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a guest
Jun 11th, 2017
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  1. ==> default: Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test.
  2. ==> default: bin/test
  3. ==> default: Running main() from
  4. ==> default: [==========] Running 815 tests from 110 test cases.
  5. ==> default: [----------] Global test environment set-up.
  6. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from JournalDeathTest
  7. ==> default: [ RUN ] JournalDeathTest.Return
  8. ==> default: [ OK ] JournalDeathTest.Return (268 ms)
  9. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from JournalDeathTest (268 ms total)
  10. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PairDeathTest
  11. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairDeathTest.SerializationError
  12. ==> default: [ OK ] PairDeathTest.SerializationError (267 ms)
  13. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairDeathTest.BarycentreCalculatorError
  14. ==> default: [ OK ] PairDeathTest.BarycentreCalculatorError (356 ms)
  15. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PairDeathTest (625 ms total)
  16. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from IdentityDeathTest
  17. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityDeathTest.SerializationError
  18. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityDeathTest.SerializationError (92 ms)
  19. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from IdentityDeathTest (92 ms total)
  20. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PermutationDeathTest
  21. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationDeathTest.SerializationError
  22. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationDeathTest.SerializationError (89 ms)
  23. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PermutationDeathTest (89 ms total)
  24. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from GrassmannDeathTest
  25. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannDeathTest.SerializationError
  26. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannDeathTest.SerializationError (272 ms)
  27. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from GrassmannDeathTest (272 ms total)
  28. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from OrthogonalMapDeathTest
  29. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapDeathTest.SerializationError
  30. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapDeathTest.SerializationError (96 ms)
  31. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from OrthogonalMapDeathTest (96 ms total)
  32. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from R3ElementDeathTest
  33. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementDeathTest.SerializationError
  34. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementDeathTest.SerializationError (199 ms)
  35. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from R3ElementDeathTest (199 ms total)
  36. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RotationDeathTest
  37. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationDeathTest.SerializationError
  38. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationDeathTest.SerializationError (95 ms)
  39. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RotationDeathTest (95 ms total)
  40. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PointDeathTest
  41. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointDeathTest.SerializationError
  42. ==> default: [ OK ] PointDeathTest.SerializationError (177 ms)
  43. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointDeathTest.BarycentreError
  44. ==> default: [ OK ] PointDeathTest.BarycentreError (262 ms)
  45. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PointDeathTest (440 ms total)
  46. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FrameDeathTest
  47. ==> default: [ RUN ] FrameDeathTest.SerializationError
  48. ==> default: [ OK ] FrameDeathTest.SerializationError (463 ms)
  49. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FrameDeathTest (464 ms total)
  50. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from BarycentreCalculatorDeathTest
  51. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentreCalculatorDeathTest.Error
  52. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentreCalculatorDeathTest.Error (98 ms)
  53. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from BarycentreCalculatorDeathTest (98 ms total)
  54. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from PluginDeathTest
  55. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.SerializationError
  56. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.SerializationError (92 ms)
  57. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.InsertCelestialError
  58. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.InsertCelestialError (93 ms)
  59. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchyError
  60. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchyError (286 ms)
  61. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.InsertOrKeepVesselError
  62. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.InsertOrKeepVesselError (196 ms)
  63. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.InsertUnloadedPartError
  64. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.InsertUnloadedPartError (289 ms)
  65. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.AdvanceTimeError
  66. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.AdvanceTimeError (96 ms)
  67. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.VesselFromParentError
  68. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.VesselFromParentError (304 ms)
  69. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginDeathTest.CelestialFromParentError
  70. ==> default:
  71. ==> default: GMOCK WARNING:
  72. ==> default: Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.
  73. ==> default: Function call: Prolong(@0x24b2a60 +5.40000000000000000e+03 s)
  74. ==> default: NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See for details.
  75. ==> default:
  76. ==> default: GMOCK WARNING:
  77. ==> default: Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.
  78. ==> default: Function call: Prolong(@0x24b2a60 +5.40000000000000000e+03 s)
  79. ==> default: NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See for details.
  80. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginDeathTest.CelestialFromParentError (295 ms)
  81. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from PluginDeathTest (1651 ms total)
  82. ==> default:
  83. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from InterfaceDeathTest
  84. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceDeathTest.Errors
  85. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceDeathTest.Errors (736 ms)
  86. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceDeathTest.InitGoogleLogging2
  87. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceDeathTest.InitGoogleLogging2 (4 ms)
  88. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceDeathTest.ActivateRecorder
  89. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceDeathTest.ActivateRecorder (92 ms)
  90. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceDeathTest.SettersAndGetters
  91. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceDeathTest.SettersAndGetters (11 ms)
  92. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from InterfaceDeathTest (843 ms total)
  93. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from CelestialDeathTest
  94. ==> default: [ RUN ] CelestialDeathTest.Uninitialized
  95. ==> default: [ OK ] CelestialDeathTest.Uninitialized (352 ms)
  96. ==> default: [ RUN ] CelestialDeathTest.OverlyInitialized
  97. ==> default: [ OK ] CelestialDeathTest.OverlyInitialized (90 ms)
  98. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from CelestialDeathTest (442 ms total)
  99. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from SolarSystemFactoryDeathTest
  100. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemFactoryDeathTest.Parent
  101. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemFactoryDeathTest.Parent (89 ms)
  102. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from SolarSystemFactoryDeathTest (89 ms total)
  103. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest
  104. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.ConstructionErrors
  105. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.ConstructionErrors (179 ms)
  106. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.EvaluationErrors
  107. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.EvaluationErrors (0 ms)
  108. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.SerializationError
  109. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest.SerializationError (175 ms)
  110. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from ЧебышёвSeriesDeathTest (354 ms total)
  111. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from ParserDeathTest
  112. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserDeathTest.SpacesError
  113. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserDeathTest.SpacesError (469 ms)
  114. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserDeathTest.UnitError
  115. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserDeathTest.UnitError (381 ms)
  116. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from ParserDeathTest (850 ms total)
  117. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from QuantitiesDeathTest
  118. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesDeathTest.SerializationError
  119. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesDeathTest.SerializationError (89 ms)
  120. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesDeathTest.SerializationLogHandler
  121. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesDeathTest.SerializationLogHandler (85 ms)
  122. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from QuantitiesDeathTest (176 ms total)
  123. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest
  124. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.NewForkWithCopyError
  125. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.NewForkWithCopyError (87 ms)
  126. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.NewForkWithoutCopyError
  127. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.NewForkWithoutCopyError (89 ms)
  128. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.AppendError
  129. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.AppendError (87 ms)
  130. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.ForgetBeforeError
  131. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.ForgetBeforeError (91 ms)
  132. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.TrajectorySerializationError
  133. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.TrajectorySerializationError (88 ms)
  134. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.LastError
  135. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.LastError (89 ms)
  136. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.IteratorError
  137. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest.IteratorError (90 ms)
  138. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from DiscreteTrajectoryDeathTest (622 ms total)
  139. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DegreesOfFreedomDeathTest
  140. ==> default: [ RUN ] DegreesOfFreedomDeathTest.BarycentreError
  141. ==> default: [ OK ] DegreesOfFreedomDeathTest.BarycentreError (263 ms)
  142. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DegreesOfFreedomDeathTest (264 ms total)
  143. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from ForkableDeathTest
  144. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.ForkError
  145. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.ForkError (177 ms)
  146. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.DeleteForkError
  147. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.DeleteForkError (176 ms)
  148. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.AttachForkWithCopiedBeginError
  149. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.AttachForkWithCopiedBeginError (175 ms)
  150. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.DetachForkWithCopiedBeginError
  151. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.DetachForkWithCopiedBeginError (87 ms)
  152. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.DeleteAllForksAfterError
  153. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.DeleteAllForksAfterError (94 ms)
  154. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.CheckNoForksBeforeError
  155. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.CheckNoForksBeforeError (178 ms)
  156. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.IteratorDecrementError
  157. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.IteratorDecrementError (89 ms)
  158. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableDeathTest.IteratorIncrementError
  159. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableDeathTest.IteratorIncrementError (89 ms)
  160. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from ForkableDeathTest (1067 ms total)
  161. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from HexadecimalDeathTest
  162. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalDeathTest.Overlap
  163. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalDeathTest.Overlap (355 ms)
  164. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalDeathTest.Size
  165. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalDeathTest.Size (174 ms)
  166. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from HexadecimalDeathTest (529 ms total)
  167. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PushDeserializerDeathTest
  168. ==> default: [ RUN ] PushDeserializerDeathTest.Stomp
  169. ==> default: [ OK ] PushDeserializerDeathTest.Stomp (86 ms)
  170. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PushDeserializerDeathTest (86 ms total)
  171. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from NotNullDeathTest
  172. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullDeathTest.DeathByNullptr
  173. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullDeathTest.DeathByNullptr (177 ms)
  174. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from NotNullDeathTest (178 ms total)
  175. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from CalendarDeathTest
  176. ==> default: [ RUN ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidCalendarDate
  177. ==> default: [ OK ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidCalendarDate (702 ms)
  178. ==> default: [ RUN ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidTime
  179. ==> default: [ OK ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidTime (535 ms)
  180. ==> default: [ RUN ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidDateTime
  181. ==> default: [ OK ] CalendarDeathTest.InvalidDateTime (88 ms)
  182. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from CalendarDeathTest (1327 ms total)
  183. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from TimeScalesDeathTest
  184. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.LeaplessScales
  185. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.LeaplessScales (263 ms)
  186. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.BeforeRange
  187. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.BeforeRange (176 ms)
  188. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.WarWasBeginning
  189. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.WarWasBeginning (177 ms)
  190. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.FirstUnknownUTC
  191. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.FirstUnknownUTC (264 ms)
  192. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.StretchyLeaps
  193. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.StretchyLeaps (791 ms)
  194. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.ModernLeaps
  195. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.ModernLeaps (87 ms)
  196. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesDeathTest.JulianDateUTC
  197. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesDeathTest.JulianDateUTC (176 ms)
  198. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from TimeScalesDeathTest (1936 ms total)
  199. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RecorderTest
  200. ==> default: [ RUN ] RecorderTest.Recording
  201. ==> default: [ OK ] RecorderTest.Recording (1 ms)
  202. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RecorderTest (1 ms total)
  203. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PlayerTest
  204. ==> default: [ RUN ] PlayerTest.PlayTiny
  205. ==> default: [ OK ] PlayerTest.PlayTiny (1 ms)
  206. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PlayerTest (1 ms total)
  207. ==> default: [----------] 18 tests from PairTest
  208. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberAddition
  209. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberAddition (0 ms)
  210. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberSubtraction
  211. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberSubtraction (0 ms)
  212. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberAdditionTo
  213. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberAdditionTo (0 ms)
  214. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberSubtractionFrom
  215. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberSubtractionFrom (0 ms)
  216. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberEquality
  217. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberEquality (0 ms)
  218. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MemberInequality
  219. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MemberInequality (0 ms)
  220. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.AffineSubtraction
  221. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.AffineSubtraction (0 ms)
  222. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.UnaryPlus
  223. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.UnaryPlus (0 ms)
  224. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.UnaryMinus
  225. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.UnaryMinus (0 ms)
  226. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.LeftMultiplication
  227. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.LeftMultiplication (0 ms)
  228. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.RightMultiplication
  229. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.RightMultiplication (0 ms)
  230. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.RightDivision
  231. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.RightDivision (0 ms)
  232. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.MultiplicationBy
  233. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.MultiplicationBy (0 ms)
  234. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.DivisionBy
  235. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.DivisionBy (0 ms)
  236. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.Streaming
  237. ==> default: E0611 09:34:06.498561 2914 pair_test.cpp:434] pp_ = {{+4.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +5.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +6.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1}, {+1.60000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.50000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.40000000000000000e+01 mol}}
  238. ==> default: E0611 09:34:06.498883 2914 pair_test.cpp:435] pv_ = {{+4.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +5.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +6.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1}, {+1.30000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.20000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.10000000000000000e+01 mol}}
  239. ==> default: E0611 09:34:06.498934 2914 pair_test.cpp:436] vp_ = {{+1.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +2.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +3.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1}, {+1.60000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.50000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.40000000000000000e+01 mol}}
  240. ==> default: E0611 09:34:06.498981 2914 pair_test.cpp:437] vv_ = {{+1.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +2.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1, +3.00000000000000000e+00 m^2 kg s^-1}, {+1.30000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.20000000000000000e+01 mol, +1.10000000000000000e+01 mol}}
  241. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.Streaming (1 ms)
  242. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.SerializationSuccess
  243. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  244. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.BarycentreCalculatorSuccess
  245. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.BarycentreCalculatorSuccess (0 ms)
  246. ==> default: [ RUN ] PairTest.Mappable
  247. ==> default: [ OK ] PairTest.Mappable (0 ms)
  248. ==> default: [----------] 18 tests from PairTest (2 ms total)
  249. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from IdentityTest
  250. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.Determinant
  251. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.Determinant (0 ms)
  252. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.AppliedToVector
  253. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.AppliedToVector (0 ms)
  254. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.AppliedToBivector
  255. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.AppliedToBivector (0 ms)
  256. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.AppliedToTrivector
  257. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.AppliedToTrivector (0 ms)
  258. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.Inverse
  259. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.Inverse (0 ms)
  260. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.Forget
  261. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.Forget (0 ms)
  262. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.Compose
  263. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.Compose (0 ms)
  264. ==> default: [ RUN ] IdentityTest.SerializationSuccess
  265. ==> default: [ OK ] IdentityTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  266. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from IdentityTest (1 ms total)
  267. ==> default: [----------] 15 tests from PermutationTest
  268. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.Identity
  269. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.Identity (0 ms)
  270. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.XYZ
  271. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.XYZ (0 ms)
  272. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.YZX
  273. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.YZX (0 ms)
  274. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.ZXY
  275. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.ZXY (0 ms)
  276. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.XZY
  277. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.XZY (0 ms)
  278. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.ZYX
  279. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.ZYX (0 ms)
  280. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.YXZ
  281. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.YXZ (0 ms)
  282. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.Determinant
  283. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.Determinant (0 ms)
  284. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.AppliedToVector
  285. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.AppliedToVector (0 ms)
  286. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.AppliedToBivector
  287. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.AppliedToBivector (0 ms)
  288. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.AppliedToTrivector
  289. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.AppliedToTrivector (1 ms)
  290. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.Inverse
  291. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.Inverse (0 ms)
  292. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.Forget
  293. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.Forget (0 ms)
  294. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.Compose
  295. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.Compose (1 ms)
  296. ==> default: [ RUN ] PermutationTest.SerializationSuccess
  297. ==> default: [ OK ] PermutationTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  298. ==> default: [----------] 15 tests from PermutationTest (2 ms total)
  299. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from GrassmannTest
  300. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.Operators
  301. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.Operators (0 ms)
  302. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.SpecialOrthogonalLieAlgebra
  303. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.SpecialOrthogonalLieAlgebra (0 ms)
  304. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.MixedScalarMultiplication
  305. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.MixedScalarMultiplication (0 ms)
  306. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.VectorSpaces
  307. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.VectorSpaces (1 ms)
  308. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.GrassmannAlgebra
  309. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.GrassmannAlgebra (0 ms)
  310. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.Actions
  311. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.Actions (0 ms)
  312. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.Norm
  313. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.Norm (0 ms)
  314. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.Normalize
  315. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.Normalize (0 ms)
  316. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.SerializationSuccess
  317. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  318. ==> default: [ RUN ] GrassmannTest.Angles
  319. ==> default: [ OK ] GrassmannTest.Angles (0 ms)
  320. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from GrassmannTest (2 ms total)
  321. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from OrthogonalMapTest
  322. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.Identity
  323. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.Identity (0 ms)
  324. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToVector
  325. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToVector (0 ms)
  326. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToBivector
  327. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToBivector (0 ms)
  328. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToTrivector
  329. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.AppliedToTrivector (1 ms)
  330. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.Determinant
  331. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.Determinant (0 ms)
  332. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.Inverse
  333. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.Inverse (0 ms)
  334. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.Composition
  335. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.Composition (0 ms)
  336. ==> default: [ RUN ] OrthogonalMapTest.SerializationSuccess
  337. ==> default: [ OK ] OrthogonalMapTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  338. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from OrthogonalMapTest (1 ms total)
  339. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RP2PointTest
  340. ==> default: [ RUN ] RP2PointTest.Basic
  341. ==> default: [ OK ] RP2PointTest.Basic (0 ms)
  342. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from RP2PointTest (0 ms total)
  343. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from R3ElementTest
  344. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.Dumb3Vector
  345. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.Dumb3Vector (1 ms)
  346. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.MixedProduct
  347. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.MixedProduct (0 ms)
  348. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.OrthogonalizeSuccess
  349. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.OrthogonalizeSuccess (0 ms)
  350. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.Normalize
  351. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.Normalize (0 ms)
  352. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.SerializationSuccess
  353. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  354. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3ElementTest.SphericalCoordinates
  355. ==> default: [ OK ] R3ElementTest.SphericalCoordinates (1 ms)
  356. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from R3ElementTest (2 ms total)
  357. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PerspectiveTest
  358. ==> default: [ RUN ] PerspectiveTest.Basic
  359. ==> default: [ OK ] PerspectiveTest.Basic (0 ms)
  360. ==> default: [ RUN ] PerspectiveTest.IsHiddenBySphere
  361. ==> default: [ OK ] PerspectiveTest.IsHiddenBySphere (0 ms)
  362. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from PerspectiveTest (0 ms total)
  363. ==> default: [----------] 17 tests from RotationTest
  364. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Identity
  365. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Identity (0 ms)
  366. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.AppliedToVector
  367. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.AppliedToVector (0 ms)
  368. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.AppliedToBivector
  369. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.AppliedToBivector (0 ms)
  370. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.AppliedToTrivector
  371. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.AppliedToTrivector (0 ms)
  372. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Determinant
  373. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Determinant (0 ms)
  374. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Inverse
  375. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Inverse (0 ms)
  376. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Composition
  377. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Composition (0 ms)
  378. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Forget
  379. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Forget (0 ms)
  380. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion1
