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Aug 16th, 2017
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  1. $cd "C:\Users\David\Desktop\WiP\NVA"
  2. $modelname "ATP/NVA/infantry.mdl"
  3. $model "hands" "hands.smd"
  4. $model "body" "body_new.smd"
  5. $model "male_05" "male_05_reference.smd" {
  6. flexfile "mdldecompiler_expressions.vta" {
  7. flex "upper_right" frame 1
  8. flex "lower_right" frame 2
  9. flex "upper_left" frame 3
  10. flex "lower_left" frame 4
  11. flex "AU42" frame 5
  12. flexpair "AU1" 1.0 frame 6
  13. flexpair "AU2" 1.0 frame 7
  14. flexpair "AU4" 1.0 frame 8
  15. flexpair "AU1AU2" 1.0 frame 9
  16. flexpair "AU12" 1.0 frame 10
  17. flex "AU12AU25" frame 11
  18. flexpair "AU15" 1.0 frame 12
  19. flexpair "AU17" 1.0 frame 13
  20. flexpair "AU10" 1.0 frame 14
  21. flex "AU16" frame 15
  22. flexpair "AU6" 1.0 frame 16
  23. flexpair "AU9" 1.0 frame 17
  24. flexpair "AU25" 1.0 frame 18
  25. flexpair "AU18" 1.0 frame 19
  26. flexpair "AU22" 1.0 frame 20
  27. flexpair "AU20" 1.0 frame 21
  28. flex "AU32" frame 22
  29. flex "AU24" frame 23
  30. flex "AU38" frame 24
  31. flex "AU31" frame 25
  32. flexpair "AU26" 1.0 frame 26
  33. flexpair "AU27" 1.0 frame 27
  34. flexpair "AU26Z" 1.0 frame 28
  35. flexpair "AU27Z" 1.0 frame 29
  36. }
  37. eyeball righteye ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 -1.230 -3.747 67.362 eyeball_r 1.000 4.000 ted_facemap 0.630
  38. eyeball lefteye ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 1.420 -3.747 67.339 eyeball_l 1.000 -4.000 ted_facemap 0.630
  39. // If you uncomment the following lines the eyes will be closed
  40. // I'm including it anyway in case anyone wants to experiment
  41. // eyelid upper_right "mdldecompiler_expressions.vta" lowerer 33 -1.000000 neutral 33 0.000000 raiser 33 1.000000 split 0.1 eyeball righteye
  42. // eyelid lower_right "mdldecompiler_expressions.vta" lowerer 33 -1.000000 neutral 33 0.000000 raiser 33 1.000000 split 0.1 eyeball righteye
  43. // If you uncomment the following lines the eyes will be closed
  44. // I'm including it anyway in case anyone wants to experiment
  45. // eyelid upper_left "mdldecompiler_expressions.vta" lowerer 33 -1.000000 neutral 33 0.000000 raiser 33 1.000000 split -0.1 eyeball lefteye
  46. // eyelid lower_left "mdldecompiler_expressions.vta" lowerer 33 -1.000000 neutral 33 0.000000 raiser 33 1.000000 split -0.1 eyeball lefteye
  47. mouth 0 "mouth" ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 0.000 1.000 0.000
  48. flexcontroller eyelid right_lid_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  49. flexcontroller eyelid left_lid_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  50. flexcontroller eyelid right_lid_tightener "range" 0.000 1.000
  51. flexcontroller eyelid left_lid_tightener "range" 0.000 1.000
  52. flexcontroller eyelid right_lid_droop "range" 0.000 1.000
  53. flexcontroller eyelid left_lid_droop "range" 0.000 1.000
  54. flexcontroller eyelid right_lid_closer "range" 0.000 1.000
  55. flexcontroller eyelid left_lid_closer "range" 0.000 1.000
  56. flexcontroller eyelid half_closed "range" 0.000 1.000
  57. flexcontroller eyelid blink "range" 0.000 1.000
  58. flexcontroller brow right_inner_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  59. flexcontroller brow left_inner_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  60. flexcontroller brow right_outer_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  61. flexcontroller brow left_outer_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  62. flexcontroller brow right_lowerer "range" 0.000 1.000
  63. flexcontroller brow left_lowerer "range" 0.000 1.000
  64. flexcontroller nose right_cheek_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  65. flexcontroller nose left_cheek_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  66. flexcontroller nose wrinkler "range" 0.000 1.000
