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MESS-Chess winboard.ini

a guest
Jan 25th, 2019
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INI file 25.38 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ;
  2. ; WinBoard 4.9.1 Save Settings file
  3. ;
  4. ; You can edit the values of options that are already set in this file,
  5. ; but if you add other options, the next Save Settings will not save them.
  6. ; Use a shortcut, an @indirection file, or a .bat file instead.
  7. ;
  8. /saveDate=1548458072
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  28. /onlyOwnGames=false
  29. /monoMode=false
  30. /showCoords=true
  31. /showThinking=false
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  33. /periodicUpdates=true
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  205. /highlightDragging=true
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  224. /soundChallenge=""
  225. /soundRequest=""
  226. /soundSeek=""
  227. /soundMove=""
  228. /soundBell="$"
  229. /soundRoar=""
  230. /soundIcsWin=""
  231. /soundIcsLoss=""
  232. /soundIcsDraw=""
  233. /soundIcsUnfinished=""
  234. /soundIcsAlarm=""
  235. /disguisePromotedPieces=true
  236. /comPortSettings=9600,7,Space,1,None
  237. /saveSettingsOnExit=true
  238. /icsMenu={-
  239. &Who,who,0,1
  240. Playe&rs,players,0,1
  241. &Games,games,0,1
  242. &Sought,sought,0,1
  243. | ,none,0,0
  244. Open Chat &Box (name),chat,1,0
  245. &Tell (name),tell,1,0
  246. M&essage (name),message,1,0
  247. -
  248. &Finger (name),finger,1,1
  249. &Vars (name),vars,1,1
  250. &Observe (name),observe,1,1
  251. &Match (name),match,1,1
  252. Pl&ay (name),play,1,1
  253. }
  254. /icsNames={ /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timestamp
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  257. /icsport=5000
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  260. /icsport=5000
  261. /icsport=5000
  262. /icsport=5000
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  264. /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timeseal
  265. /icsport=5000
  266. /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timeseal
  267. /icsport=5000
  268. }
  269. /singleEngineList=false
  270. /recentEngines=0
  271. /recentEngineList=""
  272. /firstChessProgramNames={"Mephisto Academy" /fcp="mess academy"
  273. "Mephisto Almeria 68000" /fcp="mess alm16"
  274. "Mephisto Almeria 68020" /fcp="mess alm32"
  275. "Mephisto Amsterdam" /fcp="mess amsterd"
  276. "Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020" /fcp="mess berlinp"
  277. "Boris - Electronic Chess Computer" /fcp="mess boris"
  278. "Boris Diplomat" /fcp="mess borisdpl"
  279. "Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade" /fcp="mess bpl32"
  280. "Chess Challenger 10 (rev. B)" /fcp="mess cc10"
  281. "Chess Challenger 7 (rev. B)" /fcp="mess cc7"
  282. "Chess Champion: Delta-1" /fcp="mess ccdelta1"
  283. "Chess Champion: MK I" /fcp="mess ccmk1"
  284. "Chess Champion: MK II" /fcp="mess ccmk2"
  285. "Constellation Forte (version A)" /fcp="mess cfortea"
  286. "Constellation Forte (version B)" /fcp="mess cforteb"
  287. "Chess 2001" /fcp="mess ch2001"
  288. "Chess-Master (set 1)" /fcp="mess chessmst"
  289. "Chess-Master (set 2)" /fcp="mess chessmsta"
  290. "Chess-Master Diamond" /fcp="mess chessmstdm"
  291. "Chesster Challenger (V1.3)" /fcp="mess chesster"
  292. "Chesster Challenger" /fcp="mess chesstera"
  293. "Chess Traveller" /fcp="mess chesstrv"
  294. "Master (Chess King)" /fcp="mess ckmaster"
  295. "Champion Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /fcp="mess csc"
  296. "Champion Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /fcp="mess cscg"
  297. "Mephisto Dallas" /fcp="mess dallas"
