

Aug 25th, 2014
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  1. regir☆ck: .
  2. RotomPoison: well
  3. RotomPoison: are you going to be nice and listen
  4. regir☆ck: i'll listen
  5. RotomPoison: good
  6. regir☆ck: i just want to hear how this whole thing was a mistake
  7. RotomPoison: only if you tell me why youre mad at me first
  8. regir☆ck: cuz you lied about mike's logs. now explain.
  9. RotomPoison: ok
  10. RotomPoison: know what
  11. RotomPoison: heres what happened with his logs
  12. RotomPoison: youre right
  13. RotomPoison: i didnt make them up
  14. RotomPoison: but it also wasnt him
  15. regir☆ck: oh so who was it
  16. regir☆ck: mulvone
  17. RotomPoison: isnt he gone?
  18. regir☆ck: i was just making up a name
  19. RotomPoison: regi
  20. RotomPoison: why cant we just be friends again
  21. RotomPoison: im sick of you causing stuff like this
  22. regir☆ck: tell me who made the logs
  23. regir☆ck: stop changing the subject
  24. RotomPoison: fine
  25. RotomPoison: check the om room
  26. RotomPoison: notice any weird name there
  27. regir☆ck: the names are as strange as always
  28. RotomPoison: no
  29. regir☆ck: if you say asterat
  30. RotomPoison: he left but he said something so just look up
  31. regir☆ck: who
  32. RotomPoison: example
  33. RotomPoison: [17:39:49] +Seismit0ad: who tf is Michael Leone do
  34. regir☆ck: now who is this person
  35. regir☆ck: now i know you're bullshitting me because that alt registered today
  36. RotomPoison: i just got here
  37. RotomPoison: but im saying
  38. RotomPoison: weird stuff like that happens all the time
  39. RotomPoison: see
  40. RotomPoison: thats the kind of shit that doesnt help your case
  41. RotomPoison: its not me, ive been gone for a while and even asked him about it myself
  42. regir☆ck: what does that person have to do with anything
  43. regir☆ck: i'm asking you who made the alts
  44. RotomPoison: get a mod to altcheck him if you dont believe me
  45. regir☆ck: not who impostered mike
  46. RotomPoison: .
  47. RotomPoison: I
  48. RotomPoison: TOLD
  49. RotomPoison: YOU
  50. RotomPoison: I
  51. RotomPoison: DONT
  52. RotomPoison: KNOW
  53. regir☆ck: what the fuck
  54. regir☆ck: you just said "i'll tell you"
  55. regir☆ck: "look at the people in the om room"
  56. RotomPoison: yes
  57. RotomPoison: that was an example
  58. regir☆ck: what the fuck
  59. RotomPoison: of how maybe
  60. RotomPoison: you need to stop accusing me of stuff
  61. regir☆ck: .
  62. RotomPoison: i expected you to do that so i could prove it
  63. RotomPoison: im sick of your lies
  64. regir☆ck: you made up the logs though, i've asked every single person who was in the room
  65. regir☆ck: LOL YOU'RE CALLING ME A LIAR
  66. regir☆ck: LMAO
  68. RotomPoison: you just lied about it
  69. RotomPoison: to everyone
  70. regir☆ck: what did i lie about
  71. regir☆ck: tell me
  72. regir☆ck: explain
  73. RotomPoison: you just tried to convince them that was me
  74. regir☆ck: because it was
  75. RotomPoison: it wasnt
  76. regir☆ck: who was it then
  77. regir☆ck: who gave you those logs
  78. RotomPoison: why would i want you mad at me
  79. RotomPoison: i want this stuff overwith
  80. regir☆ck: because you were trying to make me hate mike
  81. regir☆ck: and your plan backfired
  82. RotomPoison: no actually
  83. RotomPoison: why would i want you to hate mike
  84. RotomPoison: thats even more stupid
  85. regir☆ck: because the day before that, i said that mike was annoying me, and after that, you made those logs, like you always do
  86. RotomPoison: no
  87. RotomPoison: i wanted to fix it
  88. regir☆ck: how the hell did you fix it with fake logs
  89. RotomPoison: regi
  90. regir☆ck: what
  91. RotomPoison: fine
  92. RotomPoison: if i tell you the truth can we forget all this
  93. regir☆ck: sure
  94. RotomPoison: i dont believe you
  95. RotomPoison: it happened such a long time ago im surprised it still matters
  96. RotomPoison: ive tried to help you a lot since then
  97. RotomPoison: and when i needed help you would say "later"
  98. regir☆ck: waitwaitwait
  99. regir☆ck: i made this convo
  100. regir☆ck: to ask who made the logs
  101. regir☆ck: you said you knew, and now you're talking about something completely different
