
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 14

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:38 PM - Mektime: Having finally made it back to the camp, you spot Adkins and Ricardo loading the last two makeshift catapults with hastily taped-together barrels of Zythium. They turn and wave at your approach as Adkins calls in, his Mek's head looking skywards towards the Flyee cruising through the ashy clouds above. "That is one mean mother. And you're not lookin' so hot. Sure you got a... leg to stand on?"
  2. 8:39 PM - Mektime: Ricardo chuckles over the comms as Adkins apologizes immediately after, through teeth grit from withheld laughter. "Sorry, sorry. Had to take the shot."
  3. 8:43 PM - Kari: Kari rolls her eyes, breathing a weary sigh before finally relenting with a chuckle. "If we didn't have a good chance of dying here, I'd rib you for it. Enjoy it while it lasts~."
  4. 8:44 PM - Mektime: "'Course, 'course. Now let's show those Xrusk who's boss, yeah? You've been a lifesaver so far."
  5. 8:49 PM - Kari: "I have no intentions of stopping now. Let's do this!"
  6. 8:49 PM - Mektime: The Flyee cruises at a fair pace overhead, bringing its guns to bear on your position. Your comm is filled with an uproarous warcry. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
  7. 8:49 PM - Mektime: Roll initiative
  8. 8:50 PM - Kari: (0)
  9. 8:51 PM - Mektime: 8
  10. 8:52 PM - Mektime: Ricardo gets first move!
  11. 8:53 PM - Mektime: Ricardo's Mek looks skywards, gazing at the Flyee. "Whoaaa... it's biiiiig!"
  12. 8:55 PM - Mektime: "The catapults are loooaded! Though we can't heet it yeht, eet's not in our arc. Let's BRING IT DOWN!"
  13. 8:55 PM - Mektime: Ricardo defers initiative. Flyee gets to go!
  14. 8:58 PM - Mektime: The Flyee floats overhead at a rapidly increasing pace, before one of the scraped-together missile pods on its belly unleashes a stream of 10 missiles at the three of you.
  15. 9:00 PM - Mektime: Roll to dodge~
  16. 9:01 PM - Kari: (10)
  17. 9:01 PM - Mektime: ...17
  18. 9:03 PM - Mektime: Aaand neither of them dodge, either
  19. 9:04 PM - Mektime: Two of the small-but-no-less-terrifying missiles streak towards you with terrifying accuracy, considering how they constantly corkscrew and veer off course. Being so unpredictable, you're simply unable to determine how and where they'll strike by the time they do. Two missiles impact your mecha.
  20. 9:04 PM - Mektime: 1 damage, Armor Piercing strikes to your head and left arm.
  21. 9:05 PM - Mektime: Your go.
  22. 9:09 PM - Kari: Kari soaks the hits, gritting her chompers as she waits for the rumbling to stop. As she gets a brief interval, she shouts orders over to Adkins, doing her best to guess the shot vector. (12)
  23. 9:11 PM - Mektime: "Adjusting course! Firing!" Adkins calls out, cranking the catapult onto the approprite arc. The barrel flies true, connecting with the massive airship.
  24. 9:11 PM - Mektime: Want to roll the location?
  25. 9:13 PM - Mektime: Though difficult to see, you spot a few hunks of armored metal rain down from the front of the ship. It doesn't appear to have done much damage, but it had an effect all the same! Keep that up and you might just get somewhere.
  26. 9:13 PM - Mektime: You've still got your own turn, if you'd like to man the other catapult below you or open fire with your own weapons. It's 3 hexes vertical, for the record.
  27. 9:14 PM - Mektime: You'll have one Awareness roll to call out for one of them to fire, if they're within range to shoot, plus your own turn.
  28. 9:17 PM - Kari: Kari takes a quick hobble back, turning to adjust the catapult closest to her and prepare to fire. She lines up the device as best she can, and unleashes another barrel of Zythium at the flying hunk of junk. (13)
  29. 9:18 PM - Mektime: 2
  30. 9:18 PM - Mektime: choose your chart roll!
  31. 9:18 PM - Mektime: so what's it gonna be, my dear?
