

Feb 12th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import weechat as w
  3. import json
  5. SCRIPT_NAME = "translate"
  6. SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "Jerzy Dabrowski (kofany) <>"
  7. SCRIPT_VERSION = "1.0"
  9. SCRIPT_DESC = "Translates messages for specified channels and servers using Google Translate API."
  12. DETECT_API_URL = ""
  14. settings = {
  15.     "api_key": "",
  16.     "translate_channels_in": "{}",
  17.     "translate_channels_out": "{}",
  18.     "no_translate_lang": "pl",  # Default language not to translate
  19. }
  21. translated_texts = {}
  23. def debug_print(buffer, message):
  24.     w.prnt(buffer, "DEBUG: " + message)
  26. def get_full_channel_name(channel, server):
  27.     full_channel_name = "{}@{}".format(channel, server)
  28.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Full channel name generated: {full_channel_name} from Channel: {channel}, Server: {server}")
  29.     return full_channel_name
  31. def api_request_cb(data, url, request, response):
  32.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug api_request_cb BEG] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  33.     # Debugowanie danych wejściowych
  34.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] API request callback triggered.")
  35.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Input data: {data}")
  36.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] URL: {url}")
  37.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Request: {request}")
  38.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Response: {response}")
  40.     callback_data = json.loads(data)
  41.     buffer = callback_data['buffer']
  42.     action = callback_data['action']
  43.     message_id = callback_data.get('message_id', '')
  44.     text_to_translate = callback_data.get('text', '')  # Pobieramy tekst bezpośrednio z danych callback
  46.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Action: {action}")
  47.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Callback data: {callback_data}")
  49.     try:
  50.         response_data = json.loads(response['output'])
  51.         debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Successfully parsed response data.")
  52.     except Exception as e:
  53.         debug_print(buffer, f"[Translate Debug] Error parsing response data: {e}")
  54.         return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
  56.     if action == 'detect_and_translate':
  57.         if 'data' in response_data and 'detections' in response_data['data']:
  58.             detected_lang = response_data['data']['detections'][0][0]['language']
  59.             debug_print(buffer, f"[Translate Debug] Detected language: {detected_lang}")
  60.             target_lang = callback_data['target_lang']
  61.             if detected_lang != target_lang:
  62.                 debug_print(buffer, "[Translate Debug] Detected language differs from target. Initiating translation.")
  63.                 if text_to_translate:
  64.                     # Wywołujemy funkcję translate z tekstem bezpośrednio
  65.                     translate(buffer, detected_lang, target_lang, callback_data['api_key'], 'translate', message_id, text_to_translate)
  66.                 else:
  67.                     debug_print(buffer, f"[Translate Debug] No text found for message ID: {message_id}. Skipping translation.")
  68.             else:
  69.                 debug_print(buffer, "[Translate Debug] Detected language is the same as target. No translation needed.")
  70.         else:
  71.             debug_print(buffer, "Error in response: No detections found")
  72.     elif action == 'translate':
  73.         if 'data' in response_data and 'translations' in response_data['data']:
  74.             translated_text = response_data['data']['translations'][0]['translatedText']
  75.             translated_texts[message_id] = translated_text  # Aktualizujemy słownik, jeśli potrzebujemy zachować przetłumaczony tekst
  76.             debug_print(buffer, f"[Translate Debug] Translation completed: {translated_text}")
  77.         else:
  78.             debug_print(buffer, "Error in response: No translations found")
  79.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug api_request_cb END] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  80.     return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
  82. def translate(buffer, source_lang, target_lang, api_key, callback_action, message_id, text_to_translate):
  83.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug translate BEG] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  84.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Initiating translation process.")
  85.     if text_to_translate:
  86.         debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Text to translate (ID: {message_id}): {text_to_translate}")
  87.     else:
  88.         debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] No text found for message ID: {message_id}. Skipping translation.")