  298. "Mephisto Dallas 16 Bit" /fcp="mess dallas16"
  299. "Mephisto Dallas 32 Bit" /fcp="mess dallas32"
  300. "Dame Sensory Challenger" /fcp="mess damesc"
  301. "Diablo 68000" /fcp="mess diablo68"
  302. "Designer 2000" /fcp="mess fdes2000"
  303. "Designer 2000 Display" /fcp="mess fdes2000d"
  304. "Designer 2100" /fcp="mess fdes2100"
  305. "Designer 2100 Display (rev. B)" /fcp="mess fdes2100d"
  306. "Designer Mach III Master 2265" /fcp="mess fdes2265"
  307. "Designer Mach IV Master 2325" /fcp="mess fdes2325"
  308. "Elite Avant Garde 2100 (English)" /fcp="mess feag2100"
  309. "Elite Avant Garde 2100 (German)" /fcp="mess feag2100g"
  310. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-10)" /fcp="mess feagv10"
  311. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-11)" /fcp="mess feagv11"
  312. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 1)" /fcp="mess feagv2"
  313. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2)" /fcp="mess feagv2a"
  314. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 1)" /fcp="mess feagv7"
  315. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 2)" /fcp="mess feagv7a"
  316. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-9)" /fcp="mess feagv9"
  317. "Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, English)" /fcp="mess feasbu"
  318. "Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, German)" /fcp="mess feasbug"
  319. "Elite A/S Challenger (Glasgow program, English)" /fcp="mess feasgla"
  320. "Elite A/S Challenger (Glasgow program, German)" /fcp="mess feasglag"
  321. "Elegance Chess Challenger" /fcp="mess feleg"
  322. "Excel 68000 (set 1)" /fcp="mess fex68k"
  323. "Excel 68000 (set 2)" /fcp="mess fex68ka"
  324. "Excel 68000 (set 3)" /fcp="mess fex68kb"
  325. "Excel 68000 Mach II (rev. C+)" /fcp="mess fex68km2"
  326. "Excel 68000 Mach III Master" /fcp="mess fex68km3"
  327. "The Excellence (model 6080B)" /fcp="mess fexcel"
  328. "The Excellence (model EP12, set 1)" /fcp="mess fexcel12"
  329. "The Excellence (model EP12, set 2)" /fcp="mess fexcel124"
  330. "The Excellence (model 6080)" /fcp="mess fexcela"
  331. "Excel Display" /fcp="mess fexceld"
  332. "The Par Excellence" /fcp="mess fexcelp"
  333. "The Par Excellence (rev. B)" /fcp="mess fexcelpb"
  334. "Voice Excellence" /fcp="mess fexcelv"
  335. "Phantom (Fidelity)" /fcp="mess fphantom"
  336. "Prestige Challenger (original program, English)" /fcp="mess fpres"
  337. "Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, English)" /fcp="mess fpresbu"
  338. "Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, German)" /fcp="mess fpresbug"
  339. "Prestige Challenger (original program, German)" /fcp="mess fpresg"
  340. "Sensory Chess Challenger 12" /fcp="mess fscc12"
  341. "Sensory Chess Challenger 12-B" /fcp="mess fscc12b"
  342. "Sensory Chess Challenger 6" /fcp="mess fscc6"
  343. "Sensory Chess Challenger 8" /fcp="mess fscc8"
  344. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. D)" /fcp="mess fscc9"
  345. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. B)" /fcp="mess fscc9b"
  346. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. C)" /fcp="mess fscc9c"
  347. "Sensory 9 Playmatic 'S'" /fcp="mess fscc9ps"
  348. "Mephisto Genius 68030" /fcp="mess gen32"
  349. "Mephisto III S Glasgow" /fcp="mess glasgow"
  350. "Granit 'S'" /fcp="mess granits"
  351. "Kishon Chesster" /fcp="mess kishon"
  352. "Lerncomputer LC 80" /fcp="mess lc80"
  353. "Lerncomputer LC 80.2" /fcp="mess lc80_2"
  354. "Mephisto London 68020" /fcp="mess lond020"
  355. "Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade" /fcp="mess lond030"
  356. "Mephisto Lyon 68000" /fcp="mess lyon16"
  357. "Mephisto Lyon 68020" /fcp="mess lyon32"
