

Nov 6th, 2017
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  130. <Tooltip text="Displays a comprehensive breakdown of each how each item's time is spent.&#10;&#10;Percentage&#10;&#9;The item's time spent in active offers as compared to the total of all items.&#10;&#9;Useful to see which items are taking up valuable GE offer slots for too long.&#10;&#10;Breakdown bar&#10;&#9;Dark blue: Time spent in buy offers.&#10;&#9;Light blue: Time spent in sell offers.&#10;&#9;Empty: Time spent idling in inventory.&#10;&#9;Stats are counted higher the more items not yet traded in that GE offer.&#10;&#9;Useful for learning what prices to adjust on each item." />
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  167. <Tooltip text="Trade volume statistics.&#10;Shows what rate an item is being traded at.&#10;Should be used to compare items of similar value.&#10;&#10;ON - Update mode&#10;&#9;Represents the amount/rate at which you get your gold/items from the GE.&#10;&#9;Average update amount @ average update time.&#10;&#9;Does NOT include time spent idling in player's inventory.&#10;&#10;OFF - Minute mode&#10;&#9;Normalizes all items to show on average how many are traded in 1 minute.&#10;&#9;Includes idle time." />
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  213. <Tooltip text="Shows the progress that has been made while trading this item.&#10;&#10;ON - Overview mode&#10;&#9;Displays in terms of total amount traded.&#10;&#9;Amount sold / amount bought.&#10;&#10;OFF - Buy limit mode&#10;&#9;Displays progress on the buy limit of the item.&#10;&#9;Amount bought / Item's 4 hour limit.&#10;&#9;Resets every 4 hours to match in-game limits." />
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  251. <Tooltip text="Displays the amount of GP this item would make each hour if you traded it continuously.&#10;Only considers the time spent trading or idling this item into consideration (not runtime).&#10;Profit margins are displayed as a percentage in parentheses." />
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