  32. 9:19 PM - Kari: (Haaa. Flight system~)
  33. 9:19 PM - Mektime: well, fuck
  34. 9:20 PM - Kari: (3 turns)
  35. 9:22 PM - Mektime: You hop over to the closest catapult, preparing and firing it after throwing it sideways to get it on-course. Mashing your fist onto the shoddily-crafted "LAUNCH" mechanism, the Zythium barrels are propelled upwards, directly striking the balloons of the Flyee. "WOT DA ZOG IS DIS?! DA FLYEE AIN'T FLYEEIN', BOYZ! WE'Z S'PPOSED TUH BE KRUMPIN' BIRDS! KIRDS!"
  36. 9:23 PM - Mektime: The balloons pop in a fantastic explosion as the oversized scrap-hulk descends earthbound at a startling pace.
  37. 9:23 PM - Kari: "Your flight's been cancelled, boys."
  38. 9:24 PM - Mektime: "...Well, I'll be damned," Adkins says, watching the Flyee descend in a corkscrew like its missiles.
  39. 9:26 PM - Mektime: Ricardo's Mekton pumps a fist. "YEAAAAAH! THAT'S HOW WE DOO EET!"
  40. 9:28 PM - Mektime: As he cheers, Ricardo runs towards the stash of Zythium barrels to grab a new one. Meanwhile, the Flyee is descending on a direct collision course... for you. In the process, it unleashes a stream of fire-ladened bullets and 3 more missiles at you. Dodge away! Twice~
  41. 9:29 PM - Mektime: ...missiles, -4
  42. 9:30 PM - Kari: (27)
  43. 9:30 PM - Mektime: Incendiary rounds, 15
  44. 9:30 PM - Kari: (Spend 2 luck for 15)
  45. 9:31 PM - Mektime: Despite the lack of leg, you nimbly dodge the onslaught of projectiles with a series of incredible acrobatic cartwheels and spins as the ground erupts into a rain of rocky shards around you. You come to a rest staring dead-on at the descending Flyee, now within melee range.
  47. 9:36 PM - Kari: Kari poker faces the oncoming aircraft. Instead of deciding to dodge out of the way like a coward, the fire in her sould burns like no other. She raises the drill in her mek's hands, and prepares to stab into it as it comes down. (2 Points of luck for 26; 16)
  48. 9:36 PM - Mektime: 8, 10, 13, 15 to dodge
  49. 9:37 PM - Kari: (14; Spend 1 luck for 16)
  50. 9:38 PM - Mektime: welp
  51. 9:38 PM - Mektime: let's see, there's no way he lived
  52. 9:38 PM - Mektime: but imma do the numbers anyway, so you can fluff in the meantime as you split this sucker in two
  53. 9:39 PM - Mektime: he is, in fact
  54. 9:39 PM - Mektime: -10 kills dead
  55. 9:44 PM - Kari: The glare in her eyes is one of intense burning fire. They're a swirling, churning cauldron of colour, almost in time with the crackling inferno of her soul. As the ship swoops in, she mutters a single "feh" at the taunt, digs on her remaining foot and plows the drill dead on with the mighty airship. Metal and circuitry sheers and sprays off in huge chunks as the ship tears apart beneath her assault. The whole chassis rips open a tear like a parting sea, missing her completely as she rips through it. As it hits the other side, the wreck skids past in a heaping wreck as Kari stands still for a few moments longer. Once the moment has fully been captured, Kari returns the mek to a resting position and permits herself an arrogant smirk. "You've been grounded. Permanently."
  56. 9:47 PM - Mektime: As the twin hulks of sheered-apart ship collide with the ground, they explode in incredible twin fireballs behind you, creating an impressive backlight. You can tell, because Adkins is kindly streaming you the footage from his Mek's own cameras. You could have sworn you saw something similar in a movie once, but not as impressive-looking.
  57. 9:48 PM - Mektime: Up on the hills in the distance, you spot several Walkies and a Rollie or two, watching mutely and apparently in awe. Then the comms are abuzz with a slew of chatter, which all boils down to "RUN AWAAAAAAY!"
  58. 9:49 PM - Mektime: The lot of the fuck off to parts unknown, leaving you with nothing but one hell of a bonfire and a new home movie to show the kids.