  358. "Mephisto Mega IV" /fcp="mess megaiv"
  359. "Mephisto Milano" /fcp="mess milano"
  360. "Mephisto MM2 Schachcomputer" /fcp="mess mm2"
  361. "Mephisto 4 Schachcomputer" /fcp="mess mm4"
  362. "Mephisto 4 Schachcomputer Turbo Kit + HG440" /fcp="mess mm4tk"
  363. "Mephisto 5.1 Schachcomputer" /fcp="mess mm5"
  364. "Mephisto 5.0 Schachcomputer" /fcp="mess mm50"
  365. "Mephisto 5.1 Schachcomputer Turbo Kit + HG550" /fcp="mess mm5tk"
  366. "Mephisto Modena" /fcp="mess modena"
  367. "Mephisto Mondial II" /fcp="mess mondial2"
  368. "Mephisto Monte Carlo" /fcp="mess montec"
  369. "Mephisto Monte Carlo IV LE" /fcp="mess monteciv"
  370. "Mephisto Montreux" /fcp="mess montreux"
  371. "Mephisto RISC 1MB" /fcp="mess mrisc"
  372. "Mephisto RISC II" /fcp="mess mrisc2"
  373. "Octo (Novag)" /fcp="mess nocto"
  374. "Presto (Novag)" /fcp="mess npresto"
  375. "Mephisto Nigel Short" /fcp="mess nshort"
  376. "Mephisto Polgar" /fcp="mess polgar"
  377. "Mephisto Polgar 10MHz" /fcp="mess polgar10"
  378. "Mephisto Portorose 68000" /fcp="mess port16"
  379. "Mephisto Portorose 68020" /fcp="mess port32"
  380. "ACI Destiny Prodigy" /fcp="mess prodigy"
  381. "Mephisto Rebell 5,0 Schachcomputer" /fcp="mess rebel5"
  382. "Reversi Sensory Challenger (green version)" /fcp="mess reversic"
  383. "RISC 2500" /fcp="mess risc"
  384. "Mephisto Roma" /fcp="mess roma"
  385. "Mephisto Roma 32 Bit" /fcp="mess roma32"
  386. "Schachcomputer SC1" /fcp="mess sc1"
  387. "Schachcomputer SC2" /fcp="mess sc2"
  388. "Schachcomputer SC-80" /fcp="mess sc80"
  389. "Scorpio 68000" /fcp="mess scorpio68"
  390. "Super Expert (version A)" /fcp="mess sexperta"
  391. "Super Expert (version B)" /fcp="mess sexpertb"
  392. "Super Expert (version C, V3.6)" /fcp="mess sexpertc"
  393. "Super Expert (version C, V1.2)" /fcp="mess sexpertc1"
  394. "Super Forte (version A, set 1)" /fcp="mess sfortea"
  395. "Super Forte (version A, set 2)" /fcp="mess sfortea1"
  396. "Super Forte (version B)" /fcp="mess sforteb"
  397. "Super Forte (version C)" /fcp="mess sfortec"
  398. "SLC-1" /fcp="mess slc1"
  399. "Mephisto Super Mondial" /fcp="mess smondial"
  400. "Mephisto Super Mondial II" /fcp="mess smondial2"
  401. "Chess Champion: Super System III" /fcp="mess ssystem3"
  402. "Kasparov Stratos Chess Computer" /fcp="mess stratos"
  403. "Super 9 Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /fcp="mess super9cc"
  404. "Super 9 Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /fcp="mess super9ccg"
  405. "Super Constellation" /fcp="mess supercon"
  406. "Advanced Voice Chess Challenger (English)" /fcp="mess uvc"
  407. "Advanced Voice Chess Challenger (German)" /fcp="mess uvcg"
  408. "Mephisto Vancouver 68000" /fcp="mess van16"
  409. "Mephisto Vancouver 68020" /fcp="mess van32"
  410. "Voice Chess Challenger (English)" /fcp="mess vcc"
  411. "Voice Chess Challenger (German)" /fcp="mess vccg"
  412. "Voice Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /fcp="mess vsc"
  413. "Voice Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /fcp="mess vscg"
  414. }
  415. /secondChessProgramNames={"Mephisto Academy" /scp="mess academy"
  416. "Mephisto Almeria 68000" /scp="mess alm16"
  417. "Mephisto Almeria 68020" /scp="mess alm32"
  418. "Mephisto Amsterdam" /scp="mess amsterd"
  419. "Mephisto Berlin Pro 68020" /scp="mess berlinp"
  420. "Boris - Electronic Chess Computer" /scp="mess boris"
  421. "Boris Diplomat" /scp="mess borisdpl"
  422. "Mephisto Berlin Pro London Upgrade" /scp="mess bpl32"
  423. "Chess Challenger 10 (rev. B)" /scp="mess cc10"
  424. "Chess Challenger 7 (rev. B)" /scp="mess cc7"
  425. "Chess Champion: Delta-1" /scp="mess ccdelta1"
  426. "Chess Champion: MK I" /scp="mess ccmk1"
  427. "Chess Champion: MK II" /scp="mess ccmk2"
