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Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. Optimus Primeape: lol
  2. Optimus Primeape: ur still losing
  3. +Natalie: hm?
  4. +Natalie: i dont rlly want trouble, i just didnt want you to
  5. +Natalie: reveal teams
  6. Optimus Primeape: im still in tournaments dumbass
  7. +Natalie: ah, that's not very nice
  8. Optimus Primeape: yea when you accidentally forfeit
  9. Optimus Primeape: to a guy
  10. Optimus Primeape: that is 5-1
  11. Optimus Primeape: who gives a fuck
  12. +Natalie: shouldnt you be a little more mature about it
  13. +Natalie: if you're a florida state programmer, why do you really care enough to be this against the grain
  14. Optimus Primeape: its a kid game and you are in your twenties
  15. Optimus Primeape: you wanna talk about mature
  16. Optimus Primeape: ?
  17. Optimus Primeape: you dont even get paid lol
  18. +Natalie: i do ok for myself
  19. Optimus Primeape: i use to be an admin for PO
  20. +Natalie: ah, that's cool
  21. +Natalie: what alias?
  22. Optimus Primeape: yeah okay says the admin on a non Pokemon trademarked simulator
  23. +Natalie: im no admin
  24. +Natalie: lol
  25. Optimus Primeape: you are a moderator sir
  26. +Natalie: i just have fun and come here on occasion
  27. Optimus Primeape: which gives a programming term to administrator
  28. +Natalie: im a room moderator, not a global moderator
  29. Optimus Primeape: you should learn your material before you begin spamming me messages of bogus made up terminology
  30. +Natalie: i guess you really are superior
  31. +Natalie: & showed me
  32. Optimus Primeape: your logon data shows you have been on everyday
  33. Optimus Primeape: "come on here for fun"
  34. +Natalie: my logon data
  35. +Natalie: holy smokes
  36. Optimus Primeape: when you do something everyday its called a job
  37. +Natalie: i have a job, it's not this lol
  38. Optimus Primeape: in c++ terms your /cds4codeblock
  39. +Natalie: yeah idk what that means
  40. Optimus Primeape: well you must either be lying or you play at work because you logged in 3 times yesterday sir
  41. +Natalie: did i?
  42. +Natalie: i didnt know
  43. +Natalie: thanks
  44. Optimus Primeape: in latent terms, you have no idea how to actually ban someone or mute someone for that matter. there is a master ban from a group as well as a mute master key.
  45. +Natalie: i see.
  46. Optimus Primeape: you don't know how to run the commands because you are an awful "room moderator" who lies about having a job and the dim-witted remarks reflect off of your vague comment of "being mature"
  47. +Natalie: well, im not exactly a global staffer, i cant globally punish you
  48. +Natalie: im sorry you dont believe i have a job, this is very concerning news
  49. Optimus Primeape: Hope you learn how to not contradict yourself and get a life where you aren't talking to 12 year olds online about pokemon blasphemy
  50. +Natalie: equally as concerning as you thinking im dimwitted
  51. Optimus Primeape: Its not that you don't have a job, you have shit hours
  52. +Natalie: hm?
  53. +Natalie: what do you mean by that?
  54. Optimus Primeape: because I am now looking at your private record
  55. +Natalie: ah
  56. +Natalie: what's that telling you
  57. Optimus Primeape: give me 5 min and I'll tell you your name, age, and "Profession" lol
  58. +Natalie: ok
  59. Optimus Primeape: also
  60. Optimus Primeape: why would you visit florida?
  61. Optimus Primeape: its gross there
  62. +Natalie: duty calls
  63. +Natalie: on occasion
  64. Optimus Primeape: I'm looking at your recent flight logs
  65. +Natalie: ah that's cool
  66. Optimus Primeape: oh look at that I live 45 minutes from you lol
  67. +Natalie: ah, where is that?