  89.         return
  91.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Source language: {source_lang}, Target language: {target_lang}")
  92.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] API Key: {'Present' if api_key else 'Not Present'}")
  94.     post_data = json.dumps({'q': text_to_translate, 'source': source_lang, 'target': target_lang, 'format': 'text'})
  95.     headers = "Content-Type: application/json\nx-goog-api-key: " + api_key
  96.     options = {"postfields": post_data, "httpheader": headers}
  97.     callback_data = json.dumps({
  98.         'buffer': buffer,
  99.         'action': callback_action,
  100.         'api_key': api_key,
  101.         'target_lang': target_lang,
  102.         'message_id': message_id
  103.     })
  105.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Prepared request data for translation.")
  106.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Post data: {post_data}")
  107.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Headers: {headers}")
  108.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Callback data: {callback_data}")
  110.     w.hook_url(TRANSLATE_API_URL, options, 20000, "api_request_cb", callback_data)
  111.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Hook URL called for translation.")
  112.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug translate END] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  114. def detect_language_and_translate(buffer, message_id, text, server, channel, target_lang, api_key):
  115.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug detect_language_and_translate BEG] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  116.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Starting language detection and translation process.")
  117.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Text to detect and translate: {text}")
  118.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Target language: {target_lang}")
  119.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] API Key: {'Present' if api_key else 'Not Present'}")
  120.     # Zapisz tekst przed wywołaniem detekcji
  121.     translated_texts[message_id] = text
  122.     post_data = json.dumps({'q': text})
  123.     headers = "Content-Type: application/json\nx-goog-api-key: " + api_key
  124.     options = {"postfields": post_data, "httpheader": headers}
  125.     callback_data = json.dumps({
  126.         'buffer': buffer,
  127.         'message_id': message_id,
  128.         'text': text,
  129.         'server': server,
  130.         'channel': channel,
  131.         'target_lang': target_lang,
  132.         'action': 'detect_and_translate',
  133.         'api_key': api_key
  134.     })
  135.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Prepared request data for language detection and translation.")
  136.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Post data: {post_data}")
  137.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Headers: {headers}")
  138.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Callback data: {callback_data}")
  140.     w.hook_url(DETECT_API_URL, options, 20000, "api_request_cb", callback_data)
  141.     debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Hook URL called for language detection and translation.")
  142.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug detect_language_and_translate END] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  144. def translate_incoming_message_cb(data, modifier, modifier_data, string):
  145.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug translate_incoming_message_cb BEG] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  146.     api_key = w.config_get_plugin("api_key")
  147.     if not api_key:
  148.         debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] API key is not set.")
  149.         return string
  151.     parsed_data = w.info_get_hashtable("irc_message_parse", {"message": string})
  152.     channel = parsed_data["channel"]
  153.     message = parsed_data["text"]
  154.     server = modifier_data
  155.     message_id = str(hash(message))  # Unique ID for the message
  157.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Received message: {message}")
  158.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Channel: {channel}, Server: {server}")
  159.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Message ID: {message_id}")
  161.     full_channel_name = get_full_channel_name(channel, server)
  162.     translate_channels_in = json.loads(w.config_get_plugin("translate_channels_in"))
  164.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Full channel name: {full_channel_name}")
  165.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Translate channels in: {translate_channels_in}")
  167.     if full_channel_name in translate_channels_in:
  168.         target_lang = translate_channels_in[full_channel_name]
  169.         debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Target language for translation: {target_lang}")
  170.         translated_texts[message_id] = message  # Store original message for translation
  171.         detect_language_and_translate("", message_id, message, server, channel, target_lang, api_key)
  172.     else:
  173.         debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Channel not in translate_channels_in list.")
  175.     # Check if translated text is available and replace original message
  176.     if message_id in translated_texts:
  177.         translated_message = translated_texts.pop(message_id)
  178.         debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug] Translated message: {translated_message}")
  179.         return string.replace(message, translated_message)
  180.     else:
  181.         debug_print("", "[Translate Debug] Translated message not available yet.")