  67. flexcontroller nose dilator "range" 0.000 1.000
  68. flexcontroller mouth right_upper_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  69. flexcontroller mouth left_upper_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  70. flexcontroller mouth right_corner_puller "range" 0.000 1.000
  71. flexcontroller mouth left_corner_puller "range" 0.000 1.000
  72. flexcontroller mouth right_corner_depressor "range" 0.000 1.000
  73. flexcontroller mouth left_corner_depressor "range" 0.000 1.000
  74. flexcontroller mouth chin_raiser "range" 0.000 1.000
  75. flexcontroller phoneme right_part "range" 0.000 1.000
  76. flexcontroller phoneme left_part "range" 0.000 1.000
  77. flexcontroller phoneme right_puckerer "range" 0.000 1.000
  78. flexcontroller phoneme left_puckerer "range" 0.000 1.000
  79. flexcontroller phoneme right_funneler "range" 0.000 1.000
  80. flexcontroller phoneme left_funneler "range" 0.000 1.000
  81. flexcontroller phoneme right_stretcher "range" 0.000 1.000
  82. flexcontroller phoneme left_stretcher "range" 0.000 1.000
  83. flexcontroller phoneme bite "range" 0.000 1.000
  84. flexcontroller phoneme presser "range" 0.000 1.000
  85. flexcontroller phoneme tightener "range" 0.000 1.000
  86. flexcontroller phoneme jaw_clencher "range" 0.000 1.000
  87. flexcontroller phoneme jaw_drop "range" 0.000 1.000
  88. flexcontroller phoneme right_mouth_drop "range" 0.000 1.000
  89. flexcontroller phoneme left_mouth_drop "range" 0.000 1.000
  90. flexcontroller mouth smile "range" 0.000 1.000
  91. flexcontroller mouth lower_lip "range" 0.000 1.000
  92. flexcontroller head head_rightleft "range" 0.000 1.000
  93. flexcontroller head head_updown "range" 0.000 1.000
  94. flexcontroller head head_tilt "range" 0.000 1.000
  95. flexcontroller eyes eyes_updown "range" 0.000 1.000
  96. flexcontroller eyes eyes_rightleft "range" 0.000 1.000
  97. flexcontroller body body_rightleft "range" 0.000 1.000
  98. flexcontroller chest chest_rightleft "range" 0.000 1.000
  99. flexcontroller head head_forwardback "range" 0.000 1.000
  100. flexcontroller gesture gesture_updown "range" 0.000 1.000
  101. flexcontroller gesture gesture_rightleft "range" 0.000 1.000
  102. localvar upper_right_raiser
  103. %upper_right_raiser = ( right_lid_raiser * (( 1.000 - ( right_lid_droop * 0.800)) * (( 1.000 - right_lid_closer) * ( 1.000 - blink))))
  104. localvar upper_right_neutral
  105. %upper_right_neutral = (( 1.000 - ( right_lid_droop * 0.800)) * (( 1.000 - right_lid_raiser) * (( 1.000 - right_lid_closer) * ( 1.000 - blink))))
  106. localvar upper_right_lowerer
  107. %upper_right_lowerer = ( right_lid_closer + ( blink * ( 1.000 - right_lid_closer)))
  108. localvar upper_left_raiser
  109. %upper_left_raiser = ( left_lid_raiser * (( 1.000 - ( left_lid_droop * 0.800)) * (( 1.000 - left_lid_closer) * ( 1.000 - blink))))
  110. localvar upper_left_neutral
  111. %upper_left_neutral = (( 1.000 - ( left_lid_droop * 0.800)) * (( 1.000 - left_lid_raiser) * (( 1.000 - left_lid_closer) * ( 1.000 - blink))))
  112. localvar upper_left_lowerer
  113. %upper_left_lowerer = ( left_lid_closer + ( blink * ( 1.000 - left_lid_closer)))
  114. localvar lower_right_raiser
  115. %lower_right_raiser = ( right_lid_closer + ( blink * ( 0.500 * ( 1.000 - right_lid_closer))))
  116. localvar lower_right_neutral
  117. %lower_right_neutral = (( 1.000 - right_lid_closer) * (( 1.000 - ( 0.500 * blink)) * (( 1.000 - ( right_lid_tightener * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - ( right_cheek_raiser * 0.250)))))
  118. localvar lower_right_lowerer
  119. %lower_right_lowerer = 0.000
  120. localvar lower_left_raiser
  121. %lower_left_raiser = ( left_lid_closer + ( blink * ( 0.500 * ( 1.000 - left_lid_closer))))