  68. Optimus Primeape: Reston Woods
  69. +Natalie: ah, what state
  70. Optimus Primeape: Nevada
  71. +Natalie: i do not live in nevada
  72. +Natalie: i regret to inform you
  73. Optimus Primeape: at least thats where your Ip is connected to
  74. +Natalie: are you sure
  75. Optimus Primeape: I regret to inform you that nevada is on the border of california arizona and oregon sirrr
  76. +Natalie: you sure do love using the word sir
  77. +Natalie: but no, i am not
  78. +Natalie: from nevada
  79. +Natalie: or believe i am, i guess
  80. Optimus Primeape: Did I say you lived in Nevada?
  81. Optimus Primeape: you asked me where I was located
  82. +Natalie: you said i was 45 minutes from you
  83. Optimus Primeape: 45 min out and im out of nevada sir
  84. +Natalie: so where am i then
  85. +Natalie: my IP is in nevada?
  86. Optimus Primeape: it is
  87. +Natalie: idk where that leaves me if not nevada to you
  88. Optimus Primeape: that sentence doesn't make sense sir
  89. +Natalie: where do you think i live then
  90. Optimus Primeape: of course the staff member who knows nothing of a moderating job wants to be given proof. heres an idea check your main alt password
  91. +Natalie: main alt password?
  92. +Natalie: sorry im pretty slow
  93. +Natalie: as youre aware
  94. +Natalie: can you explain
  95. Optimus Primeape: Check. Your. Password. For. Natalie.
  96. Optimus Primeape: you should probably check your password for your email
  97. Optimus Primeape: as well
  98. Optimus Primeape: and you thought playing dr. ignorant was going to make you seem more mature right? well lets see how you enjoy your social media being tampered with
  99. +Natalie: not my social media
  100. Optimus Primeape: you're right, not social media, just passwords, fraudulence, and one account change non-pokemon related.
  101. +Natalie: my email
  102. +Natalie: is still the same
  103. +Natalie: r u sure it worked
  104. Optimus Primeape: first of all you are a dumbass
  105. +Natalie: oh no
  106. +Natalie: why is this
  107. Optimus Primeape: I just codemodded your privacy settings via your cache
  108. +Natalie: idk what that means
  109. +Natalie: care 2 elaborate
  110. ~
  111. Probopassmyass774: Actually Im gonna do something with Chase
  112. Probopassmyass774: i'll let you know
  113. +Natalie: hm?
  114. Probopassmyass774: Chase is my roommate
  115. +Natalie: ah
  116. +Natalie: what's he do
  117. Probopassmyass774: he's a computer programmer
  118. +Natalie: nice
  119. Probopassmyass774: same linux system route
  120. Probopassmyass774: meaning 2 computers hooked up to the same hard drive different screening
  121. +Natalie: i see
  122. Probopassmyass774: he said you were 45 min out
  123. Probopassmyass774: you live in cali?
  124. +Natalie: potentially
  125. +Natalie: im so stupid as youre aware that i
  126. +Natalie: forget what state i live in
  127. +Natalie: so idk
  128. Probopassmyass774: Im not chase so idk what you are sayin bro
  129. +Natalie: i see.
