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a guest
Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. tap "alexanderwillner/tap"
  2. tap "buo/cask-upgrade"
  3. tap "d12frosted/emacs-plus"
  4. tap "ethereum/ethereum"
  5. tap "heroku/brew"
  6. tap "homebrew/bundle"
  7. tap "homebrew/cask"
  8. tap "homebrew/cask-drivers"
  9. tap "homebrew/cask-eid"
  10. tap "homebrew/cask-fonts"
  11. tap "homebrew/cask-versions"
  12. tap "homebrew/core"
  13. tap "miderwong/flutter"
  14. tap "mopidy/mopidy"
  15. tap "nickolasburr/pfa"
  16. tap "qatools/formulas"
  17. tap "saulpw/vd"
  18. tap "sbdchd/skim"
  19. tap "universal-ctags/universal-ctags"
  20. tap "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts"
  21. brew "adns"
  22. brew "antigen"
  23. brew "gdbm"
  24. brew "openssl"
  25. brew "readline"
  26. brew "sqlite"
  27. brew "xz"
  28. brew "python"
  29. brew "asciinema"
  30. brew "autoconf"
  31. brew "autojump"
  32. brew "automake"
  33. brew "aws-elasticbeanstalk"
  34. brew "awscli"
  35. brew "bc"
  36. brew "blueutil"
  37. brew "boost"
  38. brew "libpng"
  39. brew "freetype"
  40. brew "gettext"
  41. brew "pcre"
  42. brew "cmus"
  43. brew "cocoapods"
  44. brew "codequery"
  45. brew "coreutils"
  46. brew "ctags", link: false
  47. brew "curl"
  48. brew "dark-mode"
  49. brew "diff-so-fancy"
  50. brew "direnv"
  51. brew "libgpg-error"
  52. brew "libassuan"
  53. brew "libgcrypt"
  54. brew "libksba"
  55. brew "pth"
  56. brew "dirmngr"
  57. brew "docker", link: false
  58. brew "docker-clean"
  59. brew "gmp"
  60. brew "emacs"
  61. brew "exiftool"
  62. brew "faac"
  63. brew "fasd"
  64. brew "fd"
  65. brew "fdupes"
  66. brew "jpeg"
  67. brew "lame"
  68. brew "libtiff"
  69. brew "little-cms2"
  70. brew "webp"
  71. brew "sdl2"
  72. brew "tesseract"
  73. brew "x264"
  74. brew "xvid"
  75. brew "ffmpeg"
  76. brew "fzf"
  77. brew "ghi"
  78. brew "ghostscript"
  79. brew "libtool"
  80. brew "imagemagick"
  81. brew "gifify"
  82. brew "giflossy"
  83. brew "gist"
  84. brew "git"
  85. brew "gitup"
  86. brew "glew"
  87. brew "libusb"
  88. brew "npth"
  89. brew "pinentry"
  90. brew "gnupg"
  91. brew "gnu-sed"
  92. brew "go"
  93. brew "sdl2_image"
  94. brew "gource"
  95. brew "gpg-agent"
  96. brew "graphicsmagick"
  97. brew "graphviz"
  98. brew "htop"
  99. brew "hub"
  100. brew "hugo"
  101. brew "id3lib"
  102. brew "usbmuxd", args: ["HEAD"]
  103. brew "libimobiledevice", args: ["HEAD"]
  104. brew "ideviceinstaller"
  105. brew "imagesnap"
  106. brew "ios-deploy"
  107. brew "ipfs"
  108. brew "jansson"
  109. brew "jbig2dec"
  110. brew "oniguruma"
  111. brew "jq"
  112. brew "jrnl"
  113. brew "khal"
  114. brew "libav"
  115. brew "libconfig"
  116. brew "libsass"
  117. brew "libusb-compat"
  118. brew "libyaml"
  119. brew "lua"
  120. brew "lynx"
  121. brew "lzo"
  122. brew "macvim", link: false
  123. brew "makedepend"
  124. brew "mas"
  125. brew "midnight-commander"
  126. brew "mkvtoolnix"
  127. brew "moreutils"
  128. brew "mplayer"
  129. brew "youtube-dl"
  130. brew "mps-youtube"
  131. brew "mutt"
  132. brew "ncdu"
  133. brew "zlib"
  134. brew "neomutt"
  135. brew "node"
  136. brew "nvm"
  137. brew "openssl@1.1"
  138. brew "openvpn"
  139. brew "p7zip"
  140. brew "pandoc"
  141. brew "pandoc-citeproc"
  142. brew "pkg-config"
  143. brew "progress"
  144. brew "pyenv"
  145. brew "ranger"
  146. brew "rbenv"
  147. brew "reattach-to-user-namespace"
  148. brew "rename"
  149. brew "ripgrep"
  150. brew "rlwrap"
  151. brew "rmtrash"
  152. brew "rsync"
  153. brew "ruby", link: true
  154. brew "rust"
  155. brew "s3cmd"
  156. brew "sc-im"
  157. brew "shfmt"
  158. brew "shpotify"
  159. brew "sox"
  160. brew "tag"
  161. brew "tectonic"
  162. brew "telegram-cli"
  163. brew "the_silver_searcher"
  164. brew "thefuck"
  165. brew "tidy-html5"
  166. brew "tig"
  167. brew "tmux"
  168. brew "tree"