  381. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion1 (0 ms)
  382. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion2
  383. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion2 (0 ms)
  384. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion3
  385. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion3 (0 ms)
  386. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion4
  387. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.ToQuaternion4 (0 ms)
  388. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.SerializationSuccess
  389. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  390. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Basis
  391. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Basis (0 ms)
  392. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.Enums
  393. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.Enums (0 ms)
  394. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.EulerAngles
  395. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.EulerAngles (0 ms)
  396. ==> default: [ RUN ] RotationTest.CardanoAngles
  397. ==> default: [ OK ] RotationTest.CardanoAngles (0 ms)
  398. ==> default: [----------] 17 tests from RotationTest (3 ms total)
  399. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from PointTest
  400. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.Comparisons
  401. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.Comparisons (0 ms)
  402. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.PlusMinus
  403. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.PlusMinus (0 ms)
  404. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.AssignmentOperators
  405. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.AssignmentOperators (0 ms)
  406. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.Ordering
  407. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.Ordering (0 ms)
  408. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.SerializationSuccess
  409. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  410. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.Barycentres
  411. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.Barycentres (0 ms)
  412. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.InstantBarycentreCalculator
  413. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.InstantBarycentreCalculator (0 ms)
  414. ==> default: [ RUN ] PointTest.DoubleBarycentreCalculator
  415. ==> default: [ OK ] PointTest.DoubleBarycentreCalculator (0 ms)
  416. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from PointTest (1 ms total)
  417. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from SignTest
  418. ==> default: [ RUN ] SignTest.Integer
  419. ==> default: [ OK ] SignTest.Integer (0 ms)
  420. ==> default: [ RUN ] SignTest.SignMultiplication
  421. ==> default: [ OK ] SignTest.SignMultiplication (0 ms)
  422. ==> default: [ RUN ] SignTest.ScalarMultiplication
  423. ==> default: [ OK ] SignTest.ScalarMultiplication (0 ms)
  424. ==> default: [ RUN ] SignTest.Serialization
  425. ==> default: [ OK ] SignTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  426. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from SignTest (1 ms total)
  427. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from AffineMapTest
  428. ==> default: [ RUN ] AffineMapTest.Cube
  429. ==> default: [ OK ] AffineMapTest.Cube (1 ms)
  430. ==> default: [ RUN ] AffineMapTest.Serialization
  431. ==> default: [ OK ] AffineMapTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  432. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from AffineMapTest (1 ms total)
  433. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from QuaternionTest
  434. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.RealPart
  435. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.RealPart (0 ms)
  436. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.ImaginaryPart
  437. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.ImaginaryPart (0 ms)
  438. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.Conjugate
  439. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.Conjugate (0 ms)
  440. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.Inverse
  441. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.Inverse (0 ms)
  442. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.UnaryOperators
  443. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.UnaryOperators (0 ms)
  444. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.BinaryOperators
  445. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.BinaryOperators (0 ms)
  446. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.ScalarMultiplicationDivision
  447. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.ScalarMultiplicationDivision (0 ms)
  448. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.Assignment
  449. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.Assignment (1 ms)
  450. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.SkewField
  451. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.SkewField (0 ms)
  452. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuaternionTest.Serialization
  453. ==> default: [ OK ] QuaternionTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  454. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from QuaternionTest (1 ms total)
  455. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FrameTest
  456. ==> default: [ RUN ] FrameTest.SerializationSuccess
  457. ==> default: [ OK ] FrameTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  458. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FrameTest (0 ms total)
  459. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from R3x3MatrixTest
  460. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.Trace
  461. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.Trace (0 ms)
  462. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.Transpose
  463. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.Transpose (0 ms)
  464. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.IndexingSuccess
  465. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.IndexingSuccess (0 ms)
  466. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.UnaryOperators
  467. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.UnaryOperators (0 ms)
  468. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.BinaryOperators
  469. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.BinaryOperators (0 ms)
  470. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.ScalarMultiplicationDivision
  471. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.ScalarMultiplicationDivision (0 ms)
  472. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.Assignment
  473. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.Assignment (0 ms)
  474. ==> default: [ RUN ] R3x3MatrixTest.Serialization
  475. ==> default: [ OK ] R3x3MatrixTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  476. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from R3x3MatrixTest (2 ms total)
  477. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from BarycentreCalculatorTest
  478. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentreCalculatorTest.Bivector
  479. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentreCalculatorTest.Bivector (0 ms)
  480. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentreCalculatorTest.Scalar
  481. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentreCalculatorTest.Scalar (0 ms)
  482. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from BarycentreCalculatorTest (0 ms total)
  483. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PartTest
  484. ==> default: [ RUN ] PartTest.Serialization
  485. ==> default: [ OK ] PartTest.Serialization (1 ms)
  486. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PartTest (2 ms total)
  487. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from PluginTest
  488. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.Serialization
  489. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.Serialization (16 ms)
  490. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.Initialization
  491. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.Initialization (9 ms)
  492. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.HierarchicalInitialization
  493. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.HierarchicalInitialization (2 ms)
  494. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBeforeWithFlightPlan
  495. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBeforeWithFlightPlan (6 ms)
  496. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBeforeAfterPredictionFork
  497. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBeforeAfterPredictionFork (6 ms)
  498. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.VesselInsertionAtInitialization
  499. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.VesselInsertionAtInitialization (6 ms)
  500. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchy
  501. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchy (6 ms)
  502. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.Navball
  503. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.Navball (2 ms)
  504. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginTest.Frenet
  505. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginTest.Frenet (1 ms)
  506. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from PluginTest (54 ms total)
  507. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from ManœuvreTest
  508. ==> default: [ RUN ] ManœuvreTest.TimedBurn
  509. ==> default: [ OK ] ManœuvreTest.TimedBurn (0 ms)
  510. ==> default: [ RUN ] ManœuvreTest.TargetΔv
  511. ==> default: [ OK ] ManœuvreTest.TargetΔv (0 ms)
  512. ==> default: [ RUN ] ManœuvreTest.Apollo8SIVB
  513. ==> default: [ OK ] ManœuvreTest.Apollo8SIVB (0 ms)
  514. ==> default: [ RUN ] ManœuvreTest.Serialization
  515. ==> default: [ OK ] ManœuvreTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  516. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from ManœuvreTest (1 ms total)
  517. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PlanetariumTest
  518. ==> default: [ RUN ] PlanetariumTest.PlotMethod0
  519. ==> default: [ OK ] PlanetariumTest.PlotMethod0 (1 ms)
  520. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PlanetariumTest (1 ms total)
  521. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from PluginIntegrationTest
  522. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginIntegrationTest.AdvanceTimeWithCelestialsOnly
  523. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginIntegrationTest.AdvanceTimeWithCelestialsOnly (336 ms)
  524. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginIntegrationTest.BodyCentredNonrotatingNavigationIntegration
  525. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginIntegrationTest.BodyCentredNonrotatingNavigationIntegration (463 ms)
  526. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginIntegrationTest.BarycentricRotatingNavigationIntegration
  527. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginIntegrationTest.BarycentricRotatingNavigationIntegration (2579 ms)
  528. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginIntegrationTest.Prediction
  529. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginIntegrationTest.Prediction (1 ms)
  530. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from PluginIntegrationTest (3379 ms total)
  531. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from VesselTest
  532. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.Parent
  533. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.Parent (1 ms)
  534. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.KeepAndFreeParts
  535. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.KeepAndFreeParts (0 ms)
  536. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.PreparePsychohistory
  537. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.PreparePsychohistory (0 ms)
  538. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.AdvanceTime
  539. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.AdvanceTime (0 ms)
  540. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.Prediction
  541. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.Prediction (0 ms)
  542. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.PredictBeyondTheInfinite
  543. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.PredictBeyondTheInfinite (0 ms)
  544. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.FlightPlan
  545. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.FlightPlan (0 ms)
  546. ==> default: [ RUN ] VesselTest.SerializationSuccess
  547. ==> default:
  548. ==> default: GMOCK WARNING:
  549. ==> default: Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.
  550. ==> default: Function call: Prolong(@0x24bbbf0 +3.00000000000000000e+00 s)
  551. ==> default: NOTE: You can safely ignore the above warning unless this call should not happen. Do not suppress it by blindly adding an EXPECT_CALL() if you don't mean to enforce the call. See for details.
  552. ==> default: [ OK ] VesselTest.SerializationSuccess (1 ms)
  553. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from VesselTest (2 ms total)
  554. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from FlightPlanTest
  555. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.Singular
  556. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.Singular (1 ms)
  557. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.Append
  558. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.Append (0 ms)
  559. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.ForgetBefore
  560. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.ForgetBefore (0 ms)
  561. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.RemoveLast
  562. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.RemoveLast (1 ms)
  563. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.ReplaceLast
  564. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.ReplaceLast (0 ms)
  565. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.Segments
  566. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.Segments (0 ms)
  567. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.SetAdaptiveStepParameter
  568. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.SetAdaptiveStepParameter (1 ms)
  569. ==> default: [ RUN ] FlightPlanTest.Serialization
  570. ==> default: [ OK ] FlightPlanTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  571. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from FlightPlanTest (4 ms total)
  572. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from InterfaceRendererTest
  573. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceRendererTest.SetPlottingFrame
  574. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceRendererTest.SetPlottingFrame (0 ms)
  575. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceRendererTest.RenderedPrediction
  576. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceRendererTest.RenderedPrediction (1 ms)
  577. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceRendererTest.Iterator
  578. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceRendererTest.Iterator (0 ms)
  579. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceRendererTest.Frenet
  580. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceRendererTest.Frenet (0 ms)
  581. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from InterfaceRendererTest (1 ms total)
  582. ==> default: [----------] 21 tests from InterfaceTest
  583. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.InitGoogleLogging1
  584. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.InitGoogleLogging1 (2 ms)
  585. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.Log
  586. ==> default: E0611 09:34:09.963860 2914 interface.cpp:630] An error
  587. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.Log (1 ms)
  588. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.NewPlugin
  589. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.NewPlugin (1 ms)
  590. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.DeletePlugin
  591. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.DeletePlugin (2 ms)
  592. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.InsertMassiveCelestialAbsoluteCartesian
  593. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.InsertMassiveCelestialAbsoluteCartesian (1 ms)
  594. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.InsertOblateCelestialAbsoluteCartesian
  595. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.InsertOblateCelestialAbsoluteCartesian (2 ms)
  596. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchy
  597. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.UpdateCelestialHierarchy (1 ms)
  598. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.EndInitialization
  599. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.EndInitialization (2 ms)
  600. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.InsertOrKeepVessel
  601. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.InsertOrKeepVessel (1 ms)
  602. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.InsertUnloadedPart
  603. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.InsertUnloadedPart (1 ms)
  604. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.AdvanceTime
  605. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.AdvanceTime (2 ms)
  606. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBefore
  607. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.ForgetAllHistoriesBefore (1 ms)
  608. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.VesselFromParent
  609. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.VesselFromParent (2 ms)
  610. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.CelestialFromParent
  611. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.CelestialFromParent (1 ms)
  612. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.NewNavigationFrame
  613. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.NewNavigationFrame (2 ms)
  614. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.PredictionGettersAndSetters
  615. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.PredictionGettersAndSetters (1 ms)
  616. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.NavballOrientation
  617. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.NavballOrientation (2 ms)
  618. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.CurrentTime
  619. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.CurrentTime (1 ms)
  620. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.Apocalypse
  621. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.Apocalypse (2 ms)
  622. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.SerializePlugin
  623. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.SerializePlugin (5 ms)
  624. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceTest.DeserializePlugin
  625. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceTest.DeserializePlugin (3 ms)
  626. ==> default: [----------] 21 tests from InterfaceTest (38 ms total)
  627. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from InterfaceFlightPlanTest
  628. ==> default: [ RUN ] InterfaceFlightPlanTest.FlightPlan
  629. ==> default: [ OK ] InterfaceFlightPlanTest.FlightPlan (0 ms)
  630. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from InterfaceFlightPlanTest (0 ms total)
  631. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from PileUpTest
  632. ==> default: [ RUN ] PileUpTest.LifecycleWithIntrinsicForce
  633. ==> default: [ OK ] PileUpTest.LifecycleWithIntrinsicForce (1 ms)
  634. ==> default: [ RUN ] PileUpTest.LifecycleWithoutIntrinsicForce
  635. ==> default: [ OK ] PileUpTest.LifecycleWithoutIntrinsicForce (0 ms)
  636. ==> default: [ RUN ] PileUpTest.MidStepIntrinsicForce
  637. ==> default: [ OK ] PileUpTest.MidStepIntrinsicForce (0 ms)
  638. ==> default: [ RUN ] PileUpTest.Serialization
  639. ==> default: [ OK ] PileUpTest.Serialization (1 ms)
  640. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from PileUpTest (2 ms total)
  641. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from CelestialTest
  642. ==> default: [ RUN ] CelestialTest.Initialization
  643. ==> default: [ OK ] CelestialTest.Initialization (0 ms)
  644. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from CelestialTest (0 ms total)
  645. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PluginCompatibilityTest
  646. ==> default: [ RUN ] PluginCompatibilityTest.PreCartan
  647. ==> default: [ OK ] PluginCompatibilityTest.PreCartan (0 ms)
  648. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from PluginCompatibilityTest (0 ms total)
  649. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from RendererTest
  650. ==> default: [ RUN ] RendererTest.TargetVessel
  651. ==> default: [ OK ] RendererTest.TargetVessel (0 ms)
  652. ==> default: [ RUN ] RendererTest.RenderBarycentricTrajectoryInPlottingWithoutTargetVessel
  653. ==> default: [ OK ] RendererTest.RenderBarycentricTrajectoryInPlottingWithoutTargetVessel (0 ms)
  654. ==> default: [ RUN ] RendererTest.RenderBarycentricTrajectoryInPlottingWithTargetVessel
  655. ==> default: [ OK ] RendererTest.RenderBarycentricTrajectoryInPlottingWithTargetVessel (0 ms)
  656. ==> default: [ RUN ] RendererTest.RenderPlottingTrajectoryInWorldWithoutTargetVessel
  657. ==> default: [ OK ] RendererTest.RenderPlottingTrajectoryInWorldWithoutTargetVessel (1 ms)
  658. ==> default: [ RUN ] RendererTest.Serialization
  659. ==> default: [ OK ] RendererTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  660. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from RendererTest (1 ms total)
  661. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from StatisticsTest
  662. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatisticsTest.UniformPerfectlyCorrelated
  663. ==> default: [ OK ] StatisticsTest.UniformPerfectlyCorrelated (0 ms)
  664. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatisticsTest.Uncorrelated
  665. ==> default: [ OK ] StatisticsTest.Uncorrelated (0 ms)
  666. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatisticsTest.NegativelyCorrelated
  667. ==> default: [ OK ] StatisticsTest.NegativelyCorrelated (0 ms)
  668. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from StatisticsTest (0 ms total)
  669. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from AlgebraTest
  670. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlgebraTest.Group
  671. ==> default: [ OK ] AlgebraTest.Group (0 ms)
  672. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from AlgebraTest (0 ms total)
  673. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from VanishesBeforeTest
  674. ==> default: [ RUN ] VanishesBeforeTest.Dimensionless
  675. ==> default: [ OK ] VanishesBeforeTest.Dimensionless (0 ms)
  676. ==> default: [ RUN ] VanishesBeforeTest.Quantity
  677. ==> default: [ OK ] VanishesBeforeTest.Quantity (0 ms)
  678. ==> default: [ RUN ] VanishesBeforeTest.Describe
  679. ==> default: [ OK ] VanishesBeforeTest.Describe (0 ms)
  680. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from VanishesBeforeTest (0 ms total)
  681. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from SolarSystemFactoryTest
  682. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.Name
  683. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.Name (0 ms)
  684. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.Parent
  685. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.Parent (0 ms)
  686. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.HierarchyAtСпутник1Launch
  687. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.HierarchyAtСпутник1Launch (1 ms)
  688. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.HierarchyAtСпутник2Launch
  689. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemFactoryTest.HierarchyAtСпутник2Launch (1 ms)
  690. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from SolarSystemFactoryTest (2 ms total)
  691. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from ComponentwiseTest
  692. ==> default: [ RUN ] ComponentwiseTest.R3Element
  693. ==> default: [ OK ] ComponentwiseTest.R3Element (0 ms)
  694. ==> default: [ RUN ] ComponentwiseTest.Grassmann
  695. ==> default: [ OK ] ComponentwiseTest.Grassmann (0 ms)
  696. ==> default: [ RUN ] ComponentwiseTest.Pair
  697. ==> default: [ OK ] ComponentwiseTest.Pair (0 ms)
  698. ==> default: [ RUN ] ComponentwiseTest.Describe
  699. ==> default: [ OK ] ComponentwiseTest.Describe (0 ms)
  700. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from ComponentwiseTest (1 ms total)
  701. ==> default: [----------] 16 tests from NumericsTest
  702. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.ULPs
  703. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.ULPs (0 ms)
  704. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DoubleAbsoluteError
  705. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DoubleAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  706. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DimensionlessAbsoluteError
  707. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DimensionlessAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  708. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DimensionfulAbsoluteError
  709. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DimensionfulAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  710. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.R3ElementAbsoluteError
  711. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.R3ElementAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  712. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.VectorAbsoluteError
  713. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.VectorAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  714. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.BivectorAbsoluteError
  715. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.BivectorAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  716. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.TrivectorAbsoluteError
  717. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.TrivectorAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  718. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.PointAbsoluteError
  719. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.PointAbsoluteError (0 ms)
  720. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DoubleRelativeError
  721. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DoubleRelativeError (0 ms)
  722. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DimensionlessRelativeError
  723. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DimensionlessRelativeError (1 ms)
  724. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.DimensionfulRelativeError
  725. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.DimensionfulRelativeError (0 ms)
  726. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.R3ElementRelativeError
  727. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.R3ElementRelativeError (0 ms)
  728. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.VectorRelativeError
  729. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.VectorRelativeError (0 ms)
  730. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.BivectorRelativeError
  731. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.BivectorRelativeError (0 ms)
  732. ==> default: [ RUN ] NumericsTest.TrivectorRelativeError
  733. ==> default: [ OK ] NumericsTest.TrivectorRelativeError (0 ms)
  734. ==> default: [----------] 16 tests from NumericsTest (1 ms total)
  735. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from AlmostEqualsTest
  736. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Dimensionless
  737. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Dimensionless (0 ms)
  738. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Quantity
  739. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Quantity (0 ms)
  740. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.R3Element
  741. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.R3Element (0 ms)
  742. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Quaternion
  743. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Quaternion (0 ms)
  744. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Vector
  745. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Vector (0 ms)
  746. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Bivector
  747. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Bivector (0 ms)
  748. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Trivector
  749. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Trivector (0 ms)
  750. ==> default: [ RUN ] AlmostEqualsTest.Describe
  751. ==> default: [ OK ] AlmostEqualsTest.Describe (0 ms)
  752. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from AlmostEqualsTest (1 ms total)
  753. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from DoublePrecisionTest
  754. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.CompensatedSummation
  755. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.CompensatedSummation (0 ms)
  756. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.IllConditionedCompensatedSummation
  757. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.IllConditionedCompensatedSummation (0 ms)
  758. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.LongAdd
  759. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.LongAdd (0 ms)
  760. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.LongAddPositions
  761. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.LongAddPositions (0 ms)
  762. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.DoubleDoubleDouble
  763. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.DoubleDoubleDouble (0 ms)
  764. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.ComparableTwoSum
  765. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.ComparableTwoSum (0 ms)
  766. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.Consistencies
  767. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.Consistencies (0 ms)
  768. ==> default: [ RUN ] DoublePrecisionTest.Product
  769. ==> default: [ OK ] DoublePrecisionTest.Product (0 ms)
  770. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from DoublePrecisionTest (0 ms total)
  771. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from Hermite3Test
  772. ==> default: [ RUN ] Hermite3Test.Precomputed
  773. ==> default: [ OK ] Hermite3Test.Precomputed (0 ms)
  774. ==> default: [ RUN ] Hermite3Test.Typed
  775. ==> default: [ OK ] Hermite3Test.Typed (0 ms)
  776. ==> default: [ RUN ] Hermite3Test.Conditioning
  777. ==> default: [ OK ] Hermite3Test.Conditioning (0 ms)
  778. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from Hermite3Test (1 ms total)
  779. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from RootFindersTest