  182.     debug_print("", f"[Translate Debug translate_incoming_message_cb BEG] Current translated_texts content: {translated_texts}")
  183.     return string
  185. def translate_command_cb(data, buffer, args):
  186.     argv = args.split(" ")
  187.     command = argv[0] if len(argv) > 0 else ""
  189.     if command == "list":
  190.         translate_channels_in = json.loads(w.config_get_plugin("translate_channels_in"))
  191.         translate_channels_out = json.loads(w.config_get_plugin("translate_channels_out"))
  192.         w.prnt(buffer, "Channels for incoming translation:")
  193.         for channel, lang in translate_channels_in.items():
  194.             w.prnt(buffer, "  {} -> {}".format(channel, lang))
  195.         w.prnt(buffer, "Channels for outgoing translation:")
  196.         for channel, lang in translate_channels_out.items():
  197.             w.prnt(buffer, "  {} -> {}".format(channel, lang))
  198.     elif command in ["addin", "addout"]:
  199.         if len(argv) != 4:
  200.             w.prnt(buffer, "Usage: /translate addin|addout <server> <channel> <target_lang>")
  201.             return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
  202.         server_channel = get_full_channel_name(argv[2], argv[1])
  203.         target_lang = argv[3]
  204.         translate_channels = json.loads(w.config_get_plugin("translate_channels_in" if command == "addin" else "translate_channels_out"))
  205.         translate_channels[server_channel] = target_lang
  206.         w.config_set_plugin("translate_channels_in" if command == "addin" else "translate_channels_out", json.dumps(translate_channels))
  207.         w.prnt(buffer, "{} added for {} translation to {}.".format(server_channel, "incoming" if command == "addin" else "outgoing", target_lang))
  208.     elif command in ["delin", "delout"]:
  209.         if len(argv) != 3:
  210.             w.prnt(buffer, "Usage: /translate delin|delout <server> <channel>")
  211.             return w.WEECHAT_RC_ERROR
  212.         server_channel = get_full_channel_name(argv[2], argv[1])
  213.         translate_channels = json.loads(w.config_get_plugin("translate_channels_in" if command == "delin" else "translate_channels_out"))
  214.         if server_channel in translate_channels:
  215.             del translate_channels[server_channel]
  216.             w.config_set_plugin("translate_channels_in" if command == "delin" else "translate_channels_out", json.dumps(translate_channels))
  217.             w.prnt(buffer, "{} removed from {} translation.".format(server_channel, "incoming" if command == "delin" else "outgoing"))
  218.         else:
  219.             w.prnt(buffer, "{} not found in {} translation settings.".format(server_channel, "incoming" if command == "delin" else "outgoing"))
  221.     elif command == "code":
  222.         magenta = w.color("magenta")
  223.         reset = w.color("reset")
  224.         codes = [
  225.             ("Azerbaijani", "az"), ("Hausa", "ha"), ("Malay", "ms"), ("Spanish", "es"),
  226.             ("Bambara", "bm"), ("Hawaiian", "haw"), ("Malayalam", "ml"), ("Sundanese", "su"),
  227.             ("Basque", "eu"), ("Hebrew", "he"), ("Maltese", "mt"), ("Swahili", "sw"),
  228.             ("Belarusian", "be"), ("Hindi", "hi"), ("Maori", "mi"), ("Swedish", "sv"),
  229.             ("Bengali", "bn"), ("Hmong", "hmn"), ("Marathi", "mr"), ("Tagalog", "tl"),
  230.             ("Bhojpuri", "bho"), ("Hungarian", "hu"), ("Meiteilon", "mni"), ("Tajik", "tg"),
  231.             ("Bosnian", "bs"), ("Icelandic", "is"), ("Mizo (lus)", "lus"), ("Tamil", "ta"),
  232.             ("Bulgarian", "bg"), ("Igbo", "ig"), ("Mongolian", "mn"), ("Tatar", "tt"),
  233.             ("Catalan", "ca"), ("Ilocano (ilo)", "ilo"), ("Myanmar (my)", "my"), ("Telugu", "te"),
  234.             ("Cebuano", "ceb"), ("Indonesian", "id"), ("Nepali", "ne"), ("Thai", "th"),
  235.             ("Chinese (Simpl)", "zh-CN"), ("Irish", "ga"), ("Norwegian", "no"), ("Tigrinya", "ti"),
  236.             ("Chinese (Trad)", "zh-TW"), ("Italian", "it"), ("Nyanja (ny)", "ny"), ("Tsonga", "ts"),
  237.             ("Corsican", "co"), ("Japanese", "ja"), ("Odia (or)", "or"), ("Turkish", "tr"),