  169. brew "unrar"
  170. brew "vim", link: false
  171. brew "watch"
  172. brew "webtorrent-cli"
  173. brew "yarn"
  174. brew "z"
  175. brew "zsh"
  176. brew "zsh-autosuggestions"
  177. brew "zsh-completions"
  178. brew "zsh-syntax-highlighting"
  179. brew "alexanderwillner/tap/"
  180. brew "d12frosted/emacs-plus/emacs-plus", link: false
  181. brew "ethereum/ethereum/ethereum"
  182. brew "heroku/brew/heroku"
  183. brew "miderwong/flutter/flutter"
  184. brew "saulpw/vd/visidata"
  185. brew "sbdchd/skim/skim"
  186. brew "universal-ctags/universal-ctags/universal-ctags", args: ["HEAD"]
  187. brew "vitorgalvao/tiny-scripts/cask-repair"
  188. mas "2Do", id: 477670270
  189. mas "Active Users", id: 898757566
  190. mas "Agenda", id: 1287445660
  191. mas "Aware", id: 1082170746
  192. mas "Be Focused", id: 973134470
  193. mas "Bear", id: 1091189122
  194. mas "BeatGauge", id: 974010176
  195. mas "BetterSnapTool", id: 417375580
  196. mas "Blackmagic Disk Speed Test", id: 425264550
  197. mas "Break", id: 1273243144
  198. mas "Chroma", id: 756399907
  199. mas "Clear", id: 504544917
  200. mas "Clocker", id: 1056643111
  201. mas "Compressor", id: 424390742
  202. mas "DaisyDisk", id: 411643860
  203. mas "DaVinci Resolve", id: 571213070
  204. mas "Day One", id: 1055511498
  205. mas "Deliveries", id: 924726344
  206. mas "Divvy", id: 413857545
  207. mas "djay Pro", id: 947578651
  208. mas "djay Pro 2", id: 1302002064
  209. mas "Due", id: 524373870
  210. mas "Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro", id: 963642514
  211. mas "Fantastical 2", id: 975937182
  212. mas "feedly", id: 865500966
  213. mas "Fileloupe", id: 944693506
  214. mas "Final Cut Pro", id: 424389933
  215. mas "Focus", id: 777233759
  216. mas "FoldingText", id: 540003654
  217. mas "", id: 992958444
  218. mas "Gemini 2", id: 1090488118
  219. mas "Gestimer", id: 990588172
  220. mas "GIFHunter", id: 1031163338
  221. mas "GIPHY CAPTURE", id: 668208984
  222. mas "Harvest", id: 506189836
  223. mas "Highland 2", id: 1171820258
  224. mas "Houseparty", id: 1381523962
  225. mas "iA Writer", id: 775737590
  226. mas "iBooks Author", id: 490152466
  227. mas "iMovie", id: 408981434
  228. mas "iStat Menus", id: 1319778037
  229. mas "Keynote", id: 409183694
  230. mas "Kindle", id: 405399194
  231. mas "Letterpress", id: 1070543522
  232. mas "Lightshot Screenshot", id: 526298438
  233. mas "Logic Pro X", id: 634148309
  234. mas "MacFamilyTree 8", id: 1037755919
  235. mas "Markoff", id: 1084713122
  236. mas "Memo", id: 1212409035
  237. mas "MindNode", id: 992076693
  238. mas "MindNode", id: 1289197285
  239. mas "MiniPlay", id: 936243210
  240. mas "Motion", id: 434290957
  241. mas "MSG Viewer for Outlook", id: 973213640
  242. mas "Numbers", id: 409203825
  243. mas "OmniFocus", id: 867299399
  244. mas "OmniFocus", id: 1346203938
  245. mas "OmniGraffle", id: 1142578753
  246. mas "OmniOutliner", id: 1142578772
  247. mas "OmniPlan", id: 1040002810
  248. mas "OneDrive", id: 823766827
  249. mas "Pages", id: 409201541
  250. mas "Paprika Recipe Manager 3", id: 1303222628
  251. mas "PhotoSweeper", id: 463362050
  252. mas "PiPifier", id: 1160374471
  253. mas "Pocket", id: 568494494
  254. mas "Reeder", id: 880001334
  255. mas "Revisions", id: 819348619
  256. mas "Slack", id: 803453959
  257. mas "Spark", id: 1176895641
  258. mas "The Unarchiver", id: 425424353
  259. mas "Things3", id: 904280696
  260. mas "Timeline 3D", id: 929188617
  261. mas "Tomato One", id: 907364780
  262. mas "Trello", id: 1278508951
  263. mas "Tweetbot", id: 557168941
  264. mas "TweetDeck", id: 485812721
  265. mas "Twitter", id: 409789998
  266. mas "Ulysses", id: 623795237
  267. mas "UlyssesMac", id: 1225570693
  268. mas "Unbound", id: 690375005
  269. mas "Videoloupe", id: 1144728106
  270. mas "WiFi Explorer", id: 494803304
  271. mas "Xcode", id: 497799835
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