  428. "Constellation Forte (version A)" /scp="mess cfortea"
  429. "Constellation Forte (version B)" /scp="mess cforteb"
  430. "Chess 2001" /scp="mess ch2001"
  431. "Chess-Master (set 1)" /scp="mess chessmst"
  432. "Chess-Master (set 2)" /scp="mess chessmsta"
  433. "Chess-Master Diamond" /scp="mess chessmstdm"
  434. "Chesster Challenger (V1.3)" /scp="mess chesster"
  435. "Chesster Challenger" /scp="mess chesstera"
  436. "Chess Traveller" /scp="mess chesstrv"
  437. "Master (Chess King)" /scp="mess ckmaster"
  438. "Champion Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /scp="mess csc"
  439. "Champion Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /scp="mess cscg"
  440. "Mephisto Dallas" /scp="mess dallas"
  441. "Mephisto Dallas 16 Bit" /scp="mess dallas16"
  442. "Mephisto Dallas 32 Bit" /scp="mess dallas32"
  443. "Dame Sensory Challenger" /scp="mess damesc"
  444. "Diablo 68000" /scp="mess diablo68"
  445. "Designer 2000" /scp="mess fdes2000"
  446. "Designer 2000 Display" /scp="mess fdes2000d"
  447. "Designer 2100" /scp="mess fdes2100"
  448. "Designer 2100 Display (rev. B)" /scp="mess fdes2100d"
  449. "Designer Mach III Master 2265" /scp="mess fdes2265"
  450. "Designer Mach IV Master 2325" /scp="mess fdes2325"
  451. "Elite Avant Garde 2100 (English)" /scp="mess feag2100"
  452. "Elite Avant Garde 2100 (German)" /scp="mess feag2100g"
  453. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-10)" /scp="mess feagv10"
  454. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-11)" /scp="mess feagv11"
  455. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 1)" /scp="mess feagv2"
  456. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6114-2/3/4, set 2)" /scp="mess feagv2a"
  457. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 1)" /scp="mess feagv7"
  458. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-7, set 2)" /scp="mess feagv7a"
  459. "Elite Avant Garde (model 6117-9)" /scp="mess feagv9"
  460. "Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, English)" /scp="mess feasbu"
  461. "Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, German)" /scp="mess feasbug"
  462. "Elite A/S Challenger (Glasgow program, English)" /scp="mess feasgla"
  463. "Elite A/S Challenger (Glasgow program, German)" /scp="mess feasglag"
  464. "Elegance Chess Challenger" /scp="mess feleg"
  465. "Excel 68000 (set 1)" /scp="mess fex68k"
  466. "Excel 68000 (set 2)" /scp="mess fex68ka"
  467. "Excel 68000 (set 3)" /scp="mess fex68kb"
  468. "Excel 68000 Mach II (rev. C+)" /scp="mess fex68km2"
  469. "Excel 68000 Mach III Master" /scp="mess fex68km3"
  470. "The Excellence (model 6080B)" /scp="mess fexcel"
  471. "The Excellence (model EP12, set 1)" /scp="mess fexcel12"
  472. "The Excellence (model EP12, set 2)" /scp="mess fexcel124"
  473. "The Excellence (model 6080)" /scp="mess fexcela"
  474. "Excel Display" /scp="mess fexceld"
  475. "The Par Excellence" /scp="mess fexcelp"
  476. "The Par Excellence (rev. B)" /scp="mess fexcelpb"
  477. "Voice Excellence" /scp="mess fexcelv"
  478. "Phantom (Fidelity)" /scp="mess fphantom"
  479. "Prestige Challenger (original program, English)" /scp="mess fpres"
  480. "Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, English)" /scp="mess fpresbu"
  481. "Prestige Challenger (Budapest program, German)" /scp="mess fpresbug"
  482. "Prestige Challenger (original program, German)" /scp="mess fpresg"
  483. "Sensory Chess Challenger 12" /scp="mess fscc12"
  484. "Sensory Chess Challenger 12-B" /scp="mess fscc12b"
  485. "Sensory Chess Challenger 6" /scp="mess fscc6"
  486. "Sensory Chess Challenger 8" /scp="mess fscc8"
  487. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. D)" /scp="mess fscc9"