  122. localvar lower_left_neutral
  123. %lower_left_neutral = (( 1.000 - left_lid_closer) * (( 1.000 - ( 0.500 * blink)) * (( 1.000 - ( left_lid_tightener * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - ( left_cheek_raiser * 0.250)))))
  124. localvar lower_left_lowerer
  125. %lower_left_lowerer = 0.000
  126. %AU1R = ( right_inner_raiser * (( 1.000 - right_outer_raiser) * ( 1.000 - right_lowerer)))
  127. %AU1L = ( left_inner_raiser * (( 1.000 - left_outer_raiser) * ( 1.000 - left_lowerer)))
  128. %AU2R = ( right_outer_raiser * (( 1.000 - right_inner_raiser) * ( 1.000 - right_lowerer)))
  129. %AU2L = ( left_outer_raiser * (( 1.000 - left_inner_raiser) * ( 1.000 - left_lowerer)))
  130. %AU1AU2R = ( right_inner_raiser * ( right_outer_raiser * ( 1.000 - right_lowerer)))
  131. %AU1AU2L = ( left_inner_raiser * ( left_outer_raiser * ( 1.000 - left_lowerer)))
  132. %AU4R = right_lowerer
  133. %AU4L = left_lowerer
  134. %AU6R = right_cheek_raiser
  135. %AU6L = left_cheek_raiser
  136. %AU9R = wrinkler
  137. %AU9L = wrinkler
  138. %AU38 = dilator
  139. localvar right_open
  140. %right_open = ( smile + (( right_part * ( 1.000 - smile)) + ( right_puckerer + ( right_funneler + (( right_upper_raiser * 0.500) + ( lower_lip * 0.500))))))
  141. localvar left_open
  142. %left_open = ( smile + (( left_part * ( 1.000 - smile)) + ( left_puckerer + ( left_funneler + (( left_upper_raiser * 0.500) + ( lower_lip * 0.500))))))
  143. localvar right_lip_suppressor
  144. %right_lip_suppressor = (( 1.000 / %right_open) * (( 1.000 - presser) * ( 1.000 - bite)))
  145. localvar left_lip_suppressor
  146. %left_lip_suppressor = (( 1.000 / %left_open) * (( 1.000 - presser) * ( 1.000 - bite)))
  147. %AU10R = ( right_upper_raiser * ( right_upper_raiser * ( 0.500 * %right_lip_suppressor)))
  148. %AU10L = ( left_upper_raiser * ( left_upper_raiser * ( 0.500 * %left_lip_suppressor)))
  149. %AU25R = ( right_part * (( right_part * %right_lip_suppressor) * ( 1.000 - smile)))
  150. %AU25L = ( left_part * (( left_part * %left_lip_suppressor) * ( 1.000 - smile)))
  151. %AU12AU25 = ( smile * ( smile * ( 0.500 * ( %right_lip_suppressor + %left_lip_suppressor))))
  152. %AU18R = ( right_puckerer * ( right_puckerer * %right_lip_suppressor))
  153. %AU18L = ( left_puckerer * ( left_puckerer * %left_lip_suppressor))
  154. %AU22R = ( right_funneler * ( right_funneler * %right_lip_suppressor))
  155. %AU22L = ( left_funneler * ( left_funneler * %left_lip_suppressor))
  156. %AU17R = ( chin_raiser * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * (( 1.000 - bite) * (( 1.000 - ( 0.600 * ( %AU25R + ( %AU18R + %AU22R)))) * ( 1.000 - smile)))))
  157. %AU17L = ( chin_raiser * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * (( 1.000 - bite) * (( 1.000 - ( 0.600 * ( %AU25L + ( %AU18L + %AU22L)))) * ( 1.000 - smile)))))
  158. localvar right_depressor_suppressor
  159. %right_depressor_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( %AU18R * 0.800) + (( %AU22R * 0.800) + ( %AU17R + ( bite + ( right_corner_puller + ( right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor))))))) * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - ( smile * 0.500))))
  160. localvar left_depressor_suppressor
  161. %left_depressor_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( %AU18L * 0.800) + (( %AU22L * 0.800) + ( %AU17L + ( bite + ( left_corner_puller + ( left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor))))))) * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - ( smile * 0.500))))
  162. %AU15R = ( right_corner_depressor * ( right_corner_depressor * %right_depressor_suppressor))
  163. %AU15L = ( left_corner_depressor * ( left_corner_depressor * %left_depressor_suppressor))
  164. localvar right_corner_suppressor