  780. ==> default: [ RUN ] RootFindersTest.SquareRoots
  781. ==> default: [ OK ] RootFindersTest.SquareRoots (1 ms)
  782. ==> default: [ RUN ] RootFindersTest.QuadraticEquations
  783. ==> default: [ OK ] RootFindersTest.QuadraticEquations (0 ms)
  784. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from RootFindersTest (1 ms total)
  785. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from ЧебышёвSeriesTest
  786. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T0
  787. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T0 (0 ms)
  788. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T1
  789. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T1 (0 ms)
  790. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T2
  791. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T2 (0 ms)
  792. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T3
  793. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T3 (0 ms)
  794. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X5
  795. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X5 (0 ms)
  796. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X6
  797. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X6 (0 ms)
  798. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T2Dimension
  799. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.T2Dimension (0 ms)
  800. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X6Vector
  801. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.X6Vector (0 ms)
  802. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.SerializationSuccess
  803. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  804. ==> default: [ RUN ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.NewhallApproximation
  805. ==> default: [ OK ] ЧебышёвSeriesTest.NewhallApproximation (1 ms)
  806. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from ЧебышёвSeriesTest (1 ms total)
  807. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from FixedArraysTest
  808. ==> default: [ RUN ] FixedArraysTest.Assignment
  809. ==> default: [ OK ] FixedArraysTest.Assignment (0 ms)
  810. ==> default: [ RUN ] FixedArraysTest.Multiplication
  811. ==> default: [ OK ] FixedArraysTest.Multiplication (0 ms)
  812. ==> default: [ RUN ] FixedArraysTest.VectorIndexing
  813. ==> default: [ OK ] FixedArraysTest.VectorIndexing (0 ms)
  814. ==> default: [ RUN ] FixedArraysTest.StrictlyLowerTriangularMatrixIndexing
  815. ==> default: [ OK ] FixedArraysTest.StrictlyLowerTriangularMatrixIndexing (0 ms)
  816. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from FixedArraysTest (1 ms total)
  817. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from ElementaryFunctionsTest
  818. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.FMA
  819. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.FMA (0 ms)
  820. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.AbsoluteValue
  821. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.AbsoluteValue (0 ms)
  822. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.DimensionlessExponentiation
  823. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.DimensionlessExponentiation (0 ms)
  824. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.PhysicalConstants
  825. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.PhysicalConstants (0 ms)
  826. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.TrigonometricFunctions
  827. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.TrigonometricFunctions (4 ms)
  828. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.HyperbolicFunctions
  829. ==> default: [ OK ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.HyperbolicFunctions (0 ms)
  830. ==> default: [ RUN ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.ExpLogAndRoots
  831. ==> default: quantities/elementary_functions_test.cpp:188: Failure
  832. ==> default: Expected: std::exp(std::log(Gallon / Pow<3>(Foot)) / 3) * Foot
  833. ==> default: Which is: +1.65658100184054802e-01 m
  834. ==> default: To be equal to: Cbrt(Gallon)
  835. ==> default: Which is: +1.65658100184054774e-01 m
  836. ==> default: [ FAILED ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.ExpLogAndRoots (0 ms)
  837. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from ElementaryFunctionsTest (5 ms total)
  838. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from ParserTest
  839. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.SpacesSuccess
  840. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.SpacesSuccess (0 ms)
  841. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseDouble
  842. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseDouble (0 ms)
  843. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseLength
  844. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseLength (0 ms)
  845. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseAngle
  846. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseAngle (0 ms)
  847. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseSpeed
  848. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseSpeed (0 ms)
  849. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseGravitationalParameter
  850. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseGravitationalParameter (0 ms)
  851. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseAcceleration
  852. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseAcceleration (0 ms)
  853. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseAngularFrequency
  854. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseAngularFrequency (0 ms)
  855. ==> default: [ RUN ] ParserTest.ParseRadiance
  856. ==> default: [ OK ] ParserTest.ParseRadiance (0 ms)
  857. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from ParserTest (0 ms total)
  858. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from QuantitiesTest
  859. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.DimensionfulComparisons
  860. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.DimensionfulComparisons (0 ms)
  861. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.DimensionlfulOperations
  862. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.DimensionlfulOperations (0 ms)
  863. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.Formatting
  864. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.Formatting (0 ms)
  865. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.RotationalUnits
  866. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.RotationalUnits (0 ms)
  867. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.IsFinite
  868. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.IsFinite (0 ms)
  869. ==> default: [ RUN ] QuantitiesTest.SerializationSuccess
  870. ==> default: [ OK ] QuantitiesTest.SerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  871. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from QuantitiesTest (0 ms total)
  872. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest
  873. ==> default: [ RUN ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.HarmonicOscillatorBackAndForth
  874. ==> default: [ OK ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.HarmonicOscillatorBackAndForth (0 ms)
  875. ==> default: [ RUN ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.MaxSteps
  876. ==> default: [ OK ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.MaxSteps (0 ms)
  877. ==> default: [ RUN ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Singularity
  878. ==> default: [ OK ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Singularity (1 ms)
  879. ==> default: [ RUN ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Restart
  880. ==> default: [ OK ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Restart (0 ms)
  881. ==> default: [ RUN ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization
  882. ==> default: [ OK ] EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization (0 ms)
  883. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from EmbeddedExplicitRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest (1 ms total)
  884. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DynamicFrameTest
  885. ==> default: [ RUN ] DynamicFrameTest.Helix
  886. ==> default: [ OK ] DynamicFrameTest.Helix (0 ms)
  887. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DynamicFrameTest (1 ms total)
  888. ==> default: [----------] 14 tests from DiscreteTrajectoryTest
  889. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithCopySuccess
  890. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithCopySuccess (0 ms)
  891. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithoutCopySuccess
  892. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithoutCopySuccess (0 ms)
  893. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithCopyAtLast
  894. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkWithCopyAtLast (0 ms)
  895. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkAtLast
  896. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.NewForkAtLast (0 ms)
  897. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AttachFork
  898. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AttachFork (0 ms)
  899. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.DetachFork
  900. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.DetachFork (0 ms)
  901. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AppendAtExistingTime
  902. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AppendAtExistingTime (0 ms)
  903. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AppendSuccess
  904. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.AppendSuccess (0 ms)
  905. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.ForgetAfter
  906. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.ForgetAfter (0 ms)
  907. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.ForgetBeforeSuccess
  908. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.ForgetBeforeSuccess (0 ms)
  909. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.TrajectorySerializationSuccess
  910. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.TrajectorySerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  911. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.LastSuccess
  912. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.LastSuccess (1 ms)
  913. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.IteratorSuccess
  914. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.IteratorSuccess (0 ms)
  915. ==> default: [ RUN ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.QuadrilateralCircle
  916. ==> default: [ OK ] DiscreteTrajectoryTest.QuadrilateralCircle (0 ms)
  917. ==> default: [----------] 14 tests from DiscreteTrajectoryTest (3 ms total)
  918. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from BodyTest
  919. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyTest.MasslessSerializationSuccess
  920. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyTest.MasslessSerializationSuccess (1 ms)
  921. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyTest.MassiveSerializationSuccess
  922. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyTest.MassiveSerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  923. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyTest.RotatingSerializationSuccess
  924. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyTest.RotatingSerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  925. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyTest.OblateSerializationSuccess
  926. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyTest.OblateSerializationSuccess (0 ms)
  927. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyTest.AllFrames
  928. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyTest.AllFrames (0 ms)
  929. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from BodyTest (1 ms total)
  930. ==> default: [----------] 50 tests from KeplerOrbitTest
  931. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EarthMoon
  932. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EarthMoon (1 ms)
  933. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.Voyager1
  934. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.Voyager1 (1 ms)
  935. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.TrueAnomalyToEllipticMeanAnomaly
  936. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.TrueAnomalyToEllipticMeanAnomaly (0 ms)
  937. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.TrueAnomalyToHyperbolicMeanAnomaly
  938. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.TrueAnomalyToHyperbolicMeanAnomaly (0 ms)
  939. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipticMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
  940. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipticMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly (0 ms)
  941. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolicMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly
  942. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolicMeanAnomalyToTrueAnomaly (0 ms)
  943. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.OrientationFromLongitudeOfPeriapsis
  944. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.OrientationFromLongitudeOfPeriapsis (0 ms)
  945. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.OrientationFromArgumentOfPeriapsis
  946. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.OrientationFromArgumentOfPeriapsis (0 ms)
  947. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemimajorAxis
  948. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemimajorAxis (0 ms)
  949. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemiminorAxis
  950. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemiminorAxis (0 ms)
  951. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemilatusRectum
  952. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  953. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndPeriapsisDistance
  954. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndPeriapsisDistance (1 ms)
  955. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndApoapsisDistance
  956. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  957. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndSemiminorAxis
  958. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndSemiminorAxis (0 ms)
  959. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndSemilatusRectum
  960. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  961. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance
  962. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  963. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndApoapsisDistance
  964. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemimajorAxisAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  965. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndSemilatusRectum
  966. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  967. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance
  968. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  969. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndApoapsisDistance
  970. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemiminorAxisAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  971. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemilatusRectumAndPeriapsisDistance
  972. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemilatusRectumAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  973. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemilatusRectumAndApoapsisDistance
  974. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromSemilatusRectumAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  975. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromPeriapsisDistanceAndApoapsisDistance
  976. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromPeriapsisDistanceAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  977. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSpecificEnergy
  978. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSpecificEnergy (0 ms)
  979. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndCharacteristicEnergy
  980. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndCharacteristicEnergy (0 ms)
  981. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndMeanMotion
  982. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndMeanMotion (0 ms)
  983. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndPeriod
  984. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndPeriod (0 ms)
  985. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSpecificAngularMomentum
  986. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.EllipseFromEccentricityAndSpecificAngularMomentum (0 ms)
  987. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSemimajorAxis
  988. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSemimajorAxis (0 ms)
  989. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndImpactParameter
  990. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndImpactParameter (0 ms)
  991. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSemilatusRectum
  992. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  993. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndPeriapsisDistance
  994. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  995. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndApoapsisDistance
  996. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  997. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndImpactParameter
  998. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndImpactParameter (0 ms)
  999. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndSemilatusRectum
  1000. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  1001. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance
  1002. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1003. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndApoapsisDistance
  1004. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemimajorAxisAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1005. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndSemilatusRectum
  1006. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndSemilatusRectum (0 ms)
  1007. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndPeriapsisDistance
  1008. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1009. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndApoapsisDistance
  1010. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromImpactParameterAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1011. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemilatusRectumAndPeriapsisDistance
  1012. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemilatusRectumAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1013. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemilatusRectumAndApoapsisDistance
  1014. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromSemilatusRectumAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1015. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromPeriapsisDistanceAndApoapsisDistance
  1016. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromPeriapsisDistanceAndApoapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1017. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromAsymptoticTrueAnomalyAndPeriapsisDistance
  1018. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromAsymptoticTrueAnomalyAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1019. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromTurningAngleAndPeriapsisDistance
  1020. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromTurningAngleAndPeriapsisDistance (0 ms)
  1021. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSpecificEnergy
  1022. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSpecificEnergy (0 ms)
  1023. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndCharacteristicEnergy
  1024. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndCharacteristicEnergy (0 ms)
  1025. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndHyperbolicMeanMotion
  1026. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndHyperbolicMeanMotion (0 ms)
  1027. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndHyperbolicExcessVelocity
  1028. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndHyperbolicExcessVelocity (0 ms)
  1029. ==> default: [ RUN ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSpecificAngularMomentum
  1030. ==> default: [ OK ] KeplerOrbitTest.HyperbolaFromEccentricityAndSpecificAngularMomentum (0 ms)
  1031. ==> default: [----------] 50 tests from KeplerOrbitTest (9 ms total)
  1032. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from DegreesOfFreedomTest
  1033. ==> default: [ RUN ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.Output
  1034. ==> default: [ OK ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.Output (0 ms)
  1035. ==> default: [ RUN ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.Barycentre
  1036. ==> default: [ OK ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.Barycentre (0 ms)
  1037. ==> default: [ RUN ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.BarycentreCalculator
  1038. ==> default: [ OK ] DegreesOfFreedomTest.BarycentreCalculator (0 ms)
  1039. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from DegreesOfFreedomTest (0 ms total)
  1040. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest
  1041. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.SmallBodyInBigFrame
  1042. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.SmallBodyInBigFrame (3 ms)
  1043. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Inverse
  1044. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Inverse (3 ms)
  1045. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration
  1046. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration (2 ms)
  1047. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Serialization
  1048. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Serialization (2 ms)
  1049. ==> default: [----------] 4 tests from BodyCentredNonRotatingDynamicFrameTest (10 ms total)
  1050. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from SolarSystemTest
  1051. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemTest.RealSolarSystem
  1052. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemTest.RealSolarSystem (1 ms)
  1053. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemTest.KSPSystem
  1054. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemTest.KSPSystem (1 ms)
  1055. ==> default: [ RUN ] SolarSystemTest.Clear
  1056. ==> default: [ OK ] SolarSystemTest.Clear (1 ms)
  1057. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from SolarSystemTest (3 ms total)
  1058. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from JacobiCoordinatesTest
  1059. ==> default: [ RUN ] JacobiCoordinatesTest.Jacobi
  1060. ==> default: [ OK ] JacobiCoordinatesTest.Jacobi (0 ms)
  1061. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from JacobiCoordinatesTest (1 ms total)
  1062. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest
  1063. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime
  1064. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime (3 ms)
  1065. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.Inverse
  1066. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.Inverse (3 ms)
  1067. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration
  1068. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration (2 ms)
  1069. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration
  1070. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration (2 ms)
  1071. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration
  1072. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration (2 ms)
  1073. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration
  1074. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration (2 ms)
  1075. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.Serialization
  1076. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest.Serialization (1 ms)
  1077. ==> default: [----------] 7 tests from BodySurfaceDynamicFrameTest (17 ms total)
  1078. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest
  1079. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime
  1080. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime (3 ms)
  1081. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Inverse
  1082. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Inverse (3 ms)
  1083. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration
  1084. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration (2 ms)
  1085. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration
  1086. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration (2 ms)
  1087. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.EulerAcceleration
  1088. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.EulerAcceleration (2 ms)
  1089. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration
  1090. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration (2 ms)
  1091. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration
  1092. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration (2 ms)
  1093. ==> default: [ RUN ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Serialization
  1094. ==> default: [ OK ] BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest.Serialization (2 ms)
  1095. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from BarycentricRotatingDynamicFrameTest (18 ms total)
  1096. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from RigidMotionTest
  1097. ==> default: [ RUN ] RigidMotionTest.TidalLocking
  1098. ==> default: [ OK ] RigidMotionTest.TidalLocking (0 ms)
  1099. ==> default: [ RUN ] RigidMotionTest.ApparentMoon
  1100. ==> default: [ OK ] RigidMotionTest.ApparentMoon (0 ms)
  1101. ==> default: [ RUN ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidAssociativity
  1102. ==> default: [ OK ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidAssociativity (0 ms)
  1103. ==> default: [ RUN ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidAction
  1104. ==> default: [ OK ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidAction (0 ms)
  1105. ==> default: [ RUN ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidInverse
  1106. ==> default: [ OK ] RigidMotionTest.GroupoidInverse (0 ms)
  1107. ==> default: [----------] 5 tests from RigidMotionTest (1 ms total)
  1108. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from HierarchicalSystemTest
  1109. ==> default: [ RUN ] HierarchicalSystemTest.HierarchicalSystem
  1110. ==> default: [ OK ] HierarchicalSystemTest.HierarchicalSystem (0 ms)
  1111. ==> default: [ RUN ] HierarchicalSystemTest.FromMeanMotions
  1112. ==> default: [ OK ] HierarchicalSystemTest.FromMeanMotions (0 ms)
  1113. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from HierarchicalSystemTest (0 ms total)
  1114. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from ContinuousTrajectoryTest
  1115. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.BestNewhallApproximation
  1116. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.BestNewhallApproximation (0 ms)
  1117. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Polynomial
  1118. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Polynomial (11 ms)
  1119. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Io
  1120. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Io (4 ms)
  1121. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Continuity
  1122. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Continuity (0 ms)
  1123. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Serialization
  1124. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Serialization (1 ms)
  1125. ==> default: [ RUN ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Checkpoint
  1126. ==> default: [ OK ] ContinuousTrajectoryTest.Checkpoint (0 ms)
  1127. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from ContinuousTrajectoryTest (16 ms total)
  1128. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from BodySurfaceFrameFieldTest
  1129. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodySurfaceFrameFieldTest.FromThisFrame
  1130. ==> default: [ OK ] BodySurfaceFrameFieldTest.FromThisFrame (0 ms)
  1131. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from BodySurfaceFrameFieldTest (0 ms total)
  1132. ==> default: [----------] 18 tests from ForkableTest
  1133. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.ForkSuccess
  1134. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.ForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1135. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.ForkAtLast
  1136. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.ForkAtLast (0 ms)
  1137. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.DeleteForkSuccess
  1138. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.DeleteForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1139. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.AttachForkWithCopiedBeginSuccess
  1140. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.AttachForkWithCopiedBeginSuccess (0 ms)
  1141. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.DetachForkWithCopiedBeginSuccess
  1142. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.DetachForkWithCopiedBeginSuccess (0 ms)
  1143. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.DeleteAllForksAfterSuccess
  1144. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.DeleteAllForksAfterSuccess (0 ms)
  1145. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.CheckNoForksBeforeSuccess
  1146. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.CheckNoForksBeforeSuccess (0 ms)
  1147. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementNoForkSuccess
  1148. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementNoForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1149. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementForkSuccess
  1150. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1151. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementMultipleForksSuccess
  1152. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorDecrementMultipleForksSuccess (0 ms)
  1153. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementNoForkSuccess
  1154. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementNoForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1155. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementForkSuccess
  1156. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementForkSuccess (0 ms)
  1157. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementMultipleForksSuccess
  1158. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorIncrementMultipleForksSuccess (0 ms)
  1159. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorEndEquality
  1160. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorEndEquality (0 ms)
  1161. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.Root
