

Sep 4th, 2018
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  1. Name: Charles Burnel
  3. Gender: Male
  5. Height: 5'11"
  7. Appearance:
  9. He wears a black suit, with a white checkerboard patterned tie. The man wears a sort ofmask, though it is more or less more of an eagle/falcon beak, with brown highlights. He wears gloves too, with black leather boots and pants. He is sure to stick out from the rest, with a dark brown fedora on his head, he carries a black staff. When he breathes there is a slight mechanical noise, as if he is partially mechanical.
  11. Personality:
  13. He's rather quiet and keeps a secret about what happened to himself, he tries not to arouse suspicion. He's rather mysterious, and mostly neutral about he acts, never really revealing his name. He doesn't trust people easily.
  15. Backstory:
  17. Many people have tried to solve the mysteries of death, perhaps even bringing back the dead themselves. It was the year 2026 when the mystery was finally solved on how to bring back the dead, it would be kept secret though. He was a man who worked for a mysterious company who worked behind the scenes in the United States, many things happened here and there. His name was Charles Burnel, he lead a fairly average life, that was until he began working for this mysterious company, who approached him one day when he was at his home. They knocked on the door, and he went to answer. There were people standing there in suits, one thing lead to another and he got hired and learned the purpose of this company, that worked for the United States Government and experimented on crashed alien technologies and unknown energies.
  19. He worked as an employee at Area 51, he even saw the wreckage of alien space crafts in the hangar bays, where men were inspecting and doing experiments on the wreckage. It was rumored the alien bodies of the occupants were kept in tanks of sorts, in an underground section of the site. He worked with others there for quite some time before an accident happened, he was working in the lab when an experiment went wrong in the area, everyone was evacuated but unfortunately he wasn't able to get out in time, his burnt body was found in the lab. This was when employees from another company who experimented on alien technologies were able to bring him back, most of his skin was horribly burnt off and some of his organs were badly damaged, because of this those organs were replaced with mechanical components and new lab grown skin was grafted over his burnt skin but some scars of the incident still remained. With one of the components in his body, that worked in tandom with his staff he was able to be brought back to life, by his newly granted abilities.
  21. Abilities:
  23. His staff has the ability to switch between life and energy draining with a motion of it.
  25. Energy draining - He's able to drain energy to supplement his mechanical components, though energy draining cannot sustain his biological areas.
  27. Life draining - With a point from his staff he can drain the energy of life to supplement his body, he can't eat normal food because of this. He usually points it at plants or trees, draining their life from them to supplement himself, though if should ever happen to fight anyone, he might even drain the life of sentient beings.
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