  59. 9:51 PM - Mektime: Ricardo is cheering and hollering, clapping his Mek's hands. "THAT WAS AMAAAAZING, HOMBRE! VEEERY BIG!"
  60. 9:52 PM - Kari: "Thank you, Ricardo. And thank you, Adkins. I think it'll be a little bit before you two run into any more issues."
  61. 9:53 PM - Mektime: "...Yeah, probably. You are one hell of a pilot, kid."
  62. 9:54 PM - Kari: Kari's stoic features fall away in an instant, being replaced by a blush and a big beaming smile. "Haha. You think so~?"
  63. 9:57 PM - Mektime: "If what I've seen is any indication, you'd be a prime candidate for-" Adkins is cut off as Widoia's panicked hails finally reach you, the restored beacon reaching full broadcast strength once more. "KARI, KARI ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! WHAT HAPPENED DOWN THERE? When I last saw you you were being blown off-course by a bunch of missiles... I, I thought..."
  64. 10:00 PM - Kari: Kari's beaming smile and girlish giggles fill the call as she finally gets a small window to reply. "Hey, Wids. All clear here! The airborne mekton has been taken out and the rest of their forces have withdrawn. Package delivered, and ready to go. But uh... I do have to apologize. I wasn't able to stop myself from losing a leg."
  65. 10:00 PM - Mektime: "I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT THE MEK, KARI!" Widoia's apparently in near-hysterics, if the fuzzy holovid on your HUD is any indication.
  66. 10:01 PM - Mektime: "B-but... at least, you're safe. That's what matters. I was so worried."
  67. 10:02 PM - Kari: "Oh, yeah. I'm fine! All good to go. And Wids? I'm really glad to see you too. Sorry I took so long."
  68. 10:06 PM - Mektime: "T-that's alright, Kari. I'm just happy you're alright. Well... as long as the package is safely delievered, we'll be coming down low as we can to pick you up. So you're authorized to use your thrusters for reaccessing the ship. We'll be waiting for you, hatches open."
  69. 10:09 PM - Kari: "Alright. Just remember I'm missing a leg, so all the thrusters on it are gone. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it up as high. But uh..." Kari makes to brush her hair, but as her fingers tap the helmet, she gives them a quick glance before finding somewhere else for them to be. "I'm... looking forward to seeing you when I get back. See you soon, Widoia."
  70. 10:09 PM - Mektime: The blush is plainly visible on her face as she nods shakily. "R-r-right! See you s-soon."
  71. 10:10 PM - Mektime: The video disconnects, and Adkins chuckles in the background. "You lovebugs should remember to encrypt your channels."
  72. 10:11 PM - Kari: Kari's face turns a shade to match her hair and pouts furiously. "H-Hey! That was p-private! And I don't know what you're talking about! She's just a friend!"
  73. 10:12 PM - Mektime: His Mek waves its hand dismissively. "Right, right. Well... tell you what. We actually got more than just that drill, right? We originally had more Mektons before the Xrusk trashed them, so we've got more drills than Meks at the moment. If you like, you can keep it. We'll call it 'acceptable losses'. Consider it a tip."
  74. 10:13 PM - Kari: "Wait... are you serious?" she says, starting to calm down. "But... I thought this thing was like... super expensive. Aren't you going to get in trouble?"
  75. 10:16 PM - Mektime: "2500000 credits, to be precise. And I think what you saved us in Zythium costs from lobbing barrels made up for the difference anyway."
  76. 10:17 PM - Mektime: "We'd have had to toss a couple dozen to bring that behemoth down, let alone chucking at the reinforcements that turned tail once you took out the Flyee."
  77. 10:18 PM - Kari: Kari blinks a few times, her expression softening. Her eye look down for a moment, and then she gives Adkins a small nod. "Alright. Thank you, Adkins. I'll keep putting it to good use." She bears a determined smile, looking at his portrait in the comms panel.
  78. 10:20 PM - Mektime: He gives you a thumbs-up, simultaneously with his Mek mimicing the movement. "You got it. Seriously, you saved our hides out here, so it's the least we could do. But you should get going, kid. I think you got a nice cozy web waiting for you, eh?" He snickers, cutting the comm connection before you can retort.
