

Feb 24th, 2012
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  1. Silence. One thousand years from now. The vast Interplanetary Defense Organization, now spanning over a hundred solar systems, has turned the universe into a vehicle. A vehicle for human colonization, for human science, and for human war. Three thousand cities; 75 billions people. The galaxy is a busy place. And yet here, there is silence. Here, there are no traces of IDO influences. For a moment, you could forget all about it. But only for a moment.
  2. "This is Burrower 782. Recieving W-code. Preparing to begin burrowing operation. Burrowing in 3, 2, 1..." This is a burrower. This, more than Henrd Grisonand, acting Supervisor, is responsible for the IDO's success. This, more than the newest cruiser by SonTek Shipyards, is responsible for it's jaw-dropping transportation network. This is a burrower: a worm-hole creator. What would require years of travel can be completed in minutes using a burrower. They are the heart and soul of the IDO.
  3. "Finishing worm-hole creation..." A swirling blue vortex appears. 300 feet in diameter, maintaining it for a single minute costs more than constructing an entire Flagship-class Battleship.
  4. "Preparing to recieve. All systems go. Starting countdown." The crew about Burrower 782 are breathless. You can do it a hundred times, and still be as anxious as a rookie on his first try.
  5. "5...4...3...2...1...Recieving!" Metal bursts through the vacuum. First just a rod, and then suddenly a Flagship-class Carrier. Carriers; while perhaps not as flashy as a SonTek, the iron behemoths most certainly hold their own in a ship-to-ship battle. Whoever was aboard, they certainly understood the meaning of "travelling in style". It's as if the classification as "Private" is some gross mislabeling.
  6. "This is Captain Trinaz, commander of the Intervention. We have been recieved. Forwarding flight path." A message is sent and recieved. The Intervention's flight path is added to a list containing millions of others. Course corrections are calculated and transmitted back. The Intervention's engines roar, though they makes no sound in the vast vacuum of space, and the ship crawls forward, heading for Station 6.
  7. ***
  8. Tevend disembarked from the atmospheric skipper and took a deep breath. He was back on solid ground again. And not just any ground: Earth, the capital of the IDO, ground.
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