  1162. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.Root (0 ms)
  1163. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorBeginSuccess
  1164. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorBeginSuccess (0 ms)
  1165. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorFindSuccess
  1166. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorFindSuccess (0 ms)
  1167. ==> default: [ RUN ] ForkableTest.IteratorLowerBoundSuccess
  1168. ==> default: [ OK ] ForkableTest.IteratorLowerBoundSuccess (0 ms)
  1169. ==> default: [----------] 18 tests from ForkableTest (2 ms total)
  1170. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest
  1171. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime
  1172. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.ToBigSmallFrameAtTime (3 ms)
  1173. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.Inverse
  1174. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.Inverse (3 ms)
  1175. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration
  1176. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.CoriolisAcceleration (2 ms)
  1177. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration
  1178. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.CentrifugalAcceleration (2 ms)
  1179. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.EulerAcceleration
  1180. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.EulerAcceleration (2 ms)
  1181. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration
  1182. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.LinearAcceleration (2 ms)
  1183. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration
  1184. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.GeometricAcceleration (2 ms)
  1185. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.Serialization
  1186. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.Serialization (2 ms)
  1187. ==> default: [ RUN ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.ConstructFromOneBody
  1188. ==> default: [ OK ] BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest.ConstructFromOneBody (2 ms)
  1189. ==> default: [----------] 9 tests from BodyCentredBodyDirectionDynamicFrameTest (21 ms total)
  1190. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from ApsidesTest
  1191. ==> default: [ RUN ] ApsidesTest.ComputeApsidesDiscreteTrajectory
  1192. ==> default: [ OK ] ApsidesTest.ComputeApsidesDiscreteTrajectory (234 ms)
  1193. ==> default: [ RUN ] ApsidesTest.ComputeNodes
  1194. ==> default: [ OK ] ApsidesTest.ComputeNodes (242 ms)
  1195. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from ApsidesTest (478 ms total)
  1196. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from HexadecimalTest
  1197. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.EncodeAndDecode
  1198. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.EncodeAndDecode (0 ms)
  1199. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.InPlace
  1200. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.InPlace (0 ms)
  1201. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.LargeOutput
  1202. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.LargeOutput (0 ms)
  1203. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.Adjacent
  1204. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.Adjacent (0 ms)
  1205. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.CaseInsensitive
  1206. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.CaseInsensitive (0 ms)
  1207. ==> default: [ RUN ] HexadecimalTest.Invalid
  1208. ==> default: [ OK ] HexadecimalTest.Invalid (0 ms)
  1209. ==> default: [----------] 6 tests from HexadecimalTest (0 ms total)
  1210. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DisjointSetsTest
  1211. ==> default: [ RUN ] DisjointSetsTest.Congruence
  1212. ==> default: [ OK ] DisjointSetsTest.Congruence (0 ms)
  1213. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from DisjointSetsTest (0 ms total)
  1214. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FunctionTest
  1215. ==> default: [ RUN ] FunctionTest.MovableFunction
  1216. ==> default: [ OK ] FunctionTest.MovableFunction (0 ms)
  1217. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from FunctionTest (0 ms total)
  1218. ==> default: [----------] 13 tests from Status
  1219. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.Empty
  1220. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.Empty (1 ms)
  1221. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.GenericCodes
  1222. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.GenericCodes (0 ms)
  1223. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.ConstructorZero
  1224. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.ConstructorZero (0 ms)
  1225. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.CheckOK
  1226. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.CheckOK (93 ms)
  1227. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.Message
  1228. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.Message (0 ms)
  1229. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.Copy
  1230. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.Copy (0 ms)
  1231. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.Assign
  1232. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.Assign (0 ms)
  1233. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.AssignEmpty
  1234. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.AssignEmpty (0 ms)
  1235. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.EqualsOK
  1236. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.EqualsOK (0 ms)
  1237. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.EqualsSame
  1238. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.EqualsSame (0 ms)
  1239. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.EqualsCopy
  1240. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.EqualsCopy (0 ms)
  1241. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.EqualsDifferentCode
  1242. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.EqualsDifferentCode (0 ms)
  1243. ==> default: [ RUN ] Status.EqualsDifferentMessage
  1244. ==> default: [ OK ] Status.EqualsDifferentMessage (0 ms)
  1245. ==> default: [----------] 13 tests from Status (96 ms total)
  1246. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from PushDeserializerTest
  1247. ==> default: [ RUN ] PushDeserializerTest.Stream
  1248. ==> default: [ OK ] PushDeserializerTest.Stream (0 ms)
  1249. ==> default: [ RUN ] PushDeserializerTest.DeserializationThreading
  1250. ==> default: [ OK ] PushDeserializerTest.DeserializationThreading (1005 ms)
  1251. ==> default: [ RUN ] PushDeserializerTest.SerializationDeserialization
  1252. ==> default: [ OK ] PushDeserializerTest.SerializationDeserialization (2806 ms)
  1253. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from PushDeserializerTest (3811 ms total)
  1254. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from NotNullTest
  1255. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.Move
  1256. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.Move (0 ms)
  1257. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.Copy
  1258. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.Copy (0 ms)
  1259. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.CheckNotNull
  1260. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.CheckNotNull (0 ms)
  1261. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.Booleans
  1262. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.Booleans (0 ms)
  1263. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.ImplicitConversions
  1264. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.ImplicitConversions (0 ms)
  1265. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.Arrow
  1266. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.Arrow (0 ms)
  1267. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.NotNullNotNull
  1268. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.NotNullNotNull (0 ms)
  1269. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.CheckArguments
  1270. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.CheckArguments (0 ms)
  1271. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.DynamicCast
  1272. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.DynamicCast (0 ms)
  1273. ==> default: [ RUN ] NotNullTest.RValue
  1274. ==> default: [ OK ] NotNullTest.RValue (0 ms)
  1275. ==> default: [----------] 10 tests from NotNullTest (1 ms total)
  1276. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from PullSerializerTest
  1277. ==> default: [ RUN ] PullSerializerTest.Stream
  1278. ==> default: [ OK ] PullSerializerTest.Stream (0 ms)
  1279. ==> default: [ RUN ] PullSerializerTest.SerializationSizes
  1280. ==> default: [ OK ] PullSerializerTest.SerializationSizes (4 ms)
  1281. ==> default: [ RUN ] PullSerializerTest.SerializationThreading
  1282. ==> default: [ OK ] PullSerializerTest.SerializationThreading (2825 ms)
  1283. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from PullSerializerTest (2829 ms total)
  1284. ==> default: [----------] 28 tests from StatusOr
  1285. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestDefaultCtor
  1286. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestDefaultCtor (0 ms)
  1287. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestStatusCtor
  1288. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestStatusCtor (0 ms)
  1289. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestValueCtor
  1290. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestValueCtor (0 ms)
  1291. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusOk
  1292. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusOk (0 ms)
  1293. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusNotOk
  1294. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusNotOk (0 ms)
  1295. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusOKConverting
  1296. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusOKConverting (0 ms)
  1297. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusNotOkConverting
  1298. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestCopyCtorStatusNotOkConverting (0 ms)
  1299. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusOk
  1300. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusOk (0 ms)
  1301. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusNotOk
  1302. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusNotOk (0 ms)
  1303. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusOKConverting
  1304. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusOKConverting (0 ms)
  1305. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusNotOkConverting
  1306. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestAssignmentStatusNotOkConverting (0 ms)
  1307. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestStatus
  1308. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestStatus (0 ms)
  1309. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestValue
  1310. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestValue (0 ms)
  1311. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestValueConst
  1312. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestValueConst (0 ms)
  1313. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerDefaultCtor
  1314. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerDefaultCtor (0 ms)
  1315. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerStatusCtor
  1316. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerStatusCtor (0 ms)
  1317. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerValueCtor
  1318. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerValueCtor (0 ms)
  1319. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusOk
  1320. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusOk (0 ms)
  1321. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusNotOk
  1322. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusNotOk (0 ms)
  1323. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusOKConverting
  1324. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusOKConverting (0 ms)
  1325. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusNotOkConverting
  1326. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerCopyCtorStatusNotOkConverting (0 ms)
  1327. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusOk
  1328. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusOk (0 ms)
  1329. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusNotOk
  1330. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusNotOk (0 ms)
  1331. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusOKConverting
  1332. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusOKConverting (0 ms)
  1333. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusNotOkConverting
  1334. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerAssignmentStatusNotOkConverting (0 ms)
  1335. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerStatus
  1336. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerStatus (0 ms)
  1337. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerValue
  1338. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerValue (0 ms)
  1339. ==> default: [ RUN ] StatusOr.TestPointerValueConst
  1340. ==> default: [ OK ] StatusOr.TestPointerValueConst (0 ms)
  1341. ==> default: [----------] 28 tests from StatusOr (3 ms total)
  1342. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from МолнияOrbitTest
  1343. ==> default: [ RUN ] МолнияOrbitTest.Satellite
  1344. ==> default: [ OK ] МолнияOrbitTest.Satellite (14439 ms)
  1345. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from МолнияOrbitTest (14530 ms total)
  1346. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from MarsTest
  1347. ==> default: [ RUN ] MarsTest.Phobos
  1348. ==> default: [ OK ] MarsTest.Phobos (1547 ms)
  1349. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from MarsTest (1547 ms total)
  1350. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from MercuryPerihelionTest
  1351. ==> default: [ RUN ] MercuryPerihelionTest.Year1950
  1352. ==> default: [ OK ] MercuryPerihelionTest.Year1950 (14 ms)
  1353. ==> default: [ RUN ] MercuryPerihelionTest.Year1960
  1354. ==> default: [ OK ] MercuryPerihelionTest.Year1960 (8956 ms)
  1355. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from MercuryPerihelionTest (8970 ms total)
  1356. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from CalendarTest
  1357. ==> default: [ RUN ] CalendarTest.JulianDate
  1358. ==> default: [ OK ] CalendarTest.JulianDate (0 ms)
  1359. ==> default: [ RUN ] CalendarTest.ModifiedJulianDate
  1360. ==> default: [ OK ] CalendarTest.ModifiedJulianDate (0 ms)
  1361. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from CalendarTest (0 ms total)
  1362. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from KSPFingerprintTest
  1363. ==> default: [ RUN ] KSPFingerprintTest.Stock
  1364. ==> default: I0611 09:34:42.394515 2914 ksp_fingerprint_test.cpp:46] Stock KSP fingerprint is 0x54B6323B3376D6F3
  1365. ==> default: [ OK ] KSPFingerprintTest.Stock (1 ms)
  1366. ==> default: [ RUN ] KSPFingerprintTest.Corrected
  1367. ==> default: I0611 09:34:42.395927 2914 ksp_fingerprint_test.cpp:59] Corrected KSP fingerprint is 0xB57B58F9CF757C62
  1368. ==> default: [ OK ] KSPFingerprintTest.Corrected (2 ms)
  1369. ==> default: [----------] 2 tests from KSPFingerprintTest (3 ms total)
  1370. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from KSPSystemTest
  1371. ==> default: [ RUN ] KSPSystemTest.KerbalSystem
  1372. ==> default: I0611 09:34:42.396939 2914 ksp_system_test.cpp:202] Starting integration
  1373. ==> default: I0611 09:34:43.011904 2914 ksp_system_test.cpp:204] Integration done
  1374. ==> default: [ OK ] KSPSystemTest.KerbalSystem (2763 ms)
  1375. ==> default: [----------] 1 test from KSPSystemTest (2763 ms total)
  1376. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from LunarEclipseTest
  1377. ==> default: [ RUN ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1950
  1378. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.395402 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -1.40536745822251313e-05 rad +3.02018871307373047e+01 s
  1379. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.395787 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +2.09979786907101007e-05 rad +3.24644503593444824e+01 s
  1380. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.396037 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +1.76433498174513939e-05 rad +4.14465436935424805e+01 s
  1381. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.396152 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +9.57518283076479876e-06 rad +2.33529453277587891e+01 s
  1382. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.396416 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +1.98555018370884240e-05 rad +3.07417154312133789e+01 s
  1383. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.396679 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +1.50598612743569477e-05 rad +3.23584518432617188e+01 s
  1384. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.809782 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -1.52580487128252049e-05 rad +3.66978785991668701e+01 s
  1385. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.810200 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +2.34654238933313178e-05 rad +3.86552791595458984e+01 s
  1386. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.810469 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +2.76266786797879291e-05 rad +4.40587513446807861e+01 s
  1387. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.810585 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +1.90750051808656271e-05 rad +3.11286122798919678e+01 s
  1388. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.810921 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +2.22646942964139019e-05 rad +3.66944875717163086e+01 s
  1389. ==> default: I0611 09:34:45.811177 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +1.57284355921530686e-05 rad +3.78782427310943604e+01 s
  1390. ==> default: [ OK ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1950 (651 ms)
  1391. ==> default: [ RUN ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1951
  1392. ==> default: I0611 09:34:46.230901 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -9.50015407782337645e-06 rad +3.25527033805847168e+01 s
  1393. ==> default: I0611 09:34:46.231583 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +7.77578309026950854e-06 rad +2.66980326175689697e+01 s
  1394. ==> default: I0611 09:34:46.652989 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -9.54862605289687194e-06 rad +2.97453036308288574e+01 s
  1395. ==> default: I0611 09:34:46.653650 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +8.05816062526658328e-06 rad +2.51733756065368652e+01 s
  1396. ==> default: [ OK ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1951 (842 ms)
  1397. ==> default: [ RUN ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1952
  1398. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.006737 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -1.07339289126149803e-05 rad +3.15924706459045410e+01 s
  1399. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.007285 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +4.16044924941936373e-06 rad +2.06368286609649658e+01 s
  1400. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.007550 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +1.02404480916643698e-05 rad +5.15969901084899902e+01 s
  1401. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.007830 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +1.41918222687038506e-05 rad +4.18087415695190430e+01 s
  1402. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.440690 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> -8.36005761391343111e-06 rad +1.95657110214233398e+01 s
  1403. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.441087 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +9.52257389251996711e-06 rad +1.90723187923431396e+01 s
  1404. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.441354 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:141] -------------------> +1.34415137911722549e-05 rad +2.69933235645294189e+01 s
  1405. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.441625 2914 lunar_eclipse_test.cpp:207] -------------------> +1.17375731521745380e-05 rad +2.74872140884399414e+01 s
  1406. ==> default: [ OK ] LunarEclipseTest.Year1952 (788 ms)
  1407. ==> default: [----------] 3 tests from LunarEclipseTest (2281 ms total)
  1408. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from TimeScalesTest
  1409. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.ReferenceDates
  1410. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.ReferenceDates (0 ms)
  1411. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.LeapSecond
  1412. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.LeapSecond (0 ms)
  1413. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.StretchyLeaps
  1414. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.StretchyLeaps (0 ms)
  1415. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.StretchyRates
  1416. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.StretchyRates (0 ms)
  1417. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.UT1Continuity
  1418. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.UT1Continuity (0 ms)
  1419. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.LunarEclipses
  1420. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.LunarEclipses (0 ms)
  1421. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.JulianDate
  1422. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.JulianDate (1 ms)
  1423. ==> default: [ RUN ] TimeScalesTest.ModifiedJulianDate
  1424. ==> default: [ OK ] TimeScalesTest.ModifiedJulianDate (0 ms)
  1425. ==> default: [----------] 8 tests from TimeScalesTest (2 ms total)
  1426. ==> default: [----------] 25 tests from SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest
  1427. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/0
  1428. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.443168 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:455] Quinlan1999Order8A
  1429. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.444929 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:294] Correlation between time and energy error : 0.00177221
  1430. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.445060 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:297] Slope : +4.72577065134863190e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1431. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.445164 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:299] Maximum energy error : +1.33057256213042763e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1432. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/0 (2 ms)
  1433. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/1
  1434. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.446154 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:455] Quinlan1999Order8B
  1435. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.447334 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:294] Correlation between time and energy error : 0.000329522
  1436. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.447449 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:297] Slope : +1.13542714534406467e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1437. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.447543 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:299] Maximum energy error : +1.64380669409602831e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1438. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/1 (2 ms)
  1439. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/2
  1440. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.448416 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:455] QuinlanTremaine1990Order8
  1441. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.449566 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:294] Correlation between time and energy error : 0.00133179
  1442. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.449664 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:297] Slope : +3.81687275037837005e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1443. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.449756 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:299] Maximum energy error : +1.43651019579582595e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1444. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/2 (2 ms)
  1445. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/3
  1446. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.450603 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:455] QuinlanTremaine1990Order10
  1447. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.451735 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:294] Correlation between time and energy error : 0.00288511
  1448. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.451802 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:297] Slope : +2.33061355285576125e-14 m^2 kg s^-3
  1449. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.451846 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:299] Maximum energy error : +4.11567613323171599e-09 m^2 kg s^-2
  1450. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/3 (2 ms)
  1451. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/4
  1452. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.452651 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:455] QuinlanTremaine1990Order12
  1453. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.453874 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:294] Correlation between time and energy error : 0.00952725
  1454. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.453955 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:297] Slope : +1.84616548465169169e-15 m^2 kg s^-3
  1455. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.454078 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:299] Maximum energy error : +8.86197226712681640e-11 m^2 kg s^-2
  1456. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/4 (2 ms)
  1457. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/0
  1458. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.455094 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:460] Quinlan1999Order8A
  1459. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.463584 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:225] Convergence order in q : 8.19116
  1460. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.464427 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:226] Correlation : 0.99993
  1461. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.464643 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:236] Convergence order in p : 8.1798
  1462. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.464709 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:237] Correlation : 0.999837
  1463. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/0 (9 ms)
  1464. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/1
  1465. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.464923 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:460] Quinlan1999Order8B
  1466. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.471631 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:225] Convergence order in q : 8.09713
  1467. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.471844 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:226] Correlation : 0.999952
  1468. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.471901 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:236] Convergence order in p : 8.20731
  1469. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.471992 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:237] Correlation : 0.999966
  1470. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/1 (8 ms)
  1471. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/2
  1472. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.472188 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:460] QuinlanTremaine1990Order8
  1473. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.480258 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:225] Convergence order in q : 8.15044
  1474. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.481750 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:226] Correlation : 0.999952
  1475. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.481856 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:236] Convergence order in p : 8.14927
  1476. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.481866 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:237] Correlation : 0.999902
  1477. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/2 (9 ms)
  1478. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/3
  1479. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.481947 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:460] QuinlanTremaine1990Order10
  1480. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.485654 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:225] Convergence order in q : 10.3063
  1481. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.486037 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:226] Correlation : 0.999777
  1482. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.486246 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:236] Convergence order in p : 10.1508
  1483. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.486331 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:237] Correlation : 0.999943
  1484. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/3 (5 ms)
  1485. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/4
  1486. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.486454 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:460] QuinlanTremaine1990Order12
  1487. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.488380 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:225] Convergence order in q : 12.4993
  1488. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.488466 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:226] Correlation : 0.999733
  1489. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.488544 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:236] Convergence order in p : 12.0248
  1490. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.488616 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:237] Correlation : 0.999932
  1491. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Convergence/4 (2 ms)
  1492. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/0
