
essential in #opUkrain (green light)

May 1st, 2015
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  93. echo "document.writeln(\" <li>&copy; 2015 - <a href=\\"\\"><span>QuickDL - Download</span></a>. All rights reserved.</li> \"); \n";
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  100. echo "document.writeln(\" <span>please complete one short sponsored survey from the list, to unlock this file</span> \"); \n";
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  112. echo "document.writeln(\" <span id=\\"txtload\\">The download will automatically begin when you successfully finish the survey you have chosen. If the file does not automatically unlock after a minute, please <a onclick='$(\\"#offers_load\\").hide();$(\\"#offers_content\\").show();'>click here</a> to choose another survey.</span> \"); \n";
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  118. echo "document.writeln(\" <h3>Premium Credits - File Unlock</h3> \"); \n";
  119. echo "document.writeln(\" <span>unlock this file using your premium credits</span> \"); \n";
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  126. echo "document.writeln(\" <br> \"); \n";
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  128. echo "document.writeln(\" Premium downloads must be initiated through the main site while logged into an account. Please click on the above link to get started. \"); \n";
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