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- /*
- * Official Seafoam CSS Theme
- * Code by @cyxxie and @leafjelly
- * Assets by @leafjelly
- * Pagedoll by @Spiderccino
- * Feel free to report any bugs!
- * This code is free-to-use! You may modify as you see fit
- */
- .container-fluid{
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- }
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- /* PageDoll
- * Adjust the margin-top to move your pagedoll up and down
- * Adjust the Height and Width to best fit your image
- * Looks best with a Transparent png
- */
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- background-image: url( !important;
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- /*User Info*/
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- border: none;
- }
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- opacity: .8;
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- /* Profile Description Box*/
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- margin:1rem 4px 1rem 1rem !important;
- background: rgba(0,72,84,.8);
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- width: 72%;#3d0020
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- /* Followers and Links */
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- border-width: 0 2px;
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- /*Profile Galleries*/
- width:100%;
- }
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- }
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- padding: 2px 10px;
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- width: 22%;
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- background: rgba(0,72,84, .5);
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- /*Site User Interface*/
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- /*Mobile Fixes*/
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- opacity: .9 ;
- font-weight:bold !important;
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- .card-body span.icon-user {display:block;background:rgba(0,72,84,0.2);}
- }
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