make out with that person while I'm trying to order food!" "You can leave, the door's right there."
  202. one of the waiters sees keith come in- an avali male. "oh, good you're here."
  203. Lily: _is ahead of keith o3o_
  204. Runi-GM: then to lilly.
  205. Runi-GM: "Can you just get them out of here?"
  206. Lily: only two l's 😛
  207. Runi-GM: Lilily
  208. Keith: "Alright, I can see the problem, but what the hell is going on?"
  209. Lily: _walks right up to the Austferian. "Sir! We've recieved a complaint and have been asked to escort you of the premises. Please come with me_
  210. Keith: _Keith facepalms_
  211. Runi-GM: The asutferian pauses. "I want a refund." they marched away from Lily to the cashier.
  212. Miri: _whispers at the waiter: "hey, uh, before we escalate this, just what the crap is he doing?"_
  213. Runi-GM: "I want a refund right now. and I'm reporting you to your manager." they say to a moth-like alien behind the counter.
  214. Runi-GM: Who's just sort of going ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  215. VoxSomniator: (pffff)
  216. Lily: Lily can't hold back a smile as she follows behind him. "Sir, you will come with me now, off the business premises, or things won't go well for you."
  217. Runi-GM: The manager seems to be right next to the cashier too
  218. VoxSomniator: _looks around, head swiveling between everyone involved. What the heeeeck. Hopes Miri's questioning will get something._
  219. Keith: "Lily, I- I am not sure if you... Ah, Jesus Christ..."
  220. Lily: Lily seems to think it's pretty clear, two people are causing a ruckus in a business. The why isn't important. Yet.
  221. Runi-GM: Miri: they respond to you "I don't know, I think the humans kissed and they got really offended for some reason."
  222. Runi-GM: "and they're making a whole storm right here."
  223. Lily: the hecks an austferian again anyways
  224. VoxSomniator: (What're austfar- yeah that)
  225. VoxSomniator: (I don't remember what they're like)
  226. Runi-GM: _finds the image_
  227. Keith: (yeah, like... They... Are a sight to see)
  228. Runi-GM:
  229. VoxSomniator: (Also importantly, can I roll psychology or anything to know about austfaran culture or society? :B )
  230. VoxSomniator: (And wow that's a cool critter)
  231. Lily: uh oh
  232. Keith: (They should be well-integrated)
  233. Lily: you know what lightning type is strong against?
  234. Runi-GM: second most common critter after avali.
  235. Lily: :3
  236. VoxSomniator: (Okay I thought so, I was wondering if they had like, taboos against public affection or something like that)
  237. Lily: maybe they have sex through the mouth)
  238. Keith: "Lily, I really don't know if we should be handling this... This hastly."
  239. VoxSomniator: (That would make it awkward)
  240. Runi-GM: Racial taboos are n't so important as opposed to more 'local' taboos
  241. Runi-GM: especially since everyone lives pretty mixed. They're supposedly a station resident.
  242. VoxSomniator: (Oh, makes sense)
  243. Runi-GM: at least that's what your info dump told you.
  244. Lily: _shoots a message to Keith, "We should handle things one step at a time."_
  245. Runi-GM: They ignore lily completely.
  246. Runi-GM: or he, rather.
  247. VoxSomniator: (Can lily crackle with electricity to draw attention? :P )
  248. Runi-GM: yes.
  249. Lily: Lily smiles a little wider, "Sir, if you do not comply, I will be forced to arrest you for trespassing."
  250. Runi-GM: but to get it really visible she might need to spend a good chunk of it.
  251. Runi-GM: "I wanna talk to the manager. I wanna call the manager and report you for doing this- I want you fired" He's just not taking Lily seriously
