Guest User

My config

a guest
Sep 29th, 2024
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  1. libraries: # This is called out once within the config.yml file
  2. Movies: # These are names of libraries in your Plex
  3. remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
  4. collections:
  5. Sight and Sound's 75 Hidden Gems:
  6. trakt_list:
  7. -
  8. collection_order: custom
  9. radarr_add_missing: true
  10. radarr_add_existing: true
  11. radarr_upgrade_existing: true
  12. radarr_monitor_existing: true
  13. TV Shows:
  14. remove_overlays: false # Set this to true to remove all overlays
  15. collection_files:
  16. - default: basic # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
  17. - default: imdb # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
  18. # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
  19. Anime:
  20. collection_files:
  21. - default: basic # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
  22. - default: anilist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
  23. # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
  24. Music:
  25. collection_files:
  26. - file: config/Music.yml # This is a local file THAT YOU MIGHT CREATE
  27. playlist_files:
  28. - default: playlist # This is a file within Kometa's defaults folder
  29. template_variables:
  30. libraries: Movies, TV Shows # list of libraries that you want the Kometa Defaults playlists to look at
  31. # see the wiki for how to use local files, folders, URLs, or files from git
  32. overlay_files:
  33. - file: config/overlays/media_info.yml
  34. - file: config/overlays/audience_rating.yml
  35. settings:
  36. run_order:
  37. - operations
  38. - metadata
  39. - collections
  40. - overlays
  41. cache: true
  42. cache_expiration: 60
  43. asset_directory: config/assets
  44. asset_folders: true
  45. asset_depth: 0
  46. create_asset_folders: false
  47. prioritize_assets: false
  48. dimensional_asset_rename: false
  49. download_url_assets: false
  50. show_missing_season_assets: false
  51. show_missing_episode_assets: false
  52. show_asset_not_needed: true
  53. sync_mode: append
  54. minimum_items: 1
  55. default_collection_order:
  56. delete_below_minimum: true
  57. delete_not_scheduled: false
  58. run_again_delay: 2
  59. missing_only_released: false
  60. only_filter_missing: false
  61. show_unmanaged: true
  62. show_unconfigured: true
  63. show_filtered: false
  64. show_options: true
  65. show_missing: true
  66. show_missing_assets: true
  67. save_report: false
  68. tvdb_language: eng
  69. ignore_ids:
  70. ignore_imdb_ids:
  71. item_refresh_delay: 0
  72. playlist_sync_to_users: all
  73. playlist_exclude_users:
  74. playlist_report: false
  75. verify_ssl: true
  76. custom_repo:
  77. overlay_artwork_filetype: jpg
  78. overlay_artwork_quality: 75
  79. webhooks: # Can be individually specified per library as well
  80. error:
  81. version:
  82. run_start:
  83. run_end:
  84. changes:
  85. delete:
  86. plex: # Can be individually specified per library as well; REQUIRED for the script to run
  87. url: sike you thought
  88. token: sike you thought
  89. timeout: 60
  90. db_cache: 40
  91. clean_bundles: false
  92. empty_trash: false
  93. optimize: true
  94. verify_ssl:
  95. tmdb: # REQUIRED for the script to run
  96. apikey: sike you thought
  97. language: en
  98. cache_expiration: 60
  99. region:
  100. tautulli: # Can be individually specified per library as well
  101. url:
  102. apikey: ################################
  103. github:
  104. token: ################################
  105. omdb:
  106. apikey: ########
  107. cache_expiration: 60
  108. mdblist:
  109. apikey: #########################
  110. cache_expiration: 60
  111. notifiarr:
  112. apikey: ####################################
  113. gotify:
  114. url: sike you thought
  115. token: ####################################
  116. anidb: # Not required for AniDB builders unless you want mature content
  117. username: ######
  118. password: ######
  119. language: en
  120. client:
  121. radarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well
  122. url: sike you thought
  123. token: sike you thought
  124. add_missing: false
  125. add_existing: true
  126. upgrade_existing: true
  127. monitor_existing: true
  128. root_folder_path: /mnt/user/media/media/movies
  129. monitor: true
  130. availability: announced
  131. quality_profile: Very High Quality
  132. tag: kometa
  133. search: true
  134. radarr_path:
  135. plex_path:
  136. ignore_cache: false
  137. sonarr: # Can be individually specified per library as well
  138. url: sike you thought
  139. token: sike you thought
  140. add_missing: false
  141. add_existing: true
  142. upgrade_existing: true
  143. monitor_existing: true
  144. root_folder_path: /mnt/user/media/media/tv shows
  145. monitor: all
  146. quality_profile: Very High Quality
  147. language_profile: English
  148. series_type: standard
  149. season_folder: true
  150. tag: kometa
  151. search: true
  152. cutoff_search: true
  153. sonarr_path:
  154. plex_path:
  155. ignore_cache: false
  156. ########## GENERATED BY TRAKTAUTH ##########
  157. Redacting this; it's just my Trakt API info
  158. pin:
  159. ############################################
  160. mal:
  161. client_id: ####################
  162. client_secret: ####################
  163. authorization:
  164. # everything below is autofilled by the script
  165. access_token:
  166. token_type:
  167. expires_in:
  168. refresh_token:
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