

Jul 28th, 2016
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  1. [b]WWE Network Championship: Mark Henry(c) vs Sami Zayn[/b] began with Sami Zayn attempting to take the champ off his feet with a rush of hard strikes, but Henry didn't budge an inch, and took Zayn to the mat with a lariat. After he had the challenger on the mat, Henry demolished him with heavy power offense, powerslamming him against the turnbuckle, crushing him into the mat with a running splash, and squeezing the life out of him with a bearhug before attempting to put him down for good with the World's Strongest Slam. However, Zayn wasn't down yet, and hooked his leg on the top rope to halt Henry's momentum before reversing the World's Strongest Slam into a Flatliner! Zayn tried to transition into a Koji Clutch and work down the giant's cardio, but Henry got the ropes and dragged himself out of the ring, clearly angered by Zayn's resistance. The crowd clearly expected Zayn to go for a big plancha to the outside, but instead he slipped out cattycorner to Henry, got a big running start, LEAPT THROUGH THE ROPES, AND TOOK HENRY TO THE MAT WITH A FLYING TORNADO DDT! As the crowd chanted SA-MI, SA-MI, SA-MI, Zayn struggled to lift the staggered Henry back into the ring, but he just barely managed. As Henry laid on the mat, Zayn looked to the top rope, scaled the turnbuckle, and hit Henry with a picture perfect 450 splash!
  3. 1...2...2.9, Henry just barely kicked out! Zayn, clearly frustrated, got to his feet and began taunting Henry to get back up. Henry slowly but surely got back to his feet, and Sami barreled towards him for the Helluva Kick, but got put right back down with a devastating one-arm pickup slam from the World's Strongest Man! Henry, still feeling the effects of Sami's high-energy offense, hit the ropes and went for a running splash, coming down onto Zayn with all his 400 pounds!
  5. 1, SAMI KICKED OUT! The crowd went wild as Zayn scrambled back to his feet, loopy but undeniably fired up, and laid into Henry with strike after strike after strike, pushing him back into the corner with a series of shin kicks to the abdomen, ringing his bell with a step-up enzuigiri, running to the opposite corner, leaping onto the opposite turnbuckle to a hearty OLE from the fans in attendance, running right back towards Henry, AND FINALLY CONNECTING WITH THE HELLUVA KICK! Zayn landed a run-up moonsault for good measure, and hooked Henry's ham-hock leg for the pin.
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