
Updated MHCL Rules

Apr 25th, 2017
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  1. Ineligibility:
  3. I . Any players deemed at a high level of skill will be removed from minors. A list will be released shortly before the draft of all players who are ineligible that are currently in the minors group.
  5. II. A team is entitled to 2 Pre Signees that are optional of being HHCL (NOTE: THEY CANNOT *I REPEAT* CANNOT BE CURRENTLY A CAPTAIN, STAFF, OR ALT CAPTAIN! And Let it be fair warned that an HHCL MUST BE SIGNED to the MHCL team in question. If they are not they may not be drafted. If no HHCL pre-signees are signed BEFORE draft, they may not be signed at all. PERIOD)
  6. III. A team may sign only 2 HHCL players to their team so long as their are rookies. *Rookies are considered as players who have played only 2 seasons in HHCL* (Ex. If I want to sign iToeDrag to my team I can. However I may not sign LooseBottle or any other KNOWN HHCL players such as novacookiemonster, LuckyEclypse, JohnnyHockey21 etc..)
  8. IV. Former HHCLโ€™ers just so long as they are 1) Not on an HHCL team 2) They have been away from HHCL for 5 seasons. 4) Have never been a staff ever, or captain/alt captain for the past 10 seasons. (Ex. If I wanted to draft FazeHHCL who has played in S2-S6 but retired CAN be drafted. However if I tried to draft Pieman711 who played from S2-S12 may NOT be drafted..)
  10. Indefinite rules:
  12. Suspensions: The expanded discipline policy will remain in effect this season, and all discipline related questions will be answered by Andy and the board. The expanded discipline policy can be found here:
  17. Everyone may coach. Staff, Co-owners, and Owners included. (Staff - Owner you were chosen for this job for a reason, please do not be biassed towards your team.)
  19. Goals:
  21. Instead of determining what is a goal, it'd be simpler to determine what is NOT a goal. Therefore, it is fully noted that a goal will not count if:
  23. I. The puck was shot behind center ice and scored
  25. II. Major lag was involved. (IN THE OFFENSIVE OR DEFENSIVE ZONE) Major can be defined as making the defense not be able to defend the player with the puck. If there's a defender back, and he lags past the first two players, but the one defender is still able to hit him (and misses) it would still be considered a goal.
  27. III. The goal is scored behind (NOTE BEHIND, SIDE GOALS COUNT) the net, or the puck goes through the net.
  30. IV. Kick-ins are not allowed unless it was the defender who kicked it in.
  32. No-goals:
  34. In the instance where a "no-goal" would be overturned, the coach of the team can motion to a staff member to replay the goal. It will be up to the staff at the game to determine if it is a goal or not.
  36. In order for a no-goal ruling to be overturned, there has to be CONCLUSIVE evidence that the puck FULLY CROSSED the goal line. >Yellow puck. I mean cmon.
  38. A Z shot being scored on a pulled goalie during a delayed power play *Obsolete rule, however will keep in just incase this happens*
  41. Staff behavior:
  43. This season, staff behavior will be heavily monitored. Staff are REMINDED that use of the "pkick" command is to be LIMITED to as little as possible. If they're breaking rules, then you must warn them multiple times before you pkick. You can't simply kick someone for "being annoying". If they're spamming, Warn them. If they continue spamming pkick them.
  45. Staff that abuse powers will be removed.
  48. Staff for this league has a history of being inactive. This will be changing. Affected the S11 playoffs there will be known as โ€˜staff gradingโ€™. This will enforce staff points for when they are active at games.
  49. (HOW THIS WILL WORK) We will be assigning games where you will be getting 1 credit each game. We will be having a weekly evaluations to see which staff is failing.
  52. Games will be played all week, and each staff will be counted on how many games they attended. We will be keeping track of each staff. Above failing will be anything above 60%
  53. (EX. LucRobitaille 6/6 (PASS)
  54. Eelee345 5/6 (PASS)
  55. Andytraps 4/6 (PASS)
  56. Jxminous 3/6 (FAIL)
  57. *NOTE: Points can be knocked off if a staff abuses or act as they should not be acting (this includes fighting on the wall, fighting in game, abuse admin etc..)*
  59. Coaches:
  61. Each team will have three coaches. These coaches are not eligible to play until the last two minutes, and only ONE can be on the ice at the same time. If a coach is being abusive, it's up to the players or alternate coaches to communicate with any member of the board if commissioners.
  63. Captains:
  64. A new system for Minors HHCL you can announce one captain per team, this is totally optional. A captain had the same admin powers as a coach. Should a captain admin abuse they will be suspended 10 games from play. If they repeat the offense they will be suspended the rest of the season, no exceptions!
  66. Miscellaneous:
  68. Teams must have at least two players to start a game. If a team does not have at least two players by five minutes after the intended start time, the game will be deemed a forfeit, and the team with the enough players will get an automatic win. If both teams do not have enough players to start, it will be a double FFT, and both will receive a loss.
  70. If anyone has questions, or thinks there's a rule that deserves to be added to Ad Interim, please contact any board member.
  72. The roster limit will remain at 15
  74. AFTER the draft, no new members will be accepted into into the group. Undrafted players can only be signed if they were in the group before or during the draft BUT MUST AGREE TO BEING SIGNED!
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