  252. Keith: _Keith position to the other side from Lily._
  253. Lily: _sends the message to her team, "Well if you aren't going to back me up, I can handle it myself"_
  254. Keith: "Sir."
  255. Keith: (wait... I need)
  256. Keith: (The name...)
  257. Keith: (Of the police)
  258. Lily: _has her uniform and her badge and her gun... That should be enough~_
  259. Runi-GM: his name's Roveri.
  260. Keith: (Department?)
  261. VoxSomniator: _stands behind Keith and Lily. Will be there, bigger and more intimidating._
  262. Runi-GM: Oh, that
  263. Miri: _stands by for trouble. Looks like Lily is goign to escalate this whether it needs to or be or not._
  264. Runi-GM: Your space station is Varisa station. so 'varisa station security'
  265. Runi-GM: VSS
  266. Lily: it's not escalating at all XD it's literally protocol
  267. Lily: she hasn't even called names and has warned him like 4 times!
  268. Keith: "Rovery, this is the VSS, please, I ask you to peacefully comply with the request."
  269. VoxSomniator: (Yeah this is a remarkable amount of restraint from Lily)
  270. Lily: _slips out her cuffs, preeeetty sure he's not going to come easily_
  271. Miri: (sorry, Miri's kinda learned to assume trouble when Lily jumps in headfirst XD)
  272. Keith: _Keith squints._
  273. Keith: "This guy is drunk."
  274. Lily: _can recognize a beligerent type. Takes one to know one._
  275. Keith: "Wait..."
  276. Keith: "This guy is high on *something*..."
  277. Lily: High on life no doubt
  278. Lily: Not even once.
  279. Keith: "No, literally."
  280. Keith: "This might even be an illegal drug."
  281. Lily: (if I don't put it in " it's not words 😛 )
  282. VoxSomniator: (Do Keith's elf eyes see something special?)
  283. Keith: (GM rolled in secret for something)
  284. Keith: (So, unless I crit-failed...)
  285. Lily: "I'm going to give him about ten more seconds before I put these cuffs on him."
  286. Lily: how does the nueral pacifier work again? that goes on the head, right?
  287. Keith: _Keith approaches the Austefarian carefully, but not too close_
  288. VoxSomniator: (Wait, can I roll intimidate to be loud and get him to stop ignoring the group? I have a 15)
  289. Keith: "Sir... SIR! ARE YOU LISTENING?"
  290. Lily: I just want him to take a swing at lily o3o
  291. Runi-GM: pacifier will fuck up the nerves wherever its attached
  292. Lily: ah
  293. Runi-GM: if you put it on a neck it paralyzes them
  294. Lily: theree's no like
  295. Runi-GM: on an arm, past that point it'l be limp
  296. Runi-GM: etc;
  297. VoxSomniator: (I'll spook him then you can provok- wait, that's not right)
  298. Lily: nicer form eh?
  299. Lily: like apathy gas?
  300. VoxSomniator: (Do you mean... Tangler? :D )
  301. Lily: that's not nicer 😛 )
  302. Runi-GM: you could stunner them.
  303. Lily: I'm thinking something that will make him walk out on his own power)
  304. VoxSomniator: (No response to Keith, can I try intimidate?)
  305. Runi-GM: you don't really have apathy gas
  306. Runi-GM: though you've heard of such a thing existing
  307. Keith: _Keith messages the group "I will try to touch him to get his attention, be careful that he might lash out on me."_
  308. VoxSomniator: (Poke him, good idea)
  309. Dominic: _dominic holds his hand out in the air, messaging the group, "I'm on standby for stunning."_
  310. Lily: Lily chuckles. She was gonna do that but~
  311. Keith: (But Keith has DR)
  312. VoxSomniator: (You can both poke him!)
  313. Lily: (Lily is untouchable~)
  314. VoxSomniator: (Runi is experiencing computer trouble)
  315. VoxSomniator: (Yeah, Lily's dodge might make her safer than Keith's DR)
  316. Lily: ( this rat's dex is stupid high)
  317. Keith: _Keith approaches the Austefarian and tugs on his clothes._
  318. "Excuse me?! Can you hear me?!"