  79. 10:22 PM - Kari: "Hey I-! Grr!" Kari puffs out her cheeks in a furious pout, but quickly lets it out in a big sigh as she fidgets in the seat. Hobbling her mek clear of the buildings, she preps for the jump, still grumbling to herself. In the back of her mind though, she knows that's what she'd like. "I could really use that massage..."
  80. 10:26 PM - Mektime: You boost your thrusters hard as they can. Though not proper flight, you get a fair distance above the ground. Enough to latch onto the lowered cargo ramp of the ship, anyway. As you clamber your Mek upwards and park the Yuida in its usual spot, you can see Dematus looking it over from a distance as you settle in to park. "It's a wreck."
  81. 10:30 PM - Kari: "Sorry, Dem..." Kari says, wincing slightly. "They fire a missile the size of my torso at me. It easily had a 400 or more meter radius. There wasn't a lot I could do to dodge that." Popping the cockpit, Kari climbs out to the edge and pulls her helmet free. Giving her head a little shake, she lets her hair hang free and leaps down with buzzing wings. She gives Dematus a little wave and a sheepish smile.
  82. 10:31 PM - Mektime: With a curt nod, he scuttles past you, patting your shoulder on the way. "Glad you're not dead." Continuing towards the Yuida, he immediately begins the repair process, cranes and parts hanging overhead swinging around to hover around the Mekton for easy access.
  83. 10:35 PM - Kari: She looks up at Dematus with a bit of a start, silently turning as he passes by. Her eyes linger on him for a few minutes, wings buzzing nervously. "Yeah..." she mutters under her breath. "Me too..." After a moment of reflection, Kari moves to unzip her flight suit, and heads over to the locker to stow her affects.
  84. 10:38 PM - Mektime: Stowing your items, you head back towards...?
  85. >The bridge, to fill Mr. Silk in.
  86. >Comm room. Widoia's probably still there.
  87. >Quarters. Shower and clean up and pass out. Possibly with company.
  88. >Other
  89. 10:43 PM - Kari: With that done, Kari decides to be professional, heading to Mr. Silk's office for a debrief.
  90. 10:45 PM - Mektime: You head off to find Mr. Silk, seated at his desk, apparently watching something. Judging by the sounds being played from his terminal, you can't help but assume it's a playback of the log data from your sensors. As you enter, he pauses the video, standing and walking around the desk to you. He clasps his hands together, bowing slightly and with a smile on his face. " 'Impressive' is the only way to describe your performance. To be quite honest, I dare say even Chief Langio would be impressed."
  91. 10:47 PM - Kari: Kari's eyes are a touch wide, looking on with interest and widening further still with the praise. She snaps a quick salute before standing at ease, still blushing quite a bit, especially with the mention of the chief. "S-Sir? Th-thank you, Sir! I was worried you would be upset with the damage to the Yuida."
  92. 10:50 PM - Mektime: "I may have been, circumstances not withstanding. But the client has commended you personally, and given us a bonus onto the agreed-upon payment, in addition to the valuable mining drill they provided. The difference has been more than made up. In fact, I feel obliged to raise your previously-agreed payment of 650 credits up to 1000."
  93. 10:52 PM - Kari: Kari's face lights up in shock, struggling with her emotions for a moment. "S-Sir!? Ah! Th-thank you, Sir! You honour me! I'm glad to have made you so proud!" Her surprised look turns into a big smile, beaming proudly up at the large dryder.
  94. 10:54 PM - Mektime: "Quite so. You've been a valuable addition to Spyder Sylk Industries since your first day. I am doubtless you will continue to impress for the future."
  95. 10:56 PM - Kari: "Thank you, sir! Is there anything further I can do for you at this time?" she asks, still smiling and exciteable.
  96. 10:56 PM - Mektime: "Simply recuperate, that will be all. The planet was... less than hospitible, from your recordings. The Xrusk are truly fearsome in their Mekton designs."
  97. 10:59 PM - Kari: "I'll do that sir. And they are, if only for the sheer amount of armour on those things. Though I think that drill will come in handy for any further encounters with them, as well as its utility."