  130. Probopassmyass774: he just needs my help for a password glitch
  131. Probopassmyass774: why did you ban him?
  132. Probopassmyass774: he does stupid revenge shit lol
  133. Probopassmyass774: but not gonna lie what in the hell is that faculty name? haha
  134. Probopassmyass774: Global Moderator?
  135. Probopassmyass774: wheres pokemon gone to. PO is so much better lol
  136. +Natalie: haha xd bro
  137. Probopassmyass774: sup nigga
  138. Probopassmyass774: btw why is your name natalie if you are a guy
  139. +Natalie: you caught me
  140. Probopassmyass774: michael or matthew? which do you prefer
  141. +Natalie: those r two diff names
  142. +Natalie: not rlly interchangeable nicknames for 1 another
  143. Probopassmyass774: and you have a choice, so pick one
  144. +Natalie: you arent making a lot of sense
  145. +Natalie: i realize the roomban was very taxing on you
  146. +Natalie: but maybe just grab a drink or something
  147. ~
  148. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: again if you want we can video you and prove we are 2 diff guys bro lol
  149. +Natalie: i dont really care what you do
  150. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: im diabetic cant drnk but thanks
  151. +Natalie: im really sorry to hear that
  152. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: yea but we are making a virtual log
  153. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: on our youtube hacking channel
  154. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and we want the victim on a dual screen
  155. +Natalie: was diabetes a genetic thing or
  156. +Natalie: an overtime thing
  157. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: thats actually considered harassment which violates rule #6 on the original Smogon simulator
  158. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: made by Flying Keba
  159. +Natalie: yeah you probably should report me.
  160. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: *Kebab
  161. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: im messaging him now
  162. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: not to report
  163. +Natalie: okay, thanks
  164. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: he also unmuted chase btw
  165. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and unbanned him
  166. +Natalie: i see
  167. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: you should check that too
  168. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: cause ya know, if you weren't a dumb sack of shit and looked at kebab's alt you'd realize he is Chase V.
  169. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: dumbass
  170. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: good luck having your global job after 24 hours dude
  171. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: lol
  172. +Natalie: yeah i cant compare to your greatness
  173. +Natalie: sorry
  174. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: yea me either its too grand in size
  175. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: I admire your compliments though
  176. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: also, where some contacts cause you look awful with glasses mike
  177. +Natalie: so im mike from california who wears glasses and goes to florida on occasion
  178. +Natalie: is that correct?
  179. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: did I say you lived in california
  180. +Natalie: yes
  181. +Natalie: you did
  182. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: oh is that so?
  183. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: should I quote myself for your dumbass
  184. +Natalie: as youve informed me im not rlly too birhgt
  185. +Natalie: so i dont remember sorry
  186. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: ME: You live in Cali?
  187. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: YOU: Potentially
  188. +Natalie: i appreciate you taking the time
  189. +Natalie: to find that
  190. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: well now we know that you are 24
  191. +Natalie: so im mike who's POTENTIALLY from cali, i wear glasses, im 24, and i go to florida on occasion
  192. +Natalie: correct?
  193. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: or you live next to Michael Abatrossy who is 24
  194. +Natalie: w8 w8 w8
  195. +Natalie: if you knew who i lived next to
  196. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: i never said you were potenially from cali
  197. +Natalie: wouldnt u know if
  198. +Natalie: im from cali or not
  199. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and you answered potentially
  200. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: if you had a brain that uses this magical thing called memories to do this cool thing called remembering, you would "remember" that Chase said your IP address was in Nevada, so now you are asking me if mike who is 24 that lives in Cali also lives simultaneously in Nevada as well?
  201. +Natalie: no, im just wondering
  202. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: you must know the guy from back to the future cause that doesn't make any sense
  203. +Natalie: where i live
  204. +Natalie: i am 2 stupid i dont kno where i reside xD
  205. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: no you just try to sound sarcastic and you are failing and making no sense because you don't remember what you type
  206. +Natalie: lolol i dont live in
  207. +Natalie: cali or nevada
  208. +Natalie: jokes on you!!!!!!!!
  209. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: no one said you did
  210. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: jokes on you actually
  211. +Natalie: you implied it quite a few times, idk
  212. +Natalie: where do i live then
  213. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: not really
  214. +Natalie: tell me or shut up im
  215. +Natalie: getting bored here
  216. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: you did yourself
  217. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: mmm I don't feel like it
  218. +Natalie: ah
  219. +Natalie: the clasisc
  220. +Natalie: clueless troll who isnt slick
  221. +Natalie: answer
  222. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and unfortunately, you can't ignore me either
  223. +Natalie: i can ignore u
  224. +Natalie: p easily
  225. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: if not pokemon, your fb, email, phone
  226. +Natalie: tell me
  227. +Natalie: what is my fb
  228. +Natalie: my email
  229. +Natalie: or my phone number
  230. +Natalie: inform me
  231. +Natalie: thx
  232. +Natalie: or shut up
  233. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: itll take about 30 min to get
  234. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: but if you want
  235. +Natalie: it's alrdy been 30+
  236. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: i can waste some more time?