  319. Keith: (Everyone...)
  320. Keith: (Should be on standby)
  321. VoxSomniator: (Keith gets stomped on)
  322. Lily: ( You don't think lily isn't ready? XD )
  323. Keith: ( <@!Miri> , get ready you too )
  324. Miri: (gotcha)
  325. Miri: (should I boot up Roll20?)
  326. Lily: is he deaf?
  327. Lily: doesn't seem like a thing that would happen in spaceville
  328. VoxSomniator: (Yeah, he's been responding to people, too. And that's probably fixable with space-tech.)
  329. Keith: (IDK, the weirdest things can happen, maybe his implant is turned off)
  330. VoxSomniator: (Or... drugs?)
  331. Keith: (Like, things you do when you are high and dumb)
  332. Keith: (There's that too)
  333. Lily: either way )
  334. VoxSomniator: (Oh can I roll body language or observation to see if I can recognize anything janky?)
  335. Lily: time to quick draw and pop him)
  336. Keith: (Cyril, Kalos myght have rolled for you in secret, tho)
  337. VoxSomniator: (Oh.)
  338. Keith: (Don't quote me)
  339. VoxSomniator: ("Don't quote me" -Keith, 2017)
  340. VoxSomniator: (So, Keith grabbed the person's shirt or something, what happens?)
  341. Runi-GM: !r 3d6
  342. Runi-GM: !r 3d6
  343. DiscoDude: <@Runi-GM> rolled 3d6 for 8 [3d6 = 1, 3, 4]
  344. Runi-GM: They try push keith away, suddenly realizing they've been touched-
  345. Runi-GM: keith
  346. Keith: (Could have been worse)
  347. Runi-GM: roll to defend against a shove
  348. Runi-GM: "Get the fuck off of me!"
  349. Lily: _is ready to slap her cuff on the wrist he just shoved out :3_
  350. Keith: _Keith jumps back, trying to dodge_
  351. Keith: !groll 8+3
  352. DiscoDude: <@Keith> rolled 8 (degree 0; success)
  353. Keith: (That's actually three degrees)
  354. Keith: (But hey)
  355. Runi-GM: you dodged away from it, doing exactly what they wanted.
  356. Keith: (I mean, everyone else should be on standby, right?)
  357. VoxSomniator: (Lily! Attack!)
  358. VoxSomniator: (Oh yeah should we initiative)
  359. Keith: "Excuse me! I am talking to you!"
  360. Lily: lily is so fucking ready
  361. VoxSomniator: (Lily, we're in roll20)
  362. Lily: ohh
  363. Lily: sec
  364. VoxSomniator: Time to fight the doom-pillow
  365. VoxSomniator: (Lily, can you join voice for combat?)
  366. Dominic: "Cuff em."
  367. Runi-GM: After a short exchange, dom shoots them and the fall stunned
  368. Runi-GM: and that was the end of it.
  369. Dominic: Dominic holsters his weapon, "Stun: Set: Locked."
  370. Runi-GM: Some people freaked out until they realize it was just the 'bwaaaum' of the stun pistol shooting
  371. Lily: I prefer "VWOOUMP"
  372. Keith: _Keith attempts to evaluate the health of the Austefarian_
  373. Miri: ("PWAMP. I make it say PWAMP.")
  374. VoxSomniator: (Can I use my sensor glove to check for drugs? :D )
  375. Keith: "Lot of biological alterations... Either multiple drugs, or a single multiple-effect drug."
  376. Lily: -1 is normal
  377. Lily: humans are freakishly tall
  378. Runi-GM: The crowd disperses before too long.
  379. Keith: "If anyone want to *Pacify* him, this is the time, meanwhile, I think I will call the paramedics, and I'll inform them that someone is under effect of a unknown drug, or multiple."
  380. Runi-GM: most of them having lost interest in whatever was going on
  381. VoxSomniator: (Staple?)
  382. Lily: pacifire
  383. VoxSomniator: (Ohh)
  384. VoxSomniator: (I mean, he's already down, don't need to)
  385. Lily: _cuffs him, just in case._
  386. VoxSomniator: (I'm sad that I can't use my "synthetic pharmacy" skill to identify drugs though)
  387. Lily: since he's under arrest anyways
  388. VoxSomniator: (Oh, wait, I didn't mention I had that one)
  389. VoxSomniator: (Hey Runi I've got the pharmacy skill :P )
  390. Keith: _Keith calls the paramedics, and explains his findings._
  391. Lily: ah send him to the drunk tank
  392. Keith: _Keith continues cheking his vitals until the paramedics arrive... Probably moving the Austefarian to somewhere out of the way_
