
Hell's Janitors

Sep 21st, 2018
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  1. It has gone by many names over the years. It has been led by different leaders, each with their own way of achieving a unanimous goal. An equation that from multiple variables, and differing tangents, link to the same outcome; to protect the world, and keep chaos at bay. While this recalling cannot trace back all origin points, it can provide a light on what you will be reading in the future, a forward, so to speak. I cannot claim to tell you I know all the details, but there is much history not written in books or scripture that is revealed to the world. Afterall, History is decided by the victor, and perhaps to our benefit, it should remain that way. This is classified documentation, and should you have been given this information by one of our contacts, or just happened to stumble upon this, we will know if there is a leak, and we are quite good at patching up holes.
  3. Let this be your only warning. turn back now, or let your curiousity guide you. And your will to keep a secret be strong enough, should you choose not to follow further instruction once you finish this.
  5. History can recall many points in history to what we do. Hunters, defenders, champions of light, the flavor text is unimportant. What is important, is the truth. The earliest jumping point for what we have become stems from the Dark Ages, a truly dreadful time for Humanity. Plague, war, political uncertainty, all play a factor, but perhaps it would of been made worse, if not for those of the Templar Order. A secretive society, one which exists to this day, perhaps hidden away from public eye, but what they dealt with would prove the reason why.
  7. The Supernatural, The Paranormal, things that go bump in the night, it was a hayday for those of these dispositions. Magic weaved, for better or worse, and truly terrifying creatures that always exist, but remain excellent at remaining an enigma to the outside world, until they require innocent bystanders for nefarious purposes. They might of had a chance to truly destroy Humanity during this moment of weakness for Humanity, if they did not have a foe themselves, an Order who's name you've surely heard, but perhaps would never notice their influence in your day to day life.
  9. The Templars, perhaps you heard of their more noteworthy accomplishments. Warriors to God, crusaders of the Holy Word, what have you. But, there were many sects within that name, you've only been shown the face value of what they have truly dealt with. Our story begins with one of these sects, one that made a worthwhile sacrifice to Humanity to continue its existence. They were known as the Order of the Scythe, the Templar's elite force to handle the Supernatural threat that plagued their land.
  11. Not much detail was known about what they were capable of, nor how many members existed within this sect, but they were lead by a man known as Edward Hemlock. Time withers knowledge, and not much is known about him, or what events lead him down the path that brings us to today, but if not for his actions, the world might be a completely different place.
  13. The Templars discovered something. A monster, hidden low within the dirt, as if hidden away by something long ago. Words cannot describe it, and what text that exist of it, only refer to it as the Demon. And the Templars wanted it. Their reason? To bring about a second Eden, a utopia befitting for what they wished to see. But the Order knew better. Through knowledge, and translations of a long dead language, they knew this monster only knew destruction. Commander Hemlock had to act, but at the cost of treason and heresy to the Templar Order itself. And it was a risk that should of been written in history.
  15. Not much of the battle itself was documented. Whether or not this was because not enough of the Order survived to record this event, or because the Templars attempted to snuff out anything referencing the Order itself, is unknown. But, the Demon was 'killed'. The emphasis on that, is because even to this day, the thing isn't exactly dead. Rather, its body was segmented, and the Order ensured the Templars would have a difficult time finding this parts by spreading them about the Globe. Of course, greed and pride are dangerous sins, and persistence saw the Templars scouring the lands to find them.
  17. But, years began to move on, the Order slowly died away from natural occurrences, as well as occupational hazards, but their legacy continued on. There were many that took up their cause, too many to name here. So for now, I'll only be referencing any organization that contributed to what we do today. For better or worse.
  19. The Undertakers:
  20. Time of Activity: 1870-1910
  21. Notable Members: Darius Blackwood, Sandra the Swift
  22. Intel: What started as a team of Marshalls during the early years of the West, the Undertakers were notable for the discovery of the location for one of the pieces of the Demon, perhaps the most important one, the Head. Located within one of of the various cave systems uncharted within the Nevada desert, it would serve as the future location of our organization. During their time of service, they served as the protection for most settlements in the West from the Supernatural, using aliases to hide their identity. As the years of the Wild West slowed to a close, the remaining members ensured that the Head's location remained a mystery, and sealed it off for the foreseeable future, before being liquidated and scattered.
  24. Blackgate:
  25. Time of Activity: 1912-1975
  26. Notable Members: Myself, Commander Braxton (1890-1960)
  27. Intel: One of the few cases where the origin of the company is funded from the government, Blackgate was established when rising tensions of the First World War, and served all the way until the end of the Vietnam conflict. This Organization was most noted for its work against many occult research during most of the wars, and did exceptionally well making sure this information was never seen by the public. They are also the Organization I departed from once it was liquidated and redacted.
