

Nov 20th, 2015
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  1. You watched from on high.
  3. “So it’s already been a year and that thing that’s coming... you did say you didn’t want your champ fresh faced before their real debut.” The dammed badger badgered...
  5. “Well it’s true, but I don’t want him going out there and just dying either.” You groused, knowing that you’d been procrastinating on the entire thing. But now that your plan was so close to beginning, and after that other snag which had brought you here and now to have to make use of… a defective… champion.
  7. But you would persevere.
  9. You had to.
  11. Ok maybe you could look for someone to use, someone whom your champion can hide in their shadow until the time had come. A useful strategy, but if done incorrectly it could easily overshadow the legend which you’d crafted, especially the parts which you’d hidden even from yourself until the right time came.
  13. And even more perilous was the fact that when the storm came, and things began to fall, you were almost certain there were going to be other gods scrambling to take advantage where ever they could. You were sure not to be the only one to have expended a large amount of Divine power in preparation, though you were more or less sure that you’d been the only one to push such a risky path as laying out a full legend, if the others caught wind you knew that you’d have competitors showing up along your legend’s path, trying to subvert or destroy it.
  15. You felt almost relieved to realize that the only royal of the description which you’d had for that was at least a season or more away... you weren’t sure if you wanted to push it or not either, getting them out this far into the boonies would take more than a single nudge. It wasn’t as if the peasant village which you’d chosen was even in any specific settle territory or trade route.
  17. Most of the wondering nobles which you could possibly locate were keeping a lower profile, and or looking for excitement... or with the less savory ones, targets who couldn’t fight back if they wanted to. It was only because of the general protections afforded from traveling Adventurers that a village like theirs could last. Standing bounties against bandits and monsters drove adventurers out into the world, and the need for farming villages and harvesting points meant that those in places like your champion’s home would constantly exist.
  19. Though that tiny little place had dried up a while back of any meaningful trade or importance ages back when its own associated fiefdom had fallen.
  21. You sighed, at least it meant you were going to save a bit more Divine Power for the season. At the very least, pushing your champion’s mentor had been a particularly easy task, for some reason the man had been holding himself back letting himself be reserved about his approach.
  23. Likely because of his relationship with your champion’s parents, he wasn’t as much in a hurry to taste the bounty before him as he would have been on the open road.
  28. [][][][][]
  32. “Well girl. You’ve cut your teeth on all of the most basic things. How not to die too easily is just the first lesson, though I’ll admit it’s a lesson that most adventurers can’t afford to properly get taught. Guild makes a mint on teaching the good stuff only to its potential loyalists.” The old bastard started at the beginning of a training session, calling the younger man over to him as was his norm.
  34. Rain of course had taken up his normal position, in the old bastard’s lap, feeding him breakfast eggs from his own seated position. It had been a humiliating experience the first few times the old bastard had demanded it, but after a month or three of doing it every morning Rain had found himself disconcertingly comfortable with the position.
  36. It didn’t help that Jack quite often had a rather solid case of morning wood which Rain would need to quite studiously ignore in order to keep from goading the horny old goat on.
  38. As Jack’s prime pupil the old bastard had decided that this would be his duty.
  40. The now familiar caresses of his leg made the adventurer in-training wince, not that it felt terrible... or rather he wished that it did feel terrible. Then he’d at least have more of an excuse to rail against the elder for taking advantage of him so. Funny enough he knew that his teacher was going easy on him, not pushing nearly as far as he could have.
  42. An adventurer... either you prayed the one you were with was a nice person or particularly undemanding… or you found yourself doing all manner of anything they desired.
  44. ...or of course you could easily find yourself and everyone you knew quite dead. Either from the adventurer themselves, or the dangers which adventurers in general fended off.
  46. It was only fair really.
  48. That Jack had been willing to put up with someone who wasn’t putting out was pretty telling as it stood... realistically Rain understood that his staying, even with his teacher’s relations with his parents, was nothing more than a whim indulged. They’d had less... kind... adventurers come though before, take what drink they wanted, take what women they asked for, and then leave. The lot of a peasant’s life that if nobles and adventurers showed up one was expected wholly to bow one’s head to their will.
  50. Refusing Jack anything he asked was all once getting easier... and harder.
  52. Easier since Rain was becoming quite practiced at turning Jack’s mind and appetites away from himself without presenting any insult to his teacher; accommodating as he’d been. Harder in that the weight of obligation seemed to simply add up. And every time Rain said no by action or word, was another addition to that burden of karma.
  54. “… were you listening to me girl?” He asked, snapping his fingers before the younger man’s face to recapture his attention.
  56. “Uh... sorry master, lost track of what you were saying there for a moment.” Rain responded sheepishly, his melodic voice pitched a might higher than usual.
  58. “I was saying that it was about time that you cut your teeth on something substantial. It’s been three seasons worth of work already, and like my own teacher used ta tell me, ain’t no learning experience like getting out there and making things happen.” Jack spoke even as his hand wondered once more further up the young man’s thigh, fingers tracing along the inside lightly.