  393. Keith: _Keith keeps his first-aid kit close by._
  394. Lily: _is considering buying luck only for initiative rolls, or something_
  395. Lily: _already has luck_
  396. Lily: not for real
  397. Lily: but like
  398. Lily: irl
  399. Keith: "So... We waiting the paramedics?"
  400. Dominic: _heads into the cop car, "So uh...I guess I'll wait here..." He then rolls up the window slowly._
  401. Keith: "I mean, we should."
  402. Lily: "Whatever. The fun part is over anyways."
  403. VoxSomniator: "Sounds like a good idea, we need to figure out what's up with this guy."
  404. Keith: *The Austefarian is probably inside the car*
  405. Runi-GM: he's unconcious in the back
  406. Dominic: _looks at the Austerferian in the back, "I keep you guys updated."_
  407. Keith: _Keith, like I said, keeps an eye on his vitals, until the paramedics arrive, with his kit close by._
  408. Runi-GM: 5 minutes later, paramedics arrive.
  409. Runi-GM: They wonder what they were called about.
  410. VoxSomniator: "We think this person's drugged on something, and we can't figure out what."
  411. Keith: "This guy is under the effects of an unknown drug."
  412. Keith: "Or multiple."
  413. Runi-GM: they put him in the back and take him to the hospital.. "oh don't worry we'll take care of him."
  414. Keith: "He was causing trouble. Be careful."
  415. Miri: "You make finding out what this guy's on a priority. We may be looking at a new street drug - a nasty one."
  416. VoxSomniator: _will have to pester the central computer later to figure out what the guy was taking. >:I_
  417. Lily: lily is waiting
  418. Dominic: _is also waiting._
  419. Runi-GM: Back to patrol?
  420. Keith: "Or maybe an old street drug. Who knows?"
  421. Keith: (yes)
  422. Dominic: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  423. Lily: patrol
  424. VoxSomniator: _gets back into the car after the ambulance leaves. Quietly keeps his head out of the window._
  425. Dominic: "I can't food..."
  426. Miri: _shrugs, and gets in the car with the others._
  427. Runi-GM: /roll 3d6
  428. Runi-GM: !roll 3d6
  429. DiscoDude: <@Runi-GM> rolled 3d6 for 9 [3d6 = 5, 2, 2]
  430. Keith: "Don't worry, I can't electricity either."
  431. Keith: "Only Lily gets to do both."
  432. Dominic: "...What does food feel?"
  433. VoxSomniator: "Usually nothing, it's dead most of the time."
  434. Dominic: "I mean your mouf."
  435. VoxSomniator: "Isn't there VR for that?"
  436. Miri: "Uh, you might wanna check your grammar engine." She raises an eyebrow. "Though I guess I could just transfer you some sensory data."
  437. Keith: "Like smell, but in your mouth, and different smell from the smell your smell from it, sometimes..."
  438. Lily: "I'd just try VR"
  439. Miri: "I got a cyborg body, but I got all my senses. Maybe I can take like a sense recording or something."
  440. Keith: "I actually can record a sensie for you too."
  441. Dominic: "That would be cooooool."
  442. Miri: "I keep forgetting you're augmented. I just keep thinking you're weird."
  443. Dominic: _wants to taste._
  444. VoxSomniator: "Guys... You're all augmented."
  445. Dominic: "oh...Right."
  446. Dominic: _downloads food tastings_
  447. Miri: "Fair observation."
  448. Keith: "Yeah, our implants, since they have several functions, they can also record, export, import and play sensies."
  449. Dominic: _tastes tea..._
  450. VoxSomniator: _sinks back into the chair, goes to download sensies._
  451. Dominic: "...Why is this leaf water bland...It's not even sw-"
  452. Dominic: "-Like...Is there something sweet?"
  453. Keith: "I am sure that the few planets where implants are not widespread might not... Have them, but otherwise, lots of peoples have them."
  454. Miri: "Bleah. You need something sweet?" Miri calls up a sensie of a Martian beverage called Coca-Cola. "Check *this* action out."
  455. Keith: "Dominic. Try downloading the taste of oranges, a martian fruit."
  456. VoxSomniator: _jumps up from his inactivity, like when you lurch out of sleep. Frantically stares around for a second, then sinks back down._