  1493. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.488832 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:465] Quinlan1999Order8A
  1494. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/0 (1 ms)
  1495. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/1
  1496. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.489210 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:465] Quinlan1999Order8B
  1497. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/1 (0 ms)
  1498. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/2
  1499. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.489578 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:465] QuinlanTremaine1990Order8
  1500. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/2 (0 ms)
  1501. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/3
  1502. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.489939 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:465] QuinlanTremaine1990Order10
  1503. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/3 (1 ms)
  1504. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/4
  1505. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.490311 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:465] QuinlanTremaine1990Order12
  1506. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Termination/4 (0 ms)
  1507. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/0
  1508. ==> default: I0611 09:34:47.490677 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:470] Quinlan1999Order8A
  1509. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/0 (3638 ms)
  1510. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/1
  1511. ==> default: I0611 09:34:51.172538 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:470] Quinlan1999Order8B
  1512. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/1 (3634 ms)
  1513. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/2
  1514. ==> default: I0611 09:34:54.849066 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:470] QuinlanTremaine1990Order8
  1515. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/2 (3628 ms)
  1516. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/3
  1517. ==> default: I0611 09:34:58.522310 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:470] QuinlanTremaine1990Order10
  1518. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/3 (3668 ms)
  1519. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/4
  1520. ==> default: I0611 09:35:02.233909 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:470] QuinlanTremaine1990Order12
  1521. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/4 (3646 ms)
  1522. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/0
  1523. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.922068 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:475] Quinlan1999Order8A
  1524. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/0 (23 ms)
  1525. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/1
  1526. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.944950 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:475] Quinlan1999Order8B
  1527. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/1 (1 ms)
  1528. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/2
  1529. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.945243 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:475] QuinlanTremaine1990Order8
  1530. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/2 (0 ms)
  1531. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/3
  1532. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.945458 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:475] QuinlanTremaine1990Order10
  1533. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/3 (0 ms)
  1534. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/4
  1535. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.945704 2914 symmetric_linear_multistep_integrator_test.cpp:475] QuinlanTremaine1990Order12
  1536. ==> default: [ OK ] SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest.Serialization/4 (0 ms)
  1537. ==> default: [----------] 25 tests from SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTests/SymmetricLinearMultistepIntegratorTest (18502 ms total)
  1538. ==> default: [----------] 192 tests from SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest
  1539. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/0
  1540. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.945988 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  1541. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/0 (1 ms)
  1542. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/1
  1543. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946130 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  1544. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/1 (0 ms)
  1545. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/2
  1546. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946252 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  1547. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/2 (0 ms)
  1548. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/3
  1549. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946378 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  1550. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/3 (0 ms)
  1551. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/4
  1552. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946506 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  1553. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/4 (0 ms)
  1554. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/5
  1555. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946686 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  1556. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/5 (0 ms)
  1557. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/6
  1558. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.946820 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  1559. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/6 (0 ms)
  1560. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/7
  1561. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.947003 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  1562. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/7 (1 ms)
  1563. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/8
  1564. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.947175 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  1565. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/8 (0 ms)
  1566. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/9
  1567. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.947363 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1568. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/9 (0 ms)
  1569. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/10
  1570. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.947559 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1571. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/10 (0 ms)
  1572. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/11
  1573. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.947850 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1574. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/11 (1 ms)
  1575. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/12
  1576. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.948173 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1577. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/12 (0 ms)
  1578. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/13
  1579. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.948464 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1580. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/13 (0 ms)
  1581. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/14
  1582. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.948710 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1583. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/14 (0 ms)
  1584. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/15
  1585. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.948843 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1586. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/15 (0 ms)
  1587. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/16
  1588. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949005 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1589. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/16 (0 ms)
  1590. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/17
  1591. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949225 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1592. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/17 (0 ms)
  1593. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/18
  1594. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949481 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1595. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/18 (0 ms)
  1596. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/19
  1597. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949646 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1598. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/19 (0 ms)
  1599. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/20
  1600. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949805 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1601. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/20 (0 ms)
  1602. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/21
  1603. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.949956 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1604. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/21 (1 ms)
  1605. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/22
  1606. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950101 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1607. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/22 (0 ms)
  1608. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/23
  1609. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950212 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1610. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/23 (0 ms)
  1611. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/24
  1612. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950325 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1613. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/24 (0 ms)
  1614. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/25
  1615. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950574 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1616. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/25 (0 ms)
  1617. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/26
  1618. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950722 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1619. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/26 (0 ms)
  1620. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/27
  1621. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950842 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1622. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/27 (0 ms)
  1623. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/28
  1624. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.950979 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1625. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/28 (1 ms)
  1626. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/29
  1627. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.951210 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1628. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/29 (0 ms)
  1629. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/30
  1630. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.951457 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1631. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/30 (0 ms)
  1632. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/31
  1633. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.951660 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:727] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1634. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.TimeReversibility/31 (0 ms)
  1635. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/0
  1636. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.951877 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  1637. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.953181 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00250637
  1638. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.953408 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -4.62620329312471638e-12 m^2 kg s^-3
  1639. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.953543 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +7.52285331973023830e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1640. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/0 (3 ms)
  1641. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/1
  1642. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.954361 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  1643. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.955044 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221186
  1644. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.955129 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.36954492605667365e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1645. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.955209 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.52639347009253612e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1646. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/1 (1 ms)
  1647. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/2
  1648. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.955945 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  1649. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.956591 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221244
  1650. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.956676 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -9.24792279427582619e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1651. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.956758 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.70551544109720510e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1652. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/2 (2 ms)
  1653. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/3
  1654. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.957603 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  1655. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.958328 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221209
  1656. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.958420 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -8.44162873501226768e-15 m^2 kg s^-3
  1657. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.958492 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.55706381121945014e-09 m^2 kg s^-2
  1658. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/3 (1 ms)
  1659. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/4
  1660. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.959221 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  1661. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.959909 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00170582
  1662. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.959961 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.09445373037037635e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1663. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.960001 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +3.06327349042234687e-08 m^2 kg s^-2
  1664. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/4 (1 ms)
  1665. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/5
  1666. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.960697 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  1667. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.961418 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221171
  1668. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.961472 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.23928823694540308e-14 m^2 kg s^-3
  1669. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.961511 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.28626773068896227e-09 m^2 kg s^-2
  1670. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/5 (1 ms)
  1671. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/6
  1672. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.962165 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  1673. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.962996 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00223121
  1674. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.963048 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -5.00320999724071375e-17 m^2 kg s^-3
  1675. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.963089 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +9.14945896823837757e-12 m^2 kg s^-2
  1676. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/6 (1 ms)
  1677. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/7
  1678. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.963742 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  1679. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.964685 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00308506
  1680. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.964772 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -4.75239121652407761e-18 m^2 kg s^-3
  1681. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.964851 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +6.29052365752613696e-13 m^2 kg s^-2
  1682. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/7 (2 ms)
  1683. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/8
  1684. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.965509 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  1685. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.966073 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00205793
  1686. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.966125 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -2.54602153574566322e-08 m^2 kg s^-3
  1687. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.966166 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +5.05049535215751355e-03 m^2 kg s^-2
  1688. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/8 (1 ms)
  1689. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/9
  1690. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.966859 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1691. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.967478 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00205793
  1692. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.967579 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -2.52056132015922068e-08 m^2 kg s^-3
  1693. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.967658 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +4.99999039863668893e-03 m^2 kg s^-2
  1694. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/9 (2 ms)
  1695. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/10
  1696. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.968431 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1697. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.969146 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00155477
  1698. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.969236 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -3.71400586541252548e-10 m^2 kg s^-3
  1699. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.969310 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.15535032619074052e-04 m^2 kg s^-2
  1700. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/10 (1 ms)
  1701. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/11
  1702. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.970111 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1703. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.970922 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00220939
  1704. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.971014 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -3.11888291043666061e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1705. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.971087 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +5.75983521433620638e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1706. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/11 (1 ms)
  1707. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/12
  1708. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.971882 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1709. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.972574 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221242
  1710. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.972666 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -6.95431182634289251e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1711. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.972748 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.28253665132582739e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1712. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/12 (2 ms)
  1713. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/13
  1714. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.973548 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1715. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.974336 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.0022161
  1716. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.974436 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.84357119903736496e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1717. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.974531 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +3.39431978840787352e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1718. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/13 (2 ms)
  1719. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/14
  1720. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.975358 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1721. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.976106 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221649
  1722. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.976164 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.94507010838185335e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1723. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.976207 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +3.58056353333413568e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1724. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/14 (1 ms)
  1725. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/15
  1726. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.976816 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1727. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.977761 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221175
  1728. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.977877 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -8.07846272853013722e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1729. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.977991 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.49030436397135091e-05 m^2 kg s^-2
  1730. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/15 (2 ms)
  1731. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/16
  1732. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.978835 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1733. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.979813 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221171
  1734. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.979907 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -7.21389094530188030e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1735. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.979984 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.33083068010186878e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1736. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/16 (2 ms)
  1737. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/17
  1738. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.980708 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1739. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.981696 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221263
  1740. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.981787 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -2.53870300103242156e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1741. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.981871 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +4.68151000188044009e-08 m^2 kg s^-2
  1742. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/17 (2 ms)
  1743. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/18
  1744. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.982724 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1745. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.983688 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00222662
  1746. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.983777 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -8.62744261581939470e-16 m^2 kg s^-3
  1747. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.983851 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.58094315416690279e-10 m^2 kg s^-2
  1748. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/18 (2 ms)
  1749. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/19
  1750. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.984657 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1751. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.985627 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221187
  1752. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.985715 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.85869845136003297e-13 m^2 kg s^-3
  1753. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.985805 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +3.42872182312881080e-08 m^2 kg s^-2
  1754. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/19 (2 ms)
  1755. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/20
  1756. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.986596 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1757. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.987285 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00201513
  1758. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.987375 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -3.09591357080416317e-10 m^2 kg s^-3
  1759. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.987462 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +6.26859072366814374e-05 m^2 kg s^-2
  1760. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/20 (1 ms)
  1761. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/21
  1762. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.988224 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1763. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.989375 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.000676629
  1764. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.989462 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.24503603310708272e-10 m^2 kg s^-3
  1765. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.989538 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +8.63068191495619530e-05 m^2 kg s^-2
  1766. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/21 (2 ms)
  1767. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/22
  1768. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.990319 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1769. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.990957 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.0019144
  1770. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.991010 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.92886215869480314e-10 m^2 kg s^-3
  1771. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.991053 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +4.72513762963533424e-05 m^2 kg s^-2
  1772. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/22 (1 ms)
  1773. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/23
  1774. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.991745 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1775. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.992372 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00283088
  1776. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.992473 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -3.10783829824352629e-10 m^2 kg s^-3
  1777. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.992589 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +4.47986262497312993e-05 m^2 kg s^-2
  1778. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/23 (2 ms)
  1779. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/24
  1780. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.993366 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1781. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.994086 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.0022065
  1782. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.994173 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -2.15785580313884792e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1783. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.994252 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +3.99026027320115162e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1784. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/24 (1 ms)
  1785. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/25
  1786. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.995102 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1787. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.995849 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221174
  1788. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.995934 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.14683615690693221e-11 m^2 kg s^-3
  1789. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.996014 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.11567735630691089e-06 m^2 kg s^-2
