
Installed ports of everything i need on FreeBSD 13-STABLE, ASRock X300 Ryzen 5750G iTX custom PC

Feb 4th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Quaternion
  2. amdmsrtweaker ark audacious audacious-plugins audacious-skins automount
  3. bash bitlbee-steam bsdisks bsd-diff
  4. cpufetch chromaprint
  5. devcpu-data-amd devd dfc dhcpd digikam diskcheckd disktype distcc doas dolphin drm-current-kmod
  6. e2fsprogs emacs enlightenment exfat-utils
  7. falkon fdupes firefox fish freebsd-release-manifests
  8. fuse-zip fusefs-afuse fusefs-cryptofs fusefs-encfs fusefs-exfat fusefs-lkl fusefs-mhddfs fusefs-ntfs fusefs-ntfs-compression
  9. gajim gdisk gimp git gmake gpu-firmware-kmod gsmartcontrol gstreamer1-plugins-chromaprint
  10. hw-probe
  11. ja-ibus-anthy ja-ibus-mozc jdiskreport
  12. kate kdeconnect-kde kdenlive kdiskmark kf5-frameworks kf5-kwayland kio-fuse kmail kolourpaint krita
  13. libevdevplus libfsntfs libopenbsd libretro-fuse libudisks
  14. linux-c7 linux-steam-utils lua54-bcrypt
  15. marble mednafen mod_amd mpv mtools
  16. nano neofetch networkmgr nologin nomacs nsysctl
  17. obs-audio-spectralizer obs-ndi obs-qtwebkit obs-scrab obs-streamfx obs-studio obs-transition-matrix obs-v4l2sink obs-websocket
  18. oksh okular olive openssh-portable
  19. p5-Fuse p5-Fuse-Simple
  20. p7zip pfetch
  21. pkg pkg-rmleaf pkg_cleanup pkg_cutleaves
  22. plasma5-plasma plasma5-plasma-disks plasma5-kwayland-integration plasma5-kwayland-server plasma-wayland-protocols
  23. psi
  24. py37-bitcoin py37-pydevd py37-python-bitcoinrpc
  25. qt5ct qterminal qt5-wayland
  26. radeontool radeontop relayd roct rovclock rpki-client rubygem-bcrypt
  27. screenFetch scribus-devel sddm secadm-kmod shotcut smartmontools sndio spectacle stressdisk sudo suitesparse-amd suyimazu swaybg swayimg swaylock swaylock-effects swayidle sway-audio-idle-inhibit
  28. sweeper sysctlinfo-kmod sysctlview
  29. telegram-desktop testdisk texinfo tree
  30. ufetch unrar
  31. virtualbox-ose vlc
  32. wayland wayland-protocols
  33. xapps xf86-video-amdgpu xfce xfce4-goodies xorg-drivers xorg-minimal xwayland
  34. yt-dlp
  35. zh-ibus-table-chinese
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