  29. No doubt in this day and age, what you are reading you will not believe. I'm sure you're already thinking 'The Paranormal can't exist? This is surely some kind of troll site.' Let me rest assured, that this is not the case. This a very real scenario. And because you are here, you have been chosen. Whether by chose, or otherwise, you now have this opportunity. Our Organization is always growing, always in need of extra hands and a steady mind to combat the forces no one else wishes to. To clean up the messes left behind by the forces of darkness, and make sure humanity's time keeps on ticking. But by accepting this offer, you'll be dead. Your former life will be null, and we will accommodate any and all expenses to ensure this fact. You will be making a difference in the world, and never receive the recognition for it. But in our line of work, if the public was to learn of our task, the world would surely fall into Chaos, and the Templars will have won because of it. All you have to do, is proceed further into this site, and learn more.
  31. So what will you do? Click the Red X at the top of your screen. Or will you click 'I accept'? the choice is yours.
  33. My name is Overlord.
  35. We are Hell's Janitors.
  37. We're waiting.
  40. You have chosen to continue. Commendable. Let us hope you aren't willing to back out of this now, for its far too late for that. From here, you will be receiving a message to your email, disclosing the location of where this opportunity will continue. Failing to come alone, or to miss the scheduled time will result in consequences. We make sure to plug our holes. For now, here's the information you need to know.
  42. Hell's Janitors is a Private Military Organization, funded by secret Government funding from various countries, the Highest Bidders, or by those who truly need our help. We serve as peacekeepers, and eliminators of those of supernatural origin that threaten the livelihood of humanity, using any means necessary. While often our operations are discrete, whatever situation that might get leaked is often met with Political Red Tape and speculation generated to keep the truth hidden away. All of our funds are moved through shell companies, and your name and identity are removed from public record. You are a ghost, and the outside world will never be the same. But if you do you're job well, you can rest easy knowing the world is safer because of you and your comrades.
  44. Training will not be a cake walk. In fact, it might be the most difficult experience you can endure. Live-fire exercises, knowledge of the occult and supernatural, boot camp, you name it. But this is not without purpose. There are many different means of which an undead corpse can walk again, and you need to know how to combat every single one. As your training goes on, and you learn more about our organization, you may learn more about yourself. As stated, we use any means necessary to defeat the Occult, and sometimes you need to fight fire with fire. Studies into the arts of magic and rituals could further a pursuit down many of the different divisions we utilize to fend off the monsters that bump in the night, as well as the Templar Order.
  46. I'll go ahead and give you a brief overview of what each of our Four Divisions might offer you:
  48. Wolves: A pack of wolves can take on almost anything, and wolves laced with magic capabilities are no laughing matter. The Wolf Division are the Janitor's CQC and Magic experts. Remaining lighter, and often carrying armaments meant to deal with the foe face-to-face, they are masters of stealth and agility, while utilizing a Druidic style of magic wielding, a branding of runes upon the forearm to weave spells needed for offensive magic and spell breaking.
  50. Rhinos: The scariest thing about a Rhino, is that it takes a lot for it to stop charging. The Rhino Division is our group of walking barricades. They carry the biggest guns, and wield the heaviest armor, but, what makes them truly unique is their disconnect from the magic world all together. They cannot wield and cast magic, but as such, it gives them a unique ability to resist mind and body control. But a fireball is still a fireball. Whether by pure strength or augmentation, our Rhinos stick to their motto, and never stop charging.
  52. Misfits: True Masters of their craft, some might even say too good. The Misfit Division is our answer to everything in between the gaps made by the other divisions. Sharpshooters and masters of tech, they are the key to open the doors that require a not so mystical touch. Not all cults are slum-runners chanting to dark demons, sometimes these threats can be quite well-funded, and when a magnetic lock is stronger than a magical seal, its up to our Misfits to crack the codes, and put holes in skulls.
  54. Partisans: Where the other divisions specialize in offense, armor and technology, the Partisans specialize in the complicated art of arcane support. Not as resilient as the Misfits, and not as destructive as the Rhinos and Wolves, the Partisans shine when the battle is at it's thickest. A Partisan deploys a range of magically enhanced tools and weapons, as well as use protective barriers and mend wounds with the help of their arcane magics, powers that are fueled by a special substance only a true Partisan can create, allowing for them to boost and prolong their abilities to benefit their brethren in the field of battle. Whether it be a powerful wizard, a horde of monsters, or mending a simple flesh-wound, the Partisan will always have something to directly counter act the threat, in one way or another.
  56. Grunts: Where you'll begin. Bottom of the barrel, the foot soldiers used for lower risk conflicts. You'll be decked out with gear some common soldiers in the Army dream of having, for facing a foe they dream of not fighting. Prove your worth, survive and adapt, and grow into one of our Divisions. Every body counts, and any bullet not flying at you is worth the effort.
  58. Do not think yourself alone in this endeavor, there are men, women, and everything in between who are on the same boat as you. These are your allies, all dead men walking. But, survive and endure, and you might just see this world continue spinning. If we don't, then, we'd already be dead.
  60. Travel light. You're not going to need much of anything after today. You're new life is about to start soon. A world unknown to the rest has been revealed to you. A disgusting, rotting underbelly that threatens Humanity everyday. And while you might of been saved by one of us, and selected to join, or, as stated earlier, you just were dumb enough to stumble here, that fight is now in your hands. Just keep one thought in mind as you travel to your rendezvous point:
  62. Where there are messes...
  64. There are Janitors.
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