  165. %right_corner_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( %AU18R * 0.800) + (( %AU22R * 0.800) + ( %AU17R + ( bite + ( right_corner_puller + ( right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor))))))) * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - smile)))
  166. localvar left_corner_suppressor
  167. %left_corner_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( %AU18L * 0.800) + (( %AU22L * 0.800) + ( %AU17L + ( bite + ( left_corner_puller + ( left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor))))))) * (( 1.000 - ( jaw_drop * 0.500)) * ( 1.000 - smile)))
  168. %AU12R = ( right_corner_puller * ( right_corner_puller * %right_corner_suppressor))
  169. %AU12L = ( left_corner_puller * ( left_corner_puller * %left_corner_suppressor))
  170. %AU20R = ( right_stretcher * ( right_stretcher * %right_corner_suppressor))
  171. %AU20L = ( left_stretcher * ( left_stretcher * %left_corner_suppressor))
  172. %AU32 = bite
  173. %AU24 = ( presser + (( 1.000 - presser) * tightener))
  174. %AU31 = ( jaw_clencher * ( jaw_clencher / ( jaw_clencher + jaw_drop)))
  175. localvar right_drop_suppressor
  176. %right_drop_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( 0.500 * %right_open) + right_mouth_drop)) * (( 1.000 - presser) * ( 1.000 - bite)))
  177. localvar left_drop_suppressor
  178. %left_drop_suppressor = (( 1.000 / (( 0.500 * %left_open) + left_mouth_drop)) * (( 1.000 - presser) * ( 1.000 - bite)))
  179. localvar right_drop
  180. %right_drop = ( right_mouth_drop * ( right_mouth_drop * %right_drop_suppressor))
  181. localvar left_drop
  182. %left_drop = ( left_mouth_drop * ( left_mouth_drop * %left_drop_suppressor))
  183. %AU26R = ( jaw_drop * (( 1.000 - %right_drop) * ( jaw_drop / ( jaw_clencher + jaw_drop))))
  184. %AU26L = ( jaw_drop * (( 1.000 - %left_drop) * ( jaw_drop / ( jaw_clencher + jaw_drop))))
  185. %AU27R = ( jaw_drop * ( %right_drop * ( jaw_drop / ( jaw_clencher + jaw_drop))))
  186. %AU27L = ( jaw_drop * ( %left_drop * ( jaw_drop / ( jaw_clencher + jaw_drop))))
  187. %AU16 = ( lower_lip * (( lower_lip * ( 0.250 * ( %right_lip_suppressor + %left_lip_suppressor))) * ( 1.000 - ( 0.500 * ( %AU27R + %AU27L)))))
  188. localvar mouth
  189. %mouth = (( %AU27R * 0.500) + (( %AU27L * 0.500) + (( %AU22R * 0.350) + (( %AU22L * 0.350) + (( %AU18R * 0.250) + (( %AU18L * 0.250) + (( %AU25R * 0.350) + (( %AU25L * 0.350) + (( %AU32 * 0.500) + ( %AU12AU25 + ((( %AU27ZR + %AU27ZL) * ( 0.500 * 0.700)) + ( %AU16 * 0.400))))))))))))
  190. }
  191. $bodygroup Gear
  192. {
  193. studio "gear_1.smd"
  194. studio "gear_2.smd"
  195. studio "gear_3.smd"
  196. studio "gear_4.smd"
  197. studio "gear_5.smd"
  198. studio "gear_6.smd"
  199. blank
  200. }
  201. $cdmaterials "models\ATP\NVA\"
  202. $cdmaterials "models\bloocobalt\northviet\"
  203. $cdmaterials "models\bloocobalt\northviet\facemaps\"
  204. $texturegroup skinfamilies
  205. {
  206. {"art_facemap"}
  207. {"art_facemap2"}
  208. {"art_facemap3"}
  209. {"art_facemap4"}
  210. }
  211. $hboxset "default"
  212. $hbox 1 "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" -1.250 -6.500 -3.190 8.250 3.500 3.310
  213. $hbox 4 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" 0.000 -2.750 -2.750 12.510 1.750 2.250
  214. $hbox 4 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" 0.000 -2.190 -2.380 13.000 1.810 1.620
  215. $hbox 4 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" 0.060 -2.000 -1.500 4.060 1.000 2.500
  216. $hbox 5 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" 0.000 -3.000 -2.250 12.390 2.000 2.750
  217. $hbox 5 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" -0.500 -2.200 -1.550 12.500 1.800 2.450
  218. $hbox 5 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" 0.060 -2.000 -2.500 4.060 1.000 1.500