  237. +Natalie: and you said youd have it
  238. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: as I am getting paid while we are speaking
  239. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: no no no sir
  240. +Natalie: you must be really powerful and important
  241. +Natalie: Optimus Primeape: give me 5 min and I'll tell you your name, age, and "Profession" lol
  242. +Natalie: i am still waiting on this
  243. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: I said it will take 30 min to get your phone email and fb
  244. +Natalie: Optimus Primeape: give me 5 min and I'll tell you your name, age, and "Profession" lol
  245. +Natalie: ?
  246. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: your password is one thing, your username is another
  247. +Natalie: it has been like an hour
  248. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: oh we already know that information
  249. +Natalie: ah
  250. +Natalie: what is it then
  251. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: why do you think we named your mike?
  252. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: its called an alias
  253. +Natalie: not an alias
  254. +Natalie: holy cow
  255. +Natalie: what's my real name
  256. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: you don't know us, we don't know "mike"
  257. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: thats how hacking works sun
  258. +Natalie: you arent making a lot of sense here
  259. +Natalie: why have you refused to tell me anything?
  260. +Natalie: you arent very good at intimidation
  261. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: im saddened that in your 20s you don't even understand how hacking works and you play a simulator shushing people like a 2nd grader in his elementary gang banning people from his groups and gangs lolol
  262. +Natalie: still w8ing on that information brap
  263. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: does a murderer tell his subject who he is before he kills them
  264. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: does batman reveal his former identity to the joker
  265. +Natalie: yes
  266. +Natalie: at one point
  267. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: do male stalkers tell their victims their name so they can autoreport them to the cops
  268. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: use ur brain mikey
  269. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: like jesus christ lol
  270. +Natalie: i have gone from
  271. +Natalie: hey maybe this guy is legit wow
  272. +Natalie: to
  273. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: y in the hell would we tell you what you already know?
  274. +Natalie: zzz this is boring
  275. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: are you skitz and forget where and who you are?
  276. +Natalie: in a very short time
  277. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: yet you've been giving us info for the past 39 minutes lol
  278. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: why do you think im still talking to you
  279. +Natalie: what info
  280. +Natalie: have u acquired
  281. +Natalie: the only information youve given me in 39 minutes
  282. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: its to connect ur ip but your password is done which means we have no need to speak anymore. thanks for not knowing you were helping yourself get fucked
  283. +Natalie: is that you're a bad troll who isn't good at this
  284. +Natalie: ok, bye
  285. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: yea okay says the hacked kid
  286. +Natalie: youre so 1337
  287. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: thanks for the credit btw
  288. +Natalie: np
  289. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: we have been needing another bitcoin account
  290. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: its nice of you to donate
  291. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: appreciate mikey
  292. +Natalie: you r rlly impressive
  293. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: until next time
  294. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and u sir are an idiot
  295. +Natalie: thx for the goofs and laughs
  296. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: in case you wrote something back, you were master ignored. its an administrator coder command
  297. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: gotta be a background admin to do it
  298. +Natalie: i see
  299. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: which is why u dont see optimus primeape's name on the list
  300. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: of users
  301. +Natalie: youre a real winner
  302. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: im sorry what was that?
  303. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: i can't read blank space if you are writing me
  304. +Natalie: it's pretty plain english
  305. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: see now i can talk and you are the one who finally shut up. if you are reading this, thank you matt
  306. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: ew why are you using bank of america
  307. +Natalie: i do not use bank of america
  308. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: and u used suntrust? wtf lol those banks are awful
  309. +Natalie: but i guess you cant
  310. +Natalie: see this anyway
  311. PrObOpAsSmYaSs: BOA blows dude makes sense tho
  312. (he was then locked)
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