

Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. Deanmon: “Darlin, that’s just me getting warmed up, wait ‘til I actually get my hands on you.” And he would, he would kill them all given half the chance. It was what he had come here for after all, right? That had been the idea, or at least that had been the demon’s idea. Bobby’s lack of objection got a growl out of the demon. He might not be of sane mind to them, but to him, he was thinking clearer than he ever had done in years and so his objection most definitely counted! More so than anyone else’s counter-objections might, considering he was the one being threatened with ‘putting to sleep’ so to speak. But with no one listening to rage at, the demon instead sat quiet for a moment, perhaps going for a different tactic? Or perhaps only watching what it was Brody was doing, laying down those circles. The magical properties inside them were something that seemed to almost make the tips of his fingers tingle, but he didn’t think that was where the spell itself lay. No, that was somewhere else, a thought that was proven right as moments later the candles and whatnot began to burn, and the plumes of smoke began to travel his way. –
  2. [4:07:16]Deanmon: the first breath was okay it seemed, but the more he inhaled it, the more the spell took place, and that was when things began to shift. But of course it wasn’t like the demon wanted to be gone, and he would fight with every inch of him. The neatly laid table would begin to shake, chairs thrown violently by an unseen force, and a growl the likes of which was most definitely demonic came rippling from his throat as the lights began to flicker, along with any electrical equipment nearby. But when the blood began to flow, and Brody began to chant, all that stopped, abruptly, as did the demon’s movements. Instead he sat stock still in the chair, eyes wide, and seemingly bleeding, but not blood…colour. The black was draining away from his eyes slowly, revealing the more human green beneath, but with it, the mark pulsed angrily, still fighting even now it seemed.
  4. Aislin OHara: She kept out of the way, silent even. Yeah. Aislin was a little crazy.. but she had hunted down Loki, and was fairly sure she almost killed him.. if he hadn't seduced her like the wide eyed girl she had once been. Keeping quiet, she felt uneasy about this, about the Mark being in her home.. one of her homes.. well, not hers.. Tapping her nails against her lap lightly. Mumbling faintly as she watched from the corner of her eyes, biting the side of her tongue. Should she leave...? No.. She couldn't leave Brody alone.
  6. Brody Winchester: The spell did what it was supposed to, and as to whether that as going to be enough was yet to be determined. Things began to shake, rattle, and roll which in all honesty was typical when dealing with demons as well as possessions. They got angry. Things began to move. That is why he took a step back and allowed things to take their course. Black blood. He hated it and it was an indication of some of the foulest and darkest things that laid within the furthest reaches of the university. When it was all, or seemingly so, finished he walked back up to the boundaries of the outer circle. “Dean…” he said rather than father, or dad, or pop among the many names he called him. “Dean..” he repeated.
  8. Deanmon
  9. Uneasiness was a good, healthy thing to feel around a bearer of the Mark, and especially so where magic was involved. There was no real telling how the spells would affect the target when, when the target was already under one of the most powerful spells in existence. It could all go, very, very wrong. So would it have been wiser for Aislin to leave? Most definitely, and the fact she didn’t, neither her nor Brody, could be either one of their downfalls. The demon couldn’t be held responsible if someone were to end up dead, he had warned them after all, more than once, not to try anything, and instead of listening, heeding him, they had sprung this on him. And to say the demon was displeased? Well that would have been something of an understatement, hence the rattling table, the chairs and all the other spectacles that his power had decided to display as the spell worked its way into his lungs, trying to force the demon back. Put him to sleep so to speak. Not something he wanted to happen, and so he fought every step of the way. –
  10. [4:57:08]Deanmon
  11. Up until the point Brody started chanting, and the blood dripped from his hand, that seemed to have done something and all the phenomena seemed to stop then, the demon sitting bolt-upright in this chair like prison. And that was when the black began to drain away from his eyes. The spell, it seemed was working, which was something to be said for Brody’s talent, but no matter the talent, the Mark was strong, and wouldn’t let go, even temporarily, without a fight. Both chair and demon jerked, and both human and witch would no doubt feel the telekinetic blast that came moments later, aimed to knock the both of them away a few yards, and get Brody to stop his damn chanting, so the demon could take back control and slaughter everyone in the room. Whether that last ditch effort worked or not, a moment later the demon was once more still in his chair, head hanging down, eyes closed and breathing slow, body sagging slightly against the restraint, and unresponsive, for a moment to the call of his son.
  13. Aislin OHara
  14. She stood up and moved back into the kitchen where the ritual was going down. Frowning and gazing over toward the scene. "Did it work?" Shifts her gaze over toward the demon bound in the chair. Furrowing her brows, she glanced back toward Brody. She seemed uneasy about this, "I don't like this.. this is too dangerous.." She muttered softly toward the young male. Still, her gaze focused on the young male to display her displeasure in the situation. Keeping quiet after a moment, her attention was drawn back toward Dean. The blast wasn't something that she expected, and was knocked back just as easily if not more than Brody. Hitting the fridge and then the floor, the entire kitchen rattled, things thrown about due to that single blast. Leaning up with her elbow and looking toward Dean, before the the large appliance tipped over and landed on the female, just halfway down her ribs. She felt her ribs break under the pressure, along with various other breaks and fractures. It wasn't the first time she broke a bone, but the moment she tried to gasp out, the pain of her pierced lung hit her, hard.
  16. Deanmon: Aislin, while first seeming crazy, might have been the wisest of all of them, she knew this wasn’t safe, and well really, it wasn’t. Anything could happen, and no doubt it would with the demon involved. Although, Brody’s spell made sure that the demon wouldn’t be around for much longer, it was retreating, but not without one final attack, one final strike at the people in the room with him, and if he could kill one, or both of them? Then that would be the sweetest revenge for being locked away in the darkness. And the last sounds the demon would hear, for now, would be the sounds of carnage. Shame he wouldn’t remain in control to see the results, but that blast had been a last reserve in fighting against the spell, and now it was done, the spell had taken its hold fully, and the demon dwelt deep within, bound and sleeping //for now.// There was no telling how long the spell would keep him down though, it could be hours, days, weeks, or it could only be mere moments. This kind of magic had not been tried on the mark before, and so the results couldn’t really be known. –
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