  219. $hbox 6 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh" 0.000 -3.750 -3.250 17.850 3.750 3.250
  220. $hbox 6 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf" 0.000 -3.510 -3.280 15.640 3.490 2.720
  221. $hbox 6 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot" -1.070 -2.000 -2.840 5.040 5.000 2.160
  222. $hbox 6 "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0" -0.500 -3.000 -2.190 2.500 0.000 2.460
  223. $hbox 7 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh" 0.000 -3.750 -3.250 17.850 3.750 3.250
  224. $hbox 7 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf" 0.000 -3.510 -2.820 15.640 3.490 3.180
  225. $hbox 7 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot" -1.060 -2.010 -2.280 5.050 4.990 2.720
  226. $hbox 7 "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0" -0.500 -3.000 -2.600 2.500 0.000 2.100
  227. $hbox 3 "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" -7.500 -5.500 -6.000 7.500 8.500 5.000
  228. $hbox 2 "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" -2.500 -2.500 -7.000 14.500 7.500 7.000
  229. // Model uses material "art_facemap.vmt"
  230. // Model uses material "mouth.vmt"
  231. // Model uses material "eyeball_r.vmt"
  232. // Model uses material "eyeball_l.vmt"
  233. // Model uses material "rus_rifleman_tunic.vmt"
  234. // Model uses material "pin.vmt"
  235. // Model uses material "char_rus_redshirtbody2_1_c.vmt"
  236. // Model uses material "char_rus_gear1_c.vmt"
  237. // Model uses material "char_rus_gear2_c.vmt"
  238. // Model uses material "char_rus_guard_commissar_body_c.vmt"
  239. // Model uses material "arms.vmt"
  240. // Model uses material "art_facemap2.vmt"
  241. // Model uses material "art_facemap3.vmt"
  242. // Model uses material "art_facemap4.vmt"
  243. $attachment "eyes" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 3.50 -3.98 -0.10 rotate -0.00 -80.10 -90.00
  244. $attachment "mouth" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 0.80 -5.80 -0.15 rotate -0.00 -80.00 -90.00
  245. $attachment "chest" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" 5.00 4.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 90.00 90.00
  246. $attachment "forward" "ValveBiped.forward" 0.00 -0.00 -0.00 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
  247. $attachment "anim_attachment_RH" "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_RH" 0.00 0.00 -0.00 rotate -90.00 -90.00 0.00
  248. $attachment "anim_attachment_LH" "ValveBiped.Anim_Attachment_LH" -0.00 0.00 -0.00 rotate -90.00 -90.00 0.00
  249. $attachment "anim_attachment_head" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -90.00 -90.00 0.00
  250. $sequence ragdoll "ragdoll" ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 30.00
  251. $includemodel "humans/male_shared.mdl"
  252. $includemodel "humans/male_ss.mdl"
  253. $includemodel "humans/male_gestures.mdl"
  254. $includemodel "humans/male_postures.mdl"
  255. $surfaceprop "flesh"
  256. $eyeposition -0.000 -0.000 70.000
  257. $illumposition -0.000 0.637 35.954
  258. $ikchain rhand ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
  259. $ikchain lhand ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
  260. $ikchain rfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
  261. $ikchain lfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
  262. $collisionjoints "phymodel.smd" {
  264. $mass 90.0
  265. $inertia 10.00
  266. $damping 0.01
  267. $rotdamping 1.50
  268. $rootbone "valvebiped.bip01_pelvis"
  269. $jointmerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"
  271. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh" x limit -12.00 12.00 0.00
  272. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh" y limit -73.00 6.00 0.00
  273. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh" z limit -93.00 30.00 0.00