  102. regir☆ck: who made the logs, or who did you get the logs from
  103. RotomPoison: fine
  104. RotomPoison: but answer honestly
  105. RotomPoison: if i tell you
  106. RotomPoison: can you both move on
  107. regir☆ck: sure
  108. regir☆ck: and mike didn't do anything
  109. RotomPoison: he did
  110. RotomPoison: but thats a different thing
  111. regir☆ck: just tell me who made the logs
  112. regir☆ck: god damnit you keep changing the subject
  113. RotomPoison: yes
  114. RotomPoison: and i will every time
  115. RotomPoison: anyway...
  116. RotomPoison: it was a person i didnt know
  117. RotomPoison: so it was someone on a random alt
  118. regir☆ck: that's your fucking excuse
  119. regir☆ck: you're such a liar
  120. regir☆ck: it's actually hilarious
  121. RotomPoison: regi
  122. RotomPoison: youre not as smart as you think
  123. regir☆ck: so now you're gonna insult me lol
  124. regir☆ck: i just asked a simple question
  125. RotomPoison: no
  126. regir☆ck: you were the one too stupid to answer it honestly
  127. RotomPoison: ill answer when were friends again
  128. regir☆ck: LOL that's what you're going after
  129. RotomPoison: no
  130. RotomPoison: but its a start
  131. regir☆ck: just tell me who made the logs
  132. regir☆ck: why can't you tell me
  133. RotomPoison: because
  134. regir☆ck: if you don't, i'm just going to say it was you, call it quits, and say you're a liar.
  135. RotomPoison: i dont care about it, i just want us to be friends again because i dont want to see what happened before happen again
  136. RotomPoison: but ill tell you anyway
  137. regir☆ck: that's all i wanted
  138. regir☆ck: tell me
  139. RotomPoison: fine
  140. RotomPoison: im sorry for doing this
  141. regir☆ck: stop changing the subject
  142. RotomPoison: it was 1 of 2 people
  143. regir☆ck: tell me who made it, don't give me a choice between two people
  144. RotomPoison: fine...
  145. RotomPoison: it was most likely sapphire given what was happening at the time
  146. regir☆ck: um, not "most likely" sapphire. tell me who it was.
  147. RotomPoison: whatever
  148. RotomPoison: its not like i need to keep up the trick anymore
  149. RotomPoison: it was sapphire
  150. regir☆ck: so why would sapphire do that. she only hated you
  151. RotomPoison: because he was smart
  152. RotomPoison: he knew that would get me mad at everyone
  153. RotomPoison: and i didnt say a word about it because of briyella
  154. RotomPoison: and im sorry
  155. regir☆ck: why didn't you tell me that in the first place
  156. regir☆ck: why did you have to stall
  157. RotomPoison: briyella
  158. regir☆ck: what does bri have to do with any of this
  159. RotomPoison: do you not know the sapphire story
  160. regir☆ck: tell me
  161. RotomPoison: ok
  162. RotomPoison: but if word of this gets to briyella
  163. RotomPoison: were all getting banned
  164. RotomPoison: shes kind of
  165. regir☆ck: *you're getting banned
  166. regir☆ck: i had nothing to do with it
  167. RotomPoison: no
  168. RotomPoison: regi
  169. RotomPoison: if she finds out someone knows
  170. RotomPoison: they get banned by her
  171. RotomPoison: do you know who bagon is?
  172. regir☆ck: and why is that? just tell me the story.
  173. regir☆ck: i'll stop taking logs right here.
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