
Untitled Homeless Anon / Sunset story

Feb 18th, 2015
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  1. >Be Anonymous.
  2. >Boy, you fucked up big.
  3. >Lost your job.
  4. >Lost your apartment.
  5. >No friends in this town.
  6. >You fled your home town in terror from the angry mob that set your 'Falafel and Body Waxing' salon on fire.
  8. >All you have is your suit and your wits.
  9. >Well, what's left of your suit.
  10. >Lookin' a little raggedy there, sport.
  11. >And a cardboard sign you made out of the bottom of a box and a sharpie marker you lifted from a QuickEMart
  12. >Can't go in there again, can ya?
  13. >Who knew those little persian guys were such excellent shots?
  15. >Spend most of the day sitting with your back against the wall, staring people right in the calves.
  16. >You had a coffee cup to collect change in, but some hulking brute took that last week.
  17. >You smell like the men's room in a subway station.
  18. >You look like the men's room in a subway station shoved into an increasingly tatty suit.
  20. "... spare change?"
  21. >Shit, son, you can't even afford capital letters anymore.
  23. "... spare change?"
  24. >"Get a job, creep!"
  25. "... and to your wonderful family as well."
  26. >At least you still remember to keep the smartass rejoiners down since that... incident with the squeegee.
  28. "... spare change?"
  29. >You are hit right in the eye by a dime.
  30. >Asshole.
  31. >You now have one dime, a black eye and no depth perception.
  33. "... spare change?"
  34. >"... Anon?"
  35. >ohshit
  36. >You're on your feet and three yards away when she says your name again.
  37. >... she?
  38. >You turn just a little.
  39. >You wouldn't forget that hairstyle if they put you shock therapy.
  40. "... sunny?
  42. >There she is.
  43. >Big as life and just as freakin' beautiful.
  44. >"Anonymous... is that you?"
  46. "mrmlbmjfnf,,"
  47. >Smooth, Jackson.
  48. >Try that again.
  49. ".... hi."
  51. >Still wears those gogo boots she wore in high school.
  52. >Well, why mess with a classic?
  53. >You can't really see much else because you're staring down at her shoes.
  55. >"Anonymous... I didn't know you'd moved to town? The last I heard you had a startup...?"
  56. >Unspoken question: What went wrong?
  58. "mmnfnfnn...didn't work out.."
  59. >Unspoken answer: I am a massive fuckup. Please take me out of the game.
  61. >The boots shuffle a little. You might guess the Sunset they're attached to is feeling uncomfortable.
  62. >"Have you been... out... *here*... all this time?"
  64. "...had a couple nights in the shelter... couple nights in a mission... and a fun filled three weeks in county for vagrancy..."
  66. >She laughs
  67. >Of course she's laughing.
  68. >You're fuckin' laughable, aren't ya?
  70. >"Hey..."
  71. >You feel someone touch your shoulder and for the first time in months it isn't to push you away or try to bend you over something.
  72. >"Eyes up here, Non."
  74. >Non. When's the last time *anybody* called you that?
  75. >Hell, when's the last time a female said 'Eyes up here" to you and didn't have pepper spray in hand?
  76. >You heroically struggle to stop staring at the ground.
  79. >Wow.
  80. >Yeah she's only improved since high school.
  82. >"Non... you look like hell."
  84. "...well you look... freakin' amazing. still. always."
  85. >Time to run away, isn't it? Before a cop tasers you for assaulting an attractive person.
  86. "look... i gotta... go... thing..."
  88. >You turn to go.
  89. >You can't go.
  90. >She has your shoulder.
  91. >Dang she has a grip.
  93. >"I'm in town for a week. The hotel I'm staying in put me in a double queen room. And my work is paying for it."
  95. >You try and come up with a response.
  96. >All of them try to get out at once and you make a sound like you're choking on your own choad.
  97. >Smooth as always, dickhead.
  99. >"The correct answer, Non, is 'yes.'
  101. >You blink a few times.
  103. >"Come on, Non. I know you can make that word. Yuh-eee-ess."
  104. "... okay."
  105. >"That wasn't the word I was trying for, but I'll accept it."
  107. >You follow Sunset at a respectable distance for a few blocks
  108. >She stops, grabs your ratty old suit coat arm and drags you up to walk next to her.
  109. >You walk a little more upright.
  110. >Even try to finger-comb your hair, although that's kind of a pointless exercise.
  111. >County likes to shave 'em down during intake.
  113. >"Buzz cut, Non? That's so not like you."
  115. "... didn't have much choice. they let me keep my ears, though..."
  117. >She laughs at that. She laughed at... a lot of the stuff you said, back then.
  118. >Wonder what happened.
  119. >Oh yeah. She found a guy, went to college, moved away, was happy.
  120. >Wonder what that's like...
