

May 11th, 2015
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  1. Character Format:
  2. Name: Ythaar Mejtokxil
  3. Race: Human
  4. Age: 22
  5. Appearance: 6'0", Black Hair, Red Eyes, and dark-desert Complexion
  6. Preferred Equiptment: Chainmail, Dual Sabers, Black Demon Bone Dagger
  8. Back Story:: Ythaar was born the seventh son of the Mejtokxil family, the ruling family of the a small city-state within the neighboring desert lands of the Coastline. The City is a popular Oasis and trading hub across the lands and is fiercely ruled over, with the seventh son's duties being as an Ambassador towards the other lands, and especially the Dwarvern lands from which the city prospers trading from and offers military and political assistance between the two states. With the new push from the Orcs, it now falls under Ythaar to seek aid from the neighboring lands, and the Dwarves, as well as give assistance.
  10. Ythaar grew up being bred for war, being taught at a young age the basics in both magic and swordplay that his people were known for. After mastering the basics of pyromancy and dual-wielding (under his request), he was allowed to further choose his education. Taking a liking to the prospects of power of a local shut-in and magical researcher that had only recently came to their city, Ythaar undertook research into the darker forces of magic, especially that of Necromancy, noting the validity of raising the dead to supplement forces. The City was too small to credibly go to war alone, meaning any numbers at hand would be most valuable, making this to be the most logical point of research for Ythaar.
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