
Letters to the Future #4 [Undyne]

Sep 11th, 2016
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  1. #3: Papyrus ->
  3. Letters to the Future #4
  5. [UNDYNE]
  7. Hey you!
  9. Yeah, you, with the eyepatch!
  11. I hope you haven't let your guard down!
  13. Because I've got a spear with our name on it, that's just dying to find a target!!
  15. It's folded up in the envelope, next to this letter! Or possibly not, I never actually tested exactly how long these things can stick around.
  17. So...
  19. I wish Alphys wasn't always one step ahead of me with these ideas, she'd know how to start a letter like this. I guess it's best if I introduce myself again? Just in case the following year has made you a little too soft.
  21. I'm Undyne! Captain of King Asgore's Royal Guard, sworn protector of all monsters! I'm the trusty Spear of Justice, who defends everyone to the end! I'm the one who will give them hope and hunt down the final human needed for us to break through the barrier!
  23. Well, things didn't exactly turn out like that!!
  25. I let the final human slip through my fingers, and we ended up becoming friends. They went on to destroy the barrier. We're all free, Asgore is alive and he officially disbanded the Royal Guard.
  27. And yet I'm happy. I'm much happier that things turned out this way, rather than Asgore's original plans for a new war.
  29. The Surface is amazing. There's so much stuff here, so much to see, so much to explore and break to pieces! Well, I've toned down that last part, mostly because apparently burning your house down by accident every year or so is a bit frowned upon here. I don't really get it, since you can always just build a new one, but I'd rather not argue. Besides, I'm sharing this one with Alphys, and no way would I want to accidentally burn her stuff!
  31. Yeah, so. That's a thing that happened. I'm going to just write it down, here and now -BECAUSE I KNOW YOU'LL READ IT ANYWAY, YOU NERD- but I hope by the time I read this letter again, it'll still be a thing. We still trade visits with Papyrus every day or so, but it's much different to permanently live under the same roof with someone. Especially if the person is like Alphys. She's not exactly like me. I wake up before the sun rises, run a few laps around the block and spend every moment I can doing something. She likes to sleep in, spend several hours just waking up and then she balances her time between anime, science and everything else.
  33. Since we moved in together, those two routines have gotten pretty mixed up. I still wake up early, but I like to just watch her sleep for a while. I have my runs and exercise, while she sets an alarm, just so she can have breakfast ready for me when I get home. For every few anime episodes watched together, she runs a lap with me and very often Papyrus, who still has a knack for appearing out of nowhere, just as he's needed. He's grown into a pretty great motivational speaker. No wonder humans have been so nice around us.
  35. The little punk's doing just peachy. They're clingy little rascals and they don't shy away from pulling a fast one on any of us. This kid's going to be a lot of trouble when they get older, so I'm making sure to teach them that since I don't wear armor anymore, I can catch them no matter how fast they run. It's all for fun though, I don't think I'll ever need to track Frisk down for any reason. Not to mention I could just lure them anywhere with Alphys' specially improved popcorn with added physics; they just can't get enough of that stuff!
  37. There's a little more to them than that, too. Whenever we're watching something, or just chill out for a bit, their eyes always say so much, without even trying. It's not always a happy look. Asgore said that as far as he knew, no one ever tried to claim Frisk as a relative, child, cousin, or even just a neighbor or something. Makes him wonder how long they've been alone, before they fell into the Underground. How long it took for them to find us, even if we didn't start out on the best footing.
  39. And still they chose to free all of us. The little twerp's pretty cool in my book!
  41. I applied at the local law enforcement. I'm pretty sure half the dog squadron is likely to follow suit, though I think they're just doing it to keep the team together. I'd probably be on duty right now, if I asked for Asgore or the police chief's help. Monsters are finding their way to a lot of human jobs, and I'm sure a monster cop would look pretty nice in the papers. I could have just strolled in without anyone getting in the way.
  43. But who the hell would want that?!
  45. So instead, I'm going through all the regular hoops. Written exam, physical exam, training and everything. If I want to prove monsters are good at protecting people, I'll do it on their terms. Not to mention, some of the people there are pretty tough! What they lack in magic, they make up for it in fighting styles. Even if they're not as flashy as in anime, they're still pretty cool! Maybe I just have to be patient, before we go on to the advanced techniques, like energy blasts!
  47. Can you do any blasts now? Blow up the paper if you can!!
  49. I'm pretty bad at this whole letter-business. I'd rather say these things to you face-to-face, but I have to wait a whole year again for that. I guess, what more can I really say? A lot has changed. Different job, different life, different goals. I might not be part of the Guard anymore, but that hasn't changed my mission much. I've still go so many people I care about, more than ever before.
  51. I look at my friends and see them smiling, all of them hopeful about the future. This is what I'd like to see, every day for as long as we're here. That's why I have to work extra hard, for everyone. The beating of hearts I felt before is still there. All of them are following the promise of a better life. And when they need me, I want to be right by their side.
  53. I will keep on fighting. But not for freedom, or for revenge.
  55. I will fight so no one else has to.
  57. So that smile on your faces can always be honest.
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