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a guest
Feb 19th, 2018
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text 1.61 KB | None | 0 0
  1. ## terminal [plaintext]
  2. motion=# \l
  3. List of databases
  4. Name | Owner | Encoding
  5. -------------+----------+-----------
  6. mephisto | motion | SQL_ASCII
  7. motion | motion | SQL_ASCII
  8. shadmin | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  9. shadmin_dev | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  10. template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  11. template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  12. typo | motion | SQL_ASCII
  13. (7 rows)
  15. motion=# create database shadmin_test with owner shadmin;
  17. motion=# \l
  18. List of databases
  19. Name | Owner | Encoding
  20. --------------+----------+-----------
  21. mephisto | motion | SQL_ASCII
  22. motion | motion | SQL_ASCII
  23. shadmin | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  24. shadmin_dev | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  25. shadmin_test | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  26. template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  27. template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  28. typo | motion | SQL_ASCII
  29. (8 rows)
  31. ## rake test:units [plaintext]
  32. motion@dream ~/src/shadmin $ rake test:units
  33. (in /home/motion/src/shadmin)
  34. createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: permission denied to create database
  35. rake aborted!
  36. FATAL: database "shadmin_test" does not exist
  38. (See full trace by running task with --trace)
  40. ## and terminal again [plaintext]
  41. motion=# \l
  42. List of databases
  43. Name | Owner | Encoding
  44. -------------+----------+-----------
  45. mephisto | motion | SQL_ASCII
  46. motion | motion | SQL_ASCII
  47. shadmin | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  48. shadmin_dev | shadmin | SQL_ASCII
  49. template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  50. template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII
  51. typo | motion | SQL_ASCII
  52. (7 rows)
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