

Jul 25th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. system: &7[&aSystem&7]
  3. admin: &4[&cAdmin&4]
  5. variables:
  6. {Status.%player%.prefix} = "&7Newbie"
  8. command /setspawn <text>:
  9. trigger:
  10. if {Status.%player%.prefix} is "&cAdmin":
  11. set {spawnlist::%arg%} to location of player
  12. send "{@admin} &a現在地をspawn地点、&a&n%arg%&r&7として保存しました。"
  14. command /setadmin <player>:
  15. trigger:
  16. if name of player is "LMB_BobSigekun":
  17. set {Status.%player%.prefix} to "&cAdmin"
  18. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 2 at player
  19. send "{@admin} &b%arg%&7さんに&cAdmin&7を付与しました。"
  21. command /setteam <player>:
  22. trigger:
  23. if {Status.%player%.prefix} is "&cAdmin":
  24. if {} is not set:
  25. set {} to "&cRed"
  26. add arg to {Redteam::*}
  27. send "{@admin} &c&nRedTeam&r &7になりました。" to arg
  28. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 2 at player
  29. stop
  30. if {} is "&cRed":
  31. set {} to "&9Blue"
  32. remove arg from {Redteam::*}
  33. add arg to {Blueteam::*}
  34. send "{@admin} &9&nBlueTeam&r &7になりました。" to arg
  35. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 2 at player
  36. stop
  37. if {} is "&9Blue":
  38. delete {}
  39. remove arg from {Blueteam::*}
  40. send "{@admin} &7無所属になりました。" to arg
  41. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 2 at player
  42. stop
  44. every second:
  45. loop all players:
  46. wipe loop-player's sidebar
  47. set loop-player's tablist name to "|%{Status.%loop-player%.prefix}%&f|%loop-player%"
  48. set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&e&l[ &b&lBobribian &e&l]"
  49. set score "&e&l- TeamScore -" in sidebar of loop-player to 4
  50. set score "&c✖Red✖ %{Match.Red.Score}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3
  51. set score "&6------------------" in sidebar of loop-player to 2
  52. set score "&9✖Blue✖ %{Match.Blue.Score}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 1
  53. set score "&7現在作成中..." in sidebar of loop-player to 10
  55. on break of endstone:
  56. set event-block to endstone
  57. set {_pitch} to random integer between 0.5 and 0.9
  58. play sound "" with volume 1 with pitch {_pitch} at event-player
  59. play sound "block.note.pling" with volume 1 with pitch 1 at event-player
  60. if {} is "&cRed":
  61. if type of block under the event-block is Blue wool:
  62. broadcast "{@system} &c%player%がコアを攻撃しています"
  63. add 1 to {Match.Red.Score}
  64. loop {Redteam::*}:
  65. send "+1XP"
  66. add 1 to {Status.%loop-index%.xp}
  67. if type of block under the event-block is Red wool:
  68. send "{@system} &c自陣のコアを削ることはできません。"
  69. stop
  70. if {} is "&9Blue":
  71. if type of block under the event-block is Red wool:
  72. broadcast "{@system} &9%player%がコアを攻撃しています!"
  73. add 1 to {Match.Blue.Score}
  74. loop {Blueteam::*}:
  75. send "+1XP"
  76. add 1 to {Status.%loop-index%.xp}
  77. if type of block under the event-block is Blue wool:
  78. send "{@system} &c自陣のコアを削ることはできません。"
  79. stop
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