  1790. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/25 (1 ms)
  1791. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/26
  1792. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.996762 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1793. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.997619 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221195
  1794. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.997723 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -4.24412126764381720e-12 m^2 kg s^-3
  1795. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.997830 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +7.82877597083064813e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1796. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/26 (2 ms)
  1797. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/27
  1798. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.998703 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1799. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.999567 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221198
  1800. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.999665 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -7.02218171598211342e-14 m^2 kg s^-3
  1801. ==> default: I0611 09:35:05.999783 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.29530730030857910e-08 m^2 kg s^-2
  1802. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/27 (2 ms)
  1803. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/28
  1804. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.000694 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1805. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.001729 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00215326
  1806. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.001833 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -6.40233699484073753e-17 m^2 kg s^-3
  1807. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.001937 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +1.21325172131037107e-11 m^2 kg s^-2
  1808. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/28 (2 ms)
  1809. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/29
  1810. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.002825 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1811. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.003859 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00165142
  1812. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.003957 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -9.06361663467473635e-18 m^2 kg s^-3
  1813. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.004065 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.24043006369356590e-12 m^2 kg s^-2
  1814. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/29 (2 ms)
  1815. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/30
  1816. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.004902 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1817. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.005694 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221196
  1818. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.005795 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.21597379970296188e-12 m^2 kg s^-3
  1819. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.005885 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.24300146345335349e-07 m^2 kg s^-2
  1820. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/30 (2 ms)
  1821. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/31
  1822. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.006916 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:732] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1823. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.007812 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:339] Correlation between time and energy error : -0.00221115
  1824. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.007910 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:342] Slope : -1.32852272877770819e-15 m^2 kg s^-3
  1825. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.008019 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:344] Maximum energy error : +2.45151621225403460e-10 m^2 kg s^-2
  1826. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Symplecticity/31 (2 ms)
  1827. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/0
  1828. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.008932 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  1829. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.016829 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.04953
  1830. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.017148 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999857
  1831. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.017331 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.96946
  1832. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.017438 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999891
  1833. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/0 (9 ms)
  1834. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/1
  1835. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.017699 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  1836. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.024175 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.04221
  1837. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.024255 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999834
  1838. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.024350 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.92828
  1839. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.024446 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999647
  1840. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/1 (7 ms)
  1841. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/2
  1842. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.024731 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  1843. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.033166 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.05572
  1844. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.033450 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999864
  1845. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.033582 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.97845
  1846. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.033675 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999901
  1847. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/2 (9 ms)
  1848. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/3
  1849. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.033924 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  1850. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.042896 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.07544
  1851. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.043499 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999888
  1852. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.043658 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.99658
  1853. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.043758 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999859
  1854. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/3 (10 ms)
  1855. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/4
  1856. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.044005 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  1857. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.045856 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 5.05025
  1858. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.045929 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999625
  1859. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.046023 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.95603
  1860. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.046113 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999913
  1861. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/4 (3 ms)
  1862. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/5
  1863. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.046370 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  1864. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.049355 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.08785
  1865. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.049808 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999775
  1866. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.050063 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.92083
  1867. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.050161 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999484
  1868. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/5 (4 ms)
  1869. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/6
  1870. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.050447 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  1871. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.052965 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.03911
  1872. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.053202 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999732
  1873. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.053339 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.97371
  1874. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.053426 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999845
  1875. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/6 (3 ms)
  1876. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/7
  1877. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.053707 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  1878. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.056524 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.03354
  1879. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.056731 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999677
  1880. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.056895 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.97766
  1881. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.056983 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999791
  1882. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/7 (4 ms)
  1883. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/8
  1884. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.057765 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  1885. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.066273 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 2.00461
  1886. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.066892 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999715
  1887. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.067086 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 1.99798
  1888. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.067145 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999964
  1889. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/8 (10 ms)
  1890. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/9
  1891. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.067253 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1892. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.075415 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 2.00461
  1893. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.076310 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999715
  1894. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.076499 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 1.99598
  1895. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.076582 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999972
  1896. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/9 (9 ms)
  1897. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/10
  1898. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.076874 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1899. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.120875 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 2.97383
  1900. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.121117 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999979
  1901. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.121239 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.99324
  1902. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.121335 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999998
  1903. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/10 (45 ms)
  1904. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/11
  1905. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.121510 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1906. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.126395 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.0421
  1907. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.126395 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999844
  1908. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.126395 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.96036
  1909. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.126395 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999934
  1910. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/11 (5 ms)
  1911. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/12
  1912. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.126395 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1913. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.137451 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.01324
  1914. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.137768 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999362
  1915. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.137920 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.90842
  1916. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.137970 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999799
  1917. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/12 (12 ms)
  1918. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/13
  1919. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.138310 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1920. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.148025 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 5.90666
  1921. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.148980 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.99366
  1922. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.149183 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.97693
  1923. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.149281 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999399
  1924. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/13 (11 ms)
  1925. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/14
  1926. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.149580 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1927. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.160449 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.01756
  1928. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.162220 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999017
  1929. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.162354 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.93475
  1930. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.162437 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.998108
  1931. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/14 (13 ms)
  1932. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/15
  1933. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.162683 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1934. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.166996 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 7.96365
  1935. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.167222 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999842
  1936. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.167325 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 8.09388
  1937. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.167366 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.998411
  1938. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/15 (5 ms)
  1939. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/16
  1940. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.167543 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1941. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.176167 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 8.09924
  1942. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.177834 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999962
  1943. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.177963 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 8.03466
  1944. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.178078 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999956
  1945. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/16 (11 ms)
  1946. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/17
  1947. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.178344 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1948. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.188540 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 7.92827
  1949. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.189916 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.998553
  1950. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.189998 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 7.84458
  1951. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.190040 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999277
  1952. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/17 (12 ms)
  1953. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/18
  1954. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.190321 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1955. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.194645 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 8.071
  1956. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.194903 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.995174
  1957. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.195016 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 7.89059
  1958. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.195107 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.99457
  1959. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/18 (5 ms)
  1960. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/19
  1961. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.195399 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1962. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.202317 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 7.97852
  1963. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.203119 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999909
  1964. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.203289 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 7.87092
  1965. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.203374 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999904
  1966. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/19 (8 ms)
  1967. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/20
  1968. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.203644 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1969. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.215548 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.06112
  1970. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.216394 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999954
  1971. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.216599 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.9758
  1972. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.216698 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999981
  1973. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/20 (13 ms)
  1974. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/21
  1975. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.217010 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1976. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.222512 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 1.96453
  1977. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.222723 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.997975
  1978. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.222829 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 2.00407
  1979. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.222918 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.99988
  1980. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/21 (7 ms)
  1981. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/22
  1982. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.223198 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  1983. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.260608 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 3.0564
  1984. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.260829 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.99996
  1985. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.260947 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.99348
  1986. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.261032 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999998
  1987. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/22 (38 ms)
  1988. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/23
  1989. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.261196 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1990. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.317545 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 2.01576
  1991. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.317689 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.99996
  1992. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.317746 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 1.99365
  1993. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.317842 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999993
  1994. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/23 (56 ms)
  1995. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/24
  1996. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.318022 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  1997. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.399294 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.02009
  1998. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.399505 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999989
  1999. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.399561 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.99594
  2000. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.399679 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999996
  2001. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/24 (81 ms)
  2002. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/25
  2003. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.399901 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2004. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.432061 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.01647
  2005. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.432471 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999977
  2006. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.432524 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.98835
  2007. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.432624 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999997
  2008. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/25 (33 ms)
  2009. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/26
  2010. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.432838 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2011. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.440605 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.03954
  2012. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.440714 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999826
  2013. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.440762 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.92276
  2014. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.440871 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999642
  2015. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/26 (8 ms)
  2016. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/27
  2017. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.440969 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2018. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.450884 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.04882
  2019. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.451146 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.99991
  2020. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.451215 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.96819
  2021. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.451261 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.99995
  2022. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/27 (11 ms)
  2023. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/28
  2024. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.451354 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2025. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.453724 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 8.08848
  2026. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.453807 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999849
  2027. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.453852 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 8.03228
  2028. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.453902 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999851
  2029. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/28 (2 ms)
  2030. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/29
  2031. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.454021 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2032. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.457118 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 8.04342
  2033. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.457295 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999821
  2034. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.457370 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 7.99821
  2035. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.457437 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999849
  2036. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/29 (3 ms)
  2037. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/30
  2038. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.457607 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2039. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.467099 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 4.04947
  2040. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.467581 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999853
  2041. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.467754 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 3.97753
  2042. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.467900 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999941
  2043. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/30 (10 ms)
  2044. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/31
  2045. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.468083 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:737] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2046. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470346 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:270] Convergence order in q : 6.05333
  2047. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470489 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:271] Correlation : 0.999773
  2048. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470547 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:281] Convergence order in p : 5.95478
  2049. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470630 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:282] Correlation : 0.999545
  2050. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Convergence/31 (2 ms)
  2051. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/0
  2052. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470798 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  2053. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/0 (0 ms)
  2054. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/1
  2055. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.470996 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  2056. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/1 (1 ms)
  2057. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/2
  2058. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471173 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  2059. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/2 (0 ms)
  2060. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/3
  2061. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471390 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  2062. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/3 (0 ms)
  2063. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/4
  2064. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471601 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  2065. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/4 (0 ms)
  2066. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/5
  2067. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471714 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  2068. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/5 (0 ms)
  2069. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/6
  2070. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471827 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  2071. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/6 (0 ms)
  2072. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/7
  2073. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.471968 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  2074. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/7 (1 ms)
  2075. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/8