  238.             ("Croatian", "hr"), ("Javanese", "jv"), ("Oromo (om)", "om"), ("Turkmen", "tk"),
  239.             ("Czech", "cs"), ("Kannada", "kn"), ("Pashto", "ps"), ("Twi (ak)", "ak"),
  240.             ("Danish", "da"), ("Kazakh", "kk"), ("Persian", "fa"), ("Ukrainian", "uk"),
  241.             ("Dhivehi", "dv"), ("Khmer", "km"), ("Polish", "pl"), ("Urdu", "ur"),
  242.             ("Dogri (doi)", "doi"), ("Kinyarwanda", "rw"), ("Portuguese", "pt"), ("Uyghur", "ug"),
  243.             ("Dutch", "nl"), ("Konkani (gom)", "gom"), ("Punjabi", "pa"), ("Uzbek", "uz"),
  244.             ("English", "en"), ("Korean", "ko"), ("Quechua", "qu"), ("Vietnamese", "vi"),
  245.             ("Esperanto", "eo"), ("Krio (kri)", "kri"), ("Romanian", "ro"), ("Welsh", "cy"),
  246.             ("Estonian", "et"), ("Kurdish", "ku"), ("Russian", "ru"), ("Xhosa", "xh"),
  247.             ("Ewe", "ee"), ("Kurdish (ckb)", "ckb"), ("Samoan", "sm"), ("Yiddish", "yi"),
  248.             ("Filipino", "fil"), ("Kyrgyz", "ky"), ("Sanskrit", "sa"), ("Yoruba", "yo"),
  249.             ("Finnish", "fi"), ("Lao", "lo"), ("Scots (gd)", "gd"), ("Zulu", "zu"),
  250.             ("French", "fr"), ("Latin", "la"), ("Sepedi (nso)", "nso"),
  251.             ("Frisian", "fy"), ("Latvian", "lv"), ("Serbian", "sr"),
  252.         ]
  253.         w.prnt("", "Available language codes:")
  254.         column_width = 20
  255.         for i in range(0, len(codes), 4):
  256.             line = "".join(f"{name.ljust(column_width - len(code))}{magenta}{code}{reset}    " for name, code in codes[i:i+4])
  257.             w.prnt(buffer, line)
  259.     elif command == "help":
  260.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate command usage:")
  261.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate list - Show all channels with translation settings")
  262.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate addin <server> <channel> <target_lang> - Add a channel to translate incoming messages")
  263.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate addout <server> <channel> <target_lang> - Add a channel to translate outgoing messages")
  264.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate delin <server> <channel> - Remove a channel from translating incoming messages")
  265.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate delout <server> <channel> - Remove a channel from translating outgoing messages")
  266.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate code - Show available language codes for translation")
  267.         w.prnt(buffer, "/translate help - Show this help message")
  269.     else:
  270.         w.prnt(buffer, "Unknown command. Use /translate help for usage information.")
  272.     return w.WEECHAT_RC_OK
  275.     for option, default_value in settings.items():
  276.         if not w.config_is_set_plugin(option):
  277.             w.config_set_plugin(option, default_value)
  278.     w.hook_modifier("irc_in_privmsg", "translate_incoming_message_cb", "")
  279.     w.hook_command("translate", "Manage translation settings",
  280.                    "list | addin <server> <channel> <target_lang> | addout <server> <channel> <target_lang> | delin <server> <channel> | delout <server> <channel> | code | help",
  281.                    "list: show all channels with translation settings\n"
  282.                    "addin: add a channel to translate incoming messages\n"
  283.                    "addout: add a channel to translate outgoing messages\n"
  284.                    "delin: remove a channel from translating incoming messages\n"
  285.                    "delout: remove a channel from translating outgoing messages\n"
  286.                    "code: show available language codes for translation\n"
  287.                    "help: show help information for the /translate command\n",
  288.                    "list || addin %(irc_servers) %(irc_channels) || addout %(irc_servers) %(irc_channels) || delin %(irc_servers) %(irc_channels) || delout %(irc_servers) %(irc_channels) || code || help",
  289.                    "translate_command_cb", "")
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