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- # By Jaseman - 22nd August 2012
- import os, random, pygame; from pygame.locals import *
- from math import sin, cos, pi
- pygame.init(); clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_WINDOW_POS'] = 'center'
- pygame.display.set_caption("Circle Demo")
- screen=pygame.display.set_mode((800,600),0,32)
- bk=pygame.Surface((800,600)); bk.fill((0,64,0))
- dot=pygame.Surface((4,4)); dot.set_colorkey([0,0,0])
- smlradius = 60; bigradius = 120; points = 90
- # Variable Arrays To Store X&Y points for a small and big circle
- smcx = []; smcy = []; bgcx = []; bgcy = []
- # Calculate the X&Y points and put values into the array
- angleStep = pi *2 / points
- for a in range(0,points):
- smcx.append(sin(a * angleStep)*smlradius)
- smcy.append(cos(a * angleStep)*smlradius)
- bgcx.append(sin(a * angleStep)*bigradius)
- bgcy.append(cos(a * angleStep)*bigradius)
- a=0; b=0 # Points a & b will be moving points of the circles
- c=0; d=0 # Points for sine and cosine waves
- cx=800/2; cy=600/2 # Centre of the screen
- r=random.randint; pdl=pygame.draw.line # Abbreviations for commands
- run = 1
- while run == 1:
- screen.blit(bk,(0,0)) # Draw the background surface
- screen.blit(dot,(cx-2,cy-2)) # Centrepoint
- # Draw the circle
- screen.blit(dot, (bgcx[a]+cx-2,bgcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[a]+cx-2,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (bgcx[b]+cx-2,bgcy[b]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[b]+cx-2,smcy[b]+cy-2))
- rcol=r(0,255); gcol=r(0,255); bcol=r(0,255)
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(bgcx[a]+cx-2,bgcy[a]+cy-2),(smcx[a]+cx-2,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(bgcx[b]+cx-2,bgcy[b]+cy-2),(smcx[b]+cx-2,smcy[b]+cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(smcx[a]+cx-2,smcy[a]+cy-2),(smcx[b]+cx-2,smcy[b]+cy-2))
- # Constrained points (Fixed X or Y)
- screen.blit(dot, (bgcx[a]+cx-2,cy-bigradius-14))
- screen.blit(dot, (bgcx[b]+cx-2,cy+bigradius+10))
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[a]+cx-2,cy-bigradius-34))
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[b]+cx-2,cy+bigradius+30))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx-bigradius-14,bgcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx-bigradius-34,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx+bigradius+14,bgcy[b]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx+bigradius+34,smcy[b]+cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(bgcx[a]+cx-2,cy-bigradius-14),(smcx[a]+cx-2,cy-bigradius-34))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(bgcx[b]+cx-2,cy+bigradius+10),(smcx[b]+cx-2,cy+bigradius+30))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(cx-bigradius-14,bgcy[a]+cy-2),(cx-bigradius-34,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(cx+bigradius+14,bgcy[b]+cy-2),(cx+bigradius+34,smcy[b]+cy-2))
- # Ellipse (Big and Small Radius points mixed)
- screen.blit(dot, (bgcx[a]+cx-2+bigradius+160,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[a]+cx-2-bigradius-160,bgcy[a]+cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx-2+bigradius+160,cy-2))
- screen.blit(dot, (cx-2-bigradius-160,cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(cx-2+bigradius+160,cy-2),(bgcx[a]+cx-2+bigradius+160,smcy[a]+cy-2))
- pdl(bk,[rcol,gcol,bcol],(cx-2-bigradius-160,cy-2),(smcx[a]+cx-2-bigradius-160,bgcy[a]+cy-2))
- # Sine and Cosine Waves
- screen.blit(dot, (c,smcy[a]+cy-2-bigradius-100))
- c=c+1
- if c>=800: c=0
- screen.blit(dot, (smcx[a]+cx-2-bigradius-100,d))
- d=d+1
- if d>=600: d=0
- clock.tick(200); pygame.display.update(); a=a-1; b=b+1
- if b>=points: b=0
- if a==-1: a=points-1
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