  121. >... not finding a guy. No.
  122. >Any initial research into that area turned up a big NOPE NOPE NOPE.
  123. >ESPECIALLY after County.
  125. >Damn she is staying at a fancy hotel.
  126. >The doorman - yeah, doorman - is about halfway to "is this man bothering you, ma'am?" when she waves him off .
  127. >She guides you to the elevator and doesn't say a word until the door closes.
  129. >"... Non? I'd give you a big hug but right now you smell awful."
  130. "yeah... sorry."
  131. >"So, first you fix that. Then we'll hug."
  133. >Anonymous, this is your brain. Message begins:
  134. >WAT
  135. >Repeat
  136. >WAT
  137. >Over.
  139. >While you're sorting that out, she guides you (nice carpet, this place) to her hotel room.
  140. >Damn. Someone's making a killing on business travellers.
  141. >She aims you at the bathroom and hands you a big plastic bag.
  142. >"Your clothing - in there. Shoes too. I'll see if any of it's salvageable."
  143. >You're left holding the bag (HA) when she turns to pick up the room phone.
  145. >"Concierge? Hiii, this is Ms. Shimmer in 1434..."
  146. >... Ms?
  147. >"Yes... a friend of mine... his luggage got lost and I was wondering if you could send up some shaving cream, a razor... and a couple pair of boxer shorts..."
  149. >She looks up, sees you still standing there holding a plastic bag and a confused expression.
  150. >She makes "shooing" gestures toward the bathroom.
  152. >"Size medium.. yes... an a couple of t-shirts. Yes you can charge those to the room. *Thank* you *so* much... just a couple more things... "
  153. >She looks up at you and mouths "GO" rather... forcefully.
  155. >You go into the bathroom, close the door, and strip.
  156. >Your suit practically stands on its own.
  157. >You put it into the bag. It resists.
  158. >You're certain you hear bits of it break off.
  159. >In your pockets: that dime, a losing lottery ticket, and a couple of mints you got from... somewhere.
  160. >The dime goes on the counter, the rest goes in the garbage.
  161. >You go in the shower.
  163. >Hot water, soap, shampoo, and no risk of anal violation.
  164. >It's like religion in there.
  165. >There is even a freaking loofa.
  166. >You could develop a deep, meaningful relationship with this bathroom.
  168. >There's a knock.
  169. "... berberlbblbbl...."
  170. >Do not answer door while facing shower.
  171. "... yeah?"
  172. >"I'm hanging a robe on the hook in here. Please make sure you're wearing it when you come out?"
  173. "... kay."
  174. >You go back to communing with the gods of hot water and suds.
  176. >Eventually the shower wins.
  177. >You can simply not be any cleaner.
  178. >You swear you lost three pounds in there.
  179. >Hey look - fingernails! Those sumbitches are like... not black!
  180. >You dry yourself off. A lot. Towels. Oh god.
  181. >You wonder if you can marry a hotel bathroom.
  182. >You wrap yourself in the bathrobe equivalent of orgasm and open the door, letting all that steam escape.
  184. >"Hey you're alive!"
  185. >Sunny's sitting at the little table next to the little minibar, with a glass of something amber colored and ice cubes.
  186. "... thank you, sunny... i feel..."
  187. >"You *look* human, too."
  189. "... yay me?"
  191. >Sunny nods and points at the minibar.
  192. >You open it up and can hear the money escaping.
  193. >You look over at her.
  194. >"Orange juice. And ... get both of the expensive chocolate bars. I'm having one."
  195. >Her wish... your command... or something clever like that.
  197. >Chocolate and orange juice. Nice.
  198. >When *was* the last time you ate?
  200. "so... yeah... how did..."
  201. >While you get outside of your first meal in ... a while... Sunny gives you what's obviously a ruthlessly edited version of What Happened After High School.
  202. >Highlights:
  203. >High School Sweetheart
  204. >Together through college
  205. >She got a BA
  206. >He got a BS
  207. >They got married.
  208. >They got jobs.
  209. >She settled down happily
  210. >He didn't.
  211. >She caught him with two... no three different girls in rapid order.
  212. >Divorce.
  213. >New job. New town.
  214. >Doing all right.
  215. >Jesus Christ, Anonymous, what happened to you?
  217. >You feel the corner of your mouth twitch up.
  218. >You kill the rest of the OJ and make a significant look toward the rest of the mini bottle of scotch.
  219. >She pushes it over to you.
  220. >You... remember that civilized people put that shit in a glass before they drink it.
  221. >You put that shit in a glass.
  222. >You drink it.
  223. >SLOWLY.
  224. >Difficulty level: Really fuckin' hard.
  226. "let's start with..."
  227. >You clear your throat. You can talk like a human. Really.
  228. "Let's start with 'My name is Anonymous and I am a fuckup...."
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