

May 10th, 2016
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  1. Ryan Patterson
  3. you dont have depression. you are an attention seeking piece of trash who actually is the opposite of depressed, because it is very apparent that you think you are above everyone because you have a bunch of follower on a social media website.
  4. You literally look like every other recycled cosplay wannabe girl that shitposts on facebook about how great their life is and how pretty they are because nobody in real life actually gives a shit.
  5. "hurr durr look at me im probably around 19-20 years old and i still dye my hair pink and purple because i cant get out of the phase i was stuck in when i was 16, please give me attention"
  6. Literally a carbon copy of every wannabe "alternative" model and "cosplay" model
  7. The only reason anybody gives a shit about you is because either 1. They are a fat neckbeard with nothing else to do
  8. or 2. They think they have a chance of fucking you over the internet.
  9. Oh, and I also know what your response is going to say.
  10. "all you have are anime profile pictures shut up youre fucking autistic why dont you just kill yourself hehehehe"
  11. mental disorders are not glamorous so stop trying to turn them into a trend
  13. Unlike ยท Reply ยท 2 ยท 5 hrs
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