  98. 10:59 PM - Mektime: "Quite so. We'll ensure Dematus keeps it in shape, with the rest of your loadout."
  99. 11:00 PM - Kari: "I will, sir. He keeps it in good shape. Will that be all for now?" she asks in the lull as the conversation winds down.
  100. 11:00 PM - Mektime: "That will be all, thank you."
  101. 11:03 PM - Kari: "Understood sir." With another firm salute, Kari steps out into the hall, waiting for the door to shut before letting out a little squee. She practically bounces down the hall with a giddy cheer, racing off to see Widoia and laughing the whole way.
  102. 11:03 PM - Mektime: You don't have to run very far before you encounter her face-to-chest. Before you can even bounce back on the rebound, the bubbly spider has already wrapped you tight in an apparent attempt to assassinate you via titular smothering. Or it's just a very excited hug. Chances are about 50/50.
  103. 11:04 PM - Kari: Kari panicks a little at the sudden darkness and smothering, but after she calms down, she squeezes the spider back, hugging her super tight.
  104. 11:05 PM - Mektime: "Oh Kari! It's so nice to see you in one piece, and the video from your sensors was /amazing/! You're like some super prodigy, you're incredible! You really did a great job, and I bet Mr. Silk said the same, didn't he?"
  105. 11:07 PM - Kari: "Widoia!" she cries into the spider's cleavage. "I'm so happy to see you too!" With a little effort, she wriggles herself high, poking her face out of the gap between Widoia's tits. "He sure did~! He even gave me a bonus because of how happy the client was!"
  106. 11:07 PM - Mektime: "That's so super! I'm real proud of you, Kari~. You're getting so much better so fast."
  107. 11:09 PM - Kari: The little mantis is practically all giggles, chittering happily and smiling just as much. "Th-thanks, Widoia~. I hope my family's just as proud of me. Ida would 'freak' if she saw that fight! Heheh."
  108. 11:09 PM - Mektime: "We'll just have to show her next time we swing around your place then, huh?"
  109. 11:11 PM - Kari: "Yeah! That would be awesome! You're pretty smart, Wids."
  110. 11:11 PM - Mektime: "You think~? And you're pretty cute! Especially after you pull some super-cool holovid action movie stunts. I've seen high-budget films that looked lamer than that!"
  111. 11:13 PM - Kari: Kari's face blushes once again, making her a tad flustered. "Y... Y-you r-really think so? W-Wow~. Thanks! Aww man... Now I HAVE to show Ida!"
  112. 11:14 PM - Mektime: "I /totally/ think so!" Widoia's face flushes, and she looks away, coughing into her hand. She stammers as she speaks. "A-and, um... i-if you, maybe, wanted that... you know, thing we talked about, before you left... y-you've earned it, I think? P-platonic, of course! Just for a friend."
  113. 11:16 PM - Kari: "H-Huh? Oh! Y... You... m-mean... the massage...?" Kari fidgets quite a bit in the spider's grip, not entirely sure where to look at the moment. She's completely unsure of what to do with her hands either, nervously buzzing her wings to cope. "Um... I... I think.... I think I could r-really use that right now~."
  114. 11:17 PM - Mektime: Her blush intensifies. "R-right! Okay... w-where should we do it...? Y-your room or mine?"
  115. 11:18 PM - Kari: Blushing even more crimson at the idea of being invited into Widoia's room, Kari chitters in her equivilent of a squeak. "Um... wh-wherever y-you think would um... b... be best~!"
  116. 11:19 PM - Mektime: "L-let's try m-m-my room, then... you've b-been in there before. It's not so... embarrasing." Clearing her throat uncertainly, she reluctantly lets you out of her cleavage and skitters slowly towards her room, her face nearing critical blush.
  117. 11:21 PM - Kari: Kari is right there with her on the blushometer. She falls to the ground reluctantly, rubbing her arm nervously as she follows along behind. "Oh... um... r.. right... um... wh-what y-you s-s-said..."
  118. 11:23 PM - Mektime: The two of you make your way to Widoia's room, as she keys you in and closes the door behind you, shakily bolting it shut to ensure there are no interruptions. "S-soooo, um..." she looks around at everywhere but you, rubbing her hands.
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