
Dictator Charlie - Revengance 5000

Jan 19th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #553
  2. part 1:
  3. part 2:
  4. part 3:
  5. part 4:
  6. Big Brothers is Back - de-conditioning part 1:
  7. Big Brothers is Back - de-conditioning part 2:
  8. DC timeline Octavia:
  9. Dictator charlie - alt-ending:
  10. DC what if part 1:
  11. DC what if part 2:
  12. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 1:
  13. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 2:
  14. Dictator charlie dealing with her inner demons part 3:
  15. Timeline shenanigans happens:
  17. other Title.
  18. "Charlie Is An Edgelord: The Fire Rises"
  19. "Exterminators Are Punk-ass Bitches And They Get Murdered"
  20. "Probably Should Have Sent Doomguy This Year Because The Genocide-angels We Usually Use For This Shit Just Aren't Getting The Job Done For Some Reason"
  21. ----------------------
  22. Gentlemen
  24. BEHOLD
  26. I have gone through the archives and gotten that DC piece back! Also I fixed some typos because I figure that's okay!
  28. >For the first time in her entire existence, Charlie smiled at the approach of the exterminators
  29. >A gleeful, giddy, capricious sort of smirk
  30. >The smirk of a child watching a carefully-laid prank come to fruition
  31. >The fools had no idea what awaited them
  33. >She looked to Prototype Alpha and Prototype Beta, formerly Razzle and Dazzle
  34. >They'd lost interest in her some time after her father had been dealt his punishment for failing to protect her mother, but now they were back at her side
  35. >And they were far more capable than ever before
  36. >Bedighted with heavy armor and bristling with the newest of infernal weaponry
  37. >The destructive power of a legion of devils, packed into a single demon
  38. >The perfect foil to Heaven's swarming armies of genocidal angels
  40. >She pointed Alpha toward a suitable position from which to fire upon the invaders
  41. >They had been equipped with her preliminary designs for effective ranged weaponry, while Beta had been outfitted with an assortment of novel blades and blunt-force implements
  42. >The first wave of exterminators soon touched down in her domain
  43. >They looked about in confusion, marveling at the enormous, stone-grey edifices she had begun to erect during her short reign since the last cleanse
  44. >Then she gave the signal, and the slaughter began
  45. -
  46. >The lesser enforcer units that she'd built based on what she'd learned from her experiments on Razzle and Dazzle emerged from their hiding places
  47. >Fat, leaden projectiles, glowing with hellfire spat forth from every direction, seeking souls to drag down to The Abyss
  48. >Blades reforged from abandoned exterminator weapons groped about, looking for serpaphic armor to pick apart, and angelic flesh to slice into ribbons
  49. >As the cannon fodder began to charge, the queen's personal attendants started their attack
  50. >Alpha began raining down a neverending volley of shells, turning whole phalanxes into bloody slag, while Beta came hurtling past it to crush and tear apart anything that survived its counterpart's hail of bullets
  51. >Heaven's brave and noble warriors were consumed in an instant, devoured by a thick fog of gunsmoke and electronic screams
  53. >The second wave arrived just in time to choke upont the clouds of red mist that had been their comrades a moment before
  54. >Beta got to have more fun this time, while Alpha was reloading
  55. >The loathsome, leering angels who had murdered her mother ended their worthless existences with a rich taste of what it was like to be torn apart by a well-sharpened piece of seraphic steel
  56. >Their screams were pathetic, and the resistance they mounted as they realized this year's cleanse wouldn't be the usual cakewalk was pitiful
  57. >The generic enforcers had them outnumbered and outgunned, inexorably closing in, while her pair of glitzy prototypes spat vengeance with unceasing fury, destroying dozens of the enemy for every loss that her forces took
  58. >Divine souls were erased en masse, halos shattering against the ground in a continuous rhythm
  59. >The third wave was doomed before they even hit the ground
  60. -
  61. >The prototypes had fully deduced the enemy's deployment pattern by the time the second wave was eliminated
  62. >They knew where the rest of them would land, expecting a half-cleared hell for their most powerful and valuable soldiers to mop up the last bits of Hell's resistance
  63. >A mere gesture, a demonstration of their own insurmountable strength and unfailing piety
  64. >This assault was supposed to be nothing but a show of what perfect and invulnerable warriors against the unholy they were
  65. >Instead, they were met with murderous fury
  66. >Charlie couldn't help but laugh with glee at the sight of over-confident warrior angels, veterans of thousands of battles, shrieking as they were perforated and ground up and crushed by her new army
  67. >It felt good to watch them suffer
  68. >Especially when their commander, easily identified by the fact that they bore swords, rather than a spear, touched down
  69. >They managed to cut down a few of her new war machines, but they were soon overwhelmed
  70. >Her top-of-the-line enforcers dropped the chief exterminator at her feet while their comrades continued to butcher his subordinates all around them
  71. >She was so giddy at the sight of the weeping angel on the ground before her that she actually felt like singing again, for the first time in a long, long while
  72. -
  73. >"As above, so below..."
  74. >"Place your bets, which way the head will roll?"
  76. >Beta extended a gleaming blade from its arm
  78. >"Made in your image, we..."
  80. >The Scarlet Queen grabbed the angel by the neck
  81. >She brought its masked face up to hers
  83. >"...are at least as TWISTED AND MEAN AS THEE~"
  85. >She drove her booted foot into the exterminator's chest to knock it back into Alpha and Beta's murderous embrace
  87. >" 'fore your eyes, what a curious sight, your children have turned on you~"
  89. >Alpha gripped it by the wings and hoisted it upright, so that Beta would have an easier time cutting
  91. >"And you say, you don't sleep well at night~"
  93. >Charlotte reached up and pried the mask from the angel's face, revealing a face not unlike her own, pale and rosy-cheeked
  94. >It was soaked in tears, and its lips were forming pleas for mercy that she couldn't hear over the music ringing in her head
  96. >"Well, I'll take care of that for you~"
  97. -
  98. >Beta severed the angel's neck, allowing the rest of it to slump to the ground
  99. >The exterminator commander's scream was muffled as its own blood flooded its throat
  100. >Charlie caught its halo as it fell toward the ground and twirled it around her finger for a few whirls before tossing it back toward the battleground below her
  101. >Alpha shot it to pieces as it fell
  102. >Charlie cackled as she watched the shards disintigrate over the bloodbath like confetti
  103. >This was the start of a new era
  104. >Her domain was no longer a soft target
  105. >Hell was angry
  106. >Hell was vengeful
  107. >Hell was hungry
  108. >From this day forward, The Fire would consume anything stupid enough to encroach upon it
  109. >Heaven would be made to know every last bit of the fear and misery she'd felt her entire life
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