  60. Rain shivered in what he hoped was not delight. He’d been getting way too accustomed to these sorts of things, these sensations that invaded his world, making him feel less of the man that he’d always thought that he should be. A betrayal of self... maybe. But practicality was always a hallmark of his family, of his community, and right now practicality said that that this was more important than the masculinity which to he still tried to cling. More than ever he was being courted by young men who should have known better, even that idiot Hodjor who’d started losing a lot of his fatty appearance in the last few months since he’d begun training with his father just as Rain’d been training with Jack...
  62. ... Oh how Rain wished that he could have a body like that, big muscles, and an unmistakably masculine face. Even a voice like what his one time tormentor seemed to have stumbled upon would have been welcome, deep, masculine and resonant in ways that his own girly ‘beautiful’ voice just was not.
  64. Rain didn’t like to think about it, because then it reflected thoughts of that said same slipping loss of his masculine identity... an exchange made for the coin of power.
  66. Even if it was uncomfortable and strange in ways that occupied his mind as he laid awake at night. Watching his mother… then his father... give in to this man who’d swept into his life. Watching the debauchery which had gripped their lives and made both his mother and father the talk of the village, a mixture of disdainful side glances, and lewd remarks which spread though the small community like a fire.
  68. Immoral. They were calling his family.
  70. Sins against Marthra the goddess of sanctity were only barely tolerated because they’d been instigated by an Adventurer, the cold truth was, the stigmas which Rains family were picking up didn’t feel like they’d slip away quickly again once Jack was gone.
  72. But at the same time, neither would the memory of that favor.
  74. “I guess so...” The beautiful young man replied.
  76. “So I heard that there’s a bandit group that’s been operating to the west of here, probably a week’s journey or so from here. Enough that we can wet our feet in this and get things moving. What do you say?” The older man asked, patting Rain’s knee.
  78. “Fine, if I get to fight maybe it’ll be worth a go... I’ve been itching to try out some the stuff you taught me in a real fight either way.” Rain mumbled, putting his hand covertly as a stopgap against being felt up and further. A failed one as the soft touch simply traced its way up his arm.
  80. “Well, we can probably infer that from the fact that they’ve lasted more than a year, and apparently have been a bit of a nuisance to one of your neighbours, last I heard, that they’ve probably got at least some manner of skilled individuals among them. So we’ll want to strike at the heart of the matter. Remember the best strike you can ever make on the battlefield…”
  82. “... is the one that makes sure your enemy can’t ever strike back… yeah, yeah I got it.” Rain singsonged in practiced reply.
  84. “So I was thinking… we’ve got a few advantages in our corner. So… lets put them to use.”
  86. Rain did NOT like that grin...
  91. [][][][][][][][][]
  95. [10:44] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d100+10 Operation Honeytrap
  96. [10:44] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 70 = [60] + 10
  97. [10:44] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d100 Canny Banditos!
  98. [10:44] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 4 = [4]
  101. It... was embarrassing.
  103. Rain didn’t know how to put it any other way but to morn his sacrificed manhood for this goddammed plan.
  105. It hadn’t been much of one in his opinion in the first place, being forced first to doll himself up, Jack had been insistent on that one, calling in the forces of his sisters to put the effort into cleaning, sewing, and addressing any lingeringly unfeminine features which Rain might have had.
  107. Every bit of nail painting, every herb that went into the dammed baths… baths he certainly didn’t need anytime so soon, he’d just taken one the week before, it was way too cold out to be using water like that... and every bit of the fancy costume which they’d made for him to look like a poor lost noble-girl stuck out in the woods.
  109. Or some noble’s poor lost whore...
  111. Apparently alongside of the look he’d also been required to learn how to put on a more subtle act, to sell the entire idea of his being a high class woman, out in the wild and vulnerable. Just the very act of pretending this affronted his sensibilities.
  113. Still, Jack had asked, and then persuaded him that not only was it the safest way, but that it was also something which needed to be done with the highest chance of success.
  115. And thus, Rain stood out in the forest, his dress strategically torn as if he’d been rushing wildly though the wilderness without heed, like some poor distressed city maiden, putting real effort into wondering about in circles even as he could practically feel the human wolves begin to circle and descend upon him.
  117. “You look lost luv.” A man spoke, not exactly the most handsome specimen, but not exactly ugly either, as several others also oozed out from the surrounding vegetation. They all looked pretty well fed, and surprisingly well equipped for what should have been a ragtag bunch.
  119. “Ah... please sir, thank you so much...” Rain cried out, hoping that his act actually had some merit to it as he rushed over into the speaker’s arms. He’d rehearsed it enough times with Jack to get sick of the sound of his own beautiful voice. “I was all alone and so scared... the wolves they…”
  121. Rain’s voice veered nicely, if he did say so himself, into the hysterical as he clung to the bandit, the familiar scent of masculine sweat mixed in an unfamiliar tang of strangeness invaded his nose even as he pushed his face deeper against the man.
  123. “Don’t cry little birdy, Yohan and his merry band will take the best care of ya.” He could hear them all sniggering at this easy new meat which had walked right into their hands. “But ya know luv, an innocent little birdy like you needs to pay her depts. Me and my boys have had chance to make a little bird sing in a while.”
