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a guest
Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. Feature: Forums
  2. In order to manage forums
  3. As an admin
  4. I want to create a new forums
  6. Background:
  7. Given basic setup
  9. Scenario: Viewing forums index by anonym
  10. Given I am on the forum
  11. Then I should not see "Новый форум"
  13. Scenario: Viewing forums index by admin
  14. Given I am logged in as "admin" with the password "admin"
  15. When I go to the forum
  16. Then I should see "Новый форум"
  18. Scenario: Adding new forum and subforum
  19. Given I am logged in as "admin" with the password "admin"
  20. And I am on the forum
  21. When I follow "Новый форум"
  22. Then I should see "Новый форум"
  23. When I fill in the following:
  24. | forum[title] | Сайт и форум |
  25. | forum[description] | Обсуждение сайта и форума |
  26. And press "Создать"
  27. When I go to the forum
  28. Then I should see "Сайт и форум"
  29. And I should see "Обсуждение сайта и форума"
  31. # creating subforum
  32. When I follow "Сайт и форум"
  33. Then I should see "Добавить подфорум"
  34. When I follow "Добавить подфорум"
  35. And I fill in the following:
  36. | forum[title] | Новости |
  37. | forum[description] | Наши самые последние фичи |
  38. And press "Создать"
  40. # check subforum
  41. When I go to the forum
  42. And follow "Сайт и форум"
  43. Then I should see "Подфорумы"
  44. And I should see "Новости"
  45. And I should see "Наши самые последние фичи"
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