  457. Dominic: _tries orange
  458. VoxSomniator: (Ew, coca-cola isn't sweet)
  459. Lily: "I recomend a nice rare steak"
  460. Lily: w
  461. Dominic: _downlaods...and...what_
  462. Lily: "does absolute havoc to my system to actually eat much synthmeat, but it's worth it"
  463. Miri: _rolls her eyes. "*Please.* Fried chicken is where it's at."_
  464. Keith: "Have you ever tried..."
  465. Dominic: _downlaods fried..._
  466. Dominic: _crumcfgghghh_
  467. Lily: Lily has a goulish taste when it comes to her delicacies. She likes Raitou.
  468. Lily: her own species 😛
  469. Lily: Tried it on a dare while drunk
  470. Lily: decided it was badass
  471. Miri: (Ghoulish indeed XD)
  472. Keith: _Keith passes some foods that only people with IRON CAST STOMACH can bear (like hyenas and vultrues)_
  473. VoxSomniator: (Don't forget that restuarant where you send a sample of your DNA then they grow you-meat)
  474. Dominic: _downloads the taste of metal._
  475. Lily: it's syntho
  476. VoxSomniator: (I bet raitou tastes like nine-volt.)
  477. Dominic: "wow...It's exactly how I envisoned it...really metal."
  478. VoxSomniator: (Delicious.)
  479. Lily: (don't eat the skin)
  480. VoxSomniator: (It's crispy, and will make you crispy)
  481. Lily: what are we waiting on right now?
  482. Lily: kalos lighting?
  483. VoxSomniator: (Kalos to make the map)
  484. Lily: gotcha
  485. Runi-GM: it takes a few more hours, but eventually you guys get central calling you again.
  486. Lily: beepboop
  487. Keith: Boing
  488. Keith: "Yes, we are here, what is the problem?"
  489. Runi-GM: "Noise disturbance reported by multiple parties. Sending information now.."
  490. VoxSomniator: (Uh oh.)
  491. Runi-GM: you get an address in a high wealth area of the station
  492. Keith: "Hm, maybe someone partying too hard."
  493. VoxSomniator: "Think it's more firearm-discharging?"
  494. VoxSomniator: "...Oh, or that"
  495. Keith: "Was there a description for the kind of noise?"
  496. Lily: The sound of glam rock being played much too loudly over two women fighting and shouting at eachother, but good naturedly
  497. Runi-GM: "it is described to be loud music and broken objects, however no firearms were mentioned."
  498. Lily: see? I guessed it
  499. VoxSomniator: (pff)
  500. Lily: "Well, lets go tell some people to turn their Mars-pop down"
  501. Lily: M-pop
  502. VoxSomniator: Mop.
  503. Lily: it's like k pop
  504. Lily: except k doesn't exist anymore
  505. VoxSomniator: Ohh
  506. Runi-GM: AC-pop. ALpha-Centauri pop.
  507. Runi-GM: like japan and close to it but isn't
  508. VoxSomniator: The new hit band, AC-DC
  509. Lily: the hit new popstar diva ;w;
  510. Runi-GM: no, you fight the pillar men after being a spaceknight
  511. VoxSomniator: _presses the button on the car to go to place. Oops._
  512. Keith: "Get your mean faces ready, friends, we might need them."
  513. Lily: _gives keith a good natured static shock :P_
  514. VoxSomniator: _fiddles with his telescopic lenses until his eyes are blank and black. Grr._
  515. Runi-GM: the car goes~
  516. Keith: _Keith likely doesn't feel the shock_
  517. Runi-GM: after about 12 minutes, a little farther out than your cruises are used to, your car stopped in a more quiet neighborhood of the space station, the homes here more suburban looking rather than large pillars of appartment complexes that span from the floor to the ceiling
  518. Runi-GM: quiet, except for what is indeed AC-pop music blasting at max volume,
  519. Keith: "They could have packed until the ceiling, waste of space..."
  520. Lily: "I could cut their power" Lily suggests hopefully
  521. Keith: _Keith tries to locate the source of the music._
  522. Keith: "We actually can just ask central for it, Lily."
  523. VoxSomniator: "That's... Probably not allowed. Don't wanna mess up medical equipment they might have, or something."
  524. Keith: "I mean, there's that too."
  525. VoxSomniator: _forwards his hearing to the group. Someone shouted "everybody SCRAM"_
  526. Miri: _raises an eyebrow, possibly a deadly mistake._
  527. VoxSomniator: _sends more information to the group. He can hear people whispering, can't make anything out._
  528. VoxSomniator:
  529. Miri: !g 15
  530. DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 7 (degree 8; success)
  531. VoxSomniator: 😈
  532. Miri: !g 15
  533. DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 12 (degree 3; success)
  534. VoxSomniator: (Oh no I think that robot book is for an older gurps version)
  535. Miri: !g 13
  536. DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 7 (degree 6; success)
  537. VoxSomniator:
  538. Keith: _messages central: "Site is empty, we might need to get recordings from the streets. The timestamps are from a couple minutes before we arrived at the site until a couple minutes ago."_
  539. Runi-GM: 3 points. point total 258
  540. Runi-GM: !end
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