

May 20th, 2014
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  1. [X] 1 "Anything? Very well. I shall take you at your word, elf. In exchange that they leave this place unhindered and unharmed, this is my demand. Become mine. When they have gone, you will form a Contract with me. From that moment forward, though the stars fall and the sun burn out, you will be mine, you will obey me, and your life shall be in my hand. For the lives of those you are so eager to protect...I wonder, will you give up even this?": (alethiophile)
  2. [X] 6 "But this inconvenience me. What stop them from spreading tales about me? Why would they not seek revenge and gathers others to seek my death? Why should I accept this deal if it means my own death soon after?": (Megaolix, Drakebane, kinglugia, Moving Target, ReinZero, Xicree)
  3. [X] 1 "Congratulations. My promise to you is fulfilled. As you can see, your enemies have been well and properly...dealt with.": (alethiophile)
  4. [X] 6 "I can honor your courage, Lady Eaven, but the price for this will be heavy. You will be mine and obey me. In exchange of letting them go unharmed and whole today, you will give me your absolute unwavering fealty, loyalty, and obedience. In all ways, forever. That is the price of my mercy. Do we have a deal? Are you ready to pay this price to save your folk, or shall I eat you all here and now?": (Megaolix, Drakebane, kinglugia, Moving Target, ReinZero, Xicree)
  5. [X] 1 "I have an alternate proposal. Kneel, and cast away your crown- Renounce your name, your title, and your pride, and place yourself and your people in my servitude, as my slaves, for the rest of your lives. Or I could simply cut off your limbs, and force you to watch as I make your people eat each other alive. It's your choice. I'll give you ten seconds before I make it for you.": (Vindictus)
  6. [X] 6 "Protecting your folks? Despite knowing how easily I could end you now and everyone else?" You ask, moving closer. "To propose such despite those circumstances and what I could make you do take courage indeed... I like it.": (Megaolix, Drakebane, kinglugia, Moving Target, ReinZero, Xicree)
  7. --[X] 3 "Well, I stayed my hand. It seems my compatriot is not so moved, however. Ta ta, whore.": (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  8. -[X] 3 "You make a Slave's contract with me and become my possession. you will be the lowest of my servants till it pleases me to have you rise higher. you will exist to bring please your betters in every way. That is bargain for the lives of your subjects.": (Silversun17, inverted_helix, eyythr)
  9. [X] 3 "You shall do anything? Kneel before me and debase yourself? Work for me tirelessly? Snap your elven pride upon your own knee for the mere chance that your kin live?" Give a dark chuckle if she agrees. "Then I ask one thing only, elf, for me to stay my hand. Satisfy me." Whether she agrees or not, force her.: (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  10. [X] 3 "you offer yourself in exchange for the lives of those under you? A noble act on your part, one I think I will allow to bear fruit.": (Silversun17, inverted_helix, eyythr)
  11. [X] 1 Call in the deal with both of them: (alethiophile)
  12. --[X] 3 Finally, once all is said and done, Enthrall her and open the door. Give a knife to Mayfield and let her do the honors and ending her old compatriots.: (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  13. [X] 1 Grab her such that she can't move. Call Mayfield in.: (alethiophile)
  14. [X] 1 Have the enthralled elves go outside, then release the enthrallment. If Mayfield attempts to interfere, prevent her.: (alethiophile)
  15. [X] 6 If Eaven accepts, debase the rest a bit to deal with them then let them go. Tell them they are safe due to Eaven. Once you are done, this should fulfill your deals with Eaven and Mayfield.: (Megaolix, Drakebane, kinglugia, Moving Target, ReinZero, Xicree)
  16. --[X] 3 In the middle of anal, drag her about so that she is facing upwards and her vagina open. Direct the male elves to use her one by one until they have all cum, keeping a slow and steady pace in her ass to prevent yourself from cumming.: (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  17. [X] 2 Kill Lady Eaven and the elves.: (P_D, hunter09)
  18. --[X] 3 Once all the males have cum within her womb, have all the elves fuck eachother while you move on from the ass of the "sacrifice" to the vagina and cum within her as many times as you can without exhausting yourself.: (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  19. --[X] 3 Start with her licking and sucking, and have a pair of the enthralled elves - the youngest ones - attack her nether regions with their own mouths. Once you deem yourself sufficiently aroused and prepared, move onto anal sex. Be rough and brutal.: (acegunman89, dreadis, WarShipper)
  20. -[X] 3 when the contract is made claim the rest and tell the lady that the bargain was for their lives not their freedom.: (Silversun17, inverted_helix, eyythr)
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