  275. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_calf" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  276. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_calf" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  277. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_calf" z limit -8.00 126.00 0.00
  279. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh" x limit -12.00 12.00 0.00
  280. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh" y limit -8.00 75.00 0.00
  281. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh" z limit -97.00 32.00 0.00
  283. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_calf" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  284. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_calf" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  285. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_calf" z limit -12.00 126.00 0.00
  287. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_foot" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  288. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_foot" y limit -25.00 6.00 0.00
  289. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_foot" z limit -15.00 35.00 0.00
  291. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_spine2" x limit -48.00 48.00 0.00
  292. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_spine2" y limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
  293. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_spine2" z limit -25.00 50.00 0.00
  295. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm" x limit -30.00 30.00 0.00
  296. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm" y limit -95.00 84.00 0.00
  297. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm" z limit -86.00 26.00 0.00
  299. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  300. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  301. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm" z limit -149.00 4.00 0.00
  303. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm" x limit -39.00 39.00 0.00
  304. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm" y limit -79.00 95.00 0.00
  305. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm" z limit -93.00 23.00 0.00
  307. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  308. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  309. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm" z limit -149.00 4.00 0.00
  311. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_hand" x limit -60.00 60.00 0.00
  312. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_hand" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  313. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_r_hand" z limit -57.00 70.00 0.00
  315. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_head1" x limit -20.00 20.00 0.00
  316. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_head1" y limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
  317. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_head1" z limit -13.00 30.00 0.00
  319. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_hand" x limit -37.00 37.00 0.00
  320. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_hand" y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  321. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_hand" z limit -57.00 59.00 0.00
  323. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_foot" x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
  324. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_foot" y limit -19.00 19.00 0.00
  325. $jointconstrain "valvebiped.bip01_l_foot" z limit -15.00 35.00 0.00
  326. $animatedfriction 1.000 400.000 0.500 0.000 0.300
  327. }
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