  125. Rain could imagine the bandit’s grin even as he tightened his grip against the man, months of training with Jack leaving him little in the way of aversions toward pulling close. Even less as he let loose a lightly feminine gasp at the feeling of a hand now clasped across his behind. Thankfully his position against the man’s chest his the scowl which crept across his face.
  127. Oh... he was definitely going to enjoy the end of this entire ordeal when the time came.
  129. “Sing sir?” Rain leaned back, looking up with big doe eyes at his ‘rescuer’. “Madame always tells me I’m good at singing.”
  131. That brought an immediate laugh to the group even as Rain continued to feign confused innocence. Useful enough for now even as they took him into their camp. Rain could only smile as he caught the barest glimmer of Jack as he carefully followed the men to their base of operations.
  134. [11:10] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d100+15 DC: 20 Entertainment, 50 Sleep, 80 Infighting
  135. [11:10] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 69 = [54] + 15
  137. It didn’t take long after he’d gotten into the camp that Rain begun to look around. Strewn about the camp were examples of the bandit’s habits, women and even children who hung about the group, many of whom looked sullen and stressed. Their successes were becoming larger, he could tell, the materials which they furnished their small camp with were too good.
  139. “Um... Yohan sir...” Rain spoke up at the first convenience, best to get things rolling before they had a chance to properly investigate him and realize the deception of his identity. “Would it be alright if I can sing for the camp? It looks like it would lift spirits a bit?”
  141. Either not suspecting anything, or maybe not caring the bandit chief agreed, letting the young crossdresser have a spot within the camp, where his voice would carry best. An amusement which would wet the bandit’s appetite for the ‘celebration’ to come.
  143. It would be his greatest mistake.
  145. It started low. Rain’s sweet voice floating like a wisp in the wind, light strands of fascination turning heads even as he started his startling melody. Soon the camp quieted, every eye turning towards this creature of beauty even as the sound of animal song began to join in, supporting and supplementing the siren beauty which bestowed itself upon them.
  147. Pure fascination gripped them as Rain sang his symphony, more and more of the camp gathering about at his feet to witness the beauty of his blessed voice even as the song lured and lulled them into a peaceful stupor. It would take almost half an hour of song before the entire camp fell to the voice of the divinely gifted songster.
  149. And even as the last eyelid drooped, Rain could only survey the situation with a smile. Unmanly or not, his voice was a powerful weapon.
  151. A whistle from behind caught his attention, Jack. The old bastard stood pulling the pieces of cloth which he’d used to plug his ears against you.
  153. “You did a number on them. Come on kid, lets hurry. Heads don’t chop themselves off.”
  155. Rain... hadn’t expected their grim task against the thirty or more bandits would affect him so deeply, his hand trembling even as he pressed the knife against the throat of said same Bandit chief, fingers stalling until the hand of Jack enclosed his own smaller fist.
  157. “You know I almost forgot this would be your first time killing men.” His teacher looked conflicted even as he steadied Rain’s hand. “Look... these guys are killers either way, and as an adventurer its your duty to get rid of them before they can find places like your own home to hit.”
  159. “I know.” Rain spoke, emotion deep within his beautiful voice.
  161. “... shit. Look kid this went off without a hitch. You don’t need to help with this part. Just get moving or something I’ll call you if there’s a fight to be had ok?” Jack offered, his eyes softening as he looked at his young protégé. “You’re first kill shouldn’t be something like this.”
  163. “I... I thought it’d be like slaughtering those deer out in the wood.” His voice trembled. “But I... I can’t seem to move my hand and finish doing this.”
  165. “Aye, which is why I’m sending you off to scout. I’ll get this done before you get back. Just… look kid, as an Adventurer there’s going to be plenty of blood on your hands. Today though, just let it be on mine. They’re red enough as is already.” Jack pleaded... or commanded. Rain wasn’t quite sure which it was.
  167. But he nodded anyway then left, turning his head even as there was a quick familiar sound of meat being sawed into as Rain moved off to check the perimeter for any whom they’d missed.
  170. [12:35] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d10+3 Stragglers
  171. [12:35] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d10: 10 = [7] + 3
  172. [12:35] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d20+5 Combat
  173. [12:35] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d20: 20 = [15] + 5
  175. And apparently there had been and entire contingent of bandits which they’d missed... but it was no matter even as Rain rushed in, knife in hand, surprising the men with a trained maneuver. Sudden and furious at himself he fell upon them pushing himself to prove his own worth after having chickened out from the butchers bill of before.
  177. The first man died with a gurgle as Rain’s knife pierced his throat, ripping out with a bloody spray which alerted his companions into action. Another found Rain’s knife embedded in his chest for a bare moment before the young man dodged into another.
  179. The third was not so easy as the first two, his readiness showing as he struck, forcing the mobile youth to abandon an attack as his instincts screamed with the need to dodge, a dagger digging into a tree next to his head. A fourth and fifth fighter attacked, the axe and spear in their hands forcing the Rain back even as he kicked off from the nearest branch, to
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