Guest User


a guest
Aug 24th, 2019
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text 0.81 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ```mermaid
  2. sequenceDiagram
  3. participant User
  4. participant REANA
  5. participant GitLab
  6. participant CERN SSO
  7. User->>REANA: login
  8. REANA-->>User: redirect to cern
  9. User->>CERN SSO: cern login
  10. CERN SSO-->>REANA: cern authentication
  11. User->>REANA: gitlab authorization
  12. REANA-->>User: redirect to gitlab
  13. User->>GitLab: gitlab authorization
  14. GitLab-->>REANA: authorization
  15. REANA->>GitLab: request user projects
  16. GitLab-->>REANA: send user projects
  17. REANA->>User: display projects
  18. User-->>REANA: select project
  19. REANA->>GitLab: setup webhook
  20. User->>GitLab: project commit
  21. GitLab-->>REANA: trigger workflow execution
  22. REANA->>GitLab: update commit status
  23. GitLab-->>User: send commit status notification
  24. User->>REANA: request logs
  25. REANA-->>User: display logs
  26. ```
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