  488. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. B)" /scp="mess fscc9b"
  489. "Sensory Chess Challenger 9 (rev. C)" /scp="mess fscc9c"
  490. "Sensory 9 Playmatic 'S'" /scp="mess fscc9ps"
  491. "Mephisto Genius 68030" /scp="mess gen32"
  492. "Mephisto III S Glasgow" /scp="mess glasgow"
  493. "Granit 'S'" /scp="mess granits"
  494. "Kishon Chesster" /scp="mess kishon"
  495. "Lerncomputer LC 80" /scp="mess lc80"
  496. "Lerncomputer LC 80.2" /scp="mess lc80_2"
  497. "Mephisto London 68020" /scp="mess lond020"
  498. "Mephisto Genius 68030 London Upgrade" /scp="mess lond030"
  499. "Mephisto Lyon 68000" /scp="mess lyon16"
  500. "Mephisto Lyon 68020" /scp="mess lyon32"
  501. "Mephisto Mega IV" /scp="mess megaiv"
  502. "Mephisto Milano" /scp="mess milano"
  503. "Mephisto MM2 Schachcomputer" /scp="mess mm2"
  504. "Mephisto 4 Schachcomputer" /scp="mess mm4"
  505. "Mephisto 4 Schachcomputer Turbo Kit + HG440" /scp="mess mm4tk"
  506. "Mephisto 5.1 Schachcomputer" /scp="mess mm5"
  507. "Mephisto 5.0 Schachcomputer" /scp="mess mm50"
  508. "Mephisto 5.1 Schachcomputer Turbo Kit + HG550" /scp="mess mm5tk"
  509. "Mephisto Modena" /scp="mess modena"
  510. "Mephisto Mondial II" /scp="mess mondial2"
  511. "Mephisto Monte Carlo" /scp="mess montec"
  512. "Mephisto Monte Carlo IV LE" /scp="mess monteciv"
  513. "Mephisto Montreux" /scp="mess montreux"
  514. "Mephisto RISC 1MB" /scp="mess mrisc"
  515. "Mephisto RISC II" /scp="mess mrisc2"
  516. "Octo (Novag)" /scp="mess nocto"
  517. "Presto (Novag)" /scp="mess npresto"
  518. "Mephisto Nigel Short" /scp="mess nshort"
  519. "Mephisto Polgar" /scp="mess polgar"
  520. "Mephisto Polgar 10MHz" /scp="mess polgar10"
  521. "Mephisto Portorose 68000" /scp="mess port16"
  522. "Mephisto Portorose 68020" /scp="mess port32"
  523. "ACI Destiny Prodigy" /scp="mess prodigy"
  524. "Mephisto Rebell 5,0 Schachcomputer" /scp="mess rebel5"
  525. "Reversi Sensory Challenger (green version)" /scp="mess reversic"
  526. "RISC 2500" /scp="mess risc"
  527. "Mephisto Roma" /scp="mess roma"
  528. "Mephisto Roma 32 Bit" /scp="mess roma32"
  529. "Schachcomputer SC1" /scp="mess sc1"
  530. "Schachcomputer SC2" /scp="mess sc2"
  531. "Schachcomputer SC-80" /scp="mess sc80"
  532. "Scorpio 68000" /scp="mess scorpio68"
  533. "Super Expert (version A)" /scp="mess sexperta"
  534. "Super Expert (version B)" /scp="mess sexpertb"
  535. "Super Expert (version C, V3.6)" /scp="mess sexpertc"
  536. "Super Expert (version C, V1.2)" /scp="mess sexpertc1"
  537. "Super Forte (version A, set 1)" /scp="mess sfortea"
  538. "Super Forte (version A, set 2)" /scp="mess sfortea1"
  539. "Super Forte (version B)" /scp="mess sforteb"
  540. "Super Forte (version C)" /scp="mess sfortec"
  541. "SLC-1" /scp="mess slc1"
  542. "Mephisto Super Mondial" /scp="mess smondial"
  543. "Mephisto Super Mondial II" /scp="mess smondial2"
  544. "Chess Champion: Super System III" /scp="mess ssystem3"
  545. "Kasparov Stratos Chess Computer" /scp="mess stratos"
  546. "Super 9 Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /scp="mess super9cc"
  547. "Super 9 Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /scp="mess super9ccg"
  548. "Super Constellation" /scp="mess supercon"
  549. "Advanced Voice Chess Challenger (English)" /scp="mess uvc"
  550. "Advanced Voice Chess Challenger (German)" /scp="mess uvcg"
  551. "Mephisto Vancouver 68000" /scp="mess van16"
  552. "Mephisto Vancouver 68020" /scp="mess van32"
  553. "Voice Chess Challenger (English)" /scp="mess vcc"
  554. "Voice Chess Challenger (German)" /scp="mess vccg"
  555. "Voice Sensory Chess Challenger (English)" /scp="mess vsc"
  556. "Voice Sensory Chess Challenger (German)" /scp="mess vscg"
  557. }
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