  2076. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.472165 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  2077. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/8 (0 ms)
  2078. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/9
  2079. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.472388 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2080. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/9 (0 ms)
  2081. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/10
  2082. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.472692 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2083. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/10 (0 ms)
  2084. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/11
  2085. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.472992 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2086. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/11 (1 ms)
  2087. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/12
  2088. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.473297 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2089. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/12 (0 ms)
  2090. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/13
  2091. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.473588 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2092. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/13 (0 ms)
  2093. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/14
  2094. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.473886 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2095. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/14 (1 ms)
  2096. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/15
  2097. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.474179 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2098. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/15 (0 ms)
  2099. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/16
  2100. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.474520 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2101. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/16 (0 ms)
  2102. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/17
  2103. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.474766 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2104. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/17 (0 ms)
  2105. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/18
  2106. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.475070 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2107. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/18 (0 ms)
  2108. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/19
  2109. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.475386 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2110. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/19 (0 ms)
  2111. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/20
  2112. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.475690 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2113. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/20 (0 ms)
  2114. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/21
  2115. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.475934 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2116. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/21 (1 ms)
  2117. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/22
  2118. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.476253 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2119. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/22 (0 ms)
  2120. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/23
  2121. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.476588 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2122. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/23 (0 ms)
  2123. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/24
  2124. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.476873 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2125. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/24 (1 ms)
  2126. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/25
  2127. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.477174 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2128. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/25 (0 ms)
  2129. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/26
  2130. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.477478 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2131. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/26 (0 ms)
  2132. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/27
  2133. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.477773 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2134. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/27 (0 ms)
  2135. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/28
  2136. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.478076 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2137. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/28 (0 ms)
  2138. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/29
  2139. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.478361 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2140. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/29 (0 ms)
  2141. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/30
  2142. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.478665 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2143. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/30 (0 ms)
  2144. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/31
  2145. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.478965 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:742] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2146. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Termination/31 (1 ms)
  2147. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/0
  2148. ==> default: I0611 09:35:06.479255 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  2149. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/0 (3474 ms)
  2150. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/1
  2151. ==> default: I0611 09:35:09.997231 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  2152. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/1 (3520 ms)
  2153. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/2
  2154. ==> default: I0611 09:35:13.559958 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  2155. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/2 (3505 ms)
  2156. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/3
  2157. ==> default: I0611 09:35:17.106884 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  2158. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/3 (3559 ms)
  2159. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/4
  2160. ==> default: I0611 09:35:20.708385 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  2161. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/4 (3529 ms)
  2162. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/5
  2163. ==> default: I0611 09:35:24.281004 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  2164. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/5 (3552 ms)
  2165. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/6
  2166. ==> default: I0611 09:35:27.878703 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  2167. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/6 (3577 ms)
  2168. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/7
  2169. ==> default: I0611 09:35:31.499884 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  2170. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/7 (3625 ms)
  2171. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/8
  2172. ==> default: I0611 09:35:35.166345 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  2173. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/8 (3552 ms)
  2174. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/9
  2175. ==> default: I0611 09:35:38.761291 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2176. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/9 (3514 ms)
  2177. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/10
  2178. ==> default: I0611 09:35:42.319849 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2179. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/10 (3561 ms)
  2180. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/11
  2181. ==> default: I0611 09:35:45.923748 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2182. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/11 (3588 ms)
  2183. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/12
  2184. ==> default: I0611 09:35:49.554744 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2185. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/12 (3524 ms)
  2186. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/13
  2187. ==> default: I0611 09:35:53.120975 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2188. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/13 (3536 ms)
  2189. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/14
  2190. ==> default: I0611 09:35:56.700387 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2191. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/14 (3576 ms)
  2192. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/15
  2193. ==> default: I0611 09:36:00.320317 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2194. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/15 (3711 ms)
  2195. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/16
  2196. ==> default: I0611 09:36:04.075280 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2197. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/16 (3646 ms)
  2198. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/17
  2199. ==> default: I0611 09:36:07.764588 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2200. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/17 (3620 ms)
  2201. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/18
  2202. ==> default: I0611 09:36:11.426880 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2203. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/18 (3623 ms)
  2204. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/19
  2205. ==> default: I0611 09:36:15.092416 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2206. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/19 (3626 ms)
  2207. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/20
  2208. ==> default: I0611 09:36:18.760843 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2209. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/20 (3493 ms)
  2210. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/21
  2211. ==> default: I0611 09:36:22.296656 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2212. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/21 (3473 ms)
  2213. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/22
  2214. ==> default: I0611 09:36:25.813127 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2215. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/22 (3553 ms)
  2216. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/23
  2217. ==> default: I0611 09:36:29.411660 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2218. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/23 (3505 ms)
  2219. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/24
  2220. ==> default: I0611 09:36:32.958739 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2221. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/24 (3534 ms)
  2222. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/25
  2223. ==> default: I0611 09:36:36.536315 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2224. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/25 (3517 ms)
  2225. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/26
  2226. ==> default: I0611 09:36:40.095001 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2227. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/26 (3502 ms)
  2228. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/27
  2229. ==> default: I0611 09:36:43.640225 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2230. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/27 (3564 ms)
  2231. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/28
  2232. ==> default: I0611 09:36:47.245306 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2233. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/28 (3620 ms)
  2234. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/29
  2235. ==> default: I0611 09:36:50.908340 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2236. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/29 (3623 ms)
  2237. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/30
  2238. ==> default: I0611 09:36:54.572660 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2239. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/30 (3542 ms)
  2240. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/31
  2241. ==> default: I0611 09:36:58.155766 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:747] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2242. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.LongIntegration/31 (3539 ms)
  2243. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/0
  2244. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.736523 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlanAtela1992Order4Optimal
  2245. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/0 (23 ms)
  2246. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/1
  2247. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.759268 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SB3A4
  2248. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/1 (0 ms)
  2249. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/2
  2250. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.759563 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SB3A5
  2251. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/2 (0 ms)
  2252. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/3
  2253. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.759820 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] BlanesMoan2002SRKN6B
  2254. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/3 (0 ms)
  2255. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/4
  2256. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.760056 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlanAtela1992Order5Optimal
  2257. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/4 (0 ms)
  2258. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/5
  2259. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.760305 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] OkunborSkeel1994Order6Method13
  2260. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/5 (0 ms)
  2261. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/6
  2262. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.760557 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] BlanesMoan2002SRKN11B
  2263. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/6 (0 ms)
  2264. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/7
  2265. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.760812 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] BlanesMoan2002SRKN14A
  2266. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/7 (0 ms)
  2267. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/8
  2268. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761050 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<ABA>
  2269. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/8 (0 ms)
  2270. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/9
  2271. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761210 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] NewtonDelambreStørmerVerletLeapfrog.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2272. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/9 (0 ms)
  2273. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/10
  2274. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761322 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Ruth1983.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2275. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/10 (0 ms)
  2276. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/11
  2277. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761438 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Suzuki1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2278. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/11 (0 ms)
  2279. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/12
  2280. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761524 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order6A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2281. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/12 (0 ms)
  2282. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/13
  2283. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761620 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order6B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2284. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/13 (0 ms)
  2285. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/14
  2286. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761696 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order6C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2287. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/14 (0 ms)
  2288. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/15
  2289. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761770 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order8A.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2290. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/15 (0 ms)
  2291. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/16
  2292. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761847 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order8B.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2293. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/16 (0 ms)
  2294. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/17
  2295. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.761924 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order8C.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2296. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/17 (0 ms)
  2297. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/18
  2298. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762001 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order8D.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2299. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/18 (1 ms)
  2300. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/19
  2301. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762079 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] Yoshida1990Order8E.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2302. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/19 (0 ms)
  2303. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/20
  2304. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762152 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] CandyRozmus1991ForestRuth1990.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2305. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/20 (0 ms)
  2306. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/21
  2307. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762241 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlanAtela1992Order2Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2308. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/21 (0 ms)
  2309. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/22
  2310. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762356 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlanAtela1992Order3Optimal.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BA>
  2311. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/22 (0 ms)
  2312. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/23
  2313. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762467 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995S2.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2314. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/23 (0 ms)
  2315. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/24
  2316. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762579 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SS5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2317. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/24 (0 ms)
  2318. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/25
  2319. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762691 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995S4.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2320. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/25 (0 ms)
  2321. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/26
  2322. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762804 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995S5.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2323. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/26 (0 ms)
  2324. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/27
  2325. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.762922 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SS9.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2326. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/27 (0 ms)
  2327. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/28
  2328. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.763034 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SS15.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2329. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/28 (0 ms)
  2330. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/29
  2331. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.763146 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] McLachlan1995SS17.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2332. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/29 (0 ms)
  2333. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/30
  2334. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.763257 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] BlanesMoan2002S6.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2335. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/30 (0 ms)
  2336. ==> default: [ RUN ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/31
  2337. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.763367 2914 symplectic_runge_kutta_nyström_integrator_test.cpp:752] BlanesMoan2002S10.AsRungeKuttaNyströmIntegrator<BAB>
  2338. ==> default: [ OK ] SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest.Serialization/31 (0 ms)
  2339. ==> default: [----------] 192 tests from SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTests/SymplecticRungeKuttaNyströmIntegratorTest (115818 ms total)
  2340. ==> default: [----------] 22 tests from AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest
  2341. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ProlongSpecialCases/0
  2342. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ProlongSpecialCases/0 (1 ms)
  2343. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ProlongSpecialCases/1
  2344. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ProlongSpecialCases/1 (2 ms)
  2345. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.FlowWithAdaptiveStepSpecialCase/0
  2346. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.FlowWithAdaptiveStepSpecialCase/0 (19 ms)
  2347. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.FlowWithAdaptiveStepSpecialCase/1
  2348. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.FlowWithAdaptiveStepSpecialCase/1 (26 ms)
  2349. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthMoon/0
  2350. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthMoon/0 (8 ms)
  2351. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthMoon/1
  2352. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthMoon/1 (2 ms)
  2353. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ForgetBefore/0
  2354. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ForgetBefore/0 (2 ms)
  2355. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ForgetBefore/1
  2356. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ForgetBefore/1 (3 ms)
  2357. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Moon/0
  2358. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Moon/0 (1 ms)
  2359. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Moon/1
  2360. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Moon/1 (2 ms)
  2361. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthProbe/0
  2362. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthProbe/0 (3 ms)
  2363. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthProbe/1
  2364. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthProbe/1 (2 ms)
  2365. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthTwoProbes/0
  2366. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthTwoProbes/0 (3 ms)
  2367. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthTwoProbes/1
  2368. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.EarthTwoProbes/1 (3 ms)
  2369. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Serialization/0
  2370. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.845650 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:708] WriteToMessage
  2371. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.845932 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:734] message->SpaceUsed(): 16472
  2372. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.846123 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:735] message->ByteSize(): 2492
  2373. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.846375 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:708] WriteToMessage
  2374. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.846519 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:734] message->SpaceUsed(): 16472
  2375. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.846680 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:735] message->ByteSize(): 2492
  2376. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Serialization/0 (5 ms)
  2377. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Serialization/1
  2378. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.849683 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:708] WriteToMessage
  2379. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.849952 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:734] message->SpaceUsed(): 40384
  2380. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.850221 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:735] message->ByteSize(): 5912
  2381. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.850587 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:708] WriteToMessage
  2382. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.850821 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:734] message->SpaceUsed(): 40384
  2383. ==> default: I0611 09:37:01.851047 2914 ephemeris_body.hpp:735] message->ByteSize(): 5912
  2384. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.Serialization/1 (8 ms)
  2385. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMasslessBody/0
  2386. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMasslessBody/0 (2 ms)
  2387. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMasslessBody/1
  2388. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMasslessBody/1 (1 ms)
  2389. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMassiveBody/0
  2390. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMassiveBody/0 (2 ms)
  2391. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMassiveBody/1
  2392. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeGravitationalAccelerationMassiveBody/1 (3 ms)
  2393. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeApsidesContinuousTrajectory/0
  2394. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeApsidesContinuousTrajectory/0 (73 ms)
  2395. ==> default: [ RUN ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeApsidesContinuousTrajectory/1
  2396. ==> default: [ OK ] AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest.ComputeApsidesContinuousTrajectory/1 (72 ms)
  2397. ==> default: [----------] 22 tests from AllEphemerisTests/EphemerisTest (249 ms total)
  2398. ==> default: [----------] Global test environment tear-down
  2399. ==> default: [==========] 815 tests from 110 test cases ran. (188675 ms total)
  2400. ==> default: [ PASSED ] 814 tests.
  2401. ==> default: [ FAILED ] 1 test, listed below:
  2402. ==> default: [ FAILED ] ElementaryFunctionsTest.ExpLogAndRoots
  2403. ==> default:
  2404. ==> default: 1 FAILED TEST
  2405. ==> default: YOU HAVE 21 DISABLED TESTS
  2406. ==> default: Makefile:233: recipe for target 'test' failed
  2407. ==> default: mdtool build -c:Release ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj
  2408. ==> default: make: [test] Error 1 (ignored)
  2409. ==> default: MonoDevelop Build Tool
  2410. ==> default: Build started 6/11/2017 9:37:04 AM.
  2411. ==> default: __________________________________________________
  2412. ==> default: Project "/home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj" (Build target(s)):
  2413. ==> default:
  2414. ==> default: Target PrepareForBuild:
  2415. ==> default: Configuration: Release Platform: AnyCPU
  2416. ==> default: Created directory "obj/Release/"
  2417. ==> default:
  2418. ==> default: Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
  2419. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'Assembly-CSharp' not resolved
  2420. ==> default: For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
  2421. ==> default: Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
  2422. ==> default: For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
  2423. ==> default: Considered ../../KSP Assemblies/Assembly-CSharp.dll, but it does not exist.
  2424. ==> default: For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
  2425. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/3.5-api/, assembly named 'Assembly-CSharp' not found.
  2426. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/2.0-api/, assembly named 'Assembly-CSharp' not found.
  2427. ==> default: For searchpath {PkgConfig}
  2428. ==> default: Considered Assembly-CSharp, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
  2429. ==> default: For searchpath {GAC}
  2430. ==> default: Considered Assembly-CSharp, but could not find in the GAC.
  2431. ==> default: For searchpath {RawFileName}
  2432. ==> default: Considered 'Assembly-CSharp' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2433. ==> default: For searchpath ../Release/GameData/Principia/
  2434. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/Assembly-CSharp' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2435. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/Assembly-CSharp.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2436. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/Assembly-CSharp.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2437. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'UnityEngine' not resolved
  2438. ==> default: For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
  2439. ==> default: Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
  2440. ==> default: For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
  2441. ==> default: Considered ../../KSP Assemblies/UnityEngine.dll, but it does not exist.
  2442. ==> default: For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
  2443. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/3.5-api/, assembly named 'UnityEngine' not found.
  2444. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/2.0-api/, assembly named 'UnityEngine' not found.
  2445. ==> default: For searchpath {PkgConfig}
  2446. ==> default: Considered UnityEngine, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
  2447. ==> default: For searchpath {GAC}
  2448. ==> default: Considered UnityEngine, but could not find in the GAC.
  2449. ==> default: For searchpath {RawFileName}
  2450. ==> default: Considered 'UnityEngine' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2451. ==> default: For searchpath ../Release/GameData/Principia/
  2452. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2453. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2454. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2455. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'UnityEngine.UI' not resolved
  2456. ==> default: For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
  2457. ==> default: Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
  2458. ==> default: For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
  2459. ==> default: Considered ../../KSP Assemblies/UnityEngine.UI.dll, but it does not exist.
  2460. ==> default: For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
  2461. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/3.5-api/, assembly named 'UnityEngine.UI' not found.
  2462. ==> default: Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/2.0-api/, assembly named 'UnityEngine.UI' not found.
  2463. ==> default: For searchpath {PkgConfig}
  2464. ==> default: Considered UnityEngine.UI, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
  2465. ==> default: For searchpath {GAC}
  2466. ==> default: Considered UnityEngine.UI, but could not find in the GAC.
  2467. ==> default: For searchpath {RawFileName}
  2468. ==> default: Considered 'UnityEngine.UI' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2469. ==> default: For searchpath ../Release/GameData/Principia/
  2470. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine.UI' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2471. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine.UI.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2472. ==> default: Considered '/home/vagrant/principia/Release/GameData/Principia/UnityEngine.UI.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
  2473. ==> default:
  2474. ==> default: Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
  2475. ==> default: No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
  2476. ==> default:
  2477. ==> default: Target CoreCompile:
  2478. ==> default: Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/csc.exe execution started with arguments: /noconfig /debug:full /debug:portable /optimize+ /out:obj/Release/ksp_plugin_adapter.dll boxed.cs burn_editor.cs culture.cs differential_slider.cs flight_planner.cs gl_lines.cs interface.generated.cs ksp_plugin_adapter.cs interface.cs layout.cs loader.cs logging.cs map_node_pool.cs rendering_actions.cs null_extensions.cs optional_marshaler.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs reference_frame_selector.cs utf8_marshaler.cs window_renderer.cs /target:library /unsafe+ /define:TRACE /nostdlib /reference:/usr/lib/mono/2.0-api/System.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/2.0-api/System.Core.dll /reference:/usr/lib/mono/2.0-api//mscorlib.dll /warn:4
  2479. ==> default: Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version
  2480. ==> default: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  2481. ==> default:
  2482. ==> default: burn_editor.cs(12,21): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2483. ==> default: interface.cs(18,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2484. ==> default: interface.cs(21,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2485. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(14,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2486. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(18,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2487. ==> default: interface.cs(9,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2488. ==> default: interface.cs(12,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2489. ==> default: burn_editor.cs(261,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2490. ==> default: layout.cs(7,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2491. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(63,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2492. ==> default: layout.cs(17,32): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2493. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(64,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2494. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(82,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2495. ==> default: differential_slider.cs(19,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2496. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(89,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2497. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(90,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2498. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(120,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2499. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(121,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2500. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(150,36): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2501. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(151,36): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2502. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(198,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2503. ==> default: interface.cs(29,51): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2504. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(328,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2505. ==> default: differential_slider.cs(111,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2506. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(367,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2507. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(374,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ManeuverNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2508. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(375,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2509. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(393,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2510. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(394,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2511. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(50,32): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2512. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(81,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2513. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(82,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2514. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(99,48): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2515. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(129,55): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2516. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(129,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2517. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(137,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2518. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(135,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2519. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(136,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2520. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(18,9): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ControlTypes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2521. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(12,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2522. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(21,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2523. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(45,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2524. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(47,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2525. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(48,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2526. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(225,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2527. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(226,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2528. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(213,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2529. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(214,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2530. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(218,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2531. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(219,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2532. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(220,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2533. ==> default: rendering_actions.cs(9,26): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2534. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(18,38): error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2535. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(19,39): error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2536. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(16,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ScenarioModule' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2537. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenarioAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2538. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenario' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2539. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,29): error CS0103: The name 'ScenarioCreationOptions' does not exist in the current context
  2540. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GameScenes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2541. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2542. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(13,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2543. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(14,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2544. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(134,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2545. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(221,27): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2546. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(255,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2547. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2548. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2549. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(286,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2550. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(290,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2551. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(324,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2552. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(338,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightCtrlState' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2553. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(350,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2554. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(373,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2555. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2556. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2557. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1282,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2558. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1283,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2559. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1307,48): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2560. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1364,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2561. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1365,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2562. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1376,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2563. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1377,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2564. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(387,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnAwake()': no suitable method found to override
  2565. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnSave(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2566. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnLoad(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2567. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(26,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2568. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2569. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2570. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2571. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2572. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2573. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2574. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2575. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2576. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2577. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(36,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2578. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2579. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2580. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2581. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2582. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2583. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2584. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2585. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly
  2586. ==> default: reference?)
  2587. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2588. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2589. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2590. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2591. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2592. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2593. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2594. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2595. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2596. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2597. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2598. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2599. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2600. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2601. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2602. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2603. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2604. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2605. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2606. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2607. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2608. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2609. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2610. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2611. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2612. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2613. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2614. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2615. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(105,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2616. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(106,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2617. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(107,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2618. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(108,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2619. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(109,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2620. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(110,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2621. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(111,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2622. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(113,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightGlobals' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2623. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(126,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2624. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2625. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,44): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2626. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(133,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2627. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(147,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2628. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(149,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2629. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2630. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2631. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2632. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2633. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2634. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2635. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2636. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2637. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2638. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2639. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2640. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2641. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(162,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2642. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(187,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2643. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(188,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2644. ==> default: Task "Csc" execution -- FAILED
  2645. ==> default: Done building target "CoreCompile" in project "/home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj".-- FAILED
  2646. ==> default:
  2647. ==> default: Done building project "/home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj".-- FAILED
  2648. ==> default: Build FAILED.
  2649. ==> default: Warnings:
  2650. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj (Build) ->
  2651. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->
  2652. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'Assembly-CSharp' not resolved
  2653. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'UnityEngine' not resolved
  2654. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'UnityEngine.UI' not resolved
  2655. ==> default: Errors:
  2656. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.csproj (Build) ->
  2657. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->
  2658. ==> default: burn_editor.cs(12,21): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2659. ==> default: interface.cs(18,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2660. ==> default: interface.cs(21,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2661. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(14,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2662. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(18,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2663. ==> default: interface.cs(9,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2664. ==> default: interface.cs(12,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2665. ==> default: burn_editor.cs(261,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2666. ==> default: layout.cs(7,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2667. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(63,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2668. ==> default: layout.cs(17,32): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2669. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(64,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2670. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(82,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2671. ==> default: differential_slider.cs(19,23): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2672. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(89,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2673. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(90,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2674. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(120,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2675. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(121,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2676. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(150,36): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2677. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(151,36): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2678. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(198,10): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2679. ==> default: interface.cs(29,51): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2680. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(328,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2681. ==> default: differential_slider.cs(111,20): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2682. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(367,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2683. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(374,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ManeuverNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2684. ==> default: flight_planner.cs(375,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2685. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(393,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2686. ==> default: reference_frame_selector.cs(394,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2687. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(50,32): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2688. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(81,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2689. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(82,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2690. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(99,48): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2691. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(129,55): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2692. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(129,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2693. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(137,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2694. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(135,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2695. ==> default: gl_lines.cs(136,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2696. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(18,9): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ControlTypes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2697. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(12,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2698. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(21,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2699. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(45,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2700. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(47,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2701. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(48,38): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2702. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(225,16): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2703. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(226,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2704. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(213,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2705. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(214,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2706. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(218,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2707. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(219,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2708. ==> default: map_node_pool.cs(220,12): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2709. ==> default: rendering_actions.cs(9,26): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2710. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(18,38): error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2711. ==> default: window_renderer.cs(19,39): error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2712. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(16,7): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ScenarioModule' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2713. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenarioAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2714. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenario' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2715. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,29): error CS0103: The name 'ScenarioCreationOptions' does not exist in the current context
  2716. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GameScenes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2717. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2718. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(13,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2719. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(14,42): error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2720. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(134,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2721. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(221,27): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2722. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(255,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2723. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2724. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2725. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(286,30): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2726. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(290,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2727. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(324,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2728. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(338,35): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightCtrlState' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2729. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(350,40): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2730. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(373,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2731. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2732. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,31): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2733. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1282,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2734. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1283,33): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2735. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1307,48): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2736. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1364,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2737. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1365,37): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2738. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1376,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2739. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1377,34): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2740. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(387,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnAwake()': no suitable method found to override
  2741. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnSave(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2742. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,24): error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnLoad(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2743. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(26,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2744. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2745. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2746. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2747. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2748. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2749. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2750. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2751. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2752. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2753. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(36,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2754. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2755. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2756. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2757. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2758. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2759. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2760. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2761. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2762. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2763. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2764. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2765. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2766. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2767. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2768. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2769. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2770. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2771. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2772. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2773. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2774. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2775. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2776. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2777. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2778. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2779. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2780. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2781. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2782. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2783. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2784. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2785. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2786. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2787. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2788. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2789. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2790. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(105,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2791. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(106,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2792. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(107,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2793. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(108,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2794. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(109,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2795. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(110,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2796. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(111,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2797. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(113,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightGlobals' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2798. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(126,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2799. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,29): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2800. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,44): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2801. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(133,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2802. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(147,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2803. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(149,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2804. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2805. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2806. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2807. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2808. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2809. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2810. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2811. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2812. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2813. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2814. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2815. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,13): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2816. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(162,11): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2817. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(187,39): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2818. ==> default: ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(188,41): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2819. ==> default: 3 Warning(s)
  2820. ==> default: 161 Error(s)
  2821. ==> default: Time Elapsed 00:00:00.8275500
  2822. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets : warning: Reference 'Assembly-CSharp' not resolved
  2823. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets : warning: Reference 'UnityEngine' not resolved
  2824. ==> default: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets : warning: Reference 'UnityEngine.UI' not resolved
  2825. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/burn_editor.cs(12,21) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2826. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/interface.cs(18,40) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2827. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/interface.cs(21,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2828. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(14,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2829. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(18,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2830. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/interface.cs(9,39) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2831. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/interface.cs(12,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2832. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/burn_editor.cs(261,20) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2833. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/layout.cs(7,34) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2834. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(63,10) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2835. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/layout.cs(17,32) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2836. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(64,10) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2837. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(82,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2838. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/differential_slider.cs(19,23) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2839. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(89,29) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2840. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(90,29) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2841. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(120,34) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2842. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(121,34) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2843. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(150,36) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2844. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(151,36) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2845. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(198,10) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2846. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/interface.cs(29,51) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2847. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(328,30) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2848. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/differential_slider.cs(111,20) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2849. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/flight_planner.cs(367,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2850. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/flight_planner.cs(374,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ManeuverNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2851. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/flight_planner.cs(375,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2852. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(393,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2853. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/reference_frame_selector.cs(394,22) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2854. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(50,32) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2855. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(81,33) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2856. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(82,33) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2857. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(99,48) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2858. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(129,55) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2859. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(129,18) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2860. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(137,18) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2861. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(135,18) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2862. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/gl_lines.cs(136,18) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2863. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/window_renderer.cs(18,9) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ControlTypes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2864. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/window_renderer.cs(12,41) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2865. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/window_renderer.cs(21,37) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2866. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(45,38) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2867. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(47,38) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2868. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(48,38) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2869. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(225,16) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2870. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(226,22) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2871. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(213,12) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'MapObject' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2872. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(214,12) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2873. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(218,12) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2874. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(219,12) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2875. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/map_node_pool.cs(220,12) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2876. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/rendering_actions.cs(9,26) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2877. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/window_renderer.cs(18,38) : error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2878. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/window_renderer.cs(19,39) : error CS0103: The name 'ControlTypes' does not exist in the current context
  2879. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(16,7) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ScenarioModule' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2880. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenarioAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2881. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,2) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPScenario' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2882. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(11,29) : error CS0103: The name 'ScenarioCreationOptions' does not exist in the current context
  2883. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,29) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GameScenes' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2884. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(12,42) : error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2885. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(13,42) : error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2886. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(14,42) : error CS0103: The name 'GameScenes' does not exist in the current context
  2887. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(134,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2888. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(221,27) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2889. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(255,29) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2890. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,40) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2891. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(282,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2892. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(286,30) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2893. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(290,41) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2894. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(324,39) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2895. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(338,35) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightCtrlState' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2896. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(350,40) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2897. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(373,37) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2898. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,31) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2899. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,31) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ConfigNode' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2900. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1282,33) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2901. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1283,33) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2902. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1307,48) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2903. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1364,37) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2904. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1365,37) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2905. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1376,34) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2906. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(1377,34) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Mouse' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2907. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(387,24) : error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnAwake()': no suitable method found to override
  2908. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(437,24) : error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnSave(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2909. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(452,24) : error CS0115: 'PrincipiaPluginAdapter.OnLoad(ConfigNode)': no suitable method found to override
  2910. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(26,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2911. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2912. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2913. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(30,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2914. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2915. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2916. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(32,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2917. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2918. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2919. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(34,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2920. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(36,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2921. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2922. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2923. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(51,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2924. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2925. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2926. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(56,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2927. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2928. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2929. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(62,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2930. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2931. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2932. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(65,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2933. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2934. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2935. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(67,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2936. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2937. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2938. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(69,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2939. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2940. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2941. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(71,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2942. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2943. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using di
  2944. ==> default: rective or an assembly reference?)
  2945. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(74,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2946. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2947. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2948. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(76,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2949. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2950. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2951. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(78,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2952. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2953. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2954. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(80,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2955. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2956. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2957. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(84,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2958. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(105,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSP' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2959. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(106,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2960. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(107,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2961. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(108,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2962. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(109,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2963. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(110,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2964. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(111,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2965. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(113,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'FlightGlobals' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2966. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(126,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2967. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,29) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2968. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(129,44) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Orbit' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2969. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(133,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Krakensbane' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2970. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(147,28) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Part' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2971. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(149,28) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vector3d' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2972. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2973. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2974. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(153,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2975. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2976. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2977. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(156,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2978. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2979. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2980. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(158,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2981. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPFieldAttribute' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2982. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,4) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'KSPField' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2983. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(160,13) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'isPersistant' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2984. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(162,11) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'UnityEngine' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2985. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(187,39) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'CelestialBody' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2986. ==> default: /home/vagrant/principia/ksp_plugin_adapter/ksp_plugin_adapter.cs(188,41) : error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'Vessel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
  2987. ==> default: Makefile:239: recipe for target 'ksp_plugin_adapter/obj/Release/ksp_plugin_adapter.dll' failed
  2988. ==> default: make: *** [ksp_plugin_adapter/obj/Release/ksp_plugin_adapter.dll] Error 1
  2989. The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
  2990. assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
  